《Perfect Wish》Chapter 8
Here I am, lying in the bed and thinking near future and its possibilities. Gulp Its been two months since I forged my very first katana. In this time, I have managed to make twenty katanas and between forging and reading, I made great progress with my skills. Master even said my last five katanas came out to be of a higher quality. Even more, at this time with masters approximation of my katanas selling price, I worth more than a million! That means as soon as I sell the swords I will be reaching my first goal. Today is special in a different way too. Since I came to her shop, master will be, for the first time, getting out. Yeah, when I heard her, I thought she was joking but.. The reason why I think like this is that, she doesn't get out at all. Since I came here, even I didn't got out of the shop. You may ask, 'Where does she get the food you eat?', but that's simple enough to answer.
Its seems like she set up a system. Every week, someone leaves some food at the door. I never saw them though. And it seems like master even managed to make them increase amount of food they left without me noticing. 'That makes me thinking. If she can be this sneaky, how did she got caught to me that night? No! Bad thoughts, go away!' Every day, we just throw the thrash can at garden full, then take it back in empty. What she does about tax or other amenities.. I don't know yet, but I will definitely solve this mystery. Definitely.
Resolving myself, I got up from the bed and saw master coming with two bags in her hands. She put them down, and motioned for me to come. I went. Master then took one of the bags and opened it. Inside were lots of money. I looked at master quizzically. She nodded once. "This is the money you need for your friend. One million. I will give this to you in advance but I will take it back when we sell your swords with the cost of materials."
I nod quickly. "Yes master."
"Are you sure you want to do this by yourself? Its not safe you know."
"Yes master. There is something else. " She motioned me to continue. "I will need clothes for her."
"Do you know her height?"
"It should be about 180 cm." She nodded once. She went to the bedroom and returned with a set of clothes and a cloak.
"This should be big enough for her then. If not, just make her wear the cloak and come here quickly." I nodded, put the clothes in the bag and sling it across my shoulders. "Now go, and be quick. I will be going out after you came back." I took off.
When I got out I noticed, that I forgot to do something. To look at a frigging map! "Sigh." I looked around to find a remote place then I remembered the alley I ended up first time. That was remote enough and even though there were people passing nearby, no one seemed to get inside. I walked quickly but not too quick, so I don't get unnecessary attention. I got in the alley and found an inlet that I thought was good enough.
Until today, I didn't know how to sacrifice the money but when I touched the bag I felt a connection, that made me think its now in my possession. There was even a window that showed me that I am holding exactly one million Beli. 'I hope nothing happens to the bag.' I took out the clothes just in case and put them on the ground. I checked the alley one last time and quickly opened the follower menu. I picked the talents and looked at them one last time.
Bigger on the inside. Increase length by (Talent Level)*30 cm
Increases general visual acuity by ((Talent Level)*10)%
Increases thinking speed by ((Talent Level)*10)%
User will never lose their fitness.
Improves INT every level by (Talent Level)
Increases max physical stats gained by (Talent Level)*50 and training rate by ((Talent Level)*25)%.
Lets the user deduce others intents better. Effect capped by INT. Effect scales with CHAR and (Talent Level).
Increases Will related skill acquisition and power by ((Talent Level)*20)%
Increases sword related skill effect and improvement by ((Talent Level)*15)%
I nodded once, held the picture of her on my mind and started creation. Unexpectedly, there wasn't a bright light or a loud sound. For a second, there wasn't anybody in front of me, then there was. When I see the woman in front of me I couldn't help but whistle. She was just too beautiful. She had wavy dark red hair. They went down to her waist. Her eyes were equally dark red but there was specs of brown in it. Her breasts weren't as big as masters, but were still great. Her legs were long and toned. She looked at me carefully and said something but I didn't gave attention to it and continued to look at her crotch. She held my shoulders and I was going to look what she says but when she moved her hands, her breasts moved with it. Then I started staring there then she shook me stronger but I persevered. Then she got closer to me. Her chest pressed mine, she put her mouth on my ear and-
"MASTER!" Then I lost my balance momentarily. I looked at her but this time made sure to keep my eyes on not her body but on her face, which was equally captivating. Right when I was about to lose myself again she talked. "Master! There is some men coming here! I think they mean something bad."
I turned around while cursing myself for not bringing a katana with me but when I finished the motion, there wasn't anyone in the back. Then I carefully made my way out of the inlet and looked at the valley but there wasn't anyone. Feeling confused, I turned back but what I saw disappointed me to no end. "Ah, you got dressed."
She frowned "Of course I did. Since you didn't stop looking, I had to do it." I nodded. I looked at her more carefully. 'This looks very good too. Master surely gave me the best kind of clothes. Ah.. There was something I supposed to do, what was it. Oh well, lets just watch a little more and I will think about it.' She then reached at the ground but did it by bending her knees and when facing me so it wasn't as good as it could be. She then picked up a cloth from the ground and inspected it. 'A cloth! Fascinating. I wonder where did it came from.' Then put it on her shoulders. 'What! What kind of trick is this! What is this magic that can hide even that kind of beauty!'
