《First of The Author's Lore: Fatherly Dragon》FYI Session


Since the images of the Tentallion and Oxiry aren't supported by Royal Road, please proceed to the twitter account... Sorry if it's bothersome everyone...

No you don't have to like and follow my twitter. I just posted the images there so ya'll can see it.

The link is on the post-chapter note...

Also since Royal Road needs me to write at least 500 characters... I'll let ya'll read one of the initial drafts for The Author's Lore.


As the moonlight seeped in through the windows, two teenagers could be seen in the quiet, spacious room.

"I want you to know everything about me Donovan. So that's why, ask me more questions. What my favourite color is, what my height is, what my favourite creature is. Ask me everything. After all, I'm yours, and only yours, forever."

The girl had said, her expression being in between the look that of a lustful woman and an innocent girl who was confessing to her love.

The boy she directed this too could only look away as his face became even more heated. "L-Leal... You're being too cute and scary right now... Stop joking around..."

The girl grasped the boy's hand. "I'm not joking though? Just as my name states, I shall be loyal and faithful to you. So make me your wife."

The girl mumbled as she put the boy's hand to her face.

+ + + + +

As the light from the laptop illuminated the dark room, I quietly sat there, quietly staring at my writing. It was a special chapter featuring the chemistry between a side character's parents. Well, more like a random idea forming in my head that I decided to mush into the story I was writing.

"It came out worse than I wanted it to be. Just as expected, really." I sighed as I shut down the laptop.


I'm not really anything special. I'm just a 14 year old living in a rural city, with average grades in class, and is also a loner for some reason. Most probably because I was a weirdo, which I don't see to be a negative factor about myself...

And I wasn't really dedicated to writing either. I did it to pass the time. And maybe for some money I'm never gonna get.

I sighed for the nth time that night as I slid into my bed, the soft mattress welcoming me into it's comfort.

"Tomorrow isn't going to be a good day. I just know it." I mumbled as I closed my eyes.



Just as I walked into the school grounds, I was reminded of the fact there was a project that was supposed to be submitted today. I groaned loudly as I put my bag on the hallway's floor. My classmate, Justin Ardonio, who was tasked as key holder hadn't arrived yet.

I took out my notebook as I started thinking of what to add to my world building, which I gave up on 5 minutes later, due to the fact that I made no progress.

I shoved my notebook back in the bag, took out my wallet and left for my favourite spot in the school. Which was a forest located on the far west side of the school. Surely, no one else was sitting there yet. I mean, it's the crazy hour of seven in the morning-

Well turns out some people are as insane as me. A group of boys were already there, playing Legendary Mobile on their phones.

I let out a tiny "tsk!" and walked towards the football field located at the center of the school, sitting down on the grass as I stared at the empty field.


Finally. Peace.

I sat there for around 10 minutes before I got too bored and went to the hallway in front of the classroom.

Justin hadn't arrived yet, but two of my classmates had arrived. If I remember correctly, the female one with pimples all over her face yet still looking pretty was April. While the skinny guy with an anime character as his wallpaper was Shien.

I didn't bother greeting them and just sat down beside my bag.

Soon enough, Justin had arrived, opened the door, and we were able to move our bags towards our seats. And as the minutes passed by, more of my classmates had arrived, which meant the classroom started getting louder. I'm only thankful that I am now used to it.

A few minutes before homeroom started, my only friend in class, Ken Danias had arrived. He was a short kid, more skinny than Shien, and... An extreme extrovert. Only reason why we were friends was because he approached me first.

"Why are you so late?" I asked as he put his bag on the desk we shared. "I overslept. Anyways wassup Nella?" He said as he sat down.

"Have you done the project we had to pass today?" I asked as I stared outside the window, it looked like it was about to rain.

I caught Ken looking at me with a shocked face. "What project? We had a project?"

I stared at him with a deadpanned face. "Bruh..."

"Okay, minimize your voices class, it's time for the roll call." The teacher, Mr. Lorent, announced as he walked into the room, his planner lazily placed on the desk.

I leaned my head against my arm as I impatiently waited for my name to be called out so I can relax.

"Nella Della Cruz."

"Present~" I said lazily as I lifted my head up before leaning it back down on my arm.

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