《Transmigrating With a 4D Chaperone》Meeting the 4D Being


"Hey! Helloooooo… Wake up you absolute failure of a human being!" A mysterious but surprisingly wise voice rang out, seemingly in every direction.

"Uhh, hello?" A sleepy voice called out in return, the voice of a lady who was completely ticked off that someone was bothering her in her sleep. She should have been in her own bed, living alone in an apartment that she just moved into today. No one else really should be there.

"Oh. My. Cheese. Get up you lazy, lazy woman," The mysterious voice seemed to be getting louder and louder with an ever-increasing attitude problem.

"What? Who are you? Leave me alone, if you're an intruder, just leave, I want to go to bed. Or kill me, I don't really have that much going for me anyway. Goodnight." The female voice said waving the booming voice away like swatting a fly.

"Wow, I have never seen anyone so, so… Oh, she's asleep again. Sigh. Seems her feelings towards sleeping are a lot more important to her than death. That is certainly...new... I wonder what I have that I can use to wake her up for good… Oh, I got it."

Just a moment later, a shotgun round being fired was heard from just a little ways away. This immediately woke up JJ and kicked her adrenaline into overdrive. Only now did she see that she was no longer at her place, but rather, in a strange space that she could only describe as pure, unfiltered white light. Somehow, the bed that she was sleeping in was also there, unfortunately now was certainly not the time to go back to bed. Well, not after she realized that she had no idea where she was, like at all.

"OK, glad that woke you up. Cause if not, I would have had to grab my tank and that takes quite a bit of work." The mysterious voice said to JJ in a slightly less agitated manner.

"What? I know the United States is known for our crazy number of civilian arms, but who has that just laying around, and who are you? I can't see you. And why is everything such an annoying shade of white?" JJ asked in the direction of the voice that she heard, but it felt as if it was directly going into her mind.

"Well, my name is uh… hold on. Let me think of something cool… Uh, let's just go with Magellan. Just call me M for short. As for the white thing, just deal with it," M replied bluntly.

"Ok, well my name is JJ Dion Blaze. Where are you exactly?" JJ asked once more.

"Blaze… Yes…” M suddenly stopped as if there was something that was plaguing his mind, but resumed almost immediately ridiculing her, “Anyway, I have read your file, and I must say, your life is hilarious."


"Wait, what exactly do you mean?"

"Sleep for 12 hours a day, playing fantasy games, reading fantasy books, and just being an all-around lazy pig for the last 20 or so years of your life. Your parents just recently kicked you out of their house and so you had to move out on your own. I mean, seriously. I don't think I've ever met someone as unmotivated as you are. It's almost impressive in a very weird way. And it just boggles me how even manage to sleep 12 hours a day?"

“...” For a moment, JJ was at a complete loss for words. This lasted for a moment before she could find a suitable retort, "I just do, shut up.”

“You are living in the 37th century AD, your life should be a breeze. Has something happened since the last time I came here in the 25th century?”

“Ooh, boy where do I even begin? A few centuries ago there was an alien invasion that we are still rebuilding from.”

“Wow, how did you manage to fend off an alien invasion that could travel such long distances. That seems rather unlikely.”

“In the history books, there was an individual that led the resistance just before the invasion hit. The human population on Mars did not get off easily either. Even though the female hero managed to drive them away for good, she remained unnamed even after her disappearance.”

“Oh, interesting. That is the stuff of legends.”

“That doesn’t matter, how dare you insult me! I had to get settled in today so that made me more tired than usual."

"You do realize that you unpacked 3 boxes today, out of dozens, just so you could spend half of your waking hours online? How exactly is that tiring?"

"It's tiring... mentally.” Was all that JJ could rebuke in the face of the sass that M hounded her for.

“Let’s talk more about your life, from what I see in my brief visit to your world, your technology doesn’t seem to be that much different from what it was the last time I visited, does this have something to do with that invasion you talked about earlier?”

“Yes, the war left our planet ravaged about a hundred times more than the three world wars. The survivors of that time went to go seek the mysterious stranger for help, but no one knew where she went. So, we had to do what we could with the technology that wasn’t destroyed and start anew. Over 500 years later, we are finally getting it back together.”

“While that may be the case, it seems like it is still vastly more advanced than anything in the 21st century.”

“Of course, you were there at that time?”

