《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 19


Wen Reian

An unknown number of years after The Long Night


"It's you again."

Reian watched the way Jin Songcai smiled when he spoke...

The two of them were standing on the pier at Wúmeng, the sky snowing ash again. Reian knew he was dreaming just like he knew Songcai's soul was the most beautiful thing he'd ever felt.

The man stared out at the frozen ocean, hands gently clasped behind his back.

"A pleasure as always, Wen Reian."

Reian frowned. He hadn't mean to be rude to this figment of his rather ridiculous imagination, but being reminded over and over again about Xie Yi-jun's past, specifically his lover, was starting to feel a little too personal. Like eavesdropping...

Jin Songcai turned to him, and Reian was struck with the sense that behind those pale eyes, were secrets beyond his wildest dreams.

"Once again," Songcai said. "I am not here to talk to you about Xie Yi-jun. I want to help you."

Anxious to get to the end of this dream, Reian said quickly; "With what?"

Jin Songcai narrowed his eyes slightly, as if trying to find any double meaning behind Reian's words. Reian didn't know why he was having these dreams... but even in dreams Jin Songcai seemed like someone he'd love to not get on the bad side of.

"I want you to start healing people," Songcai said. "Villagers, patients. Your friends... Yi-jun, if he wishes it."

Shaking his head, Reian crossed his arms. "I'm not a healer."

Jin Songcai only smiled, and once again Reian had the same stray thought about how lovely the man was. No wonder Xie Yi-jun fell in love with him-

Blinking to try and rid his mind of thoughts of the young King, Wen Rei glanced up at the ash that continued to fall.


He really wasn't a healer. Jingshén didn't train healers, it was only sparsely taught once you reached a certain level, and he didn't remember having any special fascination or disposition for it. In fact, he wasn't really excellent at anything.

I'm ordinary. Nothing like Jin Songcai or Xie Yi-jun... even A'Yu is talented in certain things. I have to study for everything-

"Wen Reian!"

Blinking, the boy realized Jin Songcai was holding his shoulders again, shaking him gently.

The man frowned, "You have to let go of all these doubts, they're hurting you. Your path isn't about Yi-jun, nor is it about me. You must do what you were born to do, as it is part of your journey."

Frustrated and confused, Reian pushed Songcai's hands off him, forgetting all courtesy.

"If you're so powerful, then tell me!" Reian huffed, "What was I born to do?!"

Jin Songcai remained calm even though Wen Rei felt a little as if he was being condescended to.

"Heal people," Songcai said. "The rest will come."

Feeling like he was on a wheel, Reian was exhausted as he said-

"But why?! How?"

"Healing is not something that you do alone. It is what happens when two souls are feeling in unison. I know you've felt it before, but you didn't know what it was. When you realise your own power, Reian... then you'll come to know what you were meant to do."

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