《The Promise of Yuuko Asahino - Volume 2》Chapter 2 - The World That Exists One Step At A Time
Part 1
As the girl began walking towards the street ahead of them, Yuuko found himself conflicted. It was wrong to follow people, but he felt it especially wrong since he was following a girl.
“Still…” he whispered to Toshi. “I still want to know why…..why……”
Why. There were many reasons why. There were so many reasons that he couldn’t even think of one….well, that wasn’t entirely true.
I want to know………why you always look down!
It was a miracle she could even tell where she was going. Through the narrowly lit orange streets, she passed by houses and stores without even acknowledging their presence.
It was as if the world existed one step at a time for her.
As she was walking, Yuuko and Toshi took great care in hiding behind garbage bins and the corners of the walls. The girl stopped in front of a small convenience store that couldn’t have been more than three or four blocks from the park; and the pair silently hid behind the corner of another store twenty meters down the block. Taking a risk, Yuuko peeked around the corner to find something very strange.
“She is…..fixing her hair?”
It was less fixing and more….swiping? Clawing?
In front of the convenience store’s window, Yuya was violently tugging down on a piece of hair that stood up at the top of her head. Licking the palm of her hand, she pulled the hair all the way down the side of her head, and then pushed it behind some other loose hair. She had a triumphant look on her face, until the strand exploded out of the side and stood straight back up again, which made her look angrily at it. Now that it was obvious, Yuuko could remember seeing that at the school yard earlier today; it was less…...firm, but definitely still there.
Her hair is messy though….. why does she care about that piece?
In a way, Yuuko thought it suited her, since her hair looked messy in an organized way; like she just woke up, but still looked nice. The girl repeated this process another two times before kicking the wall in frustration and stomping inside the store.
“No no boy,” he said, holding back a curious Toshi. “We can not follow her in there, she would see us..”
And it was true, if they were to go any closer Yuya would undoubtedly see them when she leaves. From behind his hiding place across the street, he wouldn’t be able to see the inside of the store, but he would be able to see her when she leaves.
Even with all the thoughts and questions bursting in his head, Yuuko still thought about how she was able to do this. His own mom would be angry with him if she knew he was out this late, especially if he was alone like she is. There was the occasional person that passed by, but that would worry his mother even more.
Does she always do this after school?
Finally, the girl left the shop with a small bag in her hand, and continued making her way down the street. After she turned the corner, Yuuko immediately ran as quietly as he could, with Toshi following close at his heels. Peeking around the corner, he saw her walking at the far end of another street, except this one….
“There are no lights here!” he whispered in a furious tone to his dog. “Toshi this isn’t safe, what is she doing!”
While it wasn’t entirely true, the street had much less light than where they were just a few moments ago.
Why are you here, and stop looking down— it’s dangerous!
Using the same routine, Yuuko followed her at a distance, moving as fast as he could while doing his best to not make any unnecessary noises. The pair of them walked another two streets like this, and perhaps it was his imagination, but the roads seemed to go on for much longer the more he tailed her.
This was until they reached their destination.
“Why…..are we back here?”
Distracted by the fact they had returned, Yuuko nearly walked into the streetlight, but ducked behind a vending machine as he caught himself.
From there, he could see her.
She was sitting on a bench that was on the left side of the tree she leaned against ten minutes ago. He hadn’t noticed it before since the brick wall he hid behind was to her right; the tree had blocked that view. Setting down her backpack, Yuuko took the opportunity to get a closer view. Now hiding behind a nearby brick wall as she opened it, Yuuko could see her bring out a small, clear container; there were small pieces of food inside.
But something didn’t look right.
He strained his eyes and noticed that it wasn’t food she had, it was a desert. Small, round balls of bread that looked like….
The moment she opened the container, he could hear a faint rumbling sound that he recognized immediately. It was a sound that every person knew, because it happens to everyone.
“Bu….I already fed Toshi…..and I’m not hungry right now……”
The girl held her stomach as she took a piece of bread with her fingers and brought it to her mouth. During lunch at school, he remembered that he saw the girl…..he definitely saw her staring out of the window.
But now that he thinks about it, he never saw her eat anything.
The girl finished her first piece of cake, picking up another and placing it in her mouth. Cake always made Yuuko smile, but the girl looked the same as ever. More than that though, he noticed that she did the same thing as Toshi when he first met him. The way she ate— it was so slow…. he would even call it delicate. He didn’t know how to put it into words, but it looked almost exactly like that time—— when Toshi was still scared of people.
In a sudden jump that surprised both Yuuko and Toshi, the girl jolted away from the bench, bits and pieces of the cake fell from her lap and scattered in the dirt. At that moment, a sound from the bushes to the side of Yuya rustled out, revealing a small squirrel that came from its shadow.
Yuya looked at it as it made its way to dirt-stained food, taking the largest piece of cake it could find, and returning to the bushes it came from. The whole thing lasted maybe nine seconds.
She stood there for a long time, staring at the dirt. Yuuko wanted to stand up, to go to her and tell her that it would be okay….but he didn’t.
He didn’t move because neither did she.
Yuya was still standing, still looking down, but there was no reaction. Yuuko couldn’t see anything on her face. At school she became angry when she talked to him, and in the window of the corner store, just a few minutes ago, she was furious at the strand of her hair that wouldn’t brush down. Now, as her stomach made a violent rumble, she said nothing. No whimper. No anger. No action.
She didn’t even cry.
When he almost hit her….when Mr. Eikyo was helping her stand up again, he looked back. He saw her face. When she stood back up again…..she had no tears then either. She had been shaking— trembling— her face scrunched up in the saddest way
But tears never came.
Yuuko stayed in his spot as he watched the girl slowly leave the park, going in the opposite way she walked the first time.
