《Hells Pit》Chapter 2: Demon Creation Mwhahaha


well lets create some things hmmm

Results of (demon creation) skill:

so thats that now then hell is kinda barren.

o yeah dark lords are rare demons,

why well they love the void and dont reproduce.

and hungry souls are really fuckd up, they need to feed on other souls of the living or dead.

and mini minitour a cute versions of minitour the rest you know.

oh and demon wraith are well demon versions of wraith.

any lest spawn some in *activates Demon spawner skill*

... my me.

That a lot about 1000. ok not a LOT but still good start

(demon population: 12% succubus 16% demons 12% High demons 1% Dark lords 40% goblins 2% hungry souls 2% Wraith/Demon wraiths 5% imp 10% mini minitour/minitour)

so thats that

o also they cant see me, also hell changed when i spawnt them its kinda beautiful like we have green and also we do have

burning landscapes with mountens and flower fields and such lets CHAOS!, Yeah so my race is doing for now even though

they were just born and also demon have the trait demon spawner as passive meanin so long they life

random beast/minion/things spawn in hell at random locations, hmm i wonder.

is this a long one? i dont know, anyhow i had fun writhing this one!,

see ya in the next one :P

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