《Venos: exploring the city life》Academy students
After being introduced to the academy, to their rooms, and to the rules of the academy itself, the students now had to adapt to their new lives. Venos climbed up the stairs to find a room. A room is similar to her old one, but with a different number on its doors.
'What was the number again?'
'Venos, you're the one who's supposed to know.'
'It would be easier without you in my mind, bothering me all the time and distracting me.'
'So, now it's my fault.'
'I didn't say that.'
'You don't have to say it.'
'I'm such an idiot.'
'You just figured that out now, Venos?'
'What am I going to do now?'
'Simple, just wait for your roommate.'
'I don't even know how he looks.'
'Isn't he that Karlo you met just yesterday?'
'You're right it is him, but what if..."
They both got distracted by an unknown person. "Hi, my name's Felicius. You're my roommate, Venos I think?" He looked confused, a bit unwell and odd.
He was dressed in a long-sleeved red gown and he wore something similar to leggings. In her village, it would be considered feminine, and since he was a guy, probably very shameful.
"What are you doing here alone? Are you waiting for someone? Maybe you lost your key? Or could it be, you forgot your number?" Venos felt embarrassed. She did forget her number, but no reason to be so teasing. Felicius is her second roommate, he had a pretty unusual manner, unlike the rest of them. From his clothes to his behavior.
Felicius unlocked the room and started sorting his things in a closet. Venos had one too. They all had one bed, their own small closets, their table and they had to share one bathroom.
That's not going to be very pleasant. On the other hand, she's not so alone anymore. In other words, she can now hang out with actual people other than that voice. She finished sorting short after Felicius.
Today is her first class in the academy. She feels half bored and half excited. She can see Felicius sitting on the floor, instead of a chair or a bed. She wanted to ask him about it but decided not to.
Since when was that any of her business? Besides, it was rude according to the Zanna community. Which wasn't saying much.
Felicius doesn't seem to be communicative. She wanted to see more Karlo. He seemed friendly. She grew tired soon. Felicius isn't talking, she isn't either. The voice is probably asleep.
She used her boredom as an opportunity to study and refresh her knowledge. Venos finished right in time for breakfast. She packed her books, went to the bathroom, and dressed in her uniform. She noticed Felicius, who was still there, on the floor.
"Are you coming?" He closed his book and got up, slowly. He nodded and walked towards the bathroom. Venos closed the door and made sure to remember the number on it this time. It was 103.
She followed other students and stopped when she saw others, not moving. They all waited for something, or rather someone, to show up. She waited there, until she noticed a younger man, a young adult man, to be more precise.
His hair was ginger and tied in a topknot, traditional academy hairstyle. He was, as others would describe 'in shape'. Probably, like every other tutor in the academy. Some of them a bit older and some of them a bit younger, but experienced and fit, nonetheless.
Rumors say, that if it wasn't for their slyness, they would've been killed by now.
Because this academy wasn't just there to prepare them for the war. It was more than that. Hence, why the country never accepted them as a real academy, and its students weren't educated enough.
How Venos got to such rumors, she wouldn't know. It was somewhere in the back of her head. Oh yes! The voice; but are those words reliable, she is about to find out.
"Good morning, class! Your first lesson today will be about land navigation. For this, I would like you to be outside of the academy." And with that, the class left the cold academy walls.
"Because I believe I didn't introduce myself properly," he continued loudly, "my first name is Lucan and surname is Faramond. You can address me as 'sir'. As you know, I am responsible for your land navigation lessons. To make this first lesson more interesting and therefore, easier to remember, I will put you in groups of three." Faramond stopped for a moment, "How about groups of roommates, there's three of you, right?"
Silence follows, "Alright! Any questions?" A hand rises in the back. "Yes?" Came Faramond's voice, filled with confidence. "What about our breakfast?" It was hard to tell what the student was feeling. It was like a mix of anger, sadness, hunger, and whatnot.
"Oh, that?" He smiled as if he was just waiting for someone to ask. "That was just to fail your expectations of breakfast and make this task even harder. Any more questions?" More silence. "No? Fine with me, now let's start! Form the groups!" His talking became faster.
Venos' eyes scanned the class, searching for Karlo and Felicius. First, she found Felicius. She came to him and figured Karlo would find them, eventually.
"Have you seen Karlo?" She decided to start a conversation. She almost thought it's not going to work, but Felicius had other plans. "Karlo the third roommate? No..... in fact, I haven't seen him since morning." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know-" he got cut up by one loud "Greetings folks!"
