《The Secrets Of Finnley》Chapter 1 - Just a night out
- Friday, January 22nd, 2016 -
“Please Finnley,” I beg him while I close his book for the third time. “Please go with me.”
“You know better than calling me that. And why?” Finnley looks at me, rather annoyed, pushing my hand of his book for the third time in a row. “You always go without me.”
“But you’re my best friend,” I whine, exasperating a sigh. “And you’re sixteen. You’re supposed to go out and party.”
“I have plans.”
“Don’t tell me you will spend yet another night at home, studying for a test you studied for enough already.”
“Who says I don’t have other friends?” He sits back and crosses his arms, sending me a cold glare. The thing with Finnley is, he is my best friend, and I’ve never seen him with other people besides me and our best friend Emma, or a girl in his class named Julia. We always used to hang out during the weekends, or in the evening hours after school. But since about a year, Finnley refuses to hang out with me during the weekends. He’s mostly studying at home while I go out; and he never gives in to come with me for once.
“But I’m celebrating my birthday.”
“Your birthday is in two weeks.” Finnley rolls his eyes while grabbing the book again. “You’ll celebrate in two weeks, at home, throwing a party. And on Sunday, like always, we’ll do something fun to celebrate together. You can tell me all about the party and tell me over and over again what I missed out on.”
I sigh deeply. “Why won’t you go out?”
“You know mom and dad don’t like the idea of me going out.”
“Stop being such a pussy.” Emma drops in a seat next to him, grinning widely. “You’re sixteen, you should ignore their rules every so often.”
“I’m perfectly fine with my life, thank you very much.”
“You’re a nerd,” I deadpan with an annoyed look. “Don’t tell me you really like to settle for a life consisting of studying and staying at home.”
“Why is it so important to you, all of the sudden?”
“He wants to hit on Julia.” Emma chuckles, staring at Finnley amused. “He needs you to introduce him to her.”
Finnley groans and slams his head onto the pile of books in front of him. “Just give up, Cris. She’s not into you.”
“How do you know? Have you talked to her about me?” I look at him curiously. Finnley refuses to introduce us to her, telling us Julia is really shy and doesn’t like meeting new people.
“I haven’t,” he mutters to his books. “You really can’t stop talking about her, can’t you?” He looks at me, still leaning his head on his books. “I really don’t think she’s your type anyway.”
“Why not!?” I exclaim, “she’s hot, she’s cute, she’s smart.”
“You don’t even know her.” Finnley reminds me of the painful fact I’ve never worked up the guts to at least get to know her by myself. But Julia is always around her group of friends and I hate being publicly humiliated. It’s generally known most Gymnasium students think poorly about us “regular” students. Most of them, but luckily Finnley never paid any attention to the school’s regular orders of friendship. Instead of hiding on the second floor, which is preserved solely for students with AP classes, he always comes and sit with us. He only spends time in the library when he has to work together with other students, or when Emma and I aren’t around to hang out with.
But that’s the thing. Finnley has a life outside of us, and so do we, and it’s getting harder and harder to be best friends with him. But the thought of losing my close friendship with the blonde nerd in front of me, frightens me to dead.
I’ve known Finnley ever since kindergarten and we’ve always been together. The fact we’ll be separated once he gets into one of those fancy Ivy League colleges is a fact I don’t like to think about. Only six months of school together with him, it makes me sad thinking about the nearing end of seeing him every day, teasing him, joking together with him, having those absurd serious conversations about things I hardly understands but he finds fascinating. I love to hear him elaborate about shit I never took interest in. The endless thinking about the universe for instance. He can debate about it for hours and I never find myself being bored.
“If you introduce me to her, I will know her.” I wiggle my eyebrows. “Come on dude. Be my wingman for onenight. Just this once. I’ll owe you big time.”
He groans, covering his head with his arms. “Do I have to?”
“It’s your duty as his best friend, really.” Emma giggles. “And it’ll be fun.” She messes up his hair a little. “I’ll be there and we can have a good laugh once he gets turned down by her.”
“You’re going too?” Finnley sits up to look at her properly. Like the gentleman he is, he always looks a girl straight in the eyes when they talk to him. He isn’t the shy type of nerd. He’s just not that into drinking ever since he found out what risks are involved if you drink too much. Or when you get caught drinking as a minor.
“I’m going too.” She nods happily. “Ifyou go, I’ll stay with you.”
“Really? You’d send your night with me, instead of with Jacob?”
