《Eternity and Bones》kitchen knife?!


Is this a... kitchen knife?

{it appears to be}

How will this help?!

{scanning for enchantments…}

{enchantments found}

Wha-! An enchanted kitchen knife?! Quickly! Show me what enchantments it has!


{{butcher: allows wielder to cut the target apart easier}}

{{Cook: cooks target automatically, allowing for easier preparation of meals}}

{{Taste up: improves taste of all food prepared with knife}}

Wow… the only remotely useful one is butcher. System, will I be able to kill whatever is blocking the way back with this?


Well, I guess I just have to try then!

System, make it easier for me to see this thing.

{activating heat vision}

Ok! Now! Lets fight!

Never mind! Don’t want to fight anymore! That thing is way scarier than I thought it’d be!

{current prospects of winning [0]%}

{current prospects of survival [1]%}

{due to a dangerous situation, the [system] will now temporarily block all pain and fear}


{pain and fear blocked}

I suddenly feel weird… but I feel like I can fight! Lets fight, fish! Hyah!

I won! I actually won! The kitchen knife actually helped a lot, which was very surprising!

{don’t forget me}

Oh! That’s right! Thanks system! I probably would have died without you!

{you are welcome}

Now let's get out of here!

Back in the village! System, find me an inn to stay at please.


{inn found}

Ok! Lets go!

“Oi! Kid! You awake in there?”

Uh oh! If he comes in now he’ll see me! What should I do?

{purposefully making lots of noise while you are putting your armor on is the best way. The excessive noise will make sure he hears you and knows you are awake, plus you can get dressed at the same time}

Got it! That’s what I’ll do!

“Finally! Took ya long enough to get ready! C'mon, we’re leaving now.”


I wonder where we’ll go next?

{warning: bandits ahead}

Huh?! What do you mean?

{there is a group of [14] bandits up ahead}

What do we do?

{alert the merchant}

Got it.

“Hm? What is it? What? Is something wrong? I won’t be able to know what’s wrong unless ya tell me.”


Ah, right. Thanks for reminding me.

“Bandits? How do you know that? Whatever, ya look pretty serious about it, so I’ll believe ya. Which way should we go to avoid them?”


{finding best route}

{route found, displaying}

“That way? Got it!”

Phew, bandits successfully avoided!

“Oi, kid! We’re stopping here for a quick break! Be back in the wagon in an hour.”

Another stop, huh? Any ruins here?


Good! Because I think I’m done with ruins for a very long time!

There’s nothing to do here! System! Find me something to do!

{how about shopping for some new equipment? The armor you’re wearing right now was stolen from dead humans, after all}

Oh yeah it is, isn’t it, I completely forgot! Then I guess it’s shopping time!

Wow, look at all this armor! So many choices! What should I get?

{should I scan all the armor here to find the best one?}



{scan complete, displaying best armor}

This is it?


You’re sure?


Ok I guess I’ll- why is it so expensive?!

{the shop keeper must know how valuable it is}

I can’t wait until we can find these magic circuit things, I really want to communicate with humans.

New armor acquired! Hey system, what kind of effects does this armor have?

{{anti-destruction: armor is extra resistant and harder to destroy.}}

{{Stealth up: allows user to avoid detection}}

Wow, that’s pretty useful!

“Oh, there ya are! You ready to go? We’re leaving soon.”

{warning: enemy}


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