《Two Friends》The Silence


Helena stopped in front of the icicle cage, knocked on it to see if Brynn was still conscious. His reaction was slow, but he looked up to see the two look at him, he panickily looked around. He couldn't see any of his men, in his craze, he started smashing his head against the ice. Miriam moved her right hand horizontal, and the icicles broke.

Brynn was not aware of the fact that all his peers were disposed of. In the most inhumane way. He passed out not long after he was caged, the sleepless night and the wounds on him had got him. Hence Helena's knock woke him up after his forced rest. Yet he couldn't even stand up, despite his rest. He started yelling, but his broken jaw made it sound more like a growl. Brynn couldn't muster two words correctly. The girls couldn't understand his behaviour.

Miriam looked at Helena as if anticipating something, Helena rolled her eyes while Miriam just pointed at Brynn with her head. She was signalling Helena to do something. She then walked closer to Brynn put her fingertips on his forehead. Brynn was trembling awaiting his end, but weird mumbles started to appear in his mind. He was shocked. He looked at Helena then at Miriam, but the language the voices spoke, he didn't understand it. Then the silence settled down in his consciousness. Then the voices once again approached him. But now he interpreted them as if it was his native tongue.

"Do you think he can understand us now?" the voice asked the other as its reply echoed in Brynn's mind. "I poured all my knowledge of the old language into his pea brain. Let's see if he manages to figure it out." Brynn shouted at the voices "Who are you? Why are you disturbing my consciousness?" The voices did not reply. His focus returned to the outside as Helena grabbed his jaw and rose his head. He looked at her and Helena smiled as their eyes met. It just came to Brynn who the voices were. It was them. But why? What reason?


One of the voices spoke again "Brynn your control over the telepathy is so bad we can hear all your thoughts." Brynn's train of thought had an abrupt stop as he heard the voice. "Stopping to think will only dumb you down, so this won't work either." He could hear the other voice giggling in the distance as if it was walking away, while she whispered, 'Here it comes.' Miriam covered her ears while Helena moved Brynn's dislocated jaw into place. He wanted to scream as the pain hit his nerves, yet he couldn't Helena was holding his jaw in place, forcing him to groan while glaring at her.

Miriam walked up closer to Helena, then patted her shoulder. Helena turned towards Miriam, then suddenly Helena had a displeased expression. Brynn could only figure they were talking, but how can he not hear them?

The voice sighed within Brynn's mind "Yes, we were talking. Brynn, there are many things you will have to learn." Helena took the butter knife she had snatched from the huntsmen during the fight and cut her right arm as she left go Brynn's jaw. "You are halfling, can you tell me your ancestry?" He tried to reply, but his voice was not projected. The distant voice giggled once again, while the close on spoke again in a commanding voice "Think Brynn! Think." Then it clicked for him. His thoughts were his voice, but how could not voice everything. His curiosity only kept piling up, but the voice did not reply to any of his questions. He then realized; he was in no position to question them. Brynn's thought poured out loud as he replied, "I am part Werewolf, part Human." Helena slowly frowned as Brynn spoke, then the voice once again spoke "You're too loud, manner it down Brynn!" still the voice domineering his thoughts, Brynn could only obey. He slowly started to get used to the voice and its intonations, yet he couldn't figure it out to whom did it belong. Was it Miriam? "No, I am not her." A shiver ran down Brynn's body as the voice replied in such a cold manner; he never thought one could project such feelings with its voice. Brynn blinked a few times as he looked at Helena, she just nodded. Confirming it was her speaking with, then without any remorse, she opened Brynn's mouth as she slid in her hand. While the other hand his jaw in place, the blood slowly dribbled on his tongue.


"What about the townspeople?" Helena asked. Brynn was so focused on the telepathy that he had forgotten the outside, and the pain was not felt, but the burning feeling, Helena's blood left, as it trailed deeper into his body numbing it as if melting. Brynn couldn't think straight. He was on another worldly sentiment; it was ambrosia to his body. Something he had longed for but never knew he was longing for it. "Brynn!" Helena's voice once again echoed into his consciousness. It had such an impact on Brynn that it felt as he was dragged from heaven into hell. He then replied, "Mostly everyone is a halfling, while the nobility is of pure breed. The common folk are only allowed to breed with humans and not with other kin." Silence settled into Brynn's mind once again, as if it was the calm before the storm. Helena quickly pulled her hand out of Brynn's mouth and took a few steps back, while pushing Miriam as she backed.

Brynn's mind was in such eerie silence. It started to worry him. The once dazed stare looked as if it came back to life, with his focus back on the outside. He saw the two walking backwards as if something scary behind him. But there was nothing. He quickly glanced around to see if something came about, still nothing. Then he felt his teeth suddenly grow, piercing his human lips. His stature started to increase; he could feel his wounds heal. Brynn took a step to stand up; He stood tall topping more than three meters. His whole body was covered in hair. A white fur coated him as a long furry tail grew, and ears emerged from beneath his scalp. As these appeared, blood dribbled on his white mane.

Miriam and Helena were socked, but their curiosity overwhelmed them. It was their first time seeing a werewolf in its full form and to top it all the transformation had exceeded their expectations.

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