Venos' gave out a small smile. "Greetings Karlo. How's it going? Where've you been? I'm Venos from yesterday, by the way." "Oh, Venos. Yes, I remember you. Well, I'm doing great. I was with this person;" Karlo swung his body from one side to another. His words and posture, attention-seeking, but not as much as;
"Now!" with this word Faramond got the whole class' attention. "I believe you found your roommates?"
Every present student nodded. "Good! As you may have already known, this city is big. What does that have to do with anything? You may ask. Well, that means there's enough room for each group to search for one certain object, separately. I will give every group a list of objects to find. The group who manages to find every single object on the list first earns one point. Five points, mean one mark. One mark means a higher chance to pass. More marks and you get a pass. Not enough marks and you can go home or repeat the year. You repeat until you pass. Because each one of you WILL get out of this academy capable. Was I clear?"
Everyone looked at one another until someone answered "Yes, sir!" After that everyone gave out the same words.
Faramond handed the list to every group in the class. Venos took her group's list and started reading. "One at a time Venos!" Karlo stopped her. Felicius continued "How would you like it if I learned all the objects' names, while we search for the first one. That way you can concentrate on finding the first one and if we happen to find the other one on the way, we cross it out of the list."
That plan seemed fine. "Who will be the one to sketch the location of these objects, you know like, make a map. Because we need proof, that's why Faramond sir gave us the empty paper, right?" For this Venos earned herself a few stares. "If you say so." Answered Karlo, as he reached for the empty paper.
'Good thing you don't have any feminine features.'
'What the heck, voice?'
'I mean, you're supposed to be a boy here and your, undesirable for women, masculine body makes things easier for you.'
'That's a nice way to put it. But I really need to focus right now!'
'Your puberty will be very interesting.'
'Fine. Now just shut up!'
"Venos are you sure that's the right way?" She could hear Karlo's voice in the distance. It took her some time to answer.
"No. I'm not! Why don't we ask someone around here?" Felicius wasn't phased by this. "Are you out of your mind?! What would you do if it was war? Reveal our position!?" He whisper-yelled.
'He's really asking for a fight isn't he?' 'No voice. Come on, let's just handle this peacefully.' "Answer me!" 'Voice, what do you know maybe he's struggling with his inner voices too.'
Venos was on the brink, but it was the voice that made a decision this time. "Sorry for making a valid suggestion. Maybe it escaped your notice, but we're not in the war." Venos regretted those words the second they escaped her mouth.
Felicius made a valid point and her answer came out in a bit offensive tone..... that damn voice. Felicius almost jumped, but Karlo stopped him in time. "Don't you guys think it's wiser to move on?"
Venos and Felicius glared at each other for a moment and then continued walking, in order to finish their job. Great! It's the first day and she's already making enemies. She marked the places they were already at and followed the old-fashioned info signs.
After finding and sketching every one of these objects. They returned to their primary location. Faramond took their papers and nodded to them. Academy wasn't empty, meaning no points for them, but it wasn't crowded as much as before the assignment. Meaning that there was still hope. They can still pass.
It's not like this is the only assignment she'll ever receive. There's a whole year. Her uncle told her about the test, where they can see whether you're fit or not to pass. Hope still lasts.
Their next class was called nature. Sometimes known as the art of weapon, learning the finest ways of using a weapon, creating a weapon out of materials you have. Which material is the best for making a weapon? But also, how to make your food last longer, best fighting techniques, edible plants, and mushrooms and where can you find them, in order to survive the hunger and poverty of the war. It was about learning the laws of nature and using them to your own advantage.
This time the students were placed in a chairless classroom, in which's doors opened and out of them came a man.
Brown hair, topknot, long coat, high boots. Eyes without any sign of life, except their dark color. Venos dared to wonder if his lineage might be mixed. Since in Zanna village, those things were taboo. His eyes lifted up and suddenly got filled with an unusual spark. He got closer and closer to the room's table, where weapons lay.
He reached for the sword making his hand much more visible. Others stared unpleasantly at the missing finger. Venos' eyes copied the teacher's spark and compared her hands with his one.
Hands with missing fingers. The same issue of a different kind. Her fingers were attached to one another, except her thumbs and there was a gap between two connected fingers, hence why she often wears mittens. While this teacher's hand was missing one finger due to the battles. It is an easy guess.
"Alright. Why don't we start with a simple fight? Grab yourself a sword and set an example." Everyone in the class was waiting for someone to volunteer. "Perhaps, you." He pointed at a raven-haired boy. "Me?" Checked the boy and the teacher nodded. "Aah, no thanks, I'd rather not."
