《Final Rebellion》Chapter 2: Amirul


"Ah... My head still feels like shit..." Hakeem mumbled as he head towards the shore. He wrapped parts of his head because it was injured during the siege. An artillery shell exploded near his box and cause a slight landslide. His pillbox would have been swept up if not for the strong support it had.

"Hey you! Stop!"

Hakeem heard a voice in the distance. He did not know if that voice was talking to him but he did not stick around to find out. He swiftly took off and headed towards the shore. When he arrived, he was relieved that there was no battleship surrounding this area.

'They must have turned around when they found out our base was concentrated on the other side.' If not the entire island would be surround with troops. He looked around to see if there is any spare boats around. But anybody could tell, there was no boat around this area.

"Hey, please stop!" Hakeem heard the same voice again. He turns around and points his rifles towards the trees behind him. "Show yourself!" Hakeem demanded.

"Hey, hey, I'm friendly." The person says as he came out of the forest. "I'm Amirul. I was on the third hill."

'The third hill? Wasn't that place bombed to oblivion?' Hakeem remembered seeing the third hill bombard with shells because of the communications equipment. They first took out their communications to prevent them from calling any backup.

"How are yo-" Hakeem was going to question him. He was suprised that anyone managed to survive such a bombardment. But Amirul quickly answers him.

"I was stationed on the west side. Not the east." Amirul was in a panic to explain himself to Hakeem as he moved his finger towards the trigger.

"The back? Lucky bastard." Hakeem thought that everyone went to the east of the island to face the empire.


"I was told by my superior to hide there and report any movements." Amirul said to Hakeem. He was relieved that Hakeem is now more relaxed.

Hakeem lowered his rifle. 'Such a soft looking person would never be drafted into the local Empirial Army. At most, he would be put in an office.' "Is there anyone else?"

"No... I'm the only one..." Amirul said depressingly. He waited there with his face pale. He heard dozens of shells firing. Guns firing. The ground was shaking. It was truly terrifying to him. He never saw combat yet so sitting there alone hearing distant screams made his heart beat fast.

"Hey, calm down. We need to escape his island first. Do you know if there is any boats around here?" Hakeem was getting desprate to get off this island. His rifle was low on ammo. It was a semi auto rifle awarded to him by the main base for his previous contributions, but it had one major flaw. It was powered by mana. Mana could not be naturally gathered here in this dimension.

"No, this side of the island is nothing but a beach and a forest. We don't even get any electricity here." Amirul said to Hakeem. His breath was ragged and his face pale.

"Don't worry man. I think I have a plan. But you need to help me with this." Hakeem was rather annoyed that Amirul was not that useful. But then he had a plan.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Amirul repeated under his breath. He was currently on the battleship that bombarded the island earlier. Hakeem had forced him to walk past the heavily defended dock. As everyone else was busy on the island, the defense on the dock became rather lax. But still, walking towards the enemy was a scary thing to do.


Amirul slowly poked his head out of the corner. Only to see a empirial soldier infront of him.

"Uh... Hi?" Amirul in a blank state said to the imperial soldier infront of him. "Qui es-tu?" The soldier infront him said as he tried to raise his gun. But then, a bullet came from one the hill of the island. The bullet hits the soldier on the left side of his head. His head exploded as the mana concentrated enters his head.


The soldier fell downwards. 'Holy shit!' Amirul didn't hear the shot and when the soldier's head exploded was truly disgusting to him. He had puked in his mouth. Getting desprate he went to the side of the ship and lets the puke out.'Why me?' Amirul questioned. 'I should never had came here.' He is regretting getting influenced by the rumours he heard while in town.

After finishing puking, Amirul saw at the corner of his eye one empty boat. 'Finally. An empty one.' He sneaks towards the boat and got onto it. At first he had a few problems trying to start it. But then he found a manual on the boat itself.

'What? What language is this?!' The instructions were in the language he didn't understand. He thought it was likely Portuguese but ignores it as there were also a few pictures on the manual. 'Just pull?' Amirul looked towards the engine and saw a lever. He pulled the lever and the boat suddenly starts. 'Dumbass.' Amirul insults himself.

He directed the boat and headed back towards the island.

Zone #125- Northern Sumatra

"Thank god we had enough fuel!" Hakeem feared that they would run out fuel mid way to Sumatra so he planned to move towards Thailand. But then he saw dozens of patrol boats on the border so he turned the boat and headed towards Sumatra.

"Oi! We've arrived!" Hakeem said as he kicked the boat as Amirul was sleeping because he was trying to avoid getting seasick.

"Let me sleep. It's still your shift to steer."

"No, we've arrived you idiot." Hakeem got back onto the boat then bends over and starts to poke Amirul.

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