《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 24


When the teacher was finished with the lesson he told them they could have the rest of the period to talk.

Blaze looked over at her and said, "Mandy told me that you know we were behind making up the lie about Fox doing the website. I just wanted to say I'm sorry about that. I had overheard you guys whispering at the surf park about your plans that night and I mentioned it to Mandy on the phone and she came up with the whole idea."

"You should've told her no," Jolie said sternly, trying to pay attention to the notes she was taking.

"I know. I really am sorry. She's really hot and she told me she'd sleep with me if I helped her. Plus I thought it would help my chances with you if you hated him."

"So did she at least sleep with you after all that lying and sneaking around?" she asked, shaking her head at him in disapproval.

"Yeah several times so at least there's that I guess, but man, I think she's getting feelings for me and she's a huge b*tch so now I'm kinda stuck with her."

Jolie laughed softly. "Well that's what you get for sleeping with a girl based on her looks and not worrying about her personality."

"I would've rather been sleeping with you but you keep turning me down."

She laughed and shook her head, before remembering there was something else important she needed to say.

"Blaze," she whispered. "About last night. Ummm. You did drugs at my house and you looked so out of it, I thought your were going to die. It really scared me. What's up with that?"

Blaze shifted in his seat nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah I'm sorry about that. I was having a bad day yesterday with my family and I ran into a friend of mine and he gave me some pills and said they'd make me forget about everything."

"Blaze, pills aren't the answer. That will only make your problems a lot worse. When you're feeling like that you just talk to somebody."

"Yeah well, I don't have any real friends that I can talk to about that kind of stuff."

Jolie hesitated and said, "You could always talk to me. My family is pretty messed up too so I can relate. It helps to have someone to talk to about it. Just please promise me you won't take pills again like that and you'll call me."


He looked up and thought about it for a second.

"Why do you want to help me after what me and Mandy did to you?"

She looked down and bit her lip, trying to keep herself from crying. "Because I had an uncle that died of an overdose when I was a kid. He was my Dad's little brother and he always felt like a failure because he couldn't measure up to him. He turned to drugs and I always wished he would've just reached out and talked to someone before it got to that point."

"Oh I'm really sorry," Blaze said quietly.

"Yeah me too," she said, taking a deep breath and letting it out.

They sat in silence for a minute and then Blaze said, "I promise. I won't take pills any more and I'll call you if I need someone to talk to." He lowered his head and looked at his hands before whispering, "Thank you."

After class she was walking down the hall when Chaz walked up beside her and started walking.

"Umm. Can I help you?" she laughed.

"I wanted to talk to you for a minute. Has anybody sealed the deal yet?" he asked.

She glared at him. "No and that's none of your business."

"Hey I've got $300 riding on it so it is my business."

"Oh yeah? Who did you bet on? Yourself?" she asked, rolling her eyes.

"No. Ryan," he said and Jolie's mouth fell open. Before she could ask why, he turned around and headed down the hall in the other direction.

She had to hurry across campus to get to her Honors Calculus class. She walked into class and saw Austin already sitting at his desk and she took her usual seat next to him.

"Hey babe," he said, sneaking in a kiss before the teacher came in.

"Hey" she said smiling at him. She noticed he was smiling and seemed to be in a really good mood.

"Have you talked to Ryan yet today?" she asked.

"No. I don't really know what to say to him about kissing you. I mean we were broken up when he took you out, but it's still pretty messed up that he even took you out at all. That's bro code. Girlfriends and ex's of your best friend are off limits. He knows that. I would NEVER do that to him."


"Well I really don't want you guys to stop being friends because of me. He's been your best friend since 2nd grade. Can you please just pretend my date with him never happened because it really doesn't even matter? I don't like him as anything more than a friend. I'm in love with you."

He studied her face for a minute thinking before he finally said, "Ok. I'll try. It might just be awkward around him for a while. He better not try to hug you or put his arm around you or anything or I'll lose it on him."

Jolie nodded and smiled. She thought it was kind of sweet that he was jealous.

After class was over Austin held her hand and walked with her to lunch and they ran into Bailey in the hall and she started walking on the other side of Jolie.

"Hey Bailey!" Jolie said. "Austin this is my friend Bailey. Bailey this is Austin."

Austin smiled and said "Hey it's nice to meet you."

Bailey laughed. "It's nice to meet me? You know that we've been going to school together since Kindergarten right?"

Austin looked embarrassed. "Have we really? I'm so sorry."

"Yeah we have but that's alright. Most people don't notice me. I'm pretty much invisible around this school."

Hearing her say that reminded Jolie of how she felt at her old school and she really wanted to help her new friend out somehow.

"Well maybe we can change that," Jolie said with a smile.

When they got into the cafeteria Jolie got into the line of people waiting for school lunch and Austin gave her a kiss and said "I love you."

She smiled and said "I love you too" before he walked away and headed to his usual table in the back with the football team.

Bailey raised her eyebrows at her, "So you're wearing his letter jacket now, which by the way is a really big deal at this school, and he's saying I love you? This is getting serious huh?" she asked.

"Yeah. We're definitely serious. He asked me to be his official girlfriend and told me he loves me and I said it back. I've never been in love before. It's scary but exciting at the same time, almost like a roller coaster ride."

"Well now that you guys are official he'll be getting a lot of new bets on him I'd imagine."

"You know about that website?" Jolie whispered in shock.

Bailey laughed. "EVERYONE knows about that website. This is a small school. Word travels fast."

Jolie should've known but naively she was hoping most of the students were still in the dark.

"I noticed yesterday that they added Ryan, Austin's best friend, and he's gotten tons of votes already. Have you heard anything about why?" Jolie whispered.

Bailey looked around to make sure no one was listening and then whispered, "The rumor is that Ryan was bragging at a party last night that since the money is so high now that he was going to seduce you first before Austin and buy himself another motorcycle. He told everybody there that he took you out and kissed you and that you're practically obsessed with him already. He's the biggest player in school and he usually gets whoever he wants so people started voting for him."

"That jerk!" Jolie said, narrowing her eyes. "I'm not even close to obsessed with him. I told him I wasn't interested but I guess his ego couldn't accept that. I wonder if Austin knows about what he said?"

"Doubtful considering they're sitting next to each other," Bailey said looking over her shoulder in their direction.

Jolie looked over and sure enough Ryan was right next to Austin and they were smiling and laughing. Apparently Austin had already gotten over the fact that he kissed her. She did tell him to keep being his friend and act like nothing happened though so it wasn't like she could be mad at him for it.

"So do you want to come watch the Homecoming game with me Friday Bailey? It would be nice to have somebody in the stands to talk to," Jolie asked..

"Sure I guess I'll go with you. I haven't been to a game in a while."

"What about the Homecoming dance on Saturday? Are you going?"

Bailey shook her head and said. "No"

"Why not?"

"Well for one I don't have a date and going to a dance at this school without a date is social suicide. Not that my social status could get any worse. I got asked yesterday if I was a transfer student because they'd never seen me before."

Jolie's face lit up. "If I can get you a date will you go?" she asked.

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