《Transmigrating With a 4D Chaperone》Shiny Silver Suit of Armour


JJ left her room and proceeded downstairs to enjoy a nice, if bland, meal. She stretched as she took a little break from eating. This peaceful setting was interrupted by M.

“Ok, you’ve had your food, how about we go and get you some good armour or whatever now? Isn’t that what you want?” M telepathically said to JJ.

"Soon, they have all this food here and I'll be sad if I don't get my fill," JJ thought in her mind, as she was in the presence of other people and didn't want to draw any attention to herself by talking to somebody that nobody could see.

"You do realize that the average human can go without food for well over a month? This is your twenty-second roll of bread. For a shorter than average girl, you sure eat a fair amount."

"Hey! Don't judge me. This is pretty much muscle memory by this point," She said as she stuffed another roll of bread into her mouth and chomping down on it angrily. It had been a long time since someone criticized her for her eating habits and this only brought her back to her memories of her parents doing the same thing which caused her to stress eat. It was a vicious cycle, one that she was finding out about just now.

"23, 24, 25, 27, 30."

"Oh stop it you, the more you count, the more I unconsciously want to eat."

"Fine... 32."

JJ rolled her eyes as far back into her head as possible. After that whole ordeal ended, she went to the weapon shop that she had gone to the night before. A sword that was conjured up was exchanged for 5 A coins. Last night, she was thinking about other matters and completely forgot to ask how the monetary system worked in this world. So, that was the plan today. She walked into the empty store and went up to the shopkeep.

"Hello again, I was just wondering how the coins worked on this planet here, also my name is JJ," JJ asked the man.

"Ah, young lady, the one from last night. I don't know what kind of guide you had if that person didn't even give you an explanation of something so basic."

"Trust me when I say, he isn't the best guide, not by a long shot."

"Uh, wow. That was unnecessary," M said inside JJ's mind.

"Heh, most of the ones on this level are like that I'm afraid. Anyway, 100 A coins equal 1 B coin. 100 B coins equal 1 C coin, and so on. I believe even the richest people on this planet only have a few M coins to their name. If you want to get higher than that, you would have to go onto bigger worlds. However, that isn't possible until you've reached at least level J1... You do know about how the level system works here?"

"Oh yea, of course. My guide isn't that useless."

"Wow, geez, thanks for the compliment... That was obvious sarcasm if you couldn't already tell."

"I can tell, I love sarcasm, now shut up I'm trying to speak with the man and he is getting suspicious of why I haven't said anything for the past little bit."

"Fine, fine."

"So, uh, shopkeep, what is your name?"

"My name is Glen, and that child over there is my daughter, Ash." He said as he pointed to a young lady that was dusting a plate of armour at the other side of the room.


"Ah, Glen. I came today to sell you a few more swords and other weapons. Additionally, I'd like to get a nice plate of armour."

"Of course, as I said to you last night, customers are always welcome! Now, show me some weapons."

"Just a moment, I need to get them from my dealer. Be back in a few minutes," She said as she left the store in a hurry and conjured up 3 more swords, a spear, a basic wand, and a stone maul. Then she went back inside and handed them all to Glen the shopkeeper.

"Ah, I had doubted your sanity when you spoke of your dealer last night, but now I see you are serious." There was something bothering him though. He did indeed scam her last night, but not by a lot. Under normal circumstances, he would not have done so, but a little girl coming in to sell a sword was something he thought he could get away with. However, if JJ's dealer had any idea as to how valuable the sword was and how much it could sell for, then he might be in a bit of trouble.

"Is something the matter, old man? You look a bit conflicted."

"Ah, nothing, here is 5 more A coins. This is from the sword that you sold me yesterday. I have a... policy... that I would... uh... oh, give my repeat customers a bit more incentive to spend in my shop. It's a one-time thing only so don't expect anything from me next time... Yea, that’s reasonable."

"Umm, ok."

"Great, let's get down to business," He said as he took out the orb and examined all of the weapons that were in front of him. This time, he would give JJ a fair price for everything that she brought to him. It took him a few minutes to do, but he was glad that he took the time to go through them all.

"So, what do you think?"

"Pretty good quality, same as last night. However, they are still basically beginner weapons so I can't give you much for them. The most valuable thing in this pile is the maul, so in total, I'll give you 104 A coins."


"Would you like that in all A coins or would you like to have 1 B coin and 4 A coins?"

"I was hoping to get armour, would it be possible for me to purchase one then get the change?"

"Of course, go take a look and see what you would like. My daughter Ash will assist you if you need help."

"Thank you," JJ said as she walked over to Rash who was still dusting the armour. The two of them lock eyes.

"I've overheard your conversation last night with my father, I never thought someone of your short stature to be an adventurer, uh, no offence," Ash said sweetly. She was a 21-year-old girl that towered over JJ, but that was only because she was on a ladder. Once she got down, the two were nearly the same height.

"Well, you certainly aren't the first to underestimate me due to my height. I'm already used to it so don't apologize. Which armour do you recommend for someone like me?"

