《On the Edge of Insanity》Chapter 7


He has been staying with the demon for days now. Whatever that plant was, it must be precious because it healed him almost completely in such a short period of time. His food crisis was also averted by the strange plant. It was a great medicine, but it was a horrible food. It tasted like chewing paper, though it was still better than nothing. It also accelerated his healing factor even further, so that was a plus as well.

He was biding his time with resting and observation. He wanted to figure out the demon’s peculiar behavior. The first night he didn’t dare lay his head to sleep, however he quickly realized that it would be irrational. Afterall, the demon didn’t need him to let his guard down, — it could slay him either way.

He only saw the demon fight once when a pack of hellhounds attacked them on their journey, but the fiend had quickly dispatched them without a care in the world. This was more than enough to convince him that his captor was at least as powerful as horrid.

During the day, the atmosphere grew heavy but thankfully its affects were considerably weakened inside the cave which he learnt to call home. His jailer, — or since he didn’t really have any desire to leave this safe heaven, — his companion didn’t talk much, of course not counting the occasional screeching noises.

The demon also preferred leaving during the night, effectively leaving him alone so he could rest assured without a worry in the world that his throat would be cut, and his flesh devoured while sleeping. Ever since coming to this world he had no break, only waking nightmares one after another. Now, at last he could rest.

Though it made him wonder; would the others be so considerate? Was he seeing too much in the actions of a single demon? He didn’t know. Nevertheless, he was grateful that the demon had saved him. — He didn’t know how he could survive on his own in such a hostile world.

On the 3rd night, he awakened to an unruly pain coursing through his body. “What th-“ A tentacle swiftly dived down into his throat, — his voice whimpered. He couldn’t move. He blinked rapidly while choking and flailing around, however he was firmly kept in place. There were tentacles wrapped all around his limbs, — he was pushed down hard against the cold stone