《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 6


The link took him to a website with a heading at the top that said 'Chasing the New Girl' and under that there was a paragraph that said, 'Who will be the lucky guy to take the hot new girl Jolie's virginity? Bet on a winner & if you guess right, you could win big money!'

Underneath that there were guys' names with a score next to them depending on how many bets each person had received. Right now 'Austin Fox' was at the top of the leader board with 15 bets, Chaz was in a close second with 10 bets and Blaze McDaniels was in a distant 3rd with 3 bets. There were a few other names of some guys on the football team and a couple basketball players with just one bet.

Austin couldn't believe this was really happening. 'She is really gonna kill me now!' he thought. He was so angry at himself and frustrated that he kept messing things up with her because he really liked her.

He had to do something about this. He went to the message board on the website and said "This is Austin Fox and whoever made up this website is gonna regret it when I find out who you are. I suggest you take it down right now or there will be hell to pay when I find you. I promise you that."

His old days of fighting in middle school and Freshman year in a makeshift ring made up in a friend's backyard came to mind and he had been undefeated. He had taken out his anger and frustration about his dad on his opponents' faces and it felt good but when things went too far one night it all got shut down. This website was bringing that ugly side back out in him that he didn't know if he could control. If someone tried to hurt Jolie he was sure he wouldn't be able to hold back.

After school he went to the parking lot and stood by his Jeep waiting for her. She came walking out of the school with a short redhead girl with glasses that he thought looked sort of familiar. They talked for a minute before Jolie ran over to him smiling and climbing up in the passenger side of his Jeep.


'Somehow I've got to tell her about this and explain before she finds out on her own,' he thought. He wondered how bad she was gonna flip out.

When Jolie went to get in line for lunch she ran into Bailey, the sweet girl that helped her find her class earlier.

"Hey Bailey! How are you?"

Bailey smiled back, "I'm good Jolie. How are you? You liking the new school so far?"

"Yeah surprisingly I am! It's a lot smaller than my old school in New York but it's nice. Everybody's been really friendly."

Jolie looked up and saw Austin and he waved at her. She waved back smiling.

"So you know Austin Fox?" Bailey asked, looking surprised and impressed.

"Yeah he's my next door neighbor. He's really nice. We watched a movie in his room together and I ate dinner with him and his Mom. Plus he was even nice enough to let me ride to and from school with him."

"Seriously? Wow. You're so lucky to live next to him. Every girl in school is totally in love with him but he's a hard one to catch. He's gone out on dates but only had one serious girlfriend that I know of. He's always too busy with sports and school to pay much attention to girls, except for when he dated Mandy for a while. Mandy is the captain of the cheerleading team. She's also the school bully and queen bee herself, the spawn of Satan. If you get in her way she will make your life a living hell. Be warned. Messing around with him will get her attention."

Jolie wasn't afraid of Mandy but she appreciated Bailey looking out for her.

"Thanks for the warning. I'm not really sure if we're just friends or if he likes me. He's really hard to read. He did ask me to go to his football game with him tonight and then invited me to hang out with him at the Roller Gals Diner after," she said, grabbing some turkey and veggies from the counter and putting it on her tray.

"Really? He asked you to go to Roller Gals with him? That's a big deal. That's where guys take girls they like after the games!" she said smiling. "That means he must like you!"


"Really? You think he likes me?" she asked, considering the possibility for a second before deciding not to get her hopes up. It was very unlikely. "I promised Austin I would sit with him at lunch. Do you want to join us?" she asked Bailey.

"Oh no. That's not really my crowd but thanks for the offer. My friends usually eat in the library. I'll see you later," she said walking off and out the cafeteria doors. Jolie decided she liked Bailey. She reminded her a lot of herself, the old her.

She walked over to Austin's table and he had saved a seat for her beside him. She smiled at him as she sat down and said "Hi" before looking up and noticing a blonde guy in front of her smiling at her. She recognized him from the hallway.

"Hi Jolie. I'm Chaz Hernandez. It's nice to meet you," he said holding out his hand and smiling at her.

He was handsome with his strong jaw, blonde hair and blue-green eyes. It was obvious by his cocky, flirty attitude that Austin was right about him being a player. He was cute, but not near as cute as Austin. No one was.

"Hi" she said shaking his hand.

"Chaz weren't you just about to go back to your usual lunch table over there?" Austin asked, narrowing his eyes at him. Jolie could tell there was a tension between them and Austin didn't seem very happy to have him around.

"Nah, I think I want to sit here with my team today. Do some team bonding before our game tonight, you know? That is if that's alright with you quarterback?"

Jolie hadn't realized that Austin was the quarterback and she thought that was pretty cool. She was excited to watch him play tonight even though she knew nothing about football.

Her Dad had taken her along to a few New York Jets games when he wanted to impress his clients with VIP box seats, but she didn't pay much attention to the game. She usually sat in the corner listening to music or drawing while her Dad was busy entertaining people and ignoring her.

Austin turned to her and asked what her favorite food was and she said "seafood" and Chaz cut in to say that his favorite was pizza and nachos. Every time they tried to talk to each other he would cut in and she was starting to get annoyed.

After lunch Austin carried her backpack for her, which she thought was so sweet as he walked her to her next class. He made plans to meet her after school in the parking lot and to pick her up later for the game.

"Ok sounds good," she said, looking up at him.

He looked down into her eyes for a minute and she held her breath without realizing it, examining his handsome face and feeling lost in it. He was so gorgeous and looking at his strong jaw line that lead to his perfect clear complexion and blue eyes made her insides flutter.

Then he did something that completely took her by surprise. He reached down and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his strong chest for a hug. He smelled so good that she took in a deep breath and breathed in his masculine scent.

She noticed how strong his arms felt wrapped around her and it brought back memories of seeing him through the window without his shirt on and the clear view she had of his strong arms and chest and his six pack. Being pressed up against them right now, she felt her face flush red.

All of a sudden he let go and said, "I'll see you after school!" before hurrying back down the hallway.

"That was cute", she heard a sarcastic voice say from behind her and she turned around to see Mandy and Blaze both walking towards the same Spanish class. Mandy glared at her as she walked inside and Blaze winked at her with a playful smirk following Mandy in.

Mandy was wearing her cheer uniform because all the cheerleaders wore them on game days and Jolie noticed that every guy in class ogled Mandy as she passed by their desk to take a seat in the back. Blaze leaned down and gave Mandy a long, passionate kiss before sitting in his seat with a proud smile. When he caught Jolie looking at her he gave her a wink and she turned around immediately and slid down in her seat, embarrassed that she was caught ogling them.

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