《The Fire of Asiroth》Chapter Thirteen: The Secret
It began to rain, a refreshing relief. The thick sheets of water cleansed the scorched earth. Kari and Jeplin felt well enough to travel back on their own but the troops still accompanied them.
One of the most important gestures was the transportation of Geron's body. Though there was not an actual body left, just scorched bones. They felt like they needed to properly honor them at the castle. It didn't take long for the news of the events to travel. The story of Jeplin, Geron, and Kari spread to every corner of the continent along with their identities and lineage. There were not any more secrets. Both Kari and Jeplin were left open to the world.
Many Kingdoms sent gifts to Asiroth, the most useful being the allegiance of the King of Necropolis. Once a territory of Helam long ago it had defected and was never recaptured because of its extreme southern location. The other kingdoms Helam ruled were far north. The king, to support his word and to show his dedication and support of their efforts, sent thousands of troops in his name. Kari stood on the back balcony watching the flood of men and women wandering across the land below her. She looked up and was entranced by light beautiful droplets of rain that were falling gracefully down from the sky.
They moved in and out of the crude houses that had been for the winter. As the sky darkened the ground was illuminated by hundreds of fires being lit to stave off the cold wet night. She walked inside to the study. She could smell the food she had just finished and the air was warm and soothing. Like slipping into a bath the warmth hugged her. She slumped into a large velvet chair by one of the fireplaces. She looked at the flames dancing, reminding her of when Jeplin and her were traveling together for the first time years before.
They danced fluttering in and out of each other. Like hands reaching up from the ground begging to be pulled back to life, one flame after another reached, climbing higher and higher and out of sight. She imagined the slithering pools of smoke drifting up through the chimney and releasing itself above the roof.
She began to drift into unconsciousness. She awoke a few minutes later by a knock. Still weighed down by exhaustion, she pulled herself up slowly and walked to the door. Her hand delicately touched the door handle and pulled. She clasped her other hand to her mouth in shock to see Marcel standing on the other side. "Marcel!" She exclaimed excitedly.
His face was hard and his body was harsh like it was etched from stone but he smiled at her like a young child and hugged her. She balanced on the balls of her feet trying to come close to his towering height. She stepped back leaving her hands on his forearms and suggested that he enter. As she stepped out-of-the-way she whispered something to one of the guards. They sat down across from each other at a strong solid table.
She poured him a warm liquid into a pewter cup. The herbs and bits of plants swirled in the liquid revealing the intoxicating aroma. The floral calming scent danced across their senses eventually fading with the heat of the liquid. She leaned forward to adjust her position in the chair as she sipped from her cup. They locked eyes. His large green eyes made her very aware of her opinion of him. She, in a daze, asked where he had been, trying to remember the last time she saw him.
The words flowed from his mouth, comparable, not in grade but volume. She watched his expressions and the movement of his hands gesturing. She could not hold back her amusement and continued to smile. His arrogant attitude mixed with childlike wonder and excitement made her love every moment she spent with him. She resumed listening. He was talking about the logistics of the war. She listened to his opinions about the war knowing that his words could be useful to her at some point. He paused for a moment to drink. He lifted the vessel to his lips then returned it just as quickly to the table. He stood to pour more.
He looked to the other side of the room and noticed an enormous desk. As they ate he continued to silently look at it. "You are welcome to inspect it closer." She offered. He walked over to it examining every inch. It was very ornate, but that is not what caught Marcel's eye.
All of the drawers had been locked and there was a book sitting among the papers. He shuffled through them, oddly they were all blank. He opened the book. There were intricate sketches and drawings but not a single word to label what they were. He gestured for Kari to see what he found. "What is it?" She asked, "Do any of these sketches look familiar to you?" He asked. She walked to the desk and placed her hand on the cool marble surface. The drawers all flew open. This happened just as the cook she had summoned earlier entered the room with an assistant.
All of them were fixated on the desk. She looked at them for answers. The boy pointed "No one has been able to open that ... I have to tell them." Marcel looked to the cook then to Kari all still stunned. The boy ran out of the room. The cook looked at them. He set the tray on the table and chased after the boy. Marcel ran to the door and locked it.
Kari stood behind the desk. She carefully reached into the middle top drawer and pulled out a stack of papers. She looked over the first one, it was covered in scribbled notes, almost unreadable. The next page was the same. She quickly flipped through dozens more. Some were dotted with drawings and symbols. She sat down in the chair. “What did you find?” Marcel asked. His demeanor seemed like he was planning something devious.
