《Transmigrating With a 4D Chaperone》A History Lesson


"M, one thing still perplexes me, how did humans on Earth encounter these fantasy creatures if there were none on Earth?" JJ asked while she was making her way to the mage dungeon that she had been at yesterday.

"It is different for every planet, but there once were these types of beings in your world. I believe the height of their activity would have peaked around 900-1400 AD. The portal between worlds was the weakest then and quite a few monsters found their way to Earth. Conversely, a few humans had found their way other planets. Ha, just imagine their shock when it happened," said M with a slight tone of musing.

"Is there anything else? Did we fend them off? Or what happened?"

"Actually, there was one event that occurred before the 500 years that I told you about that was mainly isolated in Egpyt and Hittite land. This occurred in the 13th century BC and the Treaty of Kadesh between Ramesses II and Hatti. These two powerful leaders joined forces to take down the threat and it continued on for another few decades after their death. When it ended, most of the monsters had been killed and the rest were left to die on their own as they had been driven to almost the point of extinction on Earth."

"Really? That's amazing. What happened the second time around?"

"Good question, I do believe that I was also part of the fun the second time around."

"What? How old are you?" said JJ in amazement.

"I am quite old by your standards, but relative to everyone in my dimension, I am slightly younger than you, a late teen. Anyhow, do you know the folklore of Robin Hood?"

"Oh, no way, that is one of my favourites."

"Is it now? Well, there once was a band of merry men who made their way to another world through one of the rifts accidentally. By mere coincidence, one of my other projects...uh... I forgot his name, I do believe he was a human. Anyway, my project and Robin Hood hit it off quite nicely, but once the men were aware of my presence, they requested my aid. Now, normally I wouldn't do anything like that but my project was adamant about this and so I indulged them."

"Did you give them the power to conjure up weapons as well?"


"No, I possessed this Robin Hood character and led their men on an adventure to steal from the rich and give to the poor. To make a long story short, one thing led to another and I helped him defeat the Sheriff of Nottingham and then my project and I left to go back to our world. After a few goodbyes and a large celebration of course."

"You are pretty dang cool. So you are about a thousand years old?"

"You have to know, time is a very tricky thing. For you, you go at a rate of one second per second. It's a bit of a weird definition but that's what your scientists on Earth define it as. In the 4th dimension, I don't know exactly how to explain it as I never attended the institutions that I was supposed to go to."

"So are you like a no-lifer just like I was?"

"Heh, in a way, I suppose that is one way to go about it. Perhaps that was why I chose to deviate from my regular choice in projects and choose you."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"I don't know, none of my other projects ever talk back to me like you did back in the shop. Only time will tell I suppose. As I was saying, I am able to see a few seconds into your future, that is just one of my many abilities."

"Yea yea, stop bragging," JJ said as she brought up her stats window again. She was studying it a bit yesterday, but the walk to the dungeon would take another few minutes. Hopefully, she would be able to ask M about a few of the things that had plagued her since yesterday. The stats window seemed to follow the level system and the monetary system of the world. Namely, it started at A1 and went up.

"What's wrong, JJ."

"It's just that while I understand how this A1 to Z100 business works, I don't understand who designed it to be like this."

"That is a question that even I do not know the answer to. This system that I have brought you to is a relatively old one. It has existed for billions of years and it can only be considered one that is in the middle of the pack when it comes to adoption for new planets to pick their own levelling system. There are only a few thousand planets who have this type of system while there are hundreds of thousands more in any one of the more popular systems."


"What does this mean?"

"This system could be considered to have a hard difficulty, however, the more popular a system is, the more difficult it is to master. I have been trying for thousands of years to have my projects become prominent in the more popular systems and most of them did not live long enough to make it. You are the first that I have brought to this system so I am learning just as much as you."

"Hang on, Glen said that I would need to be at least level J1 to be able to travel to other planets, does that also include Earth?"

"Unfortunately, I don't think so. You would only be able to travel to other planets that have the same levelling system. Generally speaking, one galaxy has a few levelling systems vying for power within it. It comes with great rewards if you are successful, but the risk is quite high. If you die outside of the training grounds, then you are done for. I mean it for real this time, I can't save you from death twice."

"Yea, I got it. Can you see what my stats are without looking at this window?"

"I can, would you like to see?"


"Attack: A3

Strength: A4

Defence: A2

Ranged: A3

Magic: A1

HP: A3

Dungeoneering: A2

Agility: A2

Slayer: A3

Hunter: A2

Summoning: A1

You get the point, there are about a thousand more skills where I'm not going to list them as they are all A1. There are a few specializations like construction, architecture, and design for if you don't want to fight anymore and would rather do those kinds of things. However, there are a few specializations like weapon mastery for swords, spears, and all that. As is the case for ranged and magic attacks."

"There are so many that I didn't even manage to scroll through all of them yet. If I specialize will it affect how I use other weapons?"

"No, I don't think so, if you wanted to specialize in all weapons, it will just take more time, that's all."

"Oh, that's good. I've been wondering, what exactly do you look like? Based on the way that you speak, I'd imagine you to be an American, but obviously, you aren't human are you?"

"No, no I am not. I belong to a race called the Nostradellions. Part of our clan lives in the 3D world as well. The lesser part. Then, as far as I know, there is a Nostradellion clan in the 5th-Dimension as well. Only the most successful go there, that is why I have all of you like my projects. To realize this dream of mine. Legends say that if I manage to do this, then I will become immo-""

"Hold the flippin' dippin' phone. There are more dimensions above yours?"

"Umm, above isn't really the term you use for dimensions like ours. Above is the difference between 2D and 3D. As for 3D to 4D, I can't really explain it in terms that you understand so just imagine you, everything you were, everything you will be, and everything you will become after you die, is visible as one being. By the way, I comprehend 4D to 5D even less so don't ask me for anything about that."

"Is there another one beyond the fifth?"

"I think so, of the knowledge I do have, it goes up to around 11 dimensions."

"How smart are you? I would imagine the physics to be a bit different than the one in my world."

"Very good, at least you can halfway keep a conversation unlike most of my other projects who only likes to fight. You're different, I like that. To answer your question though, I'm not even going to attempt to explain it to you. Just like 2D physics is simple compared to 3D physics, 3D physics is relatively simple in 4D physics. Every dimension you ascend, it's complexities multiply a million fold."

"Oh, we're here, let me go get the key and I'll meet you inside the bear dungeon again. See you there," JJ said as she ran to dig up the key as she had done yesterday.

"Alright," M said as he slowly checked out the different paths and monsters within the dungeon, it was not the same as yesterday, there was a much more difficult boss than the one he vaporized yesterday. Twice, actually. What luck.

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