"Sigh. Now I feel depressed."
She looked at my face "Master are you okay?" I wiped my drool from my face and looked at her. 'Oh, it seems cloths magic doesn't extend to her face. That's good.' "Master! If you start staring my face again I will start beating you. 'Ah, I will get a beating from such an angel. I wonder how it will feel when she punch my face or when she.. Shit!' I turned her my back quickly and felt my mental faculties restore itself. 'I shouldn't have made her too beautiful. What was I thinking.. Right it was something like When pirates see her, so much blood will go to their genitals that they will fail to raise their weapons. Though I never thought I would be effected like this. Even more, I can't help but get amazed at how beautiful I can make them.'
"Haahh. Sora, thank you for waking me up. If you didn't, I don't know what would happen."
"Well I know what would happen and you can be sure that you wouldn't like it. What happened anyway? At first, I thought it was your perverted nature that's interfering with your mind but I eliminated that possibility right away."
"Hmm. Why?"
She chuckled "You weren't erect master. So do you know what happened?"
"I-I think you are too beautiful. You are so beautiful that you may bewitch yourself by looking at a mirror. 'Then this should be Narcissus vol.2' Sigh. So be careful with who you show your face to okay? You don't want everyone that see you to become a zombie."
"That's.. Master, why did you do this?" She hissed. 'Shit, now I am in trouble.'
"I am sorry, I didn't know this would happen but I will do everything in my power to make it at least manageable for you. 'And me, otherwise I won't be able to make you happy or can I?' In the mean time, you can use your face as a weapon."
"Weapon? Hmm.. Yes, I think I understand. If that can work.. It almost make it worth it. Almost."
I motioned for her to follow (without looking of course) and started looking without waiting for a response of some kind. 'At least her voice doesn't bewitch.' Sigh “Now tell me what do you know about me and yourself." She then started explaining what she knows. It seemed like she was aware that she was created by me. I asked her if she was okay with it and she said she doesn't care. She knew about her talents and their effects. It seemed she knew about my character and my wants too, which was odd, or not. Other than that, she had common sense of this world, few other things too, but there was a thing that was very welcome. That was the fact that she had status screen too, and she can see it! She has skill windows, which means she can learn skills the same way I do!
After that, we made our way to the shop, talking about random things and my plans for future. When we arrived, I took out my shirt and gave it to her, then told her to hide her face if it gets necessary. When we were inside I couldn't see master, so I called for her. Then told Sora to stand on a shady part of the room. After she moved, master came and looked at me.
"So, where is your friend?" I pointed her to Sora. (Still not looking.) She looked where she was, frowned and started looking at her from bottom to top, when she came to the top, to her face, she froze and started drooling. 'I didn't really helped myself now did I?'
I tried to call for her to no effect. Then I told Sora to close her face. Luckily when she did, master came to herself. She wiped her drool, took a deep breath, beamed at Sora and said "So you are kids friend. I am sure you feel yourself dirty. Lets get in the bath so I can help you clean yourself." She started motioning Sora to come, so interjected.
"Master, stop!"
"Hmm? What happened- Oh, sorry kid you can't come." 'Now I would let her, so she learn her lesson but I needed her.'
"Master, that's not it. Sora has a .. special power."
She frowned, looked at me seriously and asked "What is it?"
"Sora can bewitch people, no, actually she bewitch every person that sees her body."
"What its.. " She frowned then her eyes gotten bigger. She then started to turn to Sora but stopped herself and asked "So, Sora. Did you eat any odd looking fruit when you are away?"
"Sigh. No, I didn't eat any devil fruit."
"Okay dear. Then you go on to the bath and clean yourself. Me and kid will talk about your situation, to see if we can do something for you."
"Okay." She started walking towards the bath but I stopped her by holding her wrist.
"Sora, before opening the water memorize where everything first and when you do, clean yourself your eyes closed okay?" She nodded without turning to me and went in the bathroom.
I looked at master. Her left hand were on her waist, her right hand were on her forehead. She turned to me. "Kid, don't tell me.. Her power doesn't work on herself right?"
"Its unlikely but we don't know for sure. So its best that we take caution." She slowly nodded. "Master. Do you know whats her.. power?"
"You are sure she didn't ate any devil fruit right?" I nodded. "Sigh. Then it must be Haki."
"Haki? Wait.. What? Are you sure master? I never heard about that type of Haki."
"World is vast kid and I felt a little Haki from her when I looked at her face so that is the only explanation." 'Damn! I just wanted her to be as beautiful as possible but.. wait, I can do it? I could make her shit lightning and I made her into a succubus. What is more, I can't get, you know, be effected by her power positively.'
"Sigh. But master, if its Haki, she should be able to control it right?"
She frowned. Nodded to herself and said "Its possible, but she needs training first and that could take months, or even years."
