《Zane the Mad :Part of the Legendary Interviews》15. I'm just saying "Sins of the Padre" has a good ring to it.


I looked over the large low building, it seamed to be as much a stained glass cathedral as a fast food place resembled a home kitchen.

Some thing about the building kept me coming back to a corporate fast food place. The same feeling of large cold empty grease flung at you as fast as possible. One goal, giving you as little as possible to get your money and get you out.

Lots of clean sharp outfits, like uniforms that you have to pay for out of your own pocket. Everyone in the same suits and dresses standing around posing, smiling, just waiting for there orders or for some one to greet to try and pull them in.

"Do you see this?" Imp said with a sneer looking around at the people holding there glasses of sparkling wine, waiting to meet the Pastor each of them with little receipts for tickets to the big show.

Not to get any spiritual guidance not to gain any of the magic the man now had his hands on. None of them knew a thing about that. No they just wanted to spend money to take a picture that they can show the other people in the church they called friends.

One big competition one big game, money was always the score for these people. How much money they had vs how much they could get from others, vs how much they could spend on silly things like this.

They couldn't just spend money on anything, that would just make them one of those people they looked down on and tried to take from.

No they had to spend there money on "the right things" the "christian" things. That's the way these people felt free to spend there dirty money on the things in the dark. The things they really wanted, the things that would get them expelled form the "Christian" group they belonged.

The same people who would be buying things right with them would be the loudest ones yelling about how evil they were. That was because not getting caught spending your money on the dark things was one of the biggest parts of the game, bringing down the rest of them when you lost was there biggest fear.

I stood there in my Secret agent man suit, looking around at these people wondering how many would really make it through what was coming. And if I should do something to help them.

'i'm not a demon.' I thought to myself stopping the next thoughts, of how I could send them away using my slime, take there powers, use the new things I can learn to rob them or over turn whatever business empires they play in, sending the money to people nearly at random but as long as they aren't like these people.

After a few surreptitious glances a slightly older plump woman in a blue suit dress blond hair cut and shaped in the basic woman at work cut.

"Hi good to see you, I don't think I recognize you from the congregation..." She leaned forward pointedly letting the question. 'so what are you doing here.' hanging in the air.

I smiled a smug smile trying to use the neuralizer power from my eyes to stun her to make things go easier.

After nothing happened I used hyper time, to give myself a chance to think.

Imp came down. "you still have a list of banned powers."

'fuck.' I thought. 'so once it stopped being an item it became a power and got banned?'


"yep No mind control." imp said

My mind raced going through my powers and combos, wanting to mix vectors with infusion with my emotion control to make emotion vectors. But that would just be mind control.

'fuck, i'm going to have to talk to her arnt i?' thought my mind crackling away at what to say. 'I mite not even be able to use the dragon's silver tongue.'

"No no." I said once time came back to normal my nervous smile plastered on my face. "I'll admit I'v just come in off the street. But I do have some very important business with the Pastor."

"oh?" she asked her eyes flickering over me my guess she was wondering if I was some sort of government agent. "And what mite that be?"

"Now your going to think it's silly." I said making the slime form a card in my pocket telling it that once the Pastor puts his hands on it to send me a message, and to let us communicate. Also that if this woman try's to get rid of the card to stick with her until it found him. "But I know the Pastor has a light bulb issue." I made sure to emphasize the last words watching to see if she knew what I meant.

She clearly didn't her face giving strong 'you have just wasted my time telling me about a light bulb? You better be getting out of here soon.' look. "A light. Bulb. Issue?"

"Oh yes." I said with a wide smile this time laughing at her on the inside. Knowing that this seamed such a foolish thing to her, but how world changing it really was. I pulled out the card, witch read 'Zane's lights bulb repair and replacement.' With my old number and address on it. "he has a one in particular that is a very special bulb... I know my lights and I can tell you he would be very upset if anything where to happen to it."

I found where the light bulb was in the church, then had imp pop in to see what he was doing. The light bulb was in his safe behind his desk hidden behind the book case.

Imp came back quickly giggling to her self "he's deep into helping 'clean out' a young sinner."

I pulled the light bulb out of the safe and into my own inventory. As the woman seamed like she really didn't want to take the card.

"Please just take my card and give it to the Pastor." I said putting a little bit of dragon intimidation in my next words. "This. is. Much. More. Important. Than. You. Think."

Her face went pale, her body stiff, frozen in fear, a faint sound of a scream trying to come out but only a little tiny wimpier escaped.

"wops." I said dropping the intimidation, really wishing I knew it was going to be that strong. I noticed the rest of the people in the room were also still all light chatter and movement stopped everyone frozen masks of fear on every face.

Of coarse my face was nearly glowing with the wide smile I was trying to make go away, the slightly angry, slightly despairing expression, was almost certainly one of the worst things they could have seen after that.

I went hyper time before the nervous laughter could rise up in me. I let out a few barks and breaths of it before moving to the side using my vectors to put the card into the woman's hand.


I pulled out the light bulb it was a large golden one warm to the touch even though I knew it hadn't been plugged in. I used the slime to copy the bulb, but not destroy it.

"quest complete." Imp said and I felt the water wash thought my hand and into my body time around me slowing even further still.

"Good." I choked out laughing a little putting the bulb back into my inventory. Mixing this new time dilation with the power of space infusion and Vectors. Making an area of space were time was changed.

"What power would this one get?" I asked gesturing at the blond woman.

