《The Fire of Asiroth》Chapter Twelve: "H"
Jeplin left the city with the acquisition of a horse. He continued the rest of the way to the castle within Redponn. With his horses, he typically didn't have to have a saddle or equipment to harness them. This particular horse was not as well trained or dedicated. Icy rain bounced off of his shoulders like tiny pebbles. He leaned down against its neck and urged the beast to run faster. When he reached the border he could see the castle on the horizon along with thousands of soldiers approaching the front gates from the north. He was approaching from the east and looped around to the southern quadrant. He let his green cape fly in the wind as a beacon that let them know who was approaching. Despite his distance from the battle, he could hear the screams and cries from the field. He eventually reached the back wall. The guards standing at the back towers immediately recognized him and allowed him to pass.
He pushed his horse to its limit, racing faster and faster past citizens and soldiers. When he reached the steps, he leaped off and ran to the door. The sounds of metal clanging together and screams echoed through the halls. Jeplin with a bag on his left arm and his sword in his right he found his way to King Richon. He stood at the open doors leading to the balcony catching his breath. King Richon stood regally looking over the massive battle unfolding beneath him. The two guards at the door made the King aware of Jeplin's presence and he turned to him. "Ah, you have returned I was hoping you weren't kept at Asiroth too long." "I did more than fight at Asiroth, he said, holding up a scroll. "You did it?" He asked, shocked. "I thought you were not going until after ..." He trailed of pointing to the battle. “I'll explain."
He led him to the room behind him. Richon waved off his guards and followed Jeplin into the small map room. The walls were the brightest note, a dark blood-red. The wooden shelves, much lighter, were filled with various odd trinkets. Richon sat down in a velvet-covered chair and Jeplin sat opposing him. On the table in between them, there were dozens of papers and random objects. Joplin swept everything off with carelessness reflecting the severity of the situation right outside the very walls they sat behind. He placed each scroll and piece of paper on the table. They had come across what they had hoped. The correspondence of "H". Each letter they read between "H" and his followers gave them hope of getting ahead of them. When Jeplin showed him the island and the annotations on top of it Richon walked to the door. The guards had followed them, holding down the entrance. He ordered one of them to retrieve Robert. The guard ran off holding his shield in a ready position knowing he might have to kill some men to get to him.
Richon and Jeplin went through every paper before Robert approached the door. He was a bit annoyed that he had been pulled from the fight. Jeplin gestured to the pile of papers and Robert sat down at the table. After reading only a few papers he looked at Jeplin. "You are brilliant." He said laughing.
They spent a bit of time discussing the findings to determine their next plan of action. Robert with his finger on Calcaria. "I will send my best men to find anything." "Now, while occupied we must destroy all five towers. We need to destroy their spy system." Jeplin said. "How many men do you think we need?" Jeplin looked out the window for a moment then answered. "From what I saw we don't need many men for each tower. I'm guessing they would be sent in groups to different ones at the same time. Let go with fifty men per unit." Robert responded. "That should not be too hard, though I hate to take them from here where they are needed." He looked back through the door, " I need to get back down there ..." He trailed off. Richon grabbed his arm. "You have a new target now, and you are too much of an asset to continue down there." "This is my job!" He protested. " Robert..." Jeplin said. "I know you live for fighting but we need you for more important things.”
Robert remained a bit angry. He could've easily not obeyed, but he knew it was the right course of action. "Let's not take any chances." He pointed to the map. Richon looked at the gesture and ignored it. We all know where these are, it's not hard to get in, the only problem is there are seven."
Kari waited in the cold as she watched one of her spies return to her. The sky was white like the surface of a frozen lake. The grass in front of her was dead and almost gray. Everything was dying at the hand of the merciless frost that haunted them. She stood alone on the terrace near the front doors. The enormous and grand castle ominously towered above her. It was haunting to look at it when the sun was not prevalent. The marble and bricks were sullen old and abandoned with remnants of their comrades, in powder form, below them. She was wearing a cape that was pinned at her chest. It was thick and lined with fur. The wind tried to force it into the air but its density prevented it. Her white dress could be seen underneath, a thin lace that peeked out from the bottom of her cloak and trembled in the icy wind. Her spy reached her and jumped off of her horse in a relatively normal manner. "I'm so glad that you returned Aria." Kari said. "Did you find anything?" "Yes," Aria said, a bit frantic. "There is a man wearing Henry's crest all in black leading a troop of men on horseback." Kari was shocked. "They looked as though they were heading to Redponn but from the North East.” Kari knew that was where Jeplin was rumored to be. Word was sent that Jeplin was captured, though she had not heard anything else. “Who do you think it is?” She asked Aria. "I think it's really him." Kari stood silently, Aria looked uncomfortable. Whomever he was, it was obvious he was following Henry's plans. She decided to ignore Jeplin's request and gathered a team to go after him.
