

I wake up holding my head from the pain. A forest and three moons greets my surroundings. Strange, where am I?

The next moment I muster up a thought, a new surge of pain greater than the previous rushes to my head.


I take deep heavy pants and try to ingest all the information rushing into my brain. I nearly collapse from the intense pain rushing in and out of my head. It felt like ants were nibbling on my brain each second. This process lasted nearly an hour until it faded away.

"Phew. Just what type of hell did that 'thing' throw me into." I heave a sigh of relief after that grueling experience. Man, he wasn't joking when he said I'd suffer more.

I find a tree to sit and lean against as I try to piece together and sort all the new information in my head. The first thing to note is that this isn't Earth anymore. The name of this planet is Rekon.

I look down at my body to analyze it for the first time. I'm white as a ghost, also really thin like I haven't eaten in days. My height is around 1.5 meters which is pretty tall for a 10 year old boy I would say. My clothes are torn and bloodied. I touch my head to feel the dry blood coming down from my hair.

In my mind are the memories of Sky Linwood. I try to remember the incident which just happened recently. This boy was being chased by what looked like assassins. He was eventually caught up to as he ran towards the edge of a cliff. In the moment of his despair, he willingly jumped off an 80 meter cliff to have a chance of survival rather than the latter with certain death.


Wow, this kid's will to live is really stubborn. Too bad that there wasn't much hope from a fall that high. He probably died from hitting his head on the way down. The kid's still admirable as no one would usually take that route.

So basically I've taken over his body huh?.....

What type of sick joke is that?! Well, to respect the kid, I'll keep using his name since my previous life was ultimately worthless. Plus it seems like this kid was part of a noble family.


There seems to be a veil of fog when I try to recall anymore memories. So to sum it all up, all I know is my current name, my family status, the name of the planet, and his objective before he died. Then that just leaves me with more questions rather than answers. The fact that he was being pursued even though he was a noble is all the more mysterious. Is there internal friction in his family? Outside interference? An enemy faction. These many unanswered questions left me even more befuddled.

I stroke my chin as I go deep in my thoughts. Seems like this kid was involved in some sort conspiracy. Before he died, he was heading east to a city named Pryden.

If I recalled correctly, there are two families managing over the city. One being mine, and the other being the Gierno family??..

Hmmm, well since thinking about it is not going to get me anywhere, might as well keep on moving. Plus who knows if those that tried to kill me are still pursuing.

I barely manage pull myself away from the tree and then rush towards the direction the kid was heading to in the thick of the night.


In another section of the forest...

Three figures garbed in black clothing appear next to a lake. One of the figures who appears to be the leader, takes out a communication device. As soon as the figure turns it on, particles of different colors start condensing right above the device. Soon a hooded figure takes shape on the device and looks at the leader.


"Is the target neutralized??"

"The target is dead." The leader garbed in black says in a monotone voice.

"He's dead??!! I needed him alive!! Now everything needs to be adjusted!" The hooded figure was seething in rage.

"We initially had the target in our hands but who would have guessed that he would jump off a cliff."

"I'll say, that kid is either real ballsy or outright stupid" Another black garbed figure retorts.

"Enough!! The kid might still be alive. You three go back and check to confirm of the boy's status."

"No. Not to mention that he jumped off an 80 meter cliff, if he were still alive he would rather wish he had died." The leader says.

"Why do you say so??" The hooded figure turns around in a confused look.

"He fell in a triad zone."

As soon as the words come out of his mouth a deathly silence unfolds. The other black garbed figures tremble for a slight second before returning to normal. After a few seconds the hooded figure issues out new orders.

"Since that is so, return immediately. Those scum have sent reinforcements and are on their way. Don't get captured, and if you do. You know what to do." The hooded figure said in a very bitter tone. As soon as he disconnects, the different colored particles disperse and merge with the environment.

Upon seeing the device shut down, the three figures dispersed into the shadows.

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