《The Junkyard and Other Short Stories》The Wrong Side Of The Door


Jay saw the world ending two days early.

He was walking home on a busy road that day. A single helicopter flew overhead. It was grey, a military helicopter. An armored car drove next to him in the direction of the nearest shelter. Jay went home and turned on the news and nothing of note was happening. He felt there was a stillness in the air. Something was going to happen soon and he did not yet know what.

He thought of those who drove by in the armored car and in the helicopter above. They knew what he did not and knew how to prepare for it.

That night he saw the world end in vivid color. The knowledge that something was happening that he could not stop haunted his imagination. He saw his death and the death of the world he loved in a blaze of fire.

The next day he tried to stop the end of himself. He did research in what the end of the world would entail and he did everything correctly. He bought potassium iodide to protect against radiation poisoning, canned food that would last into the apocalypse, goggles and layers and anything he could to keep the fallout dust off of his skin.

The day after he realised that there was nothing that he could do. He drove himself to the shelter. Abandoned cars scattered outside of the door. The people within the shelter were those he would have never met. When he went to try to enter the shelter the door was already locked.

He sat outside banging on the door begging to be let in. Anyone inside could have opened the door. Within was enough supplies to keep any number of people alive for as long as was needed. Anyone inside could have let Jay in.

That night Jay's vision came to fruition and Jay was on the wrong side of the door when it did.

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