He stayed under the faint orange light for another few minutes, until the girl disappeared, before ripping open his backpack and yanking out a white journal. Since it was still the start of the school year, there was nothing written in it— just what he needed.
“—̶—̸—̷—̵—̶ them Yuuko.”
“Come on Toshi,” he said with the journal under his arm. “We have an opportunity.”
Part 2
“Alright, that’s the bell. Does anyone have any questions before we break for lunch?”
“I do!” said a boy with a cut over his eyebrow. “Sensei, can you buy me lunch!?”
Mr. Eikyo sighed as the children gave a collective laugh and separated into their groups for lunch.
Well, I guess it’s natural for them.
This was Hiroka’s second year teaching this particular group of students, and in the past year they had all built an excellent relationship with each other. The students would comment or question silly things, play pranks, and act out, but they’re children. At heart, they’re good kids.
That’s what she believed, so he wanted to believe it too…….but it always contradicted what he saw.
Her beliefs always did so.
The students had pushed their desks together as he left for the teacher’s lounge, greeted by his colleagues as he found his designated space. No sooner had he sat down than a student opened the door to the lounge to greet him.
“Hello sir….did you want to see me?”
“I did, sorry about cutting your lunch short, but this shouldn’t take long, and I need to know what happened.”
He shook his head. “It is okay sir, I understand.”
Pulling up a chair for the young boy, Hiroka looked around for anyone that would overhear the conversation. In the world of education, discussion of these sorts of topics with students is of the utmost taboo; it couldn’t be avoided when it happened, but no one ever wants to hear that.
Of course, he had no intention of discussing the topic of Yuya’s life with Yuuko, but it was his responsibility as a teacher to understand what happened.
Even if I’m not cut out for this….even if this is all I can do…
“Let’s start from the very top. Yuuko, I imagine you know why you’re here.”
“Did you hit Yuya yesterday afternoon?”
“N-No, I did not! I didn’t sir, honest!”
“SHhhhh,” he said, looking around them once more. “Yuuko, keep your voice down.”
“I…...am sorry….”
He gave a sigh as he pulled open a drawer from his desk. The contents inside were filled with various papers and documents, but there was only one Hiroka needed. Pulling it out, folder and all, he quickly scanned it and spoke.
“I understand that, at your previous school, you got in trouble for a similar problem. You pushed a student down the stairs and got suspended fro—”
“It is different this time sir, really!” At his outburst, Mr. Eiyko stared at him from behind the paper, and Yuuko quickly brought his legs up to his chest, burying his mouth in it.
“It’s different this time, is it?”
“Ye…….well, n-no…..I do not think… it is……”
He gave a sigh as he set down the folder.
“Yuuko, if you struck another student, then I can help, but I need to know what happened. Katsuo didn’t know anything, so I need the story from you.”
“I did not hit her…………….but I almost did.”
Hiroka wasn’t surprised by his answer in the least. He’d suspected something like that from yesterday, but this was the only way he knew how to get the whole truth.
“What do you mean ‘almost’?”
“Last year, my….friend….Hajimu was in trouble with people. One of the kids was about to hurt him, so I pushed him away. I did not mean to hurt him…..”
“Then yesterday, did you mean to hit Yuya?”
“You understand that can get you sent out of school, right?”
“........yes sir……….”
“So why were you about to hit her?”
That was logically the next question to get the full story, but a flash of a girl with warm brown eyes and a bright smile flashed through his mind. It wasn’t the question she would ask. That girl has a problem in her life…….and yet Yuuko…..
The right question.
“Why didn’t you hit her?”
“You said about to. Why didn't you hit Yuya?”
Yuuko brought his legs down to the floor again, scratching the back of his head as he did so.
“She reminds me of my dog.”
The semi-combed hair Hiroka famously wore fell in front of his eyes as they popped out of his head. This was quite a feat considering most people complimented his large, friendly eyes. But at the moment…..
“…….come again?”
“She reminds me of my dog, Toshi.”
ahhhhhhhhhh……….yes yes, I see I see— this is how it feels for a brain to stop functioning.
“Um, Yuuko….ah, you’re not supposed to say that about gi—”
“Toshi was scared too.”
“Yuuko…..what did you say?”
“Toshi, he was scared too.”
He was defenseless.
No speech, no words, no actions could articulate the feeling of having a closely guarded secret blown wide open. Right in front of him.
A secret known to only the principal, and himself.
“What do you mean…..she was scared?”
“Toshi was scared of people too. He got hurt living by himself in an alley. When Hajimu was about to hit him….and when he did hit him…..Toshi was scared. Yuya looked the same way Toshi did that time.”
There was no possible way. Hiroka, hearing those words, thought there was no fathomable way for something like this to happen.
That smile, her warm smile, spoke those words into his heart.
“There are definitely people like that, and there are definitely children who will become like that.”
“Before ours comes, I’ll prove it to you— because it’s likely they’ll meet cruel enemies, they have to hear about those two things. And once they do…..”
Mizuha….. if you’re right…..why this child?
“U-Umm, yes, Yuuko?”
“Why did you not ask Yuya? Did you talk to her yesterday?”
…… and just what does he see through those eyes?
“I….I did. But Yuuko, that’s not really of any concern to you, so you don’t have anything to worry about.”
“But I am.”
He gave a confused smile at the student. “You’re worried?”
“I feel…..bad… about almost hitting her. I want to say sorry, but maybe she does not want to talk to me….”
“That’s…. maybe she’ll come around. As for why I didn’t ask for her to come in and speak to me today, I already did so yesterday.”
“Is she in trouble..?”
“No no, nothing like that. Yuya has….special circumstances, so I think it would be wise you don’t speak to her in school for a lit—”
“Ohh! Then, sensei, can you tell me where she lives so I can see her!?”