The teacher sent him a decent smile. "I never asked." The student grabbed a sword and began shaking it.
He was soon defeated, which was expected. "Remember this fight. Because it will get a lot better. That wasn't so scary now, was it?" Others stared, expectantly.
Venos wanted to like these teachers, but she was afraid that she would be making decisions, too soon. Lower expectations lead to pleasant outcomes. She remembers her days of primary school. Teachers were always finding new insults and they gained a liking from other boys for it. One day, Venos decided that she will talk back, but in a calm and polite manner, which made insults that much better.
She had to learn more since that day so that she can be prepared to get a mark at any time. Thankfully, she managed. Almost all on her own, but that's what you do when you're alone. You learn to love yourself and give love to those who give it back, like Leon.
Now she's in the academy, Leon on the other hand isn't so lucky. He's still locked in a house with his protective parents, even though they have good intentions and are amusing, it must be hard with almost no contact with the outer world.
Venos sighed. Today, she has three hours of land navigation and two more hours of nature. They'll learn some new fighting techniques, basics and maybe later this year how to make them.
They will practice in groups and then later, all of the class will do it together. Tests are supposed to be passed by one person, only. You could say they had a somewhat nice organization.
After lessons, comes time for lunch. Venos recognized the first student to sword fight with the teacher, the raven-haired one, and the one asking for breakfast.
"Greetings." She started unsurely. "Oh. Join the club. I'm Tobias and this is Bard. We're now a mess, as you can see. Not that we were not one before. How about you?"
He was talking a bit jokingly, but his friend was too hungry to say a word. "I'm Venos. New here. So, if I end up doing something, not of the norm, don't mind." This was like talking to Leon about today's events. Add a bit of humor, something relatable maybe, and there you go; reputation made.
"You're good, but to mention your name is not the norm." Tobias laughed, absently. Venos' heart skipped a beat. Her pose stiffed. "Oh......yes! Umm that name, my uncle gave me that name. He said it means something like a fighter or was it survivor, can't remember right now." She relaxed the more she talked.
She liked the attention. Even though she never said it. All she had was the voice. She liked it when others laughed at her jokes or smiled at her. It made her feel less alone and like a big step of letting the part of her she liked, out. There were things she didn't find good about herself, but her joking tone was definitely on the good side.
"Bard, how about you? You like it here?" He waited to finish his food. "Well, yeah. They could really give us breakfast, though. Skipping it was so unnecessary." She smiled. "Right? But you're question was so unique, unlike the rest of them. It was so direct. BREAKFAST? I like that." He laughed.
"Me too. If anyone decides to send me home, it wouldn't be the first time." Bard winked to let out his charm. Meanwhile, lunch was nearing the end.
"Alright, guys. I have to go. See you!" Venos waved and headed back to her room. 103, here it comes. She unlocked the door and stepped into her room.
Felicius was there, on the floor, drawing something on his arm. Better not to intrude.
Karlo was nowhere to be seen, which meant she needs to sit and learn until she can sleep. What was Karlo doing anyway? He's never in the room.
She shoved that thought away. She needs to focus. This was her first night in the academy. Only her, voice and flashbacks and this time she's not alone so, no sleeping techniques.
After learning, she laid on her bed and tried not to think, but all in vain. 'What happens after we die? Imagine all this hard work for nothing and no day's light.' 'Voice, just because there's no light doesn't mean it's bad. It can be like a rest or as the beauty of dawn. When we sleep don't we go somewhere? We see without eyes. We feel without touching. Some say that our body functions after we die, but there's something missing.'
'Tell me about it. What if you go to hell?' 'Just stop.' 'Good night.' Another night spent in nightmares...... or it doesn't have to be. She can go out. Just like Karlo. He's not here either so, they can't blame her, especially if they don't know.
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MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry
Poetry is.. beauty, style and grace;Poetry is.. insightful, precious and profound;Poetry is.. ecstasy, passion and glee;Poetry is.. past, present and future;Poetry is.. heart, mind and soul;Poetry is truly a blessing..Feel the same? Somewhat??Then you could as well sit back, relax and start musing.. I mean start reading this book- MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry.This is where I will put together all the poems that I wrote earlier, and will hopefully post whenever I write later on. But I won't be posting it in order. So yeah, have fun reading and sharing your thoughts. I would love to read your precious feedback here. Happy reading folks!!Love and peace✌
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