“Yes.” She blushes slightly. Emma has a boyfriend, Jacob, but I for a fact know she’d rather be with Finnley. She’s been in love with him for years. She just settled for a friendship since he never showed any interest in her in any way other than friends. She won’t mind spending a night out with Finnley. She might even try to seduce him ifhe drinks alcohol and ends up a little tipsy.
“Fine.” He lolls his head backwards and lets out an exaggerating sigh. “I’ll go, for once, to be your wingman.”
“You’re the best!” I grin widely and hug him shortly, letting go the second I know he gets uncomfortable when being hugged. Finnley doesn’t like to be touched too much. Not even by his parents.
“Well, that’s why you’re friends with me, right?” A sly smile appears on his face. “Because I’m awesome.”
“Right Finn.” I chuckle. “An awesome and one of a kind best friend.”
* * * * *
“This is gross.” Finnley complains after his first sip of beer, making me laugh. Emma convinced him into drinking at least a little to let go of himself. I don’t even know how Finnley managed to convince his parents to let him go out, but he did. They told us they’d pick us up if needed and to let them know if he was going to stay at my place for the night.
“I’m not drinking this.” He hands me the beer and turns around to face Emma. “Any other great advice?”
“Well…” – she sighs – “What about wine?” She offers her glass to him. He looks at it suspiciously, before taking a sip, again shaking his head.
“Way too sweet for me.”
“Just stick with beer.” I push the glass back in his hands. “You don’t want to be caught drinking wine dude, trust me on this.”
“Can’t I just drink a soda?” He still looks disgusted at the beer, almost insulting it with the look he’s giving it.
“Don’t be a baby.” I chuckle. “You’re not going to die because of beer.”
“But it’s gross…”
“You’ll get used to it after a couple of glasses.”
“Whatever.” He rolls his eyes. “I already regret coming tonight.”
“Well, beats studying at home, believe me.”
“I wasn’t planning on studying.” He tells me calmly, taking a slug of beer, making a face at the bitter taste. “I told you before.”
“So, what were your plans anyway?” I ask curiously. He told me a dozen times already he had to cancel his plans for this, and it better be worth it. “Got yourself a girlfriend?”
It’s dark inside, and it’s hot so we’re all a bit heated, but I swear Finnley blushes slightly at my remark, making both Emma and I pull up an eyebrow. I guess she noticed too. “Really, Finn!?” I call out. “Why haven’t you told me?”
“I don’t have a girlfriend.” He snaps at me, turning away. I know Finnley well enough to know something I said, didn’t sit well with him.
“But you are dating a girl?” I ask carefully. “It’s fine dude. I’d be excited if you’re in love.”
“I’m not dating a girl.” He deadpans. “Just let it go, okay?”
I nod and look towards Emma, who sends me a confused look. I guess he hasn’t told her anything about his cancelled plans either. “Right, okay.” I put my arm around his shoulder and pull him back into our little circle. “Forget about me asking. It doesn’t matter because you’ll always be my best friend, right?”
He looks at me, like he doesn’t believe that statement, confusing me even further. What’s gotten on his nerves today? I wonder if he’s stressed about us being in separate schools next year too. Is he afraid I’m gonna drop him like a brick after making new friends? It’s not like I haven’t got other friends right now, and he knows I have.
“Finnley Christopher Lund.” I deadpan. “Don’t you ever worry about us growing apart. Because if you even dare to step out of my life for the slightest inch, I’ll drag you back by that sexy hair of yours and lock you in my room.”
He shakes my arm off his shoulders while a smile creeps on his face, although he’s trying to hide it. But after a couple of seconds of intense staring, he nods and smiles. “I’d do the same to you.”
“I bet you would.” I wink, before my eyes find the whole reason for Finnley’s presence in a club.
He follows my gaze and finds Julia and two of her friends walking in our direction.
“O my god.” One of her friends – the one with short brown hair – calls out, running in Finnley’s direction the second she notices him. “Am I dreaming?” She squeals, hugging him for exactly three seconds before letting him go, using the maximum time Finnley is okay with being touched.
“You’re not dreaming.” Finnley chuckles. “Cris and Emma dragged me along.” He nods towards us and I grin happily. Julia is eying us suspiciously, keeping her sweet distance.
“I’m Willow.” She offers us a hand, which we shake. We introduce ourselves to her and the other friend. She’s the shortest, has long brown hair in a messy braid and is called Lily.
“And this is Julia.” Finnley pulls her closer, much to her disliking.
“Finn…” She complains, seemingly a little panicking.