"Hikeshi Baba Physiology." Imp said a look on her face showing that I wouldn't know what she was saying and looking forward to my asking.

"baba... is witch or old man and Hikeshi is Japanese or something." I said not asking.

"Its a old hag that hates lights, going around taking them out so that other monsters can come in and attack." Imp said with a defeated sigh.

I started laughing again. "wow this conversation made her hate light bulbs that much?"

"yes." Imp said seriously.

I felt a little cold at that but still had a damned grin, a light giggle in the back of my throat.

'fuck. that's dark.' I thought but said. "point out the best powers in the room."

Imp gave me her own smile all spikes and teeth, before flying around to people in the room. "physical lightning manipulation." she said over a young woman. "Sword manipulation." she said over an older man. "Divine Attacks" she said by a middle aged woman.

"Not bad." I said mixing the time power with the slime and pocket space sending out slimes to take them to the pocket world and send back a bit to take there power once they were upgraded. Putting them in dream worlds.

"Stage advancement." she flew by a very old woman, "Functionality Manipulation." she said by a young man, "Pure Solar Manipulation." she said by a young blond man.

She giggled "Pure water manipulation." She said nodding a head to a man standing by his wife. "and death water manipulation." she said gesturing to his wife. I sent them all to the Dream Worlds, of coarse adding that if they wanted to leave to come back to the Church or this world at all they could.

I nearly just sent everyone away, but stopped unsure if I should or if those I had already sent away had been a good idea.

'all ideas you have a bad ones.' the thought appeared in my mind, like they frequently do when i'm trying to think after being stressed out for to long. 'mite as well take them all, or just kill them. everything you do is shit. Just need to figure out how shit and in what way it all blows up.'

I growled a little holding the side of my head. 'fucking thoughtlessly selfish already took away the lives of those people for there power. Mite as well have killed them.'

I took a deep breath letting it out as a loud long wisle. "Stop that." I said to imp

"Stop what?"

'fucking useless floating shit stain.' I thought. "Adjust me to make me stop thinking like this."

"...Like what?" imp asked confused.

'like you can't hear me thinking.' I thought at her. 'fucking traitor fucking parasite.'

"I can hear you saying I can hear you, but nothing else" Imp said seaming really confused now.

"Whatever." I said clicking my jaw open opening a portal to the beach still feeling the smile stretching my lips. 'you don't laugh or smile because your nevus. your just that fucked up.'

I dove for the water closing the portal behind me and letting time speed up. Not back to full, after what just happened I was sure the people where about to panic not leaving me much time to think before the Pastor contacted me.

I dove into the water putting my suit into my inventory, feeling the sharp cold hit me for a moment before my body adjusted relaxing in the cool touch of the water. "Story." I snapped at imp, actively swimming for the first time in awhile. Not just using my powers to fly thought it.

A confused imp started the story back up as I swam, it only took a few seconds for me to feel the slimes come back to me with the new powers.

I tapped into the Pure water and Pure light hopping that they would change the water and moonlight around me into something that could help my mind.

I did feel it, a light buzz of energy and something like a chill. I swam feeling it help at least my body stay strong as I swam if not my mind truly heal.

I set the time dilation to 1 minute real time for every hour of my time. 'stop the story. Tell me about the Pastor and his people.' I thought to imp.

Imp took a long moment seaming to try and think about it. "There Evangelicals, mega church types so you know how that goes. Pastor Daniel Moore 34 has a thing for prostitutes, geisha types full on outfits fans and everything.

I frowned at that, the prostate thing disgusted me on a personal level but I didn't see that much wrong with others doing it, though that whole dark money game these people played with it was sick.

"He had one girl he kept going back too, she started to get real feelings for him and he for her. Though he would never really be with her, the leaving her part is one of the things he likes best.

But she ended up pregnant, she knew it was his because he had been paying well enough that she had stopped taking anyone else. She convinced herself that at this point the money was just a little game they played together, and once he found out about the baby he would just marry her and they could really be together." Imp sneered. "Instead he drugged her kept her drugged trying to get her to miscarry from the drug use. She died of an over dose and starvation in a panic he left her.

It was weeks before she was found, in the mean time he transferred out of his church and moved south to this one. Still getting drunk and buying prostitutes, but now he likes maids."

"OK... so I wont feel bad if I need kill him." I said heading to the beach. "his power? and who else has he upgraded?"

"He has "Technomagic"" imp said. "He was "spiritually healing" a 22 year old of his "gaming and online porn addiction." When the light bulb formed and hit them both. He was a shut in loser type really did have a problem bad enough for his parents to bring him in. After that though he's been a little to faithful. Going all holy knight wanting to go on a crusade, cleanse the government of those "SJWS" and "Sneaky jew rats". His words not mine." Imp said at my look of disgust.

"OK... so 2 for 2 on the get rid of list." I said.

"yeah. His power is acceleration." Imp said

I snorted at that. "damn if he ends up looking Kinda like me I'm going to rub it in so hard that he's a janky evil knock off."

"The rest of his powered up crew are people he thinks will be the easiest to use. Nearly the lot of them were his most devoted kiss asses and devout patrons of his church." Imp said. "I don't think any one of them is worth keeping alive."

I grunted a little at that half agreeing half wondering where that sort of thing would end if I started ending people I didn't like. "I mite ask the goddess of death what she thinks." I muttered leaving it up to Eva to judge these people ...or not.

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