“No, I had a really great friend that shared a lot of his experiences with me, and vice versa,” M said sounding a bit sentimental.


“...Ok,” there was no other response, JJ felt.

“Just a question, even at this age, it seems as if you and a lot of others still hate your lives. Why is that?”

“To those that came before us, they may see us as very lucky, but once you live in it, it's still the same monotonous routine. We get sick of that, quite fast, so we immerse ourselves in the unrealistic and downright impossible to escape that trapped feeling we have.”

“Looks like I picked a pretty great mind this time around, even if you are a bit lacking in motivations. However, you are absolutely correct. When I came here to take away someone in the 3200’s they were sick of their life as well. At that time, you humans could have been said to be in a mega golden age of pretty much everything.”

“From what little I know, I believe later generations dubbed it the third renaissance.”

“Yes, even with all that discovery, a lot of people still wanted to be somewhere else. This is a lesson for you to learn, no matter the time period or place, everyone innately wishes they were somewhere else. As for the ones who are content with their place, well, those are far and few in between. Even someone like me, I wish I did not have the life that I am leading either. The closest we can get to that point is exactly what you have been doing, immersing yourself in the downright unrealistic all for the sake of an escape.”

“...Look, can we just get to the main point here? I don't really feel like talking with someone that I can't see. Can't you come out now?"

"Sorry little lady, I'm already here."

"How? I can't see you."

"You 3-dimensional beings see but don't feel. Wait. You humans gave up on that a long time ago. Right. Sorry about that. Anyway, I am a 4-dimensional being."

"What? Where am I first of all?"

"JJ, you are dead, basically. I am here to be your guide to the next realm of your existence and accompany you there for as long as I feel like it."

"How exactly did I die?"

"You died in your sleep, well, that or you died from loneliness. You never know." M said in a cackling and playfully mocking tone.

"Well, that's, hmmm. A new low."

"Oh, that is definitely one way to go about it. Look, you had very little in your previous life, may I interest you in a fantasy world? I'm sure you know the one, with dragons, dungeons, different classes, demons, mounts, all the good stuff. So, what do you say?"

"Eh… Nah. Just kill me. It seems like too much work."

"Yeah. Yeah. Wait.. hold on, no, what? How about I let you choose what character you reincarnate as? I'm sure you'd be more thrilled to do that, right?"

"Oh, that’s an interesting proposition. Are you saying that I will be able to make myself in the likeness of anyone that I can imagine?"

"Yea, I'm surprised you aren't pudgier looking with the diet and lifestyle that you chose. Must be good genes."

"Ah shut it, just bring it on. I can't wait!"

"Actually, I think I'll keep this as an incentive for you to do better in the world that I will be transporting you to."

"Aw, come on."

"For now, just brace yourself. This journey might be a little too much for your fragile mind, and close your eyes if you want to keep your sanity. Or don't, I'm not your babysitter."

As soon as JJ closed her eyes, she felt herself being fully grasped by something like a soft breeze and in just a few moments, she felt herself losing sense of all direction. A few moments pass and she felt curious as to what it was that M advised her not to look at. Once she opened her eyes, she saw that she was travelling among the stars with an invisible force enveloped around her. In a mere moment, she passed by a hundred billion stars. Countless stars later, she felt her travelling speed slow down dramatically. Over the course of the next hour, she witnessed her descent into a very, very purple world, also filled with water.

"Looks like you saw quite a lot of that journey. What do you think?" M asked as the force that pulled JJ all this way slowly set her to the ground.

"I feel so very insignificant. So empty, so unmotivated but on a cosmic level this time."

"Hah, figures. Well, at least you aren't as dumb as some of my other projects."

"Projects? Am I just a game to you?"

"Well, yeah, kinda. You are part of something that brings me much joy and entertainment. Anyway, go pick up that dagger that I have left for you. It's time for you to get your first kill."

"Uh, alright," JJ said as she picked up a dagger that looked like it was used about a century ago.

"Alright. Now, let's get you to a dungeon. Just keep walking forward, and I'll tell you when to stop."

JJ followed M’s directions as she felt giddy from having her deepest desires realized. It was something she had dreamed of for years. Even if she felt that M was a bit on the childish side, she didn’t want to argue with him at every turn. And so began, her life in a new world. With a higher being right by her side.

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