《Path To Redemption》Chapter 6 - A Promise That I'll Keep



Now on my bed, I closed my eyes as I thought about the only thing I wanted right now.

The things that just happened in the assessment, I-... No, I need to sleep for now...

I need to sleep, to go somewhere...someplace else where I wasn't bothered by... all this crap..

Little by little I drifted closer and closer, until finally...


It was beautiful. We were all together. Mom and dad, my friends, Selena - everyone I ever cared for was here. To be honest, I never dreamt to become a Mage, nor did I ever want to become a Hero, like my dad apparently. I just wanted...I just wanted to make them happy, to stay with them...always.

Then suddenly, their faces changed. Their eyes, darkened with despise as they stare at me. Was it my incompetence? Or was it that I still hold on to such a naive dream?

Slowly, they turned their backs on me. I screamed...I begged for them to stay but they can't hear me...or maybe they can? They won't go back to me...not anymore.

I finally woke up. I wiped my face with my hand, apparently I was crying the whole time. It seems that even at my sleep, my failure still follows me.

However, there was one place I still need to go. I looked outside, it was still early at dawn. I quickly made my way to the only place I can clear my mind to.

After thoughtlessly walking for a long time, I finally arrived. The scenery really amazes me everytime I see it. The calm and harmonious sound the trees make when a gust of wind blows by, the beauty of Selena's plants that grew more and more each day, the small lake so clear that I could see the bottom, full of beautiful rocks. I find myself lost within them everytime.

Sitting down on the grass, I was calm for a second. It's as if I was one with my surroundings. However, as soon as I thought about the only person I share this place with, my mood dampened. I remembered about the promise I made with her, the only one I couldn't deliver. Ironically, I had always fulfilled my promises, not just to her, but to everybody as well. I just couldn't believe I didn't deliver, especially to this one promise that mattered the most.

"Sion? Is that you?" a familiar voice called out to me. It was Selena.


"S-Selena? What're you doing here?"

"Well you weren't at your house, so I figured you might be here." Selena said as she sat beside me. She looked at me closely with those wonderful green eyes, further giving me guilt about not upholding our promise.

"Selena, listen. I-I'm sorry I... I couldn't do it. I wasn't-" I said, trying not to let my emotions take ahold of me.

She didn't say anything. It might've just been seconds, but to me, it was an eternity of silence. She must think so little of me now. After all, I was too confident - saying that I'll definitely pass the assessment. I must've been confident with all the training and preparations I have done. In the end, however, it was all worthless...

"Hey, Sion. Why don't we make a new promise?"

These words from her words from her made me curious. "W-what promise?"

"I know you tried your best Sion, I was with you since we were children you know? I also know you can't change what just happened, so just promise me this, okay?" she smiled at me, as if she is assuring me that everything is alright. "Just promise me you'll be here when I return home,okay?"

With her words came a ray of hope for me. Never have I expected that she would still think of me, after I just broke our recent promise. What am I to say but -

"Yeah, I promise." I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes. This time, I'll fulfill my promise to her. I'll wait, no matter how long it takes.

"That's great Sion! I promise that I will return as soon as I can." she said with a smile that could melt any person's heart. As I look at her, I remembered that I was supposed to tell her how I feel, aren't I? This is might be my last chance after a long time. But then again, I felt ashamed that it wasn't as I planned it to be. It was supposed to be after I passed the assessment, not after I failed it...

"Sion, you look like you want to say something. Come on, out with it." she said to me with a curious look on her face.

"O-oh uh...well, I just want to tell y-you that all this time...I-" I stuttered with my words.

"You...what?" she said, waiting for my next words.


'W-well I uh, ummm. I just wanted you to know that all this time I've lo-"

My words was suddenly interrupted by something. Selena's body shone a bright, white light slowly fading from sight.

"Selena, what's happening?!" I yelled as I tried to grab her.

"Don't worry Sion, this is Cedric's doing. He cast some sort of magic spell on me, telling me that it'll take me to Insignia the moment the sun rises." she said as the light slowly covers her entire body.

I looked at the sun, it was now rising from the horizon. Dammit! Why now?!

"Well then, take care Sion. Don't forget our promise, okay?" Selena said as drops of tears rolled down her face.

"I won't Selena, I promise." I said as I smiled at her. "Oh and Selena, I love-"

Before I could finish, the light flashed even brighter. Then when I opened my eyes... she was gone.

I wanted to stop her, I wanted her to stay by my side in this small, but peaceful village. I wanted it more than anything... but who am I to stop her bright future? In Insignia, she will become a greater person than most, achieving feats most people can only dream of. And I want her to have all that, even if that means I can't have her by my side.

"Please hurry and come back Selena, I'll be waiting for you..." I said as I cried my heart out, releasing all the pain that I had been holding back all along. The sunrise that I always thought was beyond beautiful, looked lackluster this time for some reason. As if the world had lost it's color...


After a while, I went back at my house. When I entered the door, I saw mom and dad waiting for me at the table.

"Hey Sion, did you go see the young lass Selena again?" Dad said with a sly smile on his face.

"Uh- yeah I did..." I answered awkwardly.

Seeing dad act like his usual self threw me off, especially after what just happened yesterday. I expected him to be more... serious...disappointed even.

"Come on Sion, eat. You didn't eat dinner last night, right?" my mom said as she beckons me to sit down with them.

I don't understand. Why aren't they mad or anything like that? Don't they care that I failed them both? That I-

"Here Sion, say ahhhh..." mom said as she points a spoon filled with food in my mouth.

"Gods, mom. I'm a man now, I can do it myself!" I hurriedly snatched the spoon from her, then put it in my mouth. The food tasted amazing...as always.

Before I knew it l, I got teary-eyed. I just realized I am very fortunate to have parents that cares about me. They even went as far as acting like their usual selves, all for my sake.

"Hahaha what's that Sion, do I see tears in your "manly" eyes?" my dad said as he laughed, along with my mother who was giggling beside me.

"N-no, the food was just too spicy, that's all!" I said as I exhaled dramatically, pretending that I just ate something very hot.

"Are you saying that my cooking...was...BAD?!" mom said as her face darkened

Uh-oh. Dad help m-

I saw him at least 10 meters away from the table now. What the hell happened to your strong guy persona yesterday?!

And with that, I received a ton of lectures and yelling, just barely getting to the point to make my ear fall off.

It was just like a normal day for us. After a while, we talked about things we usually talk about when on the table. Sometimes, my dad or my mom would make some quips or jokes about some things. They smiled and laughed, so did I.

After enjoying a few happy conversations, which they probably planned to lighten my mood up, I decided to bring up the events from yesterday. Although I have somehow recovered from the shock and sadness I had, I was still puzzled with all that has happened yesterday. I intend to find answers now, rather than later.

"Dad, I know you mean well by hiding some things from me. But I want to know what just happened yesterday...please...tell me everything."

With that, mom and dad's face went serious. Dad looked at my mom for a brief second, then my mom nodded. He then said:

"Fine Sion, listen carefully." he looks at me with his eyes narrowed down "This all started 16 years ago, just before you were born...and the year when my king...my friend, Godfrey Strega was killed by...me."

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