Yuuko covered his mouth and stomped his foot in frustration.
“I’m sorry Mr. Eikyo, I interrupted.”
“No, I mean that’s okay, but why do you want to find out where she lives?”
“So I can see her and say sorry! A he—— a man should say sorry and fix the bad things about himself! If I can’t talk to her here, I’ll visit her!”
“Don’t!” he said in a voice much louder than he intended, it even sent Yuuko stepping backwards from the surprise. He looked around, thankfully none of his colleagues had noticed.
“Yuuko, I’m really sorry, but when I said she has circumstances, I mean that……….”
“Because it’s likely they’ll meet cruel enemies, they have to hear about those two things……”
Then I’ll put my faith….in you.
“Yuuko, Yuya has a hard time with people. Children grow up differently, and sometimes they don’t always get what’s best. If you visit her, that may make things worse, for both you and her.”
“I see.......then, can you see her and say sorry for me?”
“…….I can’t do that either.”
He could tell by his student’s confused face. If he didn’t explain at least a little bit right now, it might backfire later.
“I’ve tried looking into her situation, but it’s delicate. The principal…….” he gave a sigh. “I want the best for her too, but I’m limited in what I can do because every action, good or bad, has consequences. If I intervene, especially as a member of the school, I’ll make things worse.”
“But why?”
“Wanting to do good things doesn't mean that’s what’s best. That’s why you just need to give her time and patience. After that, try again some other time, okay?”
“…….father said…..”
“Sorry Yuuko, I couldn’t hear you,” he said, leaning in closer. “Did you say something?”
“That’s…..what father said. I can always try again.”
“And he’s right!” He said, a relieved smile on his face from the change in topic.
“Father said I would have to fight for good…..that’s why I was about to hit her yesterday…..I had to help my friend..”
“Hmh, your father sounds like a wise man! But he wouldn’t want you doing that to a girl that was on the floor and helpless, right? Especially now that you know she’s having a hard time.”
“He’s dead.”
“I’m sorry to hear.”
Hiroka didn’t register himself saying those words. As soon as Yuuko spoke, he felt his conscious take a backseat to instinct; his condolences came naturally. On the outside, he didn’t react, he couldn’t, given the shock of what he’d just heard. His brain was going a thousand miles a second. He understood what he’d just heard, but he didn’t understand it. It made no sense. This child never showed the signs.
Or maybe he did….but he never saw them?
“Father died last year, but he told me I had to fight. I saw an opportunity when Yuya was hitting Katsuo.”
“I….I see.”
But he didn’t understand.
“Do you miss him?”
The entire conversation, Yuuko had been looking face to face with him. Occasionally he would become distracted with a flying bird through the window, or a person leaving the lounge, but as soon as he spoke the question, Yuuko looked down at the floor. There was almost no delay.
Another mistake.
“Yuuko, come on now, let’s get back to—”
The child sprang out of his seat, flinging open the door and bolting into the hallway— all while looking at the floor.
“Wait, Yuuko!”
His arm outstretched, he stood up from his chair and caught the sliding door before it shut completely; just in time to peer out of the door and see Yuuko rounding the corner. He followed as quickly as he could, and by the time he made it to the end of the hallway, the only sign of life was a bathroom door that slowly swung shut.
Taking his time to walk there, he cursed himself to no end. There was no word in the dictionary with a negative meaning he didn’t call himself, but most of all, he resented the fact he had been so careless.
He was horrible at his job. In his heart of hearts, he felt nothing but failure in his work as a teacher.
“That’s not true, you promised me you wouldn’t say those things anymore.”
What do you expect from me? I can’t hide the truth…..this just proves it.
Carefully opening the door, he could immediately see a pair of small feet inside one of the stalls. He took a deep breath, but that didn’t prepare him for the consequences he knew would come. Maybe it’s fitting, in a way. He would finally be fired and prove to himself that he wasn’t capable of achieving her dreams.
“Yuuko?” he said, gently knocking on the stall. “Yuuko, I’m sorry if I said anything…...that hurt you. I never meant to…..are you okay?”
No response came from inside, but that was to be expected. He mentioned his father had died last year; psychologically speaking, to a child, that’s comparable to both yesterday, and a lifetime ago.
But he never saw that information written down anywhere on his file….
“Yuuko?” he asked once more. “If you need to take your time in there, I understand, just say the word and I can—”
“Sensei, class is starting now, right?”
A child with gold, shimmering eyes opened the stall door….and surprised him. Truth be told, he expected the worst, but he looked no different than he did minutes ago.
No…..that’s wrong.
His eyes weren’t bloodshot in the least, he didn’t shake nor did his voice quiver. He opened the door as though he were normally greeting….well, his teacher.
He greeted him with a large smile.
As he slipped by the side of his legs, he turned back and spoke. “I am going to wait in the classroom! Do not be late sensei, lunch is almost over!”
Without so much as a hint of sarcasm or malice in his voice, he exited, leaving his teacher in a daze. He stood there for a long time, funneling his thoughts. He took a deep breath. The longer he thought about it, the clearer it became.
Yuuko Asahino is the transfer student who immediately became friends with his classroom, minus the one person who had problems herself.
Mizuha…..I know why it’s this child.
As he walked down the hall, one step at a time, the answers became clearer to him.
And as he returned to his students, one step at a time, the questions became murkier.
Part 3
“That’s my plan! What do you guys think!?”
“I…… I think it’s not a super good idea. What if she sees us?”
“She’s……….kind of scary.”
“That’s why we need to try again! I really think it’ll work this time!”
The trio stood outside the front doors of the school under the afternoon sky.