"Emm. Master. I didn't want you to learn it like this but.. she is like me."
"What do you mean?"
"She has the skills. So if you can write her a book about Haki, it should be possible for her to learn quickly."
"Sigh. I don't know. Its bad for her to be like this. Even though its a very powerful weapon.. I told you kid. I need to test her before deciding to teach her. I will test her when I return okay?" I nodded to her. She got out of the door and after some time, she came back with three man. She pointed some of the weapon piles and men made to take them. She sling her bag on her shoulders and came closer to me. She got closer to my ear and whispered. "By the way, you can make her happy." I looked at her, surprised that she would let me this easily but what she said next made things clear. "I will give this to you since I tried to make her happy first. So don't start filling my house with these friends of yours okay?" She smiled "And if she manages to control her power..Haaaahh. I want first."
'Like hell I would let you!' I folded my arms. "No. If master wants her first so badly, than she needs to take it with me."
She smiled at me. "Well that's surprising. I thought you would scream something like 'She is mine!' or something." Then she chuckled.
"Well master. There is nothing surprising. If she is mine and you are mine too, then there is no reason for me to get jealous." She raised her eyebrow at me then hugged me tightly.
"Well, kid! While I am gone, don't get out at night, don't talk the strangers, and don't eat anything they gave you." Hearing this, men chuckled.
I looked at masters back smiling and said before she got out. "Well, master. I hope I don't lose sight of justice either. Its hard to find it back." She visibly flinched but didn't stop. So I just smirked and look after her. When she is out of sight, I closed the door and started undressing. After that's done, I found a rag which I can use as a blindfold, tied it around my eyes and made my way to the bathroom. (Though not without hitting things left and right.) Then I knocked the door.
"Hmm. Master, what is it?"
I reached towards the sound with my hand "Sora, can you hold my hand a bit?"
She held my hand. I made a few arithmetic calculations on my head and I was okay. "Sora, I came to help you."
"Pfft. I know why you came master. I know your desires, you can't fool me." She guided me with her hand. When we reached the bath she asked "So, master. I am curious. How did you intended to make me happy hmm? What were you going to say to me?"
"Well, it was something like 'Soaps can't make you clean enough, so let me use my mouth or you can't clean your insides with your hands so let me use my trusty rod to do it."
She chuckled. "Master, that wouldn't work on normal woman, you know that right."
I chuckled back. "It doesn't matter, does it?" She then made me sit down, and started running the hand she is holding through her lips, her breasts, then her legs. I tried to use my other hand but she didn't let me.
"See master. I am very clean, so you don't need to use your mouth. And I am a virgin so you don't need to clean my insides either. But I see you are dirty, so I will first use my mouth to clean you up, then to clean your insides, I will use my trusty rod, so don't worry."
"Pfft. What do you mean your rod? You don't have a rod. I made sure of it on so many levels you wouldn't believe an-" She then gave something in my hand. It was a little soft, round on one side, had some kind of protrusions around it and- "What the hell is this thing?!" I threw it away.
"A rod master. I found it in here. I think it belonged to your master, but its now mine since I found it. So you can rest assured master. When I am done with you, you will be squeaky clean."
"That.. Don't do this! That's not what I desire! "
She chuckled. "That is not true master. I can feel your desires remember? So I know what you hid from everyone, from yourself. You want to be sucked and penetrated, so you can moan like a bitch. A happy bitch." Here she ran her hand on my ass. I couldn't help but start to shake.
"T-That's not true! You know it! I only want to make others moan not- not.."
She then started to laugh, all the while pushing that 'thing' to my skin. She stopped, took a deep breath and said "Oh, but master, it doesn't matter, does it?"
'I created a monster! How did this happen?!'
Unable to see any way out, I broke. "My ass, no. Sniff. My ass, my ass..." After a while I felt my blindfold loosening around my head and saw Sora fully clothed and her face hidden, save for her eyes. She looked at my eyes directly and said "That's!" She said, then threw the blindfold at me. "For giving me a stupid power!"
"Really? Is it over then?" She nodded. "Then can we do it? Pleeease." I gave her my best puppy eyes but she chuckled and shook her head. "Why?"
"First, I want you to look at me without getting stupid on our first time and second, I want a threesome with your master. If you can do it, then you can get it." She chuckled again. "I was normally going to use my mouth, but I don't feel like it now. But don't worry, I will let you hold my foot while we sleep. So count yourself lucky." She then went out of the bathroom and left me on the ground flabbergasted and naked.
Then I saw the 'rod' and started visioning the things master did with it. My son seemed to like what we saw, since he got up to see it better. I put my right hand on my son to pet it. Because he is such a good boy. Right when I was about to reach a rhythm I heard footsteps.
Sora came in, gave me a once over and said "If you do it yourself, I won't let you touch me for a month." Turned back and got out.
My hands started shake, my eyes stinging with only one question on my head.
"WHY ME?! WHY?!"
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