《The Love Game》Doomsday Clock


We parked outside a really fancy restaurant that had a name I couldn’t pronounce and I glanced nervously over at Theo. He just smiled.

“I’m underdressed for this place,” I blinked at him as he took my hand and led me inside.

It was cool in here, kinda dark. It was a small place, but there were a lot of people.

“Where are we going?” I asked him.

He shrugged. “No idea, guess I’ll ask.”

I stood awkwardly behind him as Theo went up to the young woman at the front who looked up at him from behind these awesome red-rimmed glasses.

“Hey, um there’s a family event here, where exactly might that be?” He asked her smoothly, leaning on the counter.

I glared at the woman when she took way too long to stare at Theo, her eyes widening.

Yeah, he was adorable, get over it. He’s mine bitch.

I hooked my arm around his and Theo didn’t notice, but she blinked at me.

“Oh, sorry yeah. Your party’s all here, I’ll take you. Follow me?”

She started leading us down a hallway and then we reached two big doors, which she opened and then ushered us inside of.

The room was fairly large, with curtained windows and only one long table at the center.

My heart fluttered slightly, but I tried to push that back. I was 99% sure that Theo was more nervous than I was right now. 75%...

A few of the people at the table (seven, I counted) looked up at us when we came in.

One woman, maybe early forties, stood up and came over to awkwardly hug Theo, who didn’t even let go of my hand.

Maybe he didn’t realise he was still holding it. More likely, he needed it for strength-

“Honey!” The woman exclaimed, leaning away from Theo and looking over him carefully.

Theo blushed a little, then gestured to me.

“Mom, this is Ravina Dobs. My girlfriend. Rav, my mother Jewel.” He said shyly.

Oh, wow. Jewel Kim smiled at me, her eyes going wide. I shook her hand, trying not to look too ridiculous.

Theo’s mom was pretty. Really pretty. I could totally tell where he got his looks from… She had shoulder length black hair, porcelain skin, and small features. Her eyes were round and dark however, reminding me of certain dark beautiful eyes that I saw everyday.

“Nice to meet you,” I smiled as I let go of her small hand.

Jewel, or should I call her Mrs. Kim? Gestured at the two seats at the end of the table.

“Please, join us.” She said.

Theo led me over, and I didn’t even have to ask for the seat on the end, he just pulled it out for me. I blushed.

Now the six other people were watching us… and I started feeling really odd. Like, when you’re walking around and your sock slips off inside your shoe, odd.

The young woman sitting across from me and next to Theo’s mom spoke first, breaking the ugly silence.

“Theo, when did you get so grown up? I leave for 3 months are you’re already unrecognisable.” She smiled fondly, but her light hazel eyes were teasing.


Instead of getting embarrassed like I half expected Theo to get, he glared tauntingly across the table at the woman.

“Have I gotten taller or have you gotten shorter, Emma?”

Emma?! Oh, obviously. That was his sister, I remembered him saying…

She looked over at me and smiled kindly but didn't try to make conversation, which I was grateful for.

My eyes did a quick scan of the rest of the table…

Next to Emma was Theo’s mom, then a man with greyish hair and dark eyelashes. I made a guess as to who he was when he took Jewel’s hand on top of the table.

Theo’s father. I couldn’t quite see the resemblance, but maybe that’s because his father’s face was so much more reserved than Theo’s, whose expressions often mirrored that of a Shakespearean actor, with their dramatic depth.

The man next to Theo’s father was much older. Probably sixties. He had no hair on his head, but was wearing one of those old newsboy caps. I’m guessing grandfather.

On the other side of Theo was a woman who could be Jewel’s twin. Same age, same hair, same Theo-eyes… I’d say that she was Theo’s aunt.

The two teenagers sitting next to her were most likely her offspring. A boy and a girl, the girl slightly older, probably my age, the boy no younger than seventeen.

Theo didn’t try to explain the rest of his family to me, because they all started off on their own stuff. Conversations about healthcare, cuisine, allergies, tuition.

I sat there, my eyes flickering to Theo every now and then as I tried to keep up with what everybody was saying. I began wondering why Theo and I were here, since invisible seemed to be more visible than he and I were right then…

It wasn’t until a waitress came into the room to ask us what drinks we wanted, that Theo’s family even seemed to remember that we were there.

“Water, please.” I said to the lady as quietly as I could.

She blinked at me, “What hun?”

I bit my lip-

“Speak up sweetie,” Jewel laughed.

I smiled but was turning red…

“Water. Thanks.” I said, clearing my throat.

Theo asked for the same, and then when the waitress was gone finally, I tried to keep my eyes anywhere but the rest of the people.

Was I ever this nervous or awkward in social situations before? I mean, yeah. Duh. But did any of them ever make me this uncomfortable?

No wonder Theo wanted me to come along. Everyone was talking to each other, not to him at all. Jeez-

Suddenly one of the kids on Theo’s side spoke up, the boy.

“So, Ravina right?” He said, leaning behind in his chair to meet eyes with me.

I nodded but didn’t say anything.

He raised an eyebrow, “You don’t talk much do you? Cat got your tongue?”

His mother, beside Theo, smacked the boy.

“Behave, Mackenzie!” She hissed.

He shrugged. I tried to think of something quick to say, but after five seconds the moment was gone. Great. I’d forever be the quiet girl.


Suddenly Theo’s hand was on my knee.

It was a reassuring gesture. Supposed to be comforting. But for some reason, my stupid monkey-brain, picked this moment to freak out-

Gah! Who’s touching me?!

I jolted up in my chair, my knees hitting underneath the table and shaking the silverware. Ow!

All eyes were on me.

“Heh, sorry…” I lowered my eyes, trying for an apologetic smile.

Theo gave me a quizzical look. I tried to give him one back that said; sorry I’m an imbecile.

“What does your t-shirt say Ravina?” Emma asked me suddenly.

I quickly realised that she was trying to change the subject for me. Ok note to self; Theo’s older sister is a keeper.

I looked down at my shirt like I’d forgotten what I was wearing.

“Black Veil Brides,” I shrugged, taking a sip of water and swallowing an ice cube which caused me to cough. I hid it well, even though I was dying-

“What is that?” Emma ask curiously.

“It’s a band,” I blush, clearing my throat once again.

For the first time in my direction, Theo’s father speaks.

“Do you have a cough Ravina?” He asks me.

I can’t tell if it’s out of genuine concern or if he’s just making conversation.

I shake my head. “No, I’m fine, thank you.”

Theo lets out a big sigh and slumps back in his chair the way he does in math class. Yes, I’ve walked by a few times during 2nd period on my way to get “water.” Hehe.

“How’s school going?” Emma asks Theo.

He frowns like he’s just seen something he’d rather not be subjected to. I get the feeling…

“It’s school,” He shrugged.

I felt the air of unsaid things drift between us, and I knew we both knew what each other was thinking about.

Theo’s eyes didn’t look at me. They didn’t betray him. But mine did. I looked right at him, my heart aching a little at everything I could never fully say-

I’d rather skip past the rest of the evening, but alas. This was what happened next…

We were all midway through salad, or whatever this place calls three pieces of lettuce and a tomato, when suddenly Theo’s grandfather, who I’d discovered was called Daeshim, spoke to the table.

Well, I say table. We could all tell who it was directed at.

“I’m very thankful to have my lovely family here tonight,” Daeshim said, his accent heavy, but earthy. It felt very grandfather-esc.

“I know all my grandchildren will continue making me proud, with their studies, and their careers. And I hope you’ll all one day, know the true love that your grandmother and I shared. It’s quite special, did I ever tell you the story-”

Theo’s cousins groaned in unison.

His grandfather went on to tell us about how he met their grandmother on the day of their wedding in 1966, but how true love grows overtime.

Theo was tapping his fingers on the edge of the table, clearly distressed. Yeah, I think we all noticed how his grandfather’s eyes stayed on him when he said one day and true love. One day as in, not now. As in literally and quite simply; Theodore I don’t approve of your girlfriend.

I started feeling a tightness in my throat, like a knot of string, tangling itself up over and over until I wasn’t sure if I was bright red from lack of oxygen, or just from embarrassment.

Theo’s father, Han- cool name, didn’t seem interested in me either. Jewel, while kind at first, didn’t say anything else to me the rest of the night. The cousins and their mother were, as far as I knew, neutral.

And Emma I think, was trying her best to act as a buffer between me and my own stupidity. Making sure I didn’t ruin my image… yet.

Desert, more wine for the adults. Theo hadn’t really spoken much all evening. He seemed so different around them, not his usual self. Here he was subdued, blank. Like he wished he could blend into the background. No, not him at all.

Was it? Maybe the Theo that I knew was all an act. Maybe it was part of The Game?

No, don’t go there Ravina, not even in your mind. Wasn’t there some Tumblr post I saw years ago that said some deep shit like, your mind makes it real? Or was that The Matrix…

“I think we’ll be going,” Theo sighed, snapping me out of my head.

People were kinda just hanging out, drinking. The cousins, playing on their Nintendos. I can’t believe they still make those-

“You sure honey?” Jewel said, frowning slightly.

Her cheeks were rosy from her Rose, and it makes her look younger.

Theo nodded, stood, then took my hand and helped me up. All eyes on me again as I tried not to trip.

“Nice to meet you Ravina,” Emma said.

And if anyone else had said it, I wouldn’t have believed them. The thought makes the knot in my throat even more knotty, but when Theo and I finally escaped outside into the mist and the chill of the night, the knot went away.

I let out a deep breath, wondering if I should hide my relief. But then Theo is pulling me close to him, sliding his arm around my waist and hugging me as we walk through the maze of cars. He kisses my head softly, exhaling.

“Thank God for you, Ravina Dobs.” He breathed out his stress and kissed me again.

I blushed, feeling slightly shaky.

“You do that every year?” I asked as we hopped into his car.

Theo sat there for a second, his eyes slightly glassy.

“Hmm, what? Oh yeah. Every year, like fucking clockwork.”

“Doomsday clock…” I blurted out.

Theo grinned, winking at me in the darkness. I couldn’t fight my nervous laugh.

“Ice cream?” He said suddenly, starting the car.

I blinked, “It’s 10 pm.”

“It’s ice cream.”

I smiled. “Fair point,”

Theo smirked at me. And just like that, it’s over.

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