《Path To Redemption》Chapter 5 - The White Death


A long time ago, about 20 years in the Thyrian Calendar in the past. There was a man that was feared by all kingdoms. Emerging out of nowhere, this man was only seen then as the right hand of the Strega Kingdom's king, Godfrey Strega. The man was loyal to his king, whereas the king had given him his full trust and faith.

The man was described as a saint among his country's people, slaying the 9-star monster Dratheus, an elder dragon who is feared by men and monsters alike, all for the sake of one village. Routing a whole battalion of enemy soldiers to protect the town of Ramias from annihilation. These were few of his great feats that made him a hero to the country.

Though he may be a saint to his people, his enemies called him the "White Death". Derived from his snow-white hair and his savagery in the battlefield. It remains a fact that nobody ever fought the man twice, because they'll never even have the chance to. Hence the title White Death. His level unknown, he would mow down High Swordsmen like grass and outperform every Magus he encountered when it comes to magic.

As the war between the kingdoms raged on, the more the other kingdoms knew of the man's might. They came to fear him more and more as mountains upon mountains of dead soldiers and countless other famous warriors and mages piled up at the battlefield, slain by that man alone.

Driven by the desire of self-preservation, the other kingdoms that survived the war gave up a fourth of their own land just to satisfy a truce with the Strega Kingdom. This made the Strega Kingdom the largest kingdom in the Therian Continent, the land of the humans.

However, every legend must come to an end.

Following the truce that ushered the era of peace, an event that shook the entire continent had transpired. King Godfrey Strega, the Conqueror King of the Strega Kingdom had died.

No one ever saw the white-haired man after that. Some said he did not like the new king, Arthus Strega, which was Godfrey's elder brother. A few even said that the hero was just tired of the adventurous lifestyle and just fell in love with a girl in some remote village in the kingdom.

What matters the most, however, is that his legacy will remain as a reminder of a human being's limitless potential for greatness.

Greatness that Garrett Claude, a simple human, was able to achieve.


At the plaza of the small village of Tinoa.

Beltram Strauss is standing right in front of Garrett Claude, the hero of the past era.

"Well, well look who it is. The White Death himself, Garrett Claude!" Beltram says as he grins at Garrett, sizing him up.

"Why are you in my way?" Garrett said as he looked up at Beltram.

"I cannot allow you to take the boy just yet. This is because the Royal Army would like to invite him among our ranks!"

This announcement made the silent crowd full with chatter again. Bring drafted in the Royal Army is actually as equally prestigious as being accepted to the Insignia Academy. If Sion is really talented, he might be able to become a general pretty soon.


"Sorry, but no. I already said that my son won't be going to any factions. Didn't you hear what I just said?" Garrett said as he continued to walk towards Sion.

This rejection pissed off Beltram, who was used to getting what he wants with the Royal Army's and His Majesty's authority

"You dare refuse the Royal Army's invitation?! Beltram shouted.

"Yep, I think I am."

Garrett's answer infuriated Beltram, but instead of lashing out, he grinned and said:

"Hah, for a magic-less trash like him, this is an opportunity beyond compare! Still, I cannot believe a legend like you could give birth to such a dog of a son. Hahahah, must be the wench's blood that corrupted him." Beltram said as he looks down at Garrett, mocking him.

"If you don't get the fuck out of my way right now-"

"You know, I was wondering if you're still as strong as they said you were 20 years ago... Well, should I go find out?" Beltram interrupted Garrett, still grinning as he held his weapon.

After a while, Beltram grew tired of Garrett's inaction. He learned that provoking Garrett like this will not work. He, however, had brought a trump card with him. He took a parchment from his storage belt, then he raised it for the crowd to see.

"The Strega Kingdom hereby claim Sion Claude as a slave, ordained by King Arthus Strega in compensation for Garrett Claude's crime all those years ago!"

Beltram's statement and the slave contract in his hands shook the crowd once again.

"What?! Sion, as a slave?"

"Just what crime did the hero do? This is bullshit!"

"What do you mean crime! Answer us!"

Beltram smiled widely, showing his teeth to Garrett to further mock him.

"The hero of the past, Garrett Claude, the White Death... is the one who killed the previous king, Godfrey Strega!"

A short silence pervaded throughout the crowd. This was followed by surprised gasps and questions, directed to Beltram. They simply couldn't believe that the man who was the most loyal subject to Godfrey Strega all those years ago was the one who killed the king.

"Now, Garrett. Will you still defy the King's will?" Beltram asked Garrett, whose expression still haven't changed after the "truth" has been revealed.

"Hmmm... Will you still flap that cunt mouth of yours, egghead?" Garrett said, now grinning back at Beltram.

That remark pushed Beltram to the breaking point. He commanded the royal soldiers to surround Garrett, then they pointed their weapons at him.

"Prepare to die then, bastard!" Beltram said as he is unsheathing his weapon. Contrary to his size, his weapon of choice is a rapier. He preferred it because of its lightning-quick draw speed, surprising his opponents and catching them off guard.

