《Zane the Mad :Part of the Legendary Interviews》19 I still think that I could be a reaper AND a dragon.


I sat in a large armchair floating it up an along drifting though the streets empty of everything but rain and parked cars. My mind thought of strategies and attack plans, and most of all how to have the most fun killing these people.

It seamed like the more fun I was having the more points I was given so it was in my best interest to find new and fun ways to do things.

That being said if imp told me they wouldn't put up much fight, I believed her. Unless the 4 day update changed people more then they let on, most people wouldn't try and fight or kill things right off the bat.

Unless dropped into a place they needed to to survive even then sock mite kill most of them. To them the whole world was about to become a horror movie.

That thought struck me and resonated for a moment, I had an idea I had bouncing around that changed direction a little after thinking of horror movies.

The rain washing over the vector umbrella I had put up above me didn't make a sound but it did change the way the water moved noticeably.

"Remind me..." I asked. "Dose it ever get foggy around here?"

"No, just the cloudy bright, cloudy dark, rain, and snow." Imp said

"coooool..." I said thinking. "Slif become fog, spread to all the 10 fake new yorks, and if you run out of mass start converting cars or the iron shipping crates."

At it's name the slime dragon looked up from my foot after it's orders where given it nodded leaping off and spreading out a billow of fog racing away from the bottom of my shoe.

"Reflection." I said the metal looking up at me from my other foot. "I want you to be my defense. act like a second skin, grab anything that tries to attack me and if you can put it into inventory... But stay invisible."

The shiny dragon head nodded before sinking back, I felt it wash over me feeling like cold metal for a moment before not being noticeable at all.

I put the chair in storage floating up higher checking to be sure the fog had spread though the world. before moving over to the beach leaving the hyper time behind, leaving the fog to spread though the worlds and wait for my next orders.

A much smaller peace of Slif came back to me this one from the card It was only a small droplet at first so I pulled up some black sand feeding it so that it could grow large enough to make flat dish plate shape.

'turn the card into the same shape fly before the priest's face make a thin glass wall then open a portal so we can speak.' I told the little part of Slif.

After it was done a confused blond 30's something man was on the other side of the "mirror." I gave a smile to the confused shit bag. "hello. I received a quest to take your magic little light bulb." I had wit turn into a copy of the bulb I took from the safe holding it up for him to see. "But the quest didn't say I had to keep it, so I plan on giving it back."


The blond man frowned clearly trying to think quickly, before smiling a slimy tight little smile. "why thank you. These quests can be tricky things but it's good that the lord sent you to us... But there is the mater of how this card came into my hands."

"Ah yes, sorry about that. It was the fist time I tried to use that power, I didn't know it would have that sort of effect." I said feeling the sharp smile on my lips. "I thought it would just make sure she would listen to me."

"Oh I see..." He said in a way that said to me, 'I don't understand or really care anymore' "You said you disappeared rather quickly, I take it you have a way to come back just as fast?"

"Oh yes if you are willing I can be right over." I said telling Slif to gather up 10 cars worth of mist into inventory.

"ah..." the priest gave a look that said 'I’m thinking I don’t want that and how do I fuck this guy over as soon as possible.' "Well after that little incident I think it best if we met at a more neutral place... Say the park on 18th?"

"I do apologize" I said "Im not form nearby so it mite take me some time to find, but I'd be glad to meet there. Is there a place to meet in the park?"

His face said to me 'oh good he's at least a little bit dumb so now I can start looking down on him.' "yes there is a large gazebo by the duck pound. It should be perfect."

"Great" I said "I will see you then... keep the card it'll be a good way to keep in contact."

He gave a 'why the fuck would I want to do that?' look but said "we will be meeting soon enough right?"

"Yes but maybe it wont be the last time we talk." I said "I... haven't had my powers to long. It seams like having friends would be a good thing."

At the word friends the priest's face said to me 'oh good this man is a child, some one I can use.' "We are always looking for new members of the church."

"...I think i'd like that." I said looking down a little embarrassed at the words and unable to look at the hideous look of victory on the shit bag's face.

'close the portal and turn back into a card' I told Slif and once I thought it was done I entered Hyper time pulling Slif in with me. 'now take a small portion of yourself and settle into the skin on his hand, make sure to heal up and meld with him so he doesn't notice.

Enter hyper time and do the same for anyone else with powers he talks to before talking to me.'

I then exited hyper-time pulling up a tiny portal to the town the church was in using it to find the gazebo that the priest was talking about.

I scouted it out a little bit before setting up the portal above the gazebo's main walkway, then did the opposite of hyper-time. Watching and waiting for anyone to show up.