It was pure coincidence that Yuuko had wanted to talk to Katsuo and Red after school, just as the latter two wanted to do the same with him. After changing shoes, they went outside where Katsuo enthusiastically wanted to talk first, but was interrupted by his friend who wished to present an idea for an “opportunity”. Eagerly speaking, it was hard to keep up with him he was talking so fast. By the end of his explanation, his friends seemed hesitant to accept his offer.
“She’s a bully Yuuko, she’s just going to get mad and try to hit us like last time.”
“I—I know, but maybe if we help, she’ll be different this time!”
“You……..really think so?”
“Ye—!” He paused before finishing. “……..I……..I think so.”
“……..still, I—” the girl stopped her words as a hand found itself on her shoulder.
“I don’t know either Red, but Yuuko’s my friend, and sometimes you have to trust your friends.” He said, turning to meet the person in question. “If you think this will help her be nice to people, and stop being a bully, then I’ll go with you.”
He nodded as he turned his attention back to the girl. “It’s okay if you don’t want to come, Red. We’ll be alright,” he said, giving her a grin filled with confidence.
The girl looked down with a blush, only to lift it once more, giving her answer.
“I want to go too. Maybe…maybe we really can help!”
He felt a sense of relief in having his friends agree. He was about to head towards the gate when a certain hand tugged on his backpack.
“Hold it there mister! You were awfully selfish, not letting your new friend give his gift to you.”
Yuuko’s face flushed at remembering Katsuo also had something to say; he was rude again.
“I’m sorry Katsuo, I’m trying to fix it, really.”
“Well, hopefully this’ll help!”
Reaching into his backpack, he quickly pulled something out and tossed it to Yuuko before he could properly react. He clumsily caught it in his hands after fumbling.
“A muffin?”
“The muffin I told you I’d get you yesterday! Remember?”
“You remembered?”
“Yeah, didn’t you?”
“I…...thanks, but— why?”
His friend gave another confident smile as Red interrupted by pointing in the distance.
“She’s leaving, we have to go or we’ll lose her.”
* * * * *
It became much warmer as the day went on, so much so that the children had to remove their backpacks lest their backs become moist and uncomfortable. Katsuo removed the red hoodie he was wearing too; it was all strange given the fact that it was only mid-April.
“She hasn’t moved from under that tree in forever,” Red sighed. “Can we go up and talk to her now?”
“Maybe we should wait a little bit more…”
“You don’t sound sure.”
“I saw her buying food yesterday…..but it was later than right now.”
“It would feel weird to watch her until nighttime…it kind of feels weird now.”
“I know, but it will definitely help.”
The trio were stationed behind a store on the other side of the park where they managed to keep a rather clear view of the girl sitting in the shade. It wasn’t such a bad place to hide since they also kept somewhat out of the sun. Glancing to his side, Yuuko noticed that Red pulled her hair into a ponytail, sticking pins into the parts the hair escaped down the sides of her neck or onto her face.
“Hey, how did you guys become friends anyway?”
“Me’n Red?”
Katsuo placed a hand on his chin and closed his eyes, making a deep *hmmm* sound as he faked being lost in thought.
“I don’t know. Red, do you remember?”
“Wh— I——I don’t—” Red looked to one side, stammering as her face matched her nickname.
“Hey hey,” his friend said, approaching her. “You’re turning all red, Red. Are you okay?”
He placed a hand on her forehead while she made strange sounds. Out of nowhere, she closed her eyes and spoke so fast Yuuko wasn’t entirely sure if he heard her right.
“Oh yeah!” he said, practically bursting from the concrete. “She was reading this book where a group of kids go to another world— I was telling her how awesome that would be!”
“katsuoooo!” the girl in the against the wall squealed, hiding her head underneath her arms.
“But it’s a cool story! Doesn't it sound like one, Yuuko?”
“A group of kids in another world?”
“Yeah yeah! They go and meet all sorts of evil things, like a witch! Oh! But they also meet people that help them, like a lion! They learn to be heroes!”
“This book is one of my favorites! It has a few kids your age in it!”
“Ohhhh! Father, are they heroes!?”
“I don’t know,” he laughed. “Let’s find out!”
“I like that story too.” he told the heavily blushing girl.
She peaked through the gap in her arms, interested in his words.
“You…..read it too?”
“My fa—” he choked. Before either one of them could react, Yuuko hunched forward and rose again, holding a thumbs up and a bright smile. “My father showed it to me! It was one of his favorite ones!”
“Ohhh, Yuuko, I didn’t know you and your dad liked those kinds of stories too.”
“I love reading them,” spoke Red, her defensive posture now gone. “Why do you like them?”
“I….I love hero stories…!”
“Maybe that’s why you helped out Toshi that one time too! OHH! AND YOU MENTIONED IT IN CLASS!”
“Yeah, yeah! That being a man is kind of like being a hero!”
“You know Yuuko, that’s part of the reason Katsuo started talking to you!” Two pairs of eyes turned towards her— one holding curiosity, the other holding terror. “He said he always wanted to try being one, but he never could find someoOH—”
A hand quickly found its way over her mouth, and the familiar color of red returned to Red’s face as she began to violently fidget.
“AhAhAHA, ah— ahhh just ignore that Yuuko! She feels kind of sick today, remember?!”
“…….say,” he said, the smile disappearing from his face. “If I have it with me, do you guys want to rea—”
Red pointed with enthusiasm he didn’t know a person could have while being unable to talk; and it was clear what she was pointing to. The three of them turned their attention to a person moving across the street, specifically a girl with short, black hair that had a strand sticking from the top.
The three of them hurriedly crowded around the corner of the building, watching as the girl made her way to a nearby convenience store.
“Now’s our chance! Yuuko, Red, let’s hurry!”