Horace was very eager at the possibility of seeing who "H" was and gladly joined Kari. She felt relieved with him by her side. They tore through the fields faster than the wind. After a few hours, they chose a large hill to sit on to watch the valley below. Aria's information was correct. They soon were able to see a moving clump of dark figures led by the man. Horace grinned in the most unsettling manner. Kari was simply angry at the sight of the man responsible for keeping the war alive. Her blue cape caught the wind and fluttered behind her. She told the army behind her to wait and rode down alone. Horace didn't listen; he tossed his scarf around him to bar the cold and followed quickly and methodically behind her.
The man had noticed them, he almost considered ignoring them. But he grew bored from the journey and wanted to have some fun. The man left his men a few paces behind him and met Kari and Horace. He was very tall and his skin, like Jeplin's, was extremely pale and covered in scars. His hair was long and a flawless blonde. The only color that existed on him was on his hands and horse in the form of dried blood. He had a sheepish and amused look on his face. "You must be lost." He commented while sneering. She looked at him angrily. "I am exactly where I intended to be." She retorted. He laughed loudly "You must be either really proud or an idiot." "I may be both." She said playing back and smiling.
Horace was silent, but not because of awe or fear but out of anger. She looked at him and saw he was ready to destroy the man. He looked at Horace who only had his eyes exposed. "You recognize me don't you." The man said to Horace. though he had not yet recognized Horace. He pulled off his sash. The man's playfully devious mood changed drastically. "Geron…”. He looked visibly distraught. “I killed you. I know I did.” " Obviously not, Henry." The name cut through everyone's ears like an unwelcome blade.
Kari's jaw dropped. She could not believe she was in front of Henry. He knew her family, he killed her mother, thousands of thoughts ran through her head.
She saw a large black bird flying over them turning to the east. As she followed it with her eyes, she noticed a figure all in black approaching. No one else saw so she remained silent looking back at Henry Smiling. "You are a fool for smiling while in front of me." He said, "Oh no, are you angry?" She teased. His tone lightened "Not at all, I am just having some fun. You had perfect timing I needed a break from this journey I've been on." "Oh, you mean going to see Jeplin's body for yourself." She said, forcing him to discuss his intentions. "You are clever, but that won't save you." He said still unphased with his eyes on Geron. "He's not there you know." She continued. He looked back to her refocusing his attention "Oh is that why you came, to warn me, how kind." He spat out sarcastically, becoming less and less amused. She looked to her right and smiled. "You know she is right,” Jeplin said, approaching. Jeplin!” Kari yelled excitedly. Henry whipped around and looked at him. “I've been trying to find you for years. Henry then noticed he was wearing a green cape with a matching crest. "How dare you wear my crest while fighting us! You think you can trick me?" Jeplin rode to him.
He stood in front of him uncomfortably close. His voice changed. In a low throaty growl, he spoke. "This crest is mine, I will keep it even though you tainted it." Jeplin's breath could be felt on Henry's face. Henry looked into Jeplins eyes and a cold chill traveled across his body. “You.... you.... how could this be? I thought you were dead...James, My own son, the leader of the resistance against me! I thought George took you."
"What do you mean your son?" Jeplin said changing his expression from amused to cautiously angered at the sound of someone using his birth name. You ... You are Henry?" He said shocked turning to Geron and Kari, they both nodded. He then turned to Jeplin, his face hardened, erasing all hints of emotion. "How are you alive?" He pressed on. I looked for you, you are the true Heir to my wonderful empire.” “Your wonderful empire? You have ruined so many lives, how could you think I would want to be a part of that?” "Let me tell you what happened while you die," Jeplin said, drawing his sword. Henry, in turn, pulled his out also, and they both jumped off of their horses. Dancing around, Jeplin continued. "Do you remember the last time you saw me?" Henry clenched his teeth. "Of course I attempted to kill the family of Asiroth and I only could get Catherine. The others disappeared." "You walked into the room with Catherine and I lucked out by walking into the room with George and his children." What! They were still there?" "If we had arrived a few minutes later they would not have been." Henry lowered his sword for a moment waiting to hear what he did to them.
"They were trying to escape into a secret tunnel that was built for such occasions. George was just going to hide his children, but I shoved him in too and locked the door. I saved them and joined them that day to dedicate my life to stopping your evil reign.”
Henry's anger began to flow through his body, and he lifted his sword. His failure was his own son's fault, and caught in his rage screamed: "How dare you!” He lunged forward. Henry grabbed part of Jeplin's cloak close to his neck and began to choke him. Jeplin spun and released himself with a knife. The cloak flew into the air.
Jeplin struck Henry's shoulder, but it only clanged back off of his armor. He took his sword with both hands and blocked Henry who went after him again, this time straight down for his head.
Kari and Geron sat on their horses silently watching them strike each other. Henry, being much more devious than Jeplin, summoned energy while his sword struck him. He took the hit and flew back into a rock. Geron jumped off his horse. He let Jeplin fight since he had priority and rank over killing Henry but he eventually threw etiquette to the wind at the thought of Henry winning. Jeplin laid unconsciously on the ground and Kari without a beat leaped from her horse as well and unsheathed her sword.
