《GODFALL》8 Welcome to hell


I open my eyes and dart around, not moving a muscle. My ears ring, but it fades as a man groans, “Welcome to hell.”

I sigh deep and grab my head, the puke starts coming up, I stand fast but fall off balance. I try to catch myself, my swollen, twisted arm snaps and I slam my head against the ground.

A quick yelp and the pain still lingers, but I quiver, it spews out anyway, my ears ring, my vision goes wonky, I retch and more comes up. The ringing cuts out again,

“Damn, he hit you hard!” He pats my back, “Uh- There-There?” I bang on the floor, I hate throwing up!

I retch, only air comes out.

On my back, drenched in puke, I look at my arm, broken in 3 places. “All that work and you fuck it up- Are you a masochist?” The pain's too much I grab it and moan at it, the fear of puking stopped the pain only for a moment. Now it’s like knives stabbing every inch of me. All over my body.

He grabs my arm, “Wait a minute!” He smiles at me with dim red eyes, Oh hell no!

I shake my head, “No-No!” He twists quick and I shout, “Fuuck!” He grabs my shoulder, “Breathe.” He pokes a needle and thread through my flesh, the pain lessens as I breathe slower, but not by much.

I groan, “I don’t owe you for this!” He laughs, “I’m pretty sure you do.” He tightens the wire and I grunt, “Then stop helping. Just torture me, kill me already.” He pulls the wire fast and I grunt while banging my hand on the floor three times. “You’re lucky he thought you were done.” He wipes a single tear out the corner of my eye. He looks down at me with a curious expression, “But you took that axe kick and got back up?” He shakes his head and grabs my neck,


“I should kill you now, before you heal up. Maybe turn you in for more power.”

“Do it then. Cmon already..”

He lets go,“You’re somethin else! Damn, it sucks that I actually need you.” He let’s go, “You, an angel!”

He laughs,

“I’m not your toy!”

“You wanna know how many times I’ve tortured your kind?”


“There are only so many ways to torture somebody, it gets boring.” He imitates a girl, “Ohhh no, stop! I’ll scream! Please, no more mutilation!” He growls and turns his back to me, “I’m sick and tired of it, all screams, eyes rolling back, every reaction to pain just doesn’t do it anymore!”

I should just kill him, run.

He paces the room, “That’s why I want you, we are going to do something new. So crazy, thrilling!” Shut up. I need to make sure Rhoxeus got away.

He gestures erraticly, “You and I, are going to take over this hell! Kill demons, kill void, assume that throne!” He waves and smiles, “Ursa, the demon lord- No, too plain.”

I chuckle, “Ursa?” He clenches his fists- “What?!” “Your name is torture enough!” He walks up with the back of his hand, “I oughta smack you. I’m Ursa! Void's right hand!” I frown, “Why aren’t you wiping his ass right now, then?” He looks up, does Void even need to-?

He points, “Outta my head!” His right hand though. This is that ruthless fighter? That killed a majority of my- He smiles wide, “Yeah, I helped kill all of the angels you looked up to, even the ones so close to power to rival the god that created us.” Then why the change of heart now?! “You’re lying, you just want to torture me. This has been a game, inspiring hope. I’ll never stop trying to kill you!”


He laughs heartily, “Maybe I’ll put you on a leash. Void’s gonna destroy everything you angels made anyway. Why fight it?”

I growl as he laughs, “Yeah, I’ll be the next Demon in line. I’ll be the one to take Void’s power. I already know a way.” Have to gain control here. I hate to play these games. “Fine. I’ll help you.” He smiles, “First off, I have someone I want you to meet. Come, pet!”

I stand up and he gets all mushy, “Come here, Sparky. Come here Boy!” I push past him and the constant pain, grab the headache on my forehead too- “Fuck you.” I open the door and nothing’s on fire. Through the door, more of a standing window- There is- Not fire, brimstone, just a river of red space, red sky.

From up here, past the brick structure we stand upon- You can see it all. I’m in the innermost part. Taking up the red space, lies- I’m guessing 6 rings seperated, Cities. They’re this civilized?! Wait- they’re all evil!

He grabs my shoulder, “Quite the sight, huh?” “Not a chance, you’re all still cruel warmongers.” He smiles and shakes my shoulder as we watch the vast city, purple lamps scattering the streets, “You’re damn right.”

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