

I woke up to my surroundings being pitch black. No, it was darker than that. There was no light. Only and abyss.

"Why am I here?..... Oh that's right, I died."

I was just your average Joe living a blis.... yeah what am I even thinking about. I was living in a hell for 43 years. No loving family, no friends to hear me out, no job, and not even any pets. I was really living alone with all this pain and suffering . Why was I born to such a cruel fate. Why was I always ostracized. My parents would always abuse me to no end when I was young, usually leaving me to strive for myself. Still unrelenting until my adulthood. While my siblings never even considered me as a human. All just because my dad was a drunkard. He started the domestic violence and not only that, he even had the decency to kill his own flesh aaaa....nnnnn....d.!!!!!!!!!!

Well that's all in the past now. In this abyss, no one can harm me, talk to me, judge me, curse me out. It really is a blissful place.

"Ahem. Testing.. Testing.. 1 2 3"

I turn around and look in the abyss to only see pitch black. Strange. For a second I thought I heard a voice?

" Well my good sir that is because you did"

In the pitch black darkness. A human shaped figure popped out of nowhere. It was wearing a white suite with red rose designs on it. The roses were a dark red, the same shade as blood. He had no face, just a silver head, the same with his body. It felt all so surreal.

"Well congratulations my dear friend. You yourself are a very lucky person. You out of the entire earth population have been chosen to be reincarnated to a completely different world."


"W..who are you?"

"A god in your perspective. A higher being of evolution in another. An entity that is higher than the stars. A martial artist who has reached the higher realm. A celestial being. I am everything but yet, nothing. It does not concern you."

"Why am I here? Do I have a purpose?"

"Like I have said before. You are a very lucky person. You were just randomly picked to be reincarnated. What? Did you think you were special? Ahahahahahaha..."

"Very funny, very funny. No in life, nothing is special. Well at least not in front of me"

My whole body stiffened like stone as it looked at my direction. The pressure 'it' gave me was horrifying.

"I wouldn't really do this if I had a choice. I just hate owing favors. Well on the bright side I have two good news and one bad news. Which do you want to hear?"

"The good ne....."

"Well, the bad news is that the world you are traveling to is not a paradise. No it might be even worse than earth."

I'm not sure if this guy was teasing me or not, but it wasn't funny.

"Of course I'm not teasing you"

Wait how did he kno...

"I can hear your thoughts"

Ahh right common sense doesn't work here. Wait, does that mean I might have to go through more pain. More suffering. More despair. My teeth were trembling with immense fear as I imagined what would come.

"You are correct. It might even be worse than what you experienced on earth. Ehhh, who cares. Now the good news. One you will retain your current memories. Which in my opinion are completely useless. Two, you will gain a technique."

"Technique? Why a technique?"

"That is because, well we don't want you dying to early now don't we. Well I'm about to send you off now. Bye by..."

"Wait!!!! What is the technique?"

"Well if you knew, it wouldn't be so fun now would it. Hmmmmm, well fine, I'll grant you this one charity. Wow! Never thought those words would come out of my mouth. The technique is called 'DREAM DEVOURER'. Bye bye."


The next thing I know my whole vision turned white..

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