《Transmigrating With a 4D Chaperone》An Interesting Guide


"Hey, M, you said that you're a 4 dimensional being right? How is that like?" JJ said as she followed M's directions.

"It's pretty cool. I can see a lot more of your 3d world than you can. For example, if there is a locked chest, I can see exactly what's inside while you can't. Basically, the inside of the box is something I am able to see. Much like you are able to see what is inside a square drawn on a piece of paper. It gets really complicated after that so I'll stop it there.”

“So does that mean like you can see my insides?” JJ was now extremely curious.

“Yea, I guess you can say that.”

“To what degree? Through my clothes? Through my skin? Like where does it stop?” She said in a very defensive tone.

“The short answer is all of the above...all at the same time. Ok, now turn left and go straight ahead for 25 meters."

“Wait- I have so many more questions to ask you-” She continued down the path that M instructed her to go. By the time she got to the location, she was beading with sweat from just the walk alone. It was not that she was unathletic, it was just how hard the sun was beating its warmth onto her lightly protected skin.

All this time M was silent as if thinking of a suitable answer. When she finally arrived, he spoke.

“Look, if I answered all of your questions then we wouldn’t have any time for any adventures. Alright?”

M was trying to get out of answering her questions, JJ knew that, but the prospect of finally playing in a fantasy world won over her curiosity.

"Alright. So what now?" JJ asked while twirling the basic dagger in her hand around and accidentally dropped it. She went to go pick it up off the ground when she spotted something shiny buried into the ground. It had a grey hue and was mostly buried, just a little of it was sticking out of the ground, if she had not dropped her dagger at that spot, she would not have even given the stone looking thing a second glance.


"Yea, go dig that out. That will be your way into the dungeons in this place."

"With what? My hands?" She said with scorn.

"Yes, your hands. Don't give me that look, just try it out first and I'm sure it isn't as bad as you think it is."

"Fine, fine. Give me some gloves or something why don't you? I may not be a typical girl, but I sure do still care about personal hygiene. I won't start until you give me one."

"Fine, fine. Be that way." M said as a pair of leather gloves appeared right next to JJ.

"Leather? Isn't this like one of the cheapest types of gloves in the games?"

"What do you think should be the alternative? I give you metal gloves? Do you even realize how sweaty you are from just walking here? The answer, if you weren't aware already, is very. If you haven’t already figured it out, your fingers would be a bunch of steamed sausages by the end of your little exercise."

"You can see me sweat? I don’t think that is really appropriate since I assume you are a guy."

"Little princess, I am a 4th-dimensional being, I exist in a plane that you cannot even fathom. Me looking at you like that is nothing special. I can read you like you read a children's book. Now get to digging!"

"Humph, fine," She said as she put on the gloves and started digging. Surprisingly, she found that the task at hand was something that wasn't actually as difficult as she had imagined. Perhaps it was her class that allowed her to have such strength? What was her class?

"Your class at the moment is unspecialized. This class is pretty much balanced across all available classes at the beginning, but once you reach level A10 you will be able to pick your class. Now try not to think about your situation too much and just trust me when I say that you will get all the answers in due time. Also, no, I cannot read your mind, but I did say I could read you like a book didn't I?"


"That is really impressive, but how do I know that you aren’t lying?”

“If I ever lie to you, it will either be because it is a personal matter, or I just want to get a good laugh out of you. Plus, I really need you to become something great in this world, so uh, no pressure.”

“I wonder what could you possibly be gaining from this, fine. Will you answer one question first?"

"Just one? Go for it."

"A10? That seems like a weird way of making a level system. Could you explain that a bit more?"

"I suppose I do owe you for grinding your gears all this time. The levelling system here is very unique from many of the other worlds that I have been in. It works like this, you are now A1, the lowest level. It goes all the way to A100, then you will reach a bottleneck which will be a bit harder to level onto the next level. Once you break the bottleneck, you will be slightly weaker for a few levels. This trend goes all the way to level Z100, and there are more levels beyond, but I believe that is enough for now, no?"

"Yes, I suppose it is. Plus, I have almost finished whatever it is I have to dig." She said as she unearthed the grey thing out of the ground. It was a 60 centimeter stone key of sorts.

"Good, head to your right for a hundred meters and there will be a lot of large stone statues."

"Ok," JJ said as she walked to where M told her to go.

“What do you think of all this? The world I mean, is it everything you imagined it to be?”

“Hmm? I thought you could read me like a book, was that nothing more than something to impress me?”

“Uhhh,” M coughed a bit but when he saw that JJ was having none of it, he confessed, “alright, yes. I can read your general mood and basic human cues, but not much more. You guys are unnecessarily overcomplex. Ah, there it is.” M said quickly as the quarry of stone statues came into view.

“Wow, that is a lot of statues,” JJ said as she walked over the small hill that was obstructing her view before. Now she could see that there was a cluster of statues some human, some beastmen, some regular animals, but the majority was of demonkind.

"Ok, how confident are you in killing living things?"

"...Killing? Shoot. Maybe I didn't think this all the way through."

"Huh. Well, I guess it would be best if you started off on the easiest dungeon this place has to offer. This is a training ground for new people new to this world so you won't die, but if you do, it will still hurt so keep that in mind when you don't feel like killing anything."

"Alright, I can do this. Where do I put this key?"

"There is a statue of a little child a bit to your left so go put the key on his hands," M said as he witnessed JJ do as he asked of her.

"Ok, so now what..." She said as a blue wisp of light enveloped around her and her vision went blank for a split second and in that instant, she was transported to a dungeon. "M? Where are you?" She said as she looked around only to see a straight cobblestone path in front of her and all around her was darkness. There was a light at the end of the cobblestone path, but she was unsure of what to do at the moment.

"Ah, there you are," M's voice bounced inside JJ's head. "Just go straight and you will be able to embark on your journey here. Sorry, it took me a while to find you, this dungeon is a little more complex than I figured and finding you took a while."

"Ok. Let's get this adventure started."

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