He slowly walked closer. Kari put up her hand without looking up from the papers. He stood still. Her shoulders dropped. “These are just a bunch of old invasion plans. Nothing here can help us, these are too old, and too much has changed.” She tossed them on the desk haphazardly. “What sort of invasion?” “Nothing important, it discusses Helam's army and how they thought it was approaching the west forest and they created a plan to separate them from each other and destroy them.” “Oh, that is not a new concept anymore.” He said while walking to the table. “Ah, that stupid boy forgot the fresh teapot. I'll be right back.”
She took the free time to return to the book she was holding. She took a deep breath relieved that Marcel believed her story. Despite her complete deception, she had been partly honest. Several of the pages within the desk did outline the very attack, but their presence was minuscule. The majority of the work was research on various weapons and mass destruction tools.
As she got deeper into the work she noticed the handwriting change. She noticed it was very similar to her father's. Unlike the other pages of research, George's account was more visceral. He discussed how he felt and how each tool hindered or harmed.
George kept a detailed and very meticulous journal on everything he found regarding his father's research and everything he discovered himself. An entry from a summer several decades earlier drew her attention. Several paragraphs were circled and annotated. George found his father's notes describing the weapon that Helam was hunting since the war started.
All of the papers following had sketches of long stick-like objects, each one was made of different materials and each had a result description beneath them.
There was one that stood out... A golden sliver about twice as long as a finger was the ultimate conductor according to the research. The next pages talked about types of power from what she had experienced, other types she had never seen. there were two categories Accendo and Tenebris. Tenebris was described as an untamable force that could kill hundreds at a time. It was a destructive force fueled by others' lives. The other form was Accendo. The power conjured under this category was pure raw and from a singular source. It brought rage and desperation to good use. She set the papers on the desk and rummaged through the rest of the drawers, all experiments, all failures that led up to what was in that top drawer. There were hundreds of papers in the very bottom drawers. As she stuck her hand in to pull them all out her finger slipped underneath the wood lining the bottom. She pulled the piece of thin wood up. To her surprise, there was a compartment under it with a leather-bound book. Similarly bound to the one she already had. It almost looked as if it was its partner. She looked around suspiciously then knelt to the floor.
There were sketches of the castle, each room was represented. They were very accurate and thorough. She recognized them all until she reached the last page. It was a detailed sketch not in color like the others. It depicted a cavernous room where each wall was lined with several sarcophagi. It was their family tomb. It looked like, by the walls positioning, that it was right below the study. She tried to think of the basement. She knew the area inside and out. She never once saw the room. She looked at it more carefully. Those just glancing at the book would think it was a simple sketchbook. But she realized at that moment it was a map. On the floor of the tomb was a tiny golden line. Nothing else was colored, it was a simple wisp from a pen. An easily written off mistake.
There was a knock on the door. She looked up and shoved everything back into the drawers. As she jumped up all of the drawers shut themselves. She opened the door. It was Marcel. They both sat at the table by the fire. The extra food the cook brought was perched there. She had forgotten about it. They ate in silence. Her mind was clouded. Marcel asked if she was alright she nodded and blamed it on being tired. Shaking off her thoughts she looked at him. His eyes shined immensely in the sunlight. Her left hand rested on the table beside her plate. He placed his hand on hers. They sat admiring the view from the large arched windows that served as looking glasses to the lush overgrown garden. “The view from here is very appealing.” She smiled, grabbed his hand, and stood up. He followed.
The sun was blinding as it shot through the windows signaling its descent. Without a word, she led him out of the room and up the enormous marble staircase. She ran pulling him behind her like a child. He enjoyed her spontaneous nature.
The people in the hall watched the pure bliss that exuded from them as Kari tossed her cares away for a brief moment. They reached the door. Like many others in the castle, it was made of wood and braced in iron. She pulled the door open and the light flooded the room like a wave breaking down the walls that kept it. Fighting the sun she pulled him through the door that led to a balcony.
She stood proudly showing him the breathtaking view that canvased the enormous garden, decrepit hedge maze, and the sprawling fields ending past the horizon. Though war-torn and disheveled she loved it. The soldiers and families looked like ants as they peered down upon the grounds within the walls. Marcel opened his mouth but remained speechless.
They could see everything, the sun, trees, and all of the elements seemed to shine more beautifully than ever before. "This is what I like." She said simply. Marcel looked at her and listened intently. She pointed to the walkways and clumps of temporary housing. She talked about the months she spent with them building and designing the layout. She told a few stories about different families she met.
