《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 7


'That's a weird match-up' Jolie thought. She hadn't pictured the head cheerleader dating the school's most notorious bad boy but they do say opposites attract. If he was dating Mandy she wondered why he had tried to kiss her earlier. That's probably one of the reasons why he had such a bad reputation.

She noticed Chaz was in this class too sitting across the room. She took a seat towards the front and zoned out a little bit. She was already fluent in Spanish so she knew this class was going to be way too easy and boring. She had straight A+'s back in New York and had the highest GPA in her class of over 1,000 people so schoolwork always came easy to her. She got her brains from her Dad. He was extremely smart, just really dumb with common sense or sensitivity her Mom always said.

At the end of the lesson her Spanish teacher looked at her and said, "I'm sorry that you're coming into the school year two weeks late and you've missed some things so I'll give you some work to get caught up."

Blaze raised his hand and said "I'll tutor her" which made him get a hard smack in the arm from Mandy.

Chaz Hernandez looked at him and said, "Dude! If anyone's going to tutor her in Spanish. It's me obviously since I actually speak Spanish. You only know how to say Hola," he laughed.

Jolie looked at Ms. Valaro and told her in perfect Spanish that there was really no need for her to do anything to help her catch up since she was already completely fluent in Spanish and already knew everything she had just gone over.

Ms. Valaro raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Nevermind. I think your Spanish is even better than Chaz's. You should be the one tutoring the rest of these kids," she said laughing.

"You can tutor me!" Blaze called out getting another hard smack from Mandy.

Chaz raised his eyebrows and said, "Hey! Homegirl speaks Spanish?! That's it. I'm in love. You're coming home to meet my Mom."

Everyone laughed and Jolie's face burned red with embarrassment. She wished this class would just hurry up and get over already.

Her ride home with Austin after school was strange. He didn't turn the music up this time and just pulled out of the parking spot and drove towards home in silence. He seemed different than he was before, more quiet and he seemed to be worried about something. She looked over at him, studying his handsome face and wondered if she had done something to upset him.

"Austin? Is everything ok? You're acting weird. Did I do something to make you mad at me?" she asked.

He didn't answer. He turned the music completely off when he pulled up in front of his house and turned the engine off, looking down at his hands for a minute.


Finally he looked over at her with his hypnotizing blue eyes and said "We need to talk. It's really important and I just hope you can forgive me and not hate me forever. I hope you'll believe me when I say I didn't mean to do this to you."

Jolie looked at Austin's worried face and wondered what in the world he could have possibly done to her that he felt so bad about. They just met a couple days ago and she barely knew him.

"Ok so here's how it all happened. Chaz sat down at my lunch table and started asking me about you and he said you were hot and he was thinking about asking you out. So I told him not to even think about it because you weren't like the girls he goes out with and I accidentally let it slip that you were a virgin."

Jolie was wondering where this conversation could be heading that he was so sorry about it.

"Ok go on," she said.

"Well he started saying he wanted to make a bet that he could take your virginity before I could and I told him no way. I would never bet on something like that. That's when he asked the other guys at the table if they wanted to bet on who could get you first since I wouldn't."

Jolie gasped. "Are you serious!?! That pig!"

"Well some of the other guys took him up on it and then my friend sent me this website earlier that someone had created," he said handing his cell phone to her apprehensively.

Jolie looked at the website and read over it in shock. She read the banner and looked at all the bets. She couldn't believe what she was reading. She sat there stunned with her mouth hanging open. She went to the forums page and read the note Austin had posted that said whoever created the page better take it down because if he found out who they were they would regret it.

"All the bets are anonymous so you don't even know who the people are that are making the bets! I'm so sorry I let it slip that you're a virgin. This is all my fault. Chaz took it as some type of challenge," Austin said and she could tell that he was sincere and felt bad about the whole thing.

She looked over at him and said, "I'm not mad at you Austin. I'm mad at whoever the jerk is that created this page," she said angrily. "I can't believe someone would actually do that!"

She looked down at the phone and saw 'Austin Fox' at the top of the leaderboard with 35 bets, 'Chaz Hernandez in second place with 20 bets and 'Blaze McDaniels' with 10.