Without wasting any time, Red began following the girl as Yuuko and Katsuo made their way to the tree she always stood beneath. Quickly dropping his backpack, Katsuo unzipped the top while Yuuko pulled a letter out of his own.
They looked towards the convenience store and saw Red, looking inside the store from its corner, holding a thumbs up behind her.
“I’m glad I brought extra muffins.”
“I did not know you could bake Katsuo, that is actually really cool.”
“Ahah, well, to be honest I didn’t make all of these…..most of these. Red helped me out with them when I said I wanted to give you one to make up for yesterday. They’re really hers, but she’s nice and wouldn’t let me tell people that.”
“……but you just told me.”
A distant look filled his eyes. “Yeah…umm….don’t tell her I said that.”
Looking back, they saw Red making aggressive hand gestures neither of them could make out. Quickly taking cover in the bushes, Red ran behind the store as the boys prepared a small stone. As the girl exited the store, she began walking further down the street— they needed to get her attention.
Yuuko threw the stone as hard as he could, aiming for the metal bench on the other side of the park. It didn’t go far at all, in fact, it only ended up about halfway. As she began walking further away, Yuuko began looking for another stone before Katsuo ran out of the bushes holding a rock almost as big as his hand.
“Wait, Katsu—”
From about halfway across the park, Katsuo threw the rock as hard as he could, and the sound reverberated with a huge *CLANG* that he could clearly hear from inside the bushes. He just barely made it back inside the bushes before Yuya walked back enough to notice the noise— and then she spotted what was under a very familiar tree.
As she came closer, Yuuko could see she had a drink in her hand. Maybe she’d decided to save the daifuku for later?
Moments later, she was directly in front of them. Setting down her drink, she picked up the objects with both hands, tossing the letter to the side while examining the food.
……….I……...I guess that’s oka——
“You stole that money.”
Katsuo and Yuuko gave each other worried looks from inside the shrubbery— they knew that voice. It wasn’t part of the plan for Red to talk to Yuya.
“You stole that money from Shinra-chan today!”
Yuya didn’t seem fazed by her words, but it was obvious to all of them that it was hard for her to speak; her entire body shook as she spoke.
“And? I needed it.”
“You shouldn’t steal from people, she didn’t eat lunch today because you stole it!”
“So she didn’t eat lunch. Big deal,” she said, setting down the muffin she was about to eat. “Why are you here anyway?”
“Because we were here to give you that muffin as a way to say sorry! As a way to be nice!”
Even though Yuuko couldn’t see her eyes directly, even he could feel the coldness that hit the area around them all of a sudden. As soon as she spoke those words.
“…….to be nice? Are you making fun of me!?”
Her tone instantly turned bad, and the two of them could see Red flinch away as Yuya tossed the food to one side, making her way closer to her.
The next thing Yuuko knew, Katsuo was standing in front of her, arms spread wide out.
“You’re not going to hurt Red.”
“Why are you here!? ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!?!”
“We wanted to do something for you, Red and I handmade those muffins, and someone thought it would be nice for you to have one too.”
“Who thought that? I’ll beat them up too!”
“We wanted to do something nice, why can’t—”
Yuuko opened his eyes wide as he stood waist high above the bushes and watched Katsuo take the blame.
“It was my idea, so don’t hit Red.”
But as he spoke, he looked at Yuuko. It was a look Yuuko didn’t recognize…..he felt that it was important. Was he telling him……..to leave?
He maneuvered his way through the bushes as Katsuo followed with his eyes.
“I told you to GO AWAY ALREADY!”
“It was my idea.” he said, from behind her. She visibly jumped and nearly fell onto the floor. “It was my idea to give you a muffin to say sorry for yesterday. I’m sorry about almost hitting you and for scar—”
“We were trying to say sorry,” said the girl with shoulder-length hair. “We’ll…. go away.”
“Then STAY away!”
Looking down at her feet, she grabbed with food that had fallen and threw it with all her might at the girl. Looking behind him and turning just as quickly, Katsuo jumped towards the object, letting it hit him square in the face. Yuuko thought she must be as strong as people say, because Katsuo ended up laying in the dirt afterwards.
“And you!” She said, turning her attention to Yuuko. “I thought maybe we were the same, but we’re nowhere close! I don’t want your niceness and I don’t want pity! You and your friends STAY AWAY FROM ME!” She shouted at the top of her lungs while picking up her backpack and leaving. As she walked, she stood above the boy on the ground. She walked next to Red, growling something to her before Katsuo grabbed her leg, looking straight at her.
The girl swept her foot from his grip, causing his head to fall face first into the dirt. She walked off without another word while Yuuko and Red checked on their friend.
“Katsuo, are you okay!?”
“Katsuo, friend!”
“I-I’m okay,” he said, sitting up and furiously rubbing his nose. “She throws really hard— that girl is strong.”
“I’m sorry guys…….this happened because I said something to her….”
“That’s not true,” Katsuo said, meeting her eyes. “It’s true she takes peoples’ money, but for her to buy things for herself is…….it’s just as bad!”
“It’s my fault,” spoke the boy with golden eyes. “This was my plan…….I just want to know why during all that she was still looking—!”
“It’s not your fault either Yuuko,” Katsuo said as his friends pulled his hands up. “But I think we should leave her alone. We tried our best. Even all the times people have tried making friends with her in class, it doesn't work. She hates people.”
“But…...she was looking down the whole time…..”
“She….she said she doesn't want our niceness.” Red offered. “Maybe we really should just leave her alone.”
“Yuuko, Yuya has a hard time with people.”
Why do things get hurt?
And why does she always look down?
“I am sorry….to both of you…...it was my idea but you got hurt…..”
“Yeah, but it’s alright! We tried, and Eikyo sensei always says that’s all that matters!”
