《Never with Me (Book 1)》[4]: Alone


I put my hand on the cool lacquered wood of the hand railing of the stair case. Feeling the smooth cool wood underneath my finger tips, and enjoying its feel. It wasn't until I was half-way down that the scent of wood and pine hit my nose and it flared. My eyes darted up quickly, and I saw him at the bottom of the staircase parallel to the one I was currently walking down. I quickly averted my eyes, and rushed to the front door, hoping to avoid another awkward conversation with him. And also to avoid the unnatural pull of my wolf to his that I could barely contain. My wolf and I both yearned his touch and love. Each passing day, it became a test of my will to not succumb to it. But I always did, because I know that if I did, it would only be met with rejection and denial.

I reached the front door and quickly closed it as I exited the house. As I stepped off the front porch, I noticed some pack warriors training some of the younger Lycans in defensive skills. There was a time that I had dreamed of being one of them. Following in the footsteps of my older brother, Alexander and my bestfriend and mate, Damien. But with the death of my hopes, came the death of my dreams as well. All the plans I had made when I was younger, and filled with life, had been cast aside the day I read that book. What could one dream for in the future, if there was no future for them? So my dreams had vanished and evaporated from once they came. Now, I lived with a clock in my conscious that I knew would one day stop ticking along with my heart.


"Ok guys, do one more rep of 50!" I heard my brother say, before noticing me and walking towards me.

"Hey sis!"

"Hey Alex." I stated ot him with a smile.

"So what are your plans for the day?"

"Oh you know doing this and that."

"Uh huh, is that right? So you aren't going to tell me again are you?"

I just answered him with the short carefree laugh I had perfected in the last two years, and shook my head no.

"Uh huh, if your having secret rendezvous with your mate, you better tell me, cause I wanna meet him before he gets the goods. You understand?"

I quickly covered up the pain he inadvertently caused me with the same short carefree laugh I used before.

"Alex, you know you would be the first if that happened. But a last my dear brother, I have not had the pleasure of finding my mate, thus ruining your plans of interrogation and murderous actions towards the man that fate has chosen for me." As I stated this, I gave an eloquent bow to my brother. Extending my arm out, and bending down at my waist with my back straight.

Laughing and shaking his head slightly my brother regarded me.

"Leilani, you my dear sibling will make a man very lucky one day. You know if mom and dad were still alive, they would be just as proud of you as I am. You will find him one day."

"There go them feels I was warning you about, Alex." I flippantly stated, hoping to change the subject and continue on to my safe area in the woods.

"Sometimes, I worry if you were dropped on the head as a baby, Lei."


"Love you too bro, love you too."

"Get outta here, and have a good day sis. See you at dinner, ya?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, and you too." I said to him, as I turned away and begin heading to the line of trees that was the entrance to my beloved meadow.

As I was about to hit the line of trees, I turned around and gave one last look up to Damien's office giving into my heart's craving on seeing his face before I left. But again, luck was never on my side. He would never be there looking back at me, as I had hoped for. I would always be looking back at my own reflection, or empty space. I was alone.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to introduce Leilani's brother into the story, and I felt that this was a good way in order to do so. He will not be a main focus of the story, but will appear enough to warrant an introduction within the story. So this filler chapter accomplished that. Thanks again.

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