《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 18


Xie Yi-jun

1302 Years After The Long Night


Xie Yi-jun had gotten lost. Again. Knowing the ins and outs of his home-town was one thing, but everytime he tried to go anywhere in Wúmeng he'd find himself suspiciously in the presence of a certain someone.

Having entered though a courtyard and into what seemed to be the center of town, the young King scratched his head awkwardly at his lack of direction...

"Ouch! That hurts-"

"Lie still, it won't hurt in a moment..."

Distracted suddenly by the familiar, melodic voice, Yi-jun found himself standing outside the room of what appeared to be a healer's chamber. Cabinets full of dried herbs and medical instruments stood as tall as the ceiling, and lying upon the cot inside was a young boy. Jin Songcai was healing him-

Xie Yi-jun knew he shouldn't linger. He had an appointment with the town head in a few moments! Or a few moments ago...

Yet, something about the interaction between the two inside the small room made the King pause. Jin Songcai had taken off his outer robes, sleeves rolled up and bamboo hat tied loosely around his neck. With his eyes closed, hands laid open on folded knees, he appeared to be in deep concentration.

Yi-jun didn't see any visible wound on the boy, who appeared to be falling asleep faster as each second passed. The King felt his own eyelids flutter, his heart calming as Songcai's energy echoed out toward him as well.

Well damn, if I ever can't sleep I guess I know who to call-

Breathing out softly in a relaxed sigh, Xie Yi-jun blinked when he noticed Songcai was now watching him!

He knew not to interrupt, but as much as he wanted and tried to turn and walk away, his feet stayed put. Body seemingly held in place by the healer's bright blue eyes, or maybe just the comfort of his aura.


Why do I keep finding him when I'm not even trying? Why does my heart do that when he looks at me-

Jin Songcai didn't look surprised that he was here, and after several moments of staring at each other, Yi-jun finally forced himself to break eye-contact, severing their connection. Feeling at a loss for words, suddenly exhausted as he turned and started walking away, the young King only realized as he was approaching the docks that he was being followed...

Knowing in his bones that it was Songcai, Yi-jun stopped when he reached the shore, staring at the ice as it reflected the clouds.

"I didn't mean to bother you," he said without turning.

When the healer came to stand beside him, also looking at the sky, Xie Yi-jun felt the tightness in his chest ease, fatigue melting away-

He glanced at the man...

"A-are you doing that?"

Jin Songcai looked at him, "What?"

Sighing, Yi-jun shook his head. "No, nevermind."

After a few minutes, the healer replied; "You didn't bother me."

The King blinked-

"Oh, I just assumed- I mean, it looked like you were busy."

Gritting his teeth at his apparent inability to talk today, the King was stunned when Songcai said; "Just a broken bone, he is resting now."

"A broken-"

I should get used to this sort of thing, healing injuries like that in minutes. They really don't mess around here, do they?!

Before Yi-jun could put his foot in his mouth again, Songcai said; "If there's something you need while you are here, I hope you would ask me." Then the man's lips twitched, almost a smile-

"Directions, perhaps?"

Xie Yi-jun turned red but he laughed, nervously rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding Songcai's eyes.


"Is it that obvious I'm lost?"

The man only smiled. "Not necessarily. Maybe there is a part of you that wants to be healed and it found me on purpose..."

Face steadily growing warmer, Yi-jun realized he could feel his heart racing in his chest.

"Is that possible?"

Songcai shrugged, "I don't know."

Mind spinning with all the things he wasn't sure how to ask and how to say, the King managed what he decided would be a safe response...

"Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to know my way around. And if I manage to break any bones while I'm here, I guess I'll find you."

When Jin Songcai smiled again and looked away, Yi-jun felt as if his words had been oddly exposing. Like he was somehow saying to the man; I might not know my exact location in this world but I'd always be able to find you wherever I am...

It didn't feel so untrue, just a little surprising. Xie Yi-jun wondered if he was deluding himself for imagining some special connection between himself and Songcai. Perhaps everyone feels this way about him, would that be so shocking?

Perhaps I am but one among many who can recognise his soul from the other edge of the world.

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