He didn’t register himself looking down until Katsuo spoke those words. He looked up to see Red handing him his fallen backpack.
“Thank you..for saving me…….”
“It’s no problem!” He said with almost a laugh. “Are you hurt?”
“I should be asking you that!” She said on her toes. “Let’s get you home, you might have cuts or bruises!”
“Yeah yeah, I’ll be okay,” he said waving off her concern and turning his attention. “Yuuko, do you want to come to my place with us!?”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun! I haven’t had anyone to play games with since Red came over, but she always loses every game we play.”
“You never go easy on me!”
“You can’t go easy when you play video games, ask anyone— right Yuuko?”
“Huh? Oh…right. I am sorry guys, but I need to do…….something….”
“Aw man, you’re busy?”
“Kind of...yes?”
“W-Well then, I guess I have to take care of Katsuo by myself,” Red spoke without looking at either of them.
“Geez...well, next time for sure!”
“Ahh, y-yes! Next time..!”
Unexpectedly, Katsuo walked up to Yuuko and put a hand to his shoulder.
“And don’t feel bad about Yuya. We tried our best, but bullies can’t be helped.”
“Still, I think it’s super cool of you to try Yuuko! Just like how you helped Toshi, just like a real life hero!”
“Well then, we should go before it gets any later,” he said, returning to Red. “See you at school tomorrow!”
“Bye Yuuko,” said the girl waving her hand.
“S—See you guys……...friends….” he whispered his last word so quietly, he wasn’t even sure he said it.
He stood there for some time, letting the sun get lower, bathing him in the light of a setting sun. He didn’t have much time to make his decision, but he couldn’t help it— his body felt too heavy. It’s true that Yuya is a bully. It’s true she hurts people, it’s true she hurt his friend.
Even so…….why!
He forced the weight to the side of his chest, making him turn and burst into a run.
If she wants people to leave her alone—then why does she have that look on her face!?
The wind brushed his hair back as he hurdled towards the direction the girl went earlier. His heart throbbed with pain as he tried to gain more speed, fighting against the weight that tried to make him stop and lay down.
His muscles became sore as he thought of he and his friends’ attempt to help her, and the weight doubled, nearly causing him to trip. The sun dipped a little lower, and shadows became longer— the temperature, just a bit cooler.
But none of that mattered.
He forced the weight inside of him to go into his legs, grinding his shoes against the asphalt with a noise level that nearly caused him to be heard by her.
Yes, none of that mattered when he asked himself that question.
Why…………..do things get hurt?
The girl was standing against a lamppost, idling in front of a house at the end of the street.
He wasn’t entirely sure where they were. The area around them looked….astoundingly normal. There were houses lined all along the street, and absolutely nothing looked out of the ordinary about them. Except for one thing. The house the girl was standing in front of was the only house with extra fencing around it.
Yuuko took cover by a fence that was close to where the girl was standing, though it wasn’t easy quieting his steps.
The girl kicked at the ground with her shoe, but the movement caused a tear on the bottom of her backpack to open; dumping its contents out the street. She sighed as she picked up her things, one by one, stacking them into a pile.
A light turned on in the house the girl stood in front of, but she didn’t seem to notice; instead, when she was done, she tightened a string on the bottom of her backpack before putting everything back inside. Though her back was faced towards him, he could see her shoulders moving as they worked, and pause when she saw a certain object.
It was too far away for Yuuko to see clearly, but he knew what it was, and he almost smiled. Until an open door illuminated the girl in faint yellow light.
“Ohh, I thought someone was out here, but who’d’ve thought it was a little girl! Have you seen her before?”
“Never in my life,” said a woman with neck-length black hair. She walked closer with each word until she was face to face with Yuya. “What are you doin’ out here so late little girl? It’s dangerous you know.”
“Ahhh, Meyoshi, is she lost?”
“N-No! I’m no—t, I-I-I just dropped my bo—oks!”
“Hmmmm, so where do you live?”
“T-That way!” She pointed to the direction she and Yuuko came from.
“Ahhh, Meyoshi, does this mean we have to walk her there?” A woman with long yellow-orange hair spoke until she was next to the woman with black hair.
“Nah, don’t worry about it Neia, I can take her.”
“Oh thank goodness,” she said putting her hands up to her face. “Sorry I can't go with you, but you know me and kids.”
“I know,” laughed the woman with short hair. “That’s why I said I’d take her.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Don’t be late.” She winked.
“Of course,” the woman with long hair laughed as she walked away. “Oh, and kid, don’t get lost, seriously. Lots of news lately about people disappearing you know!”
The woman she talked to, Meyoshi, let out a laugh so loud Yuuko could feel it in his bones.
“Now you’re just being mean.”
“Whatever! It’s true, and you like it.”
“Get out of here so I can take this kid home.”
The woman let out no response as Yuuko hid behind the fence completely to avoid being seen. As he heard footsteps growing further away, he turned back to a shrill voice that caused him to shirk back.
“Why the hell are you back here when you know I still have my visitor?!”
He didn’t notice when he curled half his body into a ball.
“I...I didn’t have...my tree had people by it an—”
“Tree? People? You think I care about that when you nearly got me caught?!”
Yuuko turned the corner to see the woman with black hair clutching onto Yuya’s arm. The light was dim, but he thought he saw wrinkles on the spot her arm was being grabbed.
The house light down the road turned on, and this didn’t go unnoticed by the woman.
“Get inside. Now.”
She got up, pulling the girl along with her until Yuya stopped. It looked like she hit an invisible wall, her stop was so sudden.
“Get. Inside.”
He could hear the teeth that grounded against each other with those two words. But Yuya didn’t move.