Beltram already imagined Garrett's head rolling down the floor, with eyes filled with shock and unwillingness. All those experiences and levels he had gained from the battlefield gave him confidence in slaying the "legend" in front of him.

However, not even a split-second has passed when a gust of wind blew past Beltram and the soldiers. Following this, Beltram's face was overcome with shock, not even done unsheathing his rapier.


"Listen carefully egghead. You will get out of my way right now and take your soldiers with you." Garrett said, still grinning at Beltram.

"O-of course. Men, lets go!" Beltram now lost all of his bravado from before. He did not want to be here, not a second longer. He quickly moved out of Garrett's way and made his way to the soldiers.

The crowd that was watching the whole commotion was confused and so are the soldiers of the Royal Army. They did not know what happened to the prideful and arrogant general that was even mocking Garrett a minute before.

With that, Beltram and the soldiers are now at the middle of departure. But then, a voice called out to them.

"Oh and egghead, tell that dogshit king of yours to keep his hands to himself! Unless he wants to lose it of course." Garrett said aloud, not even bothering if the crowd can hear him.

Coming from a man like him, Beltram did not think for a second that it was just an idle threat. He nods, not even daring to speak up for his king. He also wondered if the "hand" that Garrett referred to was the Royal Army itself. Is he saying that he can slaughter all of them?

A few seconds after the Royal Army's departure, Garrett continued to walk towards Sion.

Seeing Sion on the verge of tears, even with all that has happened, made his heart ache. Fate really is cruel after all.

"D-dad I'm sorry, I-I really am..." Sion muttered out, trying to hold back his tears.

"What's the matter with you Sion, cheer up will you! It's not like the world is ending or anything!" Garrett said as he laughed loudly, now a back to his old, usual self. This sudden change in his demeanor puzzled the crowd. It's as if the Garrett from before and now are two different persons.

"B-but I failed didn't I? I can't go to Insignia! I-I can't be a magic swordsman like you!" Sion shouted out "All of those training that we did, they were useless don't you see?!"

"A-all I wanted was to make you and mom proud. Now I'm useless-" Sion was interrupted by a hand patting his head. He looked up, only to see his father smiling at him.

"I am proud of you son, and so is your mom. You may have failed but we know you've tried your very best. That alone, makes us proud of you."

This finally broke down Sion's restraint as he let his emotions pour out, along with his tears.


After the assessment.

The crowd started to disperse as the Magus Cedric Exvius, declared the end of the assessment. They were still shocked and puzzled as to what just happened. Still, it was quite a sight to behold. Everyone except a few, didn't even know that the hero, Garrett Claude was here. No... they didn't even know that he had a son, or a wife even! They only knew that he was here because of the information they have received from an unknown source. Though they didn't get to talk to Garrett, seeing him still alive was enough.

After several glances and small talk from a few brave people from the crowd, Garrett went with his son and Leonorra, now on their way home.

Before Garett went too far, Cedric called out to him.

"I'm sorry about this Garrett. I can't-"

"It's okay Cedric, it's not your fault. Just tell Dominic to keep an eye on Arthus when he can. He might be up to some schemes again." Garrett replied to Cedric, not even a slight displeasure in his face.


The outskirts of Tinoa Village.

"General, what's the matter? Why did you order us to leave?" A soldier finally asked Beltram after a long bout of silence, only marred by the sound of the footsteps from their march.

After this, Beltram stopped. He, without hesitation, pierced the soldier's heart with his rapier. This barely shocked the other troops. The man who was just killed was a new recruit who did not know of Beltram's temper.

"That- that son of a-" Beltram remembered what just happened. He did not know when, or how - but after the gust of wind blew past him, he felt like he was dead already.

He turned around to face his soldiers, ready to say something, when he noticed something that shook him even further.

"L-look at your necks!" Beltram shouted out.

The soldiers then looked at each other's necks, gasping out in shock as they did it.

There was a very small, thin, red line in their necks. Not one soldier was without it. The soldiers then panicked, before being shouted at by Beltram.

"Shut up, all of you!" With this, every soldier regained their bearings. The results of their training now showing in their discipline. Also, their fear of Beltram's temper was ingrained their hearts, especially after he had just killed a fellow soldier.

Beltram then concluded that the small cut was not lethal, much to the relief of the soldiers. He then continued the march towards the Strega Castle to report to King Arthus.

As they took a break from the march, Beltram took off his armor inside his tent. He looked at the part of the chainmail that was covering the neck. To his surprise, there was a small slit right around that area.

"This is impossible! Th-this is the [Regal Lion Chainmail] we're talking about!" Beltram was shocked indeed. The chainmail that protected him all these years was sliced through like butter.

"Don't tell me..." Now shaking, Beltram put his hand over his neck.

"Wh-what the hell is he?!" Beltram muttered as both his hands shake uncontrollably, revealing a thin cut, very much like his soldiers.

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