《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 25


Xie Yi-jun

1302 years after The Long Night


The King kept smiling without meaning to. Everything was funny, everything was good, and nothing in the world could have pried him away from his current task; and that was, to do anything and everything to get Jin Songcai's attention.

Yi-jun grinned again, following gleefully after the healer as Songcai strolled calmly through the forest, stopping every now and then to bend down and pick herbs. With his bamboo hat tied upon his head to block out the rays of the sun, the melting snow all around them blanketing the forest, Xie Yi-jun felt as if he'd stumbled into the pages of a storybook and Jin Songcai was the beautiful prince, on a harrowing adventure.

What does that make me? The fool, I'd say...

"How do you know what you're picking isn't poisonous?"

Jin Songcai's reply came as all his others did, gently, never as if Yi-jun should have already known the answer, although he often felt silly for asking.

"I taste things first, before administering... but I'm never wrong."

Songcai spoke as he placed another couple things in his basket, continuing down the path with the King following closely behind like a lost puppy.

Touching every tree, humming softly to himself, it wasn't long before Yi-jun's crush got the better of him.

Eyes narrowing slyly, he spied a low branch overhanging the path, definitely a hazard and definitely something he should rescue Jin Songcai from...

Xie Yi-jun plucked a feather from the ground, twirling it in his fingers before placing it behind his ear. Then between this heartbeat and the next, the King jumped, kicking off from two different trees and landing gracefully on the branch above the broken one... the one that Songcai was about to bump into-

Raising two fingers, Yi-jun fashioned a rudimentary string with his powers, the fire glowing a bright fuchsia color- one he'd never seen before- and wrapping itself around the broken branch.


Songcai finally saw him, crouched upon the tree overhead and smiling mischievously. The healer's response to the King's antics was to remove his hat, letting it hang from his neck as he gazed up at him.

"What have you got in your hair? Is that a feather?"

The King was thrilled to have any of the man's attention, so he nodded happily-

"Mmhm, I found it! What do you think? Does it suit me?"

Songcai had a playful streak, Yi-jun had glimpsed it before. It appeared very minutely now when the man questioned; "Are you a bird?"

Xie Yi-jun couldn't stand his nonsensical happiness. He had no reason to feel as if every cell in his body was bursting just from Songcai going along with his foolishness. Standing up and extending his arms widely, the King tilted his head up to the sky and said with a boyish laugh;

"Shall we see if I can fly?!"

The King didn't know this, but Jin Songcai was currently thinking something along the lines of; only if you want me to catch you-

What came out of the healer's mouth however, was only a soft sigh, as if Songcai was amused and slightly bored of Yi-jun's childishness. Before the King could say or do anything else, the healer was shaking his head, the faintest of smiles upon his thin lips as he carefully wandered off down the path, leaving Xie Yi-jun to stare after him, blinking in confusion.

Mind spinning with all the different things Songcai's disinterested response might mean, Yi-jun accidentally lost concentration enough that his hold on the string slipped, the branch he'd been holding up snapping back so hard it broke off...

Listening to the sound of it hitting the ground, feeling the sway of the tree beneath his feet, Yi-jun was struck with the sudden realization of just how silly he was being.


Why can't I act normally around him?! Jin Songcai must think I'm insane-

Pondering this for a moment, the King leapt down from the tree, aware in the distance that Songcai was still walking at a gentle pace, not trying to lose him, but definitely making it clear that Xie Yi-jun didn't need to follow.

Frowning, the King felt for the feather behind his ear. After staring at it in his hands for some time, feeling the chill of the air gradually overtaking him, he swallowed nervously, wondering just where his desire for Songcai's attention came from.

Yes, it might be true that I like him... but adults my age don't go around showing off and trying to make their crush laugh at any cost; be it dignity or health-

I'm acting like a teenager!

Yi-jun recalled his own youth. Thinking back, he had really never experienced such things as chasing after someone, or even being allowed to develop a fondness for anyone in particular. His strict upbringing, the threats against his life, and all the responsibilities placed upon him at such a young age, Xie Yi-jun realised he had never done some of the things that normal boys do...

Could this really be my first attempt at romancing someone?! If so, I must apologise to Jin Songcai immediately!

Sulking dejectedly back down the path alone, the young King pondered... if I really am being as foolish as it feels, what on earth does he even see me as?!

Jin Songcai was only older than him by two years, but he had an air of elegance and power that made Yi-jun feel like a single grain of sand upon the whitest, purest beach.

Maybe he really only puts up with me because of my title...

Hmmph! Being treated with respect for once in my life, but I'd really rather know what this person truly thinks of me?! Oh, but the fates are too cruel-

Having gotten far too lost in his own thoughts, Xie Yi-jun didn't even realize that someone was staring at him further along the path through the trees, their pale blue eyes softening gently as they watched the way the young King played with the feather in his hands, accidentally dropping it, then flailing around for several moments as he tried to retrieve it from the wind.

A gentle melodic voice startled Yi-jun from his escapade, causing him to stop in his tracks;

"Hurry up then..."

The King blinked, meeting the eyes of Jin Songcai once more and feeling as if he'd just swallowed his tongue at the way the man was staring at him, as if Yi-jun was some sort of misunderstood troublemaker that required utmost attention and care.

Songcai, who was holding his hat in his other hand now, smiled at the King and shook his head with a resigned sigh...

"Don't get lost."

Continuing back towards town, Yi-jun stumbled forward wordlessly, feeling as if he might just be tied to the healer with some kind of unseen rope or binding. It tugged at his heart and made his feet move, and the King spent the rest of the day wondering if maybe being Jin Songcai's fool wasn't such a bad idea?

The leader of a Kingdom but a follower of one man...

Could it be that simple?

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