“I—I’m sorry...please——I”
“I won’t do it again, please no! Please Mom I’m sor—”
He didn’t see it. Yuuko turned around almost immediately after Yuya stopped walking. He didn’t see it.
But he didn’t need to. He recognized the sound.
That horrible sound that he heard that time. The sound of skin being split open. The sharp pain that hurts even if you only hear it.
...she knows it.
With a shaking hand, Yuuko covered his mouth, and looked inside the palm of the other— it was covered in lines.
“Inside. I’ll deal with you after I find out whether or not she thinks anything.”
The door closed normally. The door closed inside a normal house, on a normal street.
Yuuko stood up with difficulty. Even though it was warm earlier in the day, he felt cold. His skin was covered in bumps.
Why was it so cold?
I want to throw up...
He forced himself not to look at the ground. He forced himself to look up, to begin his way home.
But putting one foot in front of the other was harder than it seemed.
* * * * *
The mattress made an awful grating when she sat on it— but she got used to it. It used to bother her, because it bothered her mother, but with time she started to find comfort in the sound of sitting on top of it.
She never knew why.
The clock on the microwave read "10:49"— her mom should be going to bed soon.
The creaking sound became louder for just a second as she jumped off and reached for her bag in the corner. She liked the smallness of the room, the bed took up most of the space so the only places she could put things was in the corner next to the door and her closet— but that was taken up by clothes her mother wouldn’t let her touch.
Sitting on the floor, she slid it close to her and tightened the string at the bottom once more before opening the zipper.
Inside was a muffin, covered in small specks of rock from the concrete outside, and one other thing. She set the food down to one side and opened the letter that came with it. It was a strange letter, the cover was clearly a girl’s handwriting, but the inside looked like it was written by different people— even so, almost all of it was one handwriting style.
“I’m sorry about telling Mr. Eikyo! I tried to make these as best I could, I made them for our classmates, I hope you like it too!”
She clutched at the paper when she read those words, but let go when she realized she was wrinkling the last message.
“I think maybe we are alike afterall. Father says a man has to fight for his friends….but I think maybe you do not want to be a bully. You do not look like a bully I knew one time. I am sorry about almost hitting you, Yuya. Please take this muffin as a sorry for yesterday. I hope you talk to us soon. —Yuuko Asahino”
The light kept flickering in her room, but it didn’t bother her. It was too dim to do that, and she’d grown up with it most of her life.
She gently tossed the letter in front of her and stared at it until a foul growling filled the room.
She picked up the muffin and dusted off the specks of dirt on it. It tasted worse than the daifuku from the store.
“You idiots made things worse,” she said, taking another bite from the pastry.
The mouth full of food didn’t stop the quivering in her voice like she hoped it would.
Part 4
“In case you are still hungry, but do not eat too much. I love you. -Mother”
The store bought food tasted better than what he usually made if he’s still hungry, so much so that he forgot to save any for her for when she returned home. As a result, his stomach became just as heavy as his chest— and it felt just as bad.
He sat there in silence, completing what little homework he could focus on until his eyelids became too heavy for him. It wasn’t until the clock read “10:59” that he heard the sound of a door handle rattle and the door creak open. By the time the footsteps reached the kitchen, he was rubbing his eyes awake.
“Yuuko, what in the world are you still doing up? You know you should be in bed by now.”
“I….wanged to asked you something momther….”
“You can not even speak you are so tired,” she sighed.
“No, I—” he spoke, rubbing his eyes harder. “I need to ask you something mother. It is important.”
“Whatever it is, it can wait. It is late, so we need to get you—”
“How do you help a girl who does not want help?”
Silence filled the kitchen. Yuuko looked up at his mother standing over him. Her dark blue clothes were covered in wrinkles and her night-colored hair was flying away at the sides. When she set down a professional looking bag to one side, he got a look at her cheeks. They looked kind of….gloomy. He didn’t know how cheeks could look that way, but they definitely did. He also didn’t like the way her golden eyes seemed to make the darkness under them…..stronger.
Taking a seat, she took in a deep breath before answering.
“Yuuko, who is this about? Is something going on at school?”
“No no, it is fine, really! No one is bullying me….but…….”
“…….there is a girl….she hurts……..she is being hurt….”
“Hurt how?”
“…….…….how do I help a girl like that?”
His mother was quiet for some time before speaking. His eyes went wide at hearing her words.
“Yuuko…….this is not something for you to do. Tell a teacher if something bad is happening to her, but do not get involved.”
If he wasn’t awake before, he definitely was now.
“But— mother! I-I need to do something or—!”
“No, Yuuko, you do not!”
He shrunk back into the chair, and his mother gave a deep, but calm, sigh.
“Yuuko, do you remember the box that we saw at the grocery store? The one that was hurt?”
“Y-Yes...I remember.”
“It is like that. Someone is going to help that girl, that is the job of the school and teachers, it is not your job. I am happy to hear you want to help, but…….”
“…….it…is not your job. Yes….someone will help her, but it can not be you.”
“Because it is not my job to help?”
“…because……. it will take you away…”
“Mother…...I did not hear you.”
“It was nothing,” she said, rising from her chair. “Brush your teeth and head straight to bed, okay?”
And so he did as he was told, but he didn’t get so much as a few hours of sleep. Rising the next day, everything seemed like a blur until it came time to break for lunch. Following his teacher out of the classroom, Mr. Eikyo had barely opened his meal before Yuuko began speaking with him.
He explained the situation in detail, everything from how they spied on her, to him following her home. His expressions throughout varied only slightly…….until he heard what Yuuko had to say about that sound. He looked at his hands as he explained it, and he noticed white lines running all over them. His palms and the back of his hands…...he never noticed.
Of course he never noticed.
“I……..we know, Yuuko.”
“You know...she gets hit?”