"Uhm, none of them. We don't have any in your... petite size."

"Don't worry, just buy one suitable for your level, and I will take care of the rest," M said inside JJ's head reassuring her about everything."


"Just tell me which one is suitable for a level A4 or A5. As long as I can get one, I'll be fine."

"Oh, were you going to go to the blacksmith to get them fixed up to your size? Then you will want this one," She pointed to a set of armour that was very similar to many of the ones that she had made her own characters play in, a bikini style armour that revealed quite a bit.

"Haha wow, I wonder what it would be like if you actually wore that. Have you ever even worn a bikini before?"

"Shut up, and you better not be imagining me in that outfit. I'll kill you if you do."

"Oh don't worry about that, the beings here in the 4th-Dimension are a billion times better looking than you. Not going to lie, ya kinda ugly. Even if your looks are above average on the human scale."

"Wow... First of all, that was extremely rude. Second, that’ll be a hit to my self-confidence."

"Haha, just poking some fun at you. You should probably say something to the poor girl though, she looks quite puzzled."

"Uhhm, I don't know if I'm comfortable with that one," JJ said as she turned a slight shade of red.

"Really? This is all the rage right now."

"Yeah, definitely not, anything else that I might be able to equip?"

"Well, the only other one is this one where it is for male adventurers, the most basic armour set."

"Oh yes, go get that one. That should do just fine."

"What? That one is for guys, and come to think of it? Can't I just conjure a set of armour up for myself?"

"Boy, you are so slow, and besides, I'm only giving you the power to conjure up weapons, nothing else. So get that one and I will adjust it to your needs."

"Ok, I'll get that one then. The male one that is about twice as large as I am. That... should do... I hope."

"Sure thing, let me go get my father to help you.." Rash said as she waved for her father to come over.

"So, little lady, you want this one? But why? I'm just curious? I don't think there is any blacksmith in the beginner town that is able to do such modifications, maybe in one of the other higher-level towns, but certainly not in this small little town. Are you sure?"

"...well no, but why not. How much is it?"

"It'll be 30 A coins."


"...Ok, here is your 74 A coins." Glen got out some change from his money bag and handed it over to JJ.

"How exactly do you plan on taking it to your place? Even if it is a beginner armour, it should be quite heavy, can you handle it?" A sweet voice behind Glen said, it was Rash.

"Do you have a changing room?"

"Of course, since you have already paid for it, you may use it, it does connect to an exit so you may leave whenever you wish. Thank you for your purchase. Here, let me get this suit over to the changing rooms for you."

"Many thanks," JJ said as she followed Glen to the back of the store and got inside while Glen left to tend to the store.

"Ok, what do you think about the design of this armour?" M said inside her mind.

"It's certainly not bad. How exactly are you going to make this fit me?"

"Don't worry, I'll bring it into my dimension, work on it, and send it back to you."

"Oh, do you need my measurements or something?"

"I already have it," M said as the suit of armour began disappearing just like how the weapons she conjured appeared.

"W-what? When did you get that?"

"Ok done," M said completely disregarding JJ’s previous question.

"Wow that was fast, are you sure?"

"Yeah, this is one of my hobbies."

"What is? Taking measurements of unsuspecting girls?"

"No...maybe. I can just tell alright?"


"Just try the damn suit on."

"Hold on," she said as she turned to look at the place where the armour appeared and was surprised when she saw that it had shrunk down to her specific measurements. Trying it on was a bit tricky as she had to figure out everything by herself since M wasn't really helping her out.

"No wait, just, that's the leg plate...I think. Ever since you assembled it, I can't even tell which part goes where anymore. It looks like there are even more pieces than before for some reason."

"Oh shut it, and how come you are watching me? That is inappropriate."

"I know I haven't explained everything to you, but you should know... I see a lot more of you than you can. So I am essentially seeing every inch of you with clothes and without clothes at the same time and everything within you as well. That goes for everybody naturally, you're not an exception to the rule."

"Can you not?"

"No, I cannot not. I can't turn it off, it's just something that happens. Just like you like to touch naked animals without their permission sometimes. By the way, weird practice."

"Oh whatever, it's on, what do you think?"

"Meh, good enough for your first suit of armour, ok let's-"

"Hold on, can you add something to this set of armour?"

"What are you thinking of?"

"I'd like a symbol, something that makes me push myself to my limits, so."

"So you'd like a pizza? I know you love those, maybe a bit too much."



"No, I'd like to have an engraving of a fluffy llama on my left shoulder."

"That is really random, may I ask why?"

"No you may not, now do it."

"Heh, fine, done."

"Woah, that was fast, and you didn't even have to take it to your dimension?"

"I could've if I wanted to, I could've even transported right onto your body once I had finished with it."

"Huh, why didn't you?"

"Because I like to see you suffer from time to time. Plus, I am an excellent troll."

"Oh F you."

"I'll take it, now, let's go complete your mage dungeon unless you want to do something else?"

"No objections from me, let's go," JJ said as she left the store with a shining silver plated armour that fit her very nicely, suspiciously nicely.

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