After what I guessed was an hour in real time 2 men approached the gazebo while 2 others tried to act like they weren't watching it.

I switched to hyper-time pulling the portal back to the parking lot before opening it up and stepping though.

"Let me guess the welcoming party?" I asked imp

"Yep. The one looking at the lake is the one with purification." Imp said about a 20's something guy with movie star muscles under his tight suit, blond hair and bright blue eyes looking out over the lake blue tooth on one ear.

"Then there's the kid accelerator." Imp said pointing at the man on the bench Jeans and a t-shirt with a leather jacket, black hair a little long and styled in a tight ponytail, but otherwise he looked normal. Other then the tight grip he had on what looked like a walking stick.

The 2 men in the gazebo both wore what I thought of as secret service suits, plain black a little tight not doing a good job at hiding the guns on there ribs.

One of them had short curly red hair, the other styled brown. Both of them had the same bulky muscle of the former soldier.

It struck me that a lot of people where soon going to be looking nearly the same, it should change by culture and some mite be odd like me. But most people seamed to think of the same things as "manly" or "beautiful." In other words the things people wanted to be when the change come over them.

'I mean just look at the clothing options.' I though. 'suits suits everywhere.'

I shook my thoughts back to the now, even if the now was lasting a very long time, witch was a good thing as I was still in the fighting outfit.

I quickly changed into a copy of the MIB suit I had been wearing when I was in the church earlier, while also sending out a little bit of Reflection to search the men.

They had a man with blade-smithing intuition, so if they where half as smart as they should be every one of them would have at least one blade made by him. If not decked out fully with blades and armor.

I stood there waiting in hyper-time trying not to move so if they could see me it wouldn't look odd.

Reflection came back telling me that indeed they all had daggers, but the one on the bench had a full sword. They were all wearing bulletproof vests and had 9mm guns.

'Fools' I thought 'there leader has magiteck and not one of them is iron man yet? and with a blade-smith too.'

I exited hyper-time walking at a brisk pace seeing the men at the gazebo I raised one hand in a wave. "Hey are you guys from the church?"

They visibly winced turning to look at me clearly not liking what they saw.

I walked up the short 2 steps to the main floor smiling broadly at them. "The preacher couldn't make it?"

"He's a busy man." The redhead said looking disappointed.

"Magma weaponry" Imp said.

'witch leaves the brown haired guy as the dirty fucking bastard, who couldn't be hurt by anyone weaker.' I thought. 'show me there levels.'

Imp messed with my perceptions putting up there levels above there heads. The magma guy was level 13 and the pedo was 20 a quick hyper-time glance showed the guy with the sword was 30 and the one by the lake was 5.

It hit me to ask if these guys didn't have a world of things to kill how did they get there levels up that high.

"quests." Imp said above me. "Killing the unchanged counts as killing a level 0, unless it was a strong animal or a real psycho."

'interesting....' I thought wondering what quests would give out levels like that, but exited hyper-time pulling out wit as a light bulb.

"Yeah sorry about all this, quest to get the light bulb was worth a lot of points." I said holding it out for ether of them to take. "But like I said it didn't say I couldn't just give it back after."

"that's good" the brown haired guy said reaching out for it. "Just hand it over and we can go back peacefully and we could talk this over, maybe even you could join up."

"With a fucking pedophile and a guy who jerks off to torching people?" I said in the same cheerful bright tone I had been till now.

"FUCK OFF." I snarled at the confused look on both there faces and did the first test of the pedo's power. I had wit explode outward a little bit of vector's shooting them into the pedo and magma user's faces.

I entered hyper-time and saw the glass cut both of there faces.

"Behind you." imp said turning I saw the leather jacked guy holding his sword in quick draw style flying at me he was moving quickly even for hyper-time, but I could tell he wasn't really in control. It was like he was just flying forward at incredible speeds.

'Slif find anyone who has powers and is in the church turn to fog and while they stumble about confused put them into a fake new york as far apart from etch other as you can while still keeping them on the land. make sure if they wonder to close together to direct them away from etch other. Including these fuckers.' I told Slif in hyper-time and soon there was fog surrounding all 4 of the men.

I leapt to the side pulling wit back to me and letting time speed back up.

"FUCK" cried out one of the men from the fog as a strange zooming sound passed by them.

"The fuck was that?" yelled another voice.

"How the fuck did he hurt me?" The fist voice asked.

"what, he did?" asked the second voice and after a moment they both were silent.

After asking and receiving conformation from Slif that all the party guests where in there places I pulled the fog back into myself and portaled to the first new york.

"who's first?" I asked imp cheerfully.

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