“It’s okay, they’re my friends.” Finnley tells her, point towards us. “Cristian is my best friend, I’ve told a lot about him.”
“Oh, right.” She nods and I look at Finnley with disbelieve. He told me he never spoke about me, and now he’s telling me he told a lotabout me? I hear Emma chuckle and nudge her before looking back at Julia, who’s blushing and looking at my hand, which I offered for her to shake.
“I’m Cristian.” I tell her, dropping the hand to my side once I realize she isn’t planning on shaking it. “It’s really nice to meet Finn’s other friends.” I look at Finnley, who seems insecure about all of this.
“It’s so nice to meet you two!” Lily happily chirps. “Finn is always talking about you guys.”
“I hope positive things?” I smile at her, and she smiles back, nodding. “We tried to get Finn to tag along for a while now,” – she looks at Julia shortly before looking back at me. – “but he never gave in.”
“You didn’t tell me you were coming tonight.” Julia tells Finnley, turning away from us a little. “You could have warned me.”
“I haven’t talked to you since they made me promise to tag along.” Finnley looks at me and rolls his eyes before whispering in her ear.
It makes me jealous to look at the two of them, so close. Her hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt constantly touching him in her movements, he lets her touch him like that without any protest. Why is he letting her come that close and not me? He has known me for years.
“Are you sure?” She asks him, looking up, making him nod. She takes in a deep breath, before she turns in my direction. “I’m Julia.” She tells me, looking down and offering me a shaky hand.
I feel a smile appearing on my face, sending Finnley a thankful look without knowing what he told her that made her change her mind about shaking my hand. “Nice to meet you.” I tell her in all honesty while shaking her hand.
Soon, Emma is chatting away with Lily and Willow, Finnley hanging at her side looking bored, while I talk to Julia, who loosens up more and more every second.
“You know…” I take in a deep breath. “I’ve been trying the get Finnley to introduce is for weeks already.” I admit to her, making her look up and frown. I bought her a couple of drinks and got to know her a little and this still feels right. She still seems perfect. She has one older sister, wants to become a doctor and loves playing soccer. It surprised me a little to find out she is actually part of the girls’ soccer team in our school. I should definitely start cheering for them.
“You did?” She sounds surprised. “Why didn’t he? Why did you want to?” Her questions follow up each other quickly, making me grin. “I did, he told me you weren’t my type and because I think you definitely are my type.”
She blushes feverishly, looking down to her hands, holding an empty glass. “You think I’m your type?”
“Yes. I like you.” I chuckle. “Sorry if I’m being to direct this soon, but I just had to tell you.”
“It’s okay.” She looks up at me, locking eyes for the very first time. “I think about you the same.”
“You do?” My eyebrows shoot upwards, reaching sky high. “Really?” I look back to find Finnley, but they’re not there anymore. “Did Finnley know?”
“He hates to be called Finnley, you know.” She giggles. “I figured you knew, you know, since you’re his best friend.”
“I know.” I grin. “I like to tease him with it.”
“Me too!” She laughs softly, making me smile widely. “He hates it when I do that. Always turns him a bit moody.”
“I know.” I laugh along with her. “It’s easy to tease him sometimes, but honestly, I love the guy to death.”
“He’s great.” She nods. “But he didn’t know I was interested in you.”
“Well, I know now.” I smile, grabbing her hand carefully, trying to not scare her by going too fast. “And I’d like to get to know you better, if that’s okay with you.”
She nods and smiles. “I’d like that.”
“Great, so, you’d go on a date with me? Like, Sunday?”
“Eh, I was supposed to study with Finn…” She mutters. “But maybe I can reschedule…”
“No, no.” I hold up my free hand and chuckle. “Finn would kill me if he found out I disturb his studying, again.”
“You do that more often?”
I chuckle. “I think I did tonight.”
“He told me he wasn’t going to study.” She shrugs. “I asked him if he wanted to come tonight, he told me he had plans…”
“Do you know what plans?”
She shakes her head. “No idea.” She mutters. “He’s very vague about what he’s doing during weekends when he’s not studying or hanging out with you or Emma.”
“I know he’s vague.” I admit. “But if something is wrong, he’d tell me, right?”
“Definitely.” She grins. “I honestly believe he’s seeing someone. But he refuses to admit.”
“God, we’re so much alike.” I chuckle. “I think so too. I just don’t know why he’s making a big secret about it.”
“He’ll tell you when he’s ready.” She tries to comfort me with a careful smile, but we both know it’s not like Finnley to keep secrets.
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