"You know the crazy thing is that they didn't even give people an option to vote that I wouldn't sleep with anybody and just stay a virgin. They just assume I would have sex with one of you guys," she said, shaking her head.


Austin smiled. "That's true. I hadn't even thought about that."

"I guess everyone just assumes you guys are so irresistible that no one could resist all 3 of you," she laughed. "You are way in the lead by the way, so apparently they think you're the most irresistible."

"I guess so" he laughed before his face got serious again. "I really am sorry about all of this Jolie. I'm gonna try to find out who created the website and make them take it down."

"I appreciate that," she said smiling and pulling the door handle to get out. She walked over to her house and turned around saying "I'll see you at 5:00 to go to the game!"

When she walked inside her Mom was busy baking in the kitchen and yelled out, "How was your first day?"

She trudged into the kitchen and sat down on a bar stool and exhaled deeply. "It was interesting. Someone at the school made a website to collect bets on who would take my virginity first, so there's that."

"What?!" her Mom shouted, so shocked that she dropped the pie she just got out of the oven right onto the kitchen floor, shattering the dish and making the pie turn into a pile of mush. She stood there with her mouth open in shock before saying "Are you joking?"

"I really wish I was," she groaned, pulling out her phone and showing her the website. As her Mom scrolled through it she could see her getting more and more angry. Her face was turning red and she looked like she was so mad she could break something.

"Come on! We're going to the police station right now!" she fumed, grabbing her keys off the wall. They made their way into the tiny little police station and had to wait for 20 minutes before the Sheriff could finally talk to them. Her Mom showed him the website and Jolie explained what was going on.

"I'm sorry ladies. I really think this is terrible and if you were my daughter I would be just as angry as you are, but being such a small town we just don't have the resources to investigate something like this. I know bigger cities have cyber crime teams and stuff like that, but we don't have the funds or manpower for that. If someone was threatening you with physical harm we could do something but this is just some teenage antics."

"Seriously? There's nothing you can do? Isn't this considered harassment or something?" her Mom asked.

"No. That's if a person continued contacting you when you've repeatedly asked them to stop. I'm sorry there's not more that I can do."

"Ok. Well thank you for your time," her Mom said, walking out the door with a defeated look on her face.

"It's ok Mom. It really is. I'm a strong girl and I can handle myself. I won't let them break me. I'm just gonna ignore it and pretend the site doesn't even exist," she said hugging her Mom to cheer her up.

"I read what Austin posted in the comments. That was really nice. Hopefully they'll listen to him and take it down on their own," her Mom said, patting her back as they walked out.

By the time they got back to the house it was almost 4:30 so she ran upstairs and stripped her skirt and tank top off and grabbed her favorite pair of cute ripped jeans and a tight blue Nike t-shirt since blue was the school's color. She put her hair up into a high ponytail and painted a blue football on one cheek and RHS on the other and added some sparkle glitter.

She had looked on some people's Snapchats from school and saw that that's what they were doing. Suddenly she realized she had forgotten to close the window blinds and she looked over to see if Austin was in his room. When she didn't see him she breathed a sigh of relief. 'That would've been so embarrassing if he had seen me change!' she thought.

At 5:00 her doorbell rang and her Mom answered.

"Hi Austin! Good to see you again. Good luck tonight," she said smiling.

"Thank you." He looked up to see Jolie coming down the stairs.

"Awww! Don't you look cute? Let me get a picture of you two before you leave!" Stacy exclaimed and they posed for a couple pictures together before heading out to his Jeep.

When she got inside she told him, "I told my Mom about the website."

His eyes got wide in shock, "You did?"

"Yeah she was furious and dragged me down to the police station. We talked to the sheriff and showed him the website but he said there's nothing he can do about it."

"That's no surprise. The cops in this town are useless," Austin grumbled, driving down the road towards the school.

When they got to the stadium they had to split up so he could go to the locker room to get ready and Jolie found a seat in the empty stands to wait by herself. Maybe riding with him and coming so early was a mistake she thought.

She looked over and who would she see coming towards her but none other than freakin' Blaze McDaniels and he had the nerve to sit down right next to her.

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