Her army approached from over the hill and stood watching and waiting for the signal. She ran to Jeplin and knelt beside him. Geron had Henry on the ground in mere seconds with just his advanced sword work. Henry was leaning back on his arms when he shouted a word, Kari turned and watched his men shoot a wave of arrows covering Geron's torso. He collapsed immediately. Kari stood up. Her sword was glowing like the moon when the sky was its darkest. Henry not phased smiled "Oh you are coming for me how cute, let me just kill Jeplin, now that I know what he has really done to me, I will be worshiped for killing the biggest traitor in history. "Really?" Kari shot back. "What about you? You betrayed George and his family. You were friends, almost brothers." She ducked as he swung his sword at her and then she returned the strike. "Why does it matter to you?" He said smugly. A white light filtered out of her sword. "I'm George's daughter,'' she said defiantly as she swung. The revolution caused him to pause for a moment. She struck his sword and the upper half shattered. His eyes burned through her with anger. He dropped the remnants of his sword and lunged for her. She slumped back but he was too fast and reached her. Shoving her to the ground then bending over her he grabbed her neck. She gasped as he squeezed it. Jeplin trying to get back up he managed to grab a knife and throw it into Henry's arm. He released her and fell to the side, though for only a second. Kari gasped. She sat up just as Henry went after Jeplin again. He pulled the knife out of his arm and staggered to a standing position. He slowly moved closer and closer to Jeplin. Jeplin stood ready to defend himself. Henry put out his hand and a wind surged out hitting Jeplin in the chest forcing him to fly backward. He tumbled across the ground. When he gained his composure he saw Kari running towards Henry from behind.
Jeplin wanted to tell her to stop but that would draw Henry's attention to her. To protect her he egged him forward. Jeplin jumped up and ran quickly and instead of striking him with his sword as anyone would have expected him to do, he took him down by tackling him with his whole body. Kari ran over as Jeplin shoved Henry a few feet away. Kari looked at Jeplin's bleeding face. She stood between the men. swinging her sword she cast a ring of fire around her and Henry. Henry sent her flying back towards the flames She was able to stop herself but not before the flames covered her.
She put out her arm and the flames covering her blew away. Henry a bit thrown off charged and she plunged her sword into his shoulder. Jeplin jumped up without his sword. Henry and Jeplin both put out their hands and they were engulfed by a bright light. Kari was blinded and looked around trying to see or hear anything so she could defend herself and Jeplin.
The soldiers stood silently watching the large insane spectacle. There were huge clouds of smoke dancing off of the ground from the random snuffed fires. She walked cautiously to where Henry and Jeplin were. Jeplin was lying motionless and face down. She gasped and ran to Jeplin's body. She knelt to see if he was still breathing. Relieved that he was, she looked up and saw Henry approaching. The destruction was massive. The men waiting for her signal finally got their sign and went to take on Henry’s men. Henry looked over and saw that Jeplin was on the ground and there was only Kari to fight.
She bit her lip as he walked over, and put out her hand as if to stop him as he pointed his broken sword at her. The tip was now slanted and there were wisps of gray smoke dancing from it. She straddled Jeplin's body still facing Henry and still keeping her hand up. He swung at her hand. "Why don't you just let me kill you, James is going to die either way." She looked at him in the most distasteful way. "How could you do this?" She said begrudgingly. "Your own son." “He is not my son he is the enemy." "No, he is not." She retorted. He shoved her aside and raised his sword to finish killing his son and she jumped up screaming, her anger reaching its peak. At that moment they were all swallowed by a bright explosion of fire.
The soldiers watched as the trio was completely engulfed. The energy spread quickly killing all the troops near them. It took a while before the energy died down. When it had the sight, the soldiers saw was upsetting. Henry was dead. He was on his back. Only a few feet from him Kari was lying face down over Jeplin's body.
Their bodies were almost unrecognizable covered in layers of ash and dirt. A man jumped off his horse and approached them. "What are you doing?" Another soldier yelled, "Seeing if they are alive." He said. As he got closer he could feel the heat still living in the ground. He gestured for some men to lift Kari and Jeplin so they could get them to the cooler ground. He knelt next to them and put his ear to her face. "Hurry" He yelled. “They are still breathing.” They quickly carried them to a crevasse where rainwater had collected. One man gently lied Kari in it and then Jeplin next to her. They began to sink. As they slipped deeper into the water it became brighter and as the water reached the top of their heads they both awoke. Kari opened her eyes and immediately pulled herself to the surface and gasped for air. Jeplin’s eyes were still closed and he wiped his face with his hands. "Jeplin." She said quietly while touching his arm.
He smiled and opened his eyes. “Did we really do it?” He asked. "I think so.” She said. He hugged her and all of her pain disappeared. Jeplin stood up pulling Kari up with him. As they pulled themselves out of the water the soldiers cheered for them. They walked over to Henry's body, he was lifeless. To make sure he would not be mistaken for dead again Jeplin picked up his sword and plunged it into Henry's heart. They turned around and left without a second glance.
- End555 Chapters
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