《PEACH [BXB/little space]》Playdate


The meeting place was set to be the amusement park. It was just Alexa, Maxi and Aaron who were going though since Simon had called over for a meeting at work.

"Be careful not to slip into little space." Simon said as he fixed Aaron's hair for the fifth time. "I made food so you better eat up. And don't stay out too late, be home before seven, it gets dark pretty quickly." He said. He sounded very worried and Aaron was getting the feeling he didn't want him to go.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay." Aaron gave him a reassuring grin, holding on to his hands tightly.

"I'm sorry. I don't know these people so I guess I'm a bit anxious." He looked down.

Aaron cupped his face and adjusted it so their eyes met. "I'll text you very so often to let you know that I'm okay, hm?" He said to him.

"Alright." He said hesitantly. "Be safe." He said and pecked his lips.

Aaron let him go and picked up the small basket that had all the food Simon had made. He smiled and waved before exiting the house.

All he had to do was take the bus and head to the amusement park and there, he would let Alexa know so they can meet up.

He did just that and called her. After a few looking around, they finally bumped into one another around the centre where a large water fountain was located.

"Wow, Aaron, you look great." Alexa said once they spotted one another.

"Oh, thank you, you too." He smiled. He wasn't all that dressed up. He just had some black jeans that were ripped on the knees, a white T-shirt with a black coat layered on top.

Alexa on the other hand wore light washed high waisted jeans, a tan hoodie tucked in at the front with white shoes. She had her hair in beautiful waves and she wore light make up with hoop earrings. Maxi who stood next to her had a black skirt with suspenders and a white collared shirt under. She also had white stockings with black Maryjane shoes.

They both looked stunning.

"Mommy! Mommy! I wanna try the the roller coaster!" Maxi jumped with excitement while tugging on Alexa's purse.


"Oh no Max, you have to be over thirteen to ride those." Alexa shook her head, causing Maxi's mood to drop down to zero. "They have lots of other games like..." she looked around the place. "Magic Wonderland!" She pointed over at the large door titled just that.

Maxi and Aaron both turned their heads over there. "It looks interesting, what is it?" Aaron asked.

"No idea, but there's lots of kids running in so it must be amazing!" She emphasised.

"Alright fine!" Maxi said with her hands folded over her chest, she certainly was not amused but what did she have to lose?

They walked over and paid for the tickets to get in. The first thing they saw was a normal plain background. Everything was calm until the lights went off and the room began to shake.

The lights came back on and they were in a completely different place. It was a scene from the movie Frozen when Elsa and Anna first made Olaf. The two girls ran around the place, passing all the visitors. Even though they were only holograms, they looked so real!

"Oh my gosh! This so cool!" Maxi squealed. "Can I touch them?!" She looked up at Alexa.

"I mean, you can try." She smiled at her.

Maxi waited for Anna and Elsa to reach where she was before putting her hand up. Unfortunately, they passed through her and skated away.

"Okay, I hate this now." She pouted, her eyebrows furrowing.

The moment Elsa hit Anna with her magic, the room went dark again and shook just like before, but this time, the dancing scene from Beauty and the Beast popped up. That's when all the couples in the room began to get all lovey-Dovey and dance along to Tale as Old as Time.

Maxi stuck her tongue out in disgust and looked up at Alexa, begging for them to leave with just her eyes.

"Fine." Alexa gave in and held on to Maxi's hand.

The three walked out and looked for more things to occupy them. They rode the carousel, played a few games here and there and lastly, went up in a ferris wheel. By that point. Maxi was so worn out that the moment she sat down, she immediately fell asleep.


Alexa let her sit on her lap and when the cart began to elevate, she gave Aaron a serious look.

"So Aaron." She stated.

"Yes." He replied.

"You live with your boyfriend right now right?" She asked and he nodded. "That's cool. Do your parents live in this state too?" Aaron's blood rushed and he began twiddling his thumbs.

"Um well..." he hesitated and broke eye contact with her, glancing out the cart. "They don't." He finally replied.

"Oh, must be hard not having them around, I know I couldn't handle being away from mine when I left for university as well." She ran her fingers through Maxi's hair as she spoke. "Are you going to see them during the summer?" She asked.

"N-no, I'm working so I won't have time." He tried to be as calm as possible.

At this point. He didn't even have parents. Both of them had bailed on him and didn't even bother to check on how he was doing. He felt so alone and hated, he didn't have anyone to be there for him when he went through all that. He honestly would just think that they were dead. What kind of parents would let their child be treated in such a way?

He flattered his eyes to get rid of the upcoming tears. Family was a very strong topic, one he wasn't comfortable with at all.

"That sucks. Do you have any siblings?" She flipped her hair behind her back, seeing that it was getting into Maxi's eyes.

"No." He simply responded.

"And Simon, now long have you two been together?"

"We started uh...dating...very recently actually."

She nodded slowly. "Right now, you like living with him?"

"I do!" He rushed to answer on that one. "I really do. He's very kind to me and takes care of me. I don't know how to explain it." He was smiling like a goofball and blushing hard as he spoke. "He's the first person who's ever cared for me with such patience and tolerance. He listens to my problems and reacts with a clear and comforting mind. He's never annoyed with me and just..." he paused and looked at his fingers. "He makes me the happiest I've ever been and I wouldn't trade him for the world." He concluded.

Alexa smiled to herself. "That's good. It's great that you found someone who makes you feel that way. I envy you."

"You must be happy too, with Maxi's dad I mean" Aaron pointed out.

"I have really bad luck with men. He recently threw divorce papers at me and the worst part is, he wants Max." She sighed. "It makes sense, he has the money so he'd be able to watch over Max." She leaned back and groaned. "I don't want to give Max away."

"That's horrible. Why does he want to divorce?"

"He has another woman apparently. Turns out I wasn't enough to satisfy him." She sighed heavily and rubbed her temples.

"I don't think he has good eyes. You're very pretty and seem like a great mother to Max, I don't understand, what else does he want?" She chuckled.

"'Great mother'? Oh honey if only you knew." She scoffed and shook her head. "I'm not a good person. I guess I just wanted to prove I can be something better by taking care of Max." She added.

Aaron was lost on what she was on about. From what he could see, she seemed to really care about Maxi. Maxi looked like a very happy and energetic healthy girl who's living the life of her dreams. You can't have such a smile on your face if you didn't have a loved one who watched and took care of you. It might've taken a long time, but Aaron was starting to see how that looked like and he could see it with Maxi too. She was happy with Alexa, why would anyone want to take her away from her happy place?

The ferris wheel stopped moving and the guard opened the door for them to step out.

"Wow, it's darker than I thought." Alexa said with surprise.

She had Maxi in her hands. "Yeah, we should probably head home now." Aaron said while looking up at the sky.

"Do you have a ride?" Alexa asked.

"Oh. I'll just take the bus." He said to her.

"I'll drop you off." She said and took out her car keys.

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