《Two Friends》Snow Werewolf


The now werewolf Brynn stood still, his heavy breathing making his ears twitch left and right. Within minutes he got used to his enhanced senses, it was high compared to the others before, but now it was on a whole new level. He could hear his blood flow within him, the snowmelt and freeze again but nothing for the two standing in front of him. Brynn looked down at Miriam and Helena, he soon after started drooling. He couldn't figure what made him drool, was it his instinct? He took one step towards them and with an instant Helena's eyes glimmered red. Brynn kneeled instantly as if oppressed, yet he was wagging his tail.

Helena stared at him as if analysing him, she smiled then walked closer to Brynn. She reached for his ears but couldn't reach. Brynn leans in closer to her somewhat curious, she then pats and caresses his fur. Helena's voice cracked as she spoke in the old language of her predecessors. "He'll be a good dog."

Miriam looked questionable at Helena "You should give up speaking in that language" she looked at her hands "The body cannot handle such complexity in pronunciation." Her gaze returned at Brynn "Did you finalize the contract?"

Helena grinned "About to do so." while her teeth sharpened as she spoke. Soon after she bit into the werewolf's neck. Brynn roared in pain, yet only silence was the reply to his cry. He then tried to reach for Helena that was hanging by his neck. His body stopped as soon as his claws touched her skin. He looked down at her, she was staring at him. Her bloody eyes piercing into his every cell, making his every thought of disobedience cower into a corner.

For a good two minutes, Helena sucked the blood out of Brynn. She then let go of him. Soon after he fell flat on the snow, while slowly his form regressed to that of a human.


Miriam quickly moved out of the towering werewolf's fall and asked while staring at him turning back into a human. "Did you kill him?" Helena just shook her head. "You sure were hungry. I guess this is good as well. We need him in human form, rather than a werewolf." Miriam looked at Helena and pointed out "Clean yourself, so unsightly." She then threw some snow at Helena, to wash out the blood.

After Helena finished cleaning herself, she walked up to Brynn then started to shake his body to wake him up. He did not move nor react, soon after she gave up as Miriam spoke up questioning the contract. "Did the memory exchange succeed as well?" Helena nodded; Miriam continued "What about your memories?"

Helena sighed "You worry too much. Selected a few of my memories were shared." She glanced at Brynn again. "He is butt naked. We need to get some clothes from somewhere. People would get suspicious if they saw him naked with two kids."

"Agreed." Miriam looked around to see what was left of the belongings that they didn't burn. "We have a blanket." Thereafter she threw the blanket on Brynn. Both just remained silent, realizing the mistake that they didn't take into account as they cleaned up. To leave a minimum of necessities.

They stood next to Brynn, waiting for him to wake up for a great two hours. Miriam was starting to lose her patience. "Are you sure you didn't kill him?" Helena glared back as she replied "I am very certain. Do not question me again!" and in her anger kicked Brynn, he then groaned but did not wake up. She quickly caught on to this, then yelled at him ordering him. "Wake up you damned mutt!" she then once again kicked him.


Brynn immediately opened his eyes as he received the command, then looked confused at the two. At this point, he could only accept the fact that he has been chained by Helena. "I am up, stop annoying me." He spoke in the old language that Helena had shared with him through telepathy.

Helena snapped as Brynn spoke, her red eyes glared at him. Anger, hate, and disgust poured in as she ordered him once again. "You will never speak that language again in this lifetime!" Brynn couldn't understand why, but he just nodded as there was no other option, but just obedience. "Use it for telepathic communication only!" she then pointed at the blanket "Wrap that around you and take us to the nearest city."

Brynn looked at the ragged blanket, he got up turned around and jokingly pointed out "You girls are too young for this." While he tied the blanket around his hips and picked the two up. He headed back on the main road, then started running.

Both were taken aback by his joke, despite all that had happened he behaved in such an unexpected manner. This only made Helena question his thrust even more, despite having him under a contract of ownership. Helena remembered something she had seen through Brynn's memories.

"Miriam, do you remember the Count that wanted to overthrow the soon to be crowned prince?" Helena asked while staring ahead as Brynn's speed gradually increased. Miriam shook her head. "No. How many years ago was that?" Helena sighed while frowning at Miriam "143 years ago. Remember the pale and bald geezer that was always picking on everyone's etiquette?" Miriam instantly glowed with happiness and laughed "Straud the Failure?" Helena nodded.

Brynn was shocked by what he was hearing. They knew Straud the Usurper, but they knew him as the failure?! Helena once again pointed out "We can hear you, Brynn. He was a failure as count as a vampire and most especially as a strategist in politics." Brynn was about to speak then Helena cut in. "We are not going to tell him about us, unless of course you…" once again the piercing red eyes stared at him, reminding him again and again of his owner. He swallowed his saliva as he tried to forget about Helena and her every breath's doubt.

The sun was setting. They have been on the road for more than five hours and during this time Brynn did not stop once, despite having been asked if needed to rest, he kept on running. After a short interval to the nightfall, they could see a dim light and as they closed in, a grand stone gate emerged into their view. Brynn slowed down. He then just kept a walking pace as they reached the gate.

The guards stationed at the gate glanced at them. At first not recognizing Brynn but as they realized they were confused. What could have happened? Brynn without any greetings stood in line after the merchants at the gatekeepers office.

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