《GODFALL》16 Unlikely Crew


Tesyn stands up and wipes her tears amongst the bloodied courtroom, bodies still fresh. She looks down at Rhoxeus, “We must prepare for the fight of our life! In five days, the demons are coming!” Tesyn looks at me, “Thadius, you'll be my second!”

Glass breaks, then Markus Klein, the man with all brains and no brawn stumbles into the courtroom, his eyes widen and he frowns. He shakes his head, “You aren’t fit to lead. We need a strategist, not a yes woman.”

A pale figure in a long blue coat approaches, his vibrant green eyes look at these bloodied halls and shrugs, “None of you are fit to rule shit. We’re all gonna die anyway, why not party?” We all look at him, That voice! Slim?! "Where's Gladius!?" He smiles, "You guys missed me?" Markus marches up to him, "Answer the question!" "Don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy ourselves."

Markus raises a brow, “Everyone we knew just died and you want to party? We have no time to run off like you, Slim!” Slim smirks, “And all your geeky side projects?” Markus points, “They show great promise!” Slim shakes his head, “They’re the stupidest wastes of time.”

Tesyn and I look at each other, then back at them bickering. "Thadius, why is he back now?" I call out and they shut up and look my way, "Markus, was there anyone else?"

Markus scratches his head, "That demon killed everyone but us." He rubs his chin as Slim grabs his shoulders and shakes them lightly, "Look at those gears turn!" He looks up and moves Slim's hand off.

"Why are we all here? In this room?" Slim opens his mouth, "A plan that involves a pissing contest for the thro-" Markus shushes him. Tesyn puts her hand on her heart and whimpers, "He told me to go to the wall, there wasn't anything out there!" Markus sighs, "He told me to come by as soon as I can, to this very courtroom."


He walks in between us, "We're all here because we hate each other." Slim smirks, "Whaaat? I love you guys!"

He turns to Slim, "Slim only cares for himself-" He smirks, "Bingo!" "Tesyn is a warmonger." She crosses her arms, "You expected a princess?" "I'm a geeky loner that hates the social games you all play." He finally turns to me, "And Thadius is the one you all pick on for being weak and quiet. We are all sons and daughters of an oracle!" Tesyn looks down at Rhoxeus, she sniffles, "Can we- talk about this after we bury him? Them?" "I'm sorry, but we- At least I need to wrap my head around this." Slim stretches, "Welp, I'm gonna need a drink for this shit." I walk past Tesyn and throw a cloth over him. She sniffles more as Markus sighs-

We all drag our dead down the makeshift steps as Markus follows, "Five Sunsets. We have five sunsets to decide, fight or run." Tesyn cries with a shovel in hand as Markus shovels dirt over Rhoxeus.

Slim and I throw my friends into graves, angels he's never got to know. "I haven't seen Gladius since you two left. I think we should find him before we make any real decision." Markus sighs, "Yeah, he hasn't come back, Slim?" Slim looks away and takes a sip of beer, "He must miss my harmless jokes." Tesyn whines, "Shut up Slim." He for once snarls, "What, daddy dearest not here to coddle-" Asshole! I slap him across the face with a shovel and he goes limp on the ground. Tesyn and I gasp, then stare at him in silence. Markus kneels down to his chest for a moment, then springs up with a grumble, "He's fine."


I exhale, "Damn." Tesyn cries, "They're gone. What're we gonna do?" I grab her shoulder, "We'll make do." "No! We can't make do! Their killer was right in front of us! I did nothing!" I hug her and she squeezes me, She really is stronger than me- There's not much we can do, not at our level. I pat her repeatedly, "You-choking!" She loosens her grip, I gasp for air as she sobs, She never broke down like this, even with how bad Slim was before. Then again, she always relied on dad for everything. Rhoxeus, why'd you do it? I close my eyes as Markus shovels into the dirt.

I shake my head and stand tall. I don't care how long it takes, we will find our way, Rhoxeus. But first, we must find our brother.

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