《The Sinful Mortal》Law Masters


Three months passed and Artix's life went on as usual.

In class 10-0099, in a certain morning.

"We learned in the previous lesson that there are three crucial factors that allowed humans to turn the tide on the Gods. Who can summarise them for me?" Questioned Samantha.

Hands were raised and Samantha chose one of the students to answer.

"The discovery of Law Masters, the appearance of the Eternal Road and the creation of combination techniques."

"Good, that's right. Our lesson today is about law masters." Said Samantha.

"We all know that Law King Warriors can form a connection with the laws. All of you at least formed a connection with one law. This connection can be strengthened by having a deeper understanding of the laws. This is applicable to all the laws. But, there is another kind of connection that is formed by accepting the laws, in fact, some of you might have formed it without realizing it. This is called a link. Accepting the laws implies having a certain mentality that is favoured by the laws. Some of you might ask, are the laws conscious? This, we don't know the answer to. Anyway, this link can be formed only between a Law King Warrior and the seven major laws. We don't know if a link can be formed between the eternal law and a warrior, but we do know that a link can't be formed between a warrior and the other 7 laws. Links have the same function as a connection. So if your connection isn't strong enough to support a command, you can use your link if it's strong enough instead. But, you can only use one at a time. Is it clear till now?"

After a round of clarifications, Samantha continued, "Now we said that a connection can be strengthened by having a deeper understanding of the laws. It turns out that a link can be also strengthened. This isn't easy because it requires changing one's mentality. Each law requires a different set of mentality. So, some people are better suited to some laws while others won't have a chance to become a Law Master in their entire life. We won't be discussing the mentality required here, but you need to know that the mentality for Reality and Illusion Laws have not been discovered, yet. So, links can be strengthened and so can connections. If both of them reach a certain threshold, the warrior can combine them to form a channel, thus the warrior will become a Law Master. For example, if Artix were to manage to form a channel, he would become a Death Master." Some people nodded in understanding, while Artix scratched his head in embarrassment.


"Law Masters can use every command the law can offer and they need to use the minimum amount of mana required to activate it. They are also extremely resistant to the law they mastered," Samantha then splashed cold water on the students before they got ahead of themselves, "But, once a channel is formed, there is no turning back. If a Law Master were to have a change in personality in the future, and this change were to oppose the mentality required for the law, then the channel would become unstable leading to its destruction and the person suffering from a severe backlash."

After another round of clarifications, "We now will have to answer three questions. One, why didn't people know about Law Masters before? Is it possible that there were no Law Masters before in the old empires before the Slavery Era? Two, how did the first Law Master came to be? Three, who is the first Law Master? The second question is easy to answer. Once the research in the laws become deep enough, there will naturally be Law Masters emerging since they're bound to be people with the right mentality among those with strong enough connections, given enough numbers. It is worth mentioning that once the connection and link is strong enough, the warrior would intuitively know that they can form a channel. Once Law Masters emerge, people will naturally find out, since the formation of a channel will cause a disturbance that is noticeable in the system, and then rules and conditions can be deduced with enough trials. The third question is also simple. The answer is his majesty Jargon I. He is the first Law Master. The law he mastered was time. As a side note, most Time Masters are men while most Life Masters are women. Now for the first question. There are two opinions. One opinion is that the research in the laws wasn't deep enough so there weren't Law Masters before. The second opinion is that the research was indeed deep enough, and even deeper than our current research, but they all perished with the empires or chose to escape and now they are hiding in some corner in the universe or they chose to blend in with the demons. From these two opinions, the majority favours the second one."


Another round of clarification went off. Questions such as, 'Why did they escape?', 'Why don't they help us?', 'If a human and a demon were to get married, would their offspring be a demon or a human?', emerged form the mouths of students, making Samantha helpless.

"Miss, are the Gods Law Masters too?" Questioned Artix.

"I don't know. But, my guess is that they are unlikely to be so, since their mindset doesn't conform with the right mentality," answered Samantha.

Artix heard that, but he didn't agree. Naturally, he didn't voice out his opinion. 'I think that they are. In fact, I think that they are septuple Law Masters. Otherwise, humanity wouldn't have suffered such a miserable defeat,' he thought, 'A septuple Law Master, Hehe... No, no I am letting my thoughts wander again,' then he quickly wiped out his imaginary drool.

After the clarification round, Samantha picked up some random students and questioned them about the main points of the lesson.

"Alright, that's all for today," said Samantha.

With that, the class dispersed.


A day passed.

"Yesterday we talked about Law Masters," said Samantha, "Today we are going to talk about the Eternal Road."

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