When she grew tired of talking, Marcel spoke "You are a great leader, you always have been and always will be." He spoke in a very factual tone. Her cheeks turned a light dusty rose as she looked up at him. "Thank you.” She said. She let go of his hand and hugged him. She lifted herself on her toes to try to reach his shoulders again. He knelt lower for her. His shirt was warm from the sun and smelled like the ocean. Their embrace reminded him of the time they spent dancing together, which seems like ages ago.
They released their embrace and as she stepped back she looked up at him. He placed his hand on her shoulder stopping her. Her questioning eyes were met with his and placing his other hand on her cheek he pulled her in and kissed her. She closed her eyes as his lips met hers. The brief moment was timeless. She opened her eyes as they parted. She looked at him. Almost unable to breathe.
Her serious expression broke into a smile. He returned the gesture. She opened her mouth to say something but was silent. They sat on the bench on the balcony. There was a large collection of birds that flew past above their heads spiraling into the clouds. "I know that there is a lot of opposition but don't worry you will win." "You have to leave don't you." She said sadly. He looked down at his knees. "Yes. There is an ambush coming for Redponn I must be there to stop it with Robert and Charles.” “ An ambush?" She asked in an inquiring tone. "After Jeplin was captured, he stole some of Henry's plans, he found out that he stores a lot of troops on an island off the coast in the north and that the towers were communication beacons for Henry. I was sent to destroy the one right outside your border so I figured I could take the time to visit before I race back to Redponn. While destroying the towers we discovered that the remaining men of Henry's on the island are planning to ambush Redponn by way of the sea."
Kari was amazed at the fortitude of the enemy without Henry leading. She nodded as though saying she understood why he had to leave. "If you would like I can try to return when we finish the battle there. "I would like that, bring anyone who can come. There are thousands of men headed here soon." He stood up as though he already knew. "I think they are in good hands here but we should be able to redirect our troops here when we finish. I can't imagine the fight will take a long time."
Kari was left without any of her close advisers. Jeplin had not been seen since they killed Henry, Marcel, Robert, Charles, and Thomas were at Redponn. She spent the next day with three of the four women she rescued from Redponn. They called each other by their first initials, except Harota, they called her A. It was an odd familiarity ritual. A, C, J, and S were usually together but J had become Infatuated with a young man who worked with Geron. That day she spent time with him while, A, C and S joined Kari in the city. The citizens were always busy. Some went out hunting others tended to their homes.
She remained very busy, but the thought of the desk crept into her mind again and again. She longed for someone to explain things to her. Her father, anyone that knew anything about the contents of the desk. She sat on a stone in the large expanse of land, leftover crumbs from her lunch dotted the ground below her. She wore a simple outfit, boots, and straight tan pants, an undershirt and a blouse.
She was not approached by many people, they of course loved her, but a lot of them were scared of her power and the others did not want to bother her. She resented her position. She was approached by a lady. She asked if Kari wanted a flower. Kari looked up at her and the lady stepped back apologizing for bothering her. Kari stood up and asked her to join her on the rock. The lady joined her timidly. "Have you always been a citizen of Asiroth?" Kari asked. The lady looked at her and grinned "Yes! All of my ancestors have lived here that I can remember." Kari smiled back. "That's lovely. What are you doing today?" She pointed at the basket the lady was holding filled with various flowers. "Oh, well a lot of our houses are pretty bare and some of us occasionally go out and pick flowers to make everything more beautiful." Kari looked down." I understand. Being away from my home has been hard." The lady looked confused. "Isn't that your home?" She said gesturing to the castle. “I don't remember it, I was born here, but I spent all of my life living in Absconditi. Well, until it was attacked and I've been running and fighting ever since. It's been many years."
"Oh my, I had no idea, I don't think many people know that." The lady looked sad. Kari smiled. "I'm sorry I just feel out of sorts today I do love it here and I feel very strongly about protecting Asiroth it's just that ever since I was taken from my home I have at least been with someone as a companion or protector, but everyone is at Redponn." The lady looked at her "Oh you don't need to explain yourself to me, we all know of your dedication to this kingdom and our lives. It's even more impressive that this is not the place you know as your home. At the very least my family appreciates that you are here to help us." Kari felt uncomfortable from the support and stood up trying to change the conversation.
"Do you mind if I join you?" She asked, gesturing to the basket of flowers. "You want to help pick flowers and hand them out?" "Yes if you don't mind. It would make me feel better." She said, "Of course I would love that!" She responded.
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