“I….do not understand— why can you not help her? Why can you not stop it!?”
“Because her mother will sue our school for discrimination, and win.”
“Sue for discrim-crimination?”
“Yes,” he said, heaving a sigh. “Yuuko, since you’ve spoken to Yuya, haven’t you noticed that her eyes aren’t like most peoples’?”
“Yes…they are green…..or green-blue?”
“Her mother isn’t from Japan, she’s from Scandinavia. Unless we can get concrete proof of her abuse, she’ll sue us for discrimnation against the way she raises her child and win.”
“But, I do not—”
“With her connections and lawyer, she can even pin the issue of Yuya’s attitude problems towards her being neglected in school but the worst of all is that Yuya will cooperate with her because she’s afraid of her mother.” Mr. Eikyo didn’t pause to breath once in his words.
“Yuya is afraid…..and we can’t do anything without making things worse for ourselves….!”
“In something called a lawsuit, things get complicated, Yuuko. The principal and I are the only ones who know for that reason.”
“I see…….that is why she is always looking down.”
“She’s always...what?”
“Eikyo sensei…….may I please ask for something selfish?”
As Yuuko gave his request and explained his reasons, his teacher’s eyes slowly grew in size. He expressed his displeasure in the idea, but Yuuko would not budge. At one point, he explained that it, “was his place” to be involved. He was far too defiant with this idea, and even though he didn’t know the words to express himself, his message was clear.
Hiroka Eikyo shook his head as lunch came to an end and his student returned to the room before him.
Soon, the day itself had come to an end, and Yuuko left the room with a hurried pace.
“Yuuko!” He heard a familiar voice call out to him. “Want to come with us to work on Red’s art project!?”
“It’s a clay sculpture…..i-it doesn't look great right now, but I would appreciate the help…..”
“Sorry guys, not today!”
Without so much as a glance, Yuuko left the classroom and returned home. He was ecstatic the next morning as his teacher announced a new “classmate bonding” exercise.
As he called out each one of the twenty-three students’ names, one by one they were assigned a seat in the neatly ordered classroom. It was no coincidence that Yuuko’s name was the twenty-second that was called, followed swiftly by number twenty-three— Yuya Itomei.
In the back of the classroom, Yuya sat in the first column to the far right, the seat nearest the back door of the class. A certain boy with bright, golden eyes sat next to her.
“My name is Yuuko Asahino,” he said, outstretching his hand. “It is nice to meet you Yuya!”
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The Eunuch is Pregnant
After Le Yao Yao died in the modern world, her soul ended up in another girl's body from an ancient era. Oddly enough, the body of the girl was wearing a eunuch outfit! Before Le Yao Yao could figure out how to escape, she was found and dragged to serve the legendary Prince Rui aka Leng Jun Yu.Prince Rui was known to be ruthless and cruel. In addition, he hated women so much that none were allowed within five steps of his reach.Will Prince Rui do anything to Le Yao Yao? Will Le Yao Yao try to escape from the Palace? Read to find out!P.S. This novel is very cute and gets more steamy as it progresses. There will also be a lot of hot attractive men!!𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆: 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙚~^^^Le Yao Yao could tell from Leng Jun Yu's tone that he was annoyed. Her heart trembled. She knew tyrants enjoy it when others fear them, but clearly this man did not want her to fear him. Thus, Le Yao Yao immediately plastered a sweet smile on her face and shook her head very dramatically.She dryly laughed, "N-no, Prince Rui is not a human eating monster. Why would servant be afraid? I-I was just....""Just what? Hm?"Leng Jun Yu found it very amusing that Le Yao Yao was faking a brave awkward smile on her face. He decided he wanted to tease the little eunuch.Perhaps these days he was too bored...Honestly, this little eunuch was like a cute little mouse. So cowardly, yet adorable.Thinking of this, Leng Jun Yu took another step towards Le Yao Yao.𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨:(𝗜𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗱,𝗜'𝗺 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗶𝘁 𝗦𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲.)(𝗜 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗮𝘀 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲.)
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Dressed as a rebirth article, good pregnancy cannon fodder
Title: 穿成重生文好孕炮灰Author: 九月微藍Source: https://m.shubaow.net/114/114779/Tang Cheng is the cannon fodder in Su Shuang's rebirth text. In the early stage of the cannon fodder, he made a plan to marry the prince he admired. In the end, by mistake, he became the first son of Zhen Guo Gongfu with difficult heirs, and he became Zhen Guo Gongfu. Shizi's fiancee. A month later, cannon fodder Tang Cheng became pregnant. What's cheating is that Tang Cheng, the cannon fodder in the book, didn't give up, he wanted to marry the royal family, and got rid of the grandson whom Zhen Guoguo was looking forward to... In the end it was a miserable fate! Coming from the Star Empire, Tang Cheng, who didn't know the plot at all, looked at the black abortion pill in his hand-poured it out without hesitation, and then happily prepared for childcare. Wen Huai'an, the eldest son of Zhenguo Gongfu, is as handsome as jade and has a clean body. He is the best husband and son-in-law candidate in the hearts of countless ladies. Fortunately, he ran into Tang Cheng, who is prone to fertility in the book, and won the big prize once. Fortunately, cannon fodder Tang Cheng was traversed. In the end, Wen Huai'an, the son of Zhenguo Gongfu, whose sons were difficult to follow, was full of sons and daughters, and became a winner in life that everyone envied. Reading the guide and demining: 1. Read the text in a civilized manner, and make bricks and flowers freely. 2. This is a relaxed Su Wen, a child-bearing article, the heroine comes from an interstellar with gestational value, likes to have children, don't like to enter. 3. The heroine is an ancient mudslide, which is difficult to adjust. If the writing does not suit your taste, please leave quietly.
8 125