《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 27


Xie Yi-jun

1302 years after The Long Night

Xi Qiáng Forest

"I'm sorry!" Yi-jun screamed, crying out in pain as his arm was twisted behind his back.

The King's knees ached from being forced onto the ground, and behind him he could hear Songcai's soft breathing...

"Why did you do that?!" The healer demanded.

Despite the pain, Xie Yi-jun was still reeling over how perfect the man's lips had felt against his own...

When he didn't answer immediately, Songcai pressed harder on his arm until the King could almost feel his shoulder dislocating.

"Ahh! Stop! Fine, I couldn't stop! I couldn't not do that!" He cried. "I've been dying to do that ever since I met you and I couldn't stand it any longer! I'm sorry, it won't happen again-"

Under normal circumstances Yi-jun would never admit anything so humiliating, let alone apologize for something as ridiculous as a single stolen kiss, but Songcai's strength was incomparable, so much so that Yi-jun began to question his own sanity.

Why the hell do I like him?! I don't even know! No, yes I do. He makes me feel things I've never felt before. Desires and fears unlike anything I even knew existed-

"Ahhh! Easy..."

Jin Songcai had yanked him onto his feet and was now pressing him face first into the jagged bark of the nearest tree, arm still pulled tightly behind his back. Yi-jun didn't know when the man would release him and if he did, what he was going to say.

The seconds stretched longer, until the King started to notice something different about the way Songcai was holding him...

"You're right, it won't happen again." The man breathed, his voice the faintest whisper, making Yi-jun shiver and close his eyes.

Does he know that putting his lips this close to my ear feels... good? He mustn't or he wouldn't do it-


Between this sigh and the next, Yi-jun's eyes flew open in astonishment as another whisper slid slowly from Songcai's parted lips.

"Next time you will ask first."

Hardly believing his own ears but believing the very real sensation of Jin Songcai's breath against his cheek, Xie Yi-jun swallowed, measuring his response very carefully.

"...can I kiss you?"


Heart racing, the King tilted his head. "Is that a yes-"


With that syllable, Songcai's hands released him. Yi-jun couldn't stand to waste another minute of his life not knowing what the man tasted like. It was suffocating him.

He spun, grabbing Songcai's shoulders and pushing him back against the tree, effectively trading places. Then Songcai's hands were around his waist, and one look into those beautiful sky-colored eyes was all the permission the King needed...

No more words-

At the first press of their lips, Xie Yi-jun was almost that positive that he felt electricity sparking between them. It didn't frighten him, though it startled his heart. Suddenly the thing was pounding, racing in his chest, and he had barely even begun!

Songcai's mouth was petal-soft. Even softer were the man's sighs, as Yi-jun carefully traced his tongue between the seam of those pursed lips, Songcai opening like a flower.


The sensations themselves were one thing, but on an entirely different level Yi-jun felt as if Songcai's normally very tangible aura of safety and healing was growing outward. It pressed against him, like it was demanding entrance to his body as well.

Deeper and deeper they kissed, lips and tongues twining together like they'd never tasted anything so sweet and wanted to savor it.

"Ah! Hmmm-"

Jin Songcai gasped and hummed softly when Yi-jun turned his attention to the man's cheek, chin, and then neck.


Reaching up to unfasten the tie that held on Songcai's bamboo hat, Yi-jun's fingers tingled at every little brush of skin. Each time he touched him, a surge of warmth, Songcai's overflowing energy would shoot up into his hand. It was addictive, like pure desire running through his veins.

"Yi...jun..." Songcai huffed in between breaths.

The King was currently deeply focused on the space just below Songcai's chin, and as delicate and soft as the man was, Yi-jun's inner demons were now demanding to know what a bite mark might look like on that pretty, pale neck.

God, what is wrong with me? I won't hurt him! I don't want to hurt him... well, maybe just a little bruise? To remember this by?

Songcai inhaled sharply, his hands on Yi-jun's hips turning to fists as a satisfying, wet sucking noise filled the space between them. The tips of Yi-jun's ears turned bright red in response, yet he couldn't stop.

"Yi-jun, not there..."

Songcai's words weren't believable at all. Not when he was sliding his hands into the King's hair, pulling his mouth closer.

Inhaling the man's sweet scent, Yi-jun pressed a few more kisses to the bruise he'd made, and then moved down another inch. There, he started another one. A bigger one.

"Ah! No, people will see it there!"

Dizzy now from Songcai's warmth and smell and taste, Xie Yi-jun relented a little and bent his head. The soft strip of skin that had appeared between the man's collarbones, normally hidden by his clothes... and that was where Yi-jun placed his next kiss.

Finally glancing up at Songcai, the King nearly moaned at his expression. Lids half-closed and cheeks flushed pink... his lips, swollen and stained an enticing red.

Maybe Songcai is an Angel. One sent to test my restraint. I have none, it seems-

"How's that?" Yi-jun whispered.

He watched a flicker of what might have been amusement, flash across Songcai's icy blue eyes...

"Good," he replied breathily.

Xie Yi-jun only kept going, everything about the man before him causing him to be brave and shameless. He loved every second-

"I could go lower?"

Jin Songcai's exasperated sigh and his hands sliding around Yi-un's neck were his rewards for such bold words.

"I'm sure," Songcai seemed to want to roll his eyes, so Yi-jun bent and captured the man's lips again instead.

Before becoming too lost, he soon grew aware of the sound of breaking branches close by. Songcai heard it too and tried to pull away.

"Yi-jun!" He hissed, "I hear someone... stop!"

"Why? I'm the bloody King-"

Songcai huffed and pulled away to press a finger over Yi-jun's mouth. He stared at him with lust-soaked, but desperate eyes.

"Some of us have a reputation..." the healer said.

Unfortunately, that was the wrong thing to say to get Xie Yi-jun to stop...

"Ah," he grinned, leaning in to whisper directly into the man's ear.

"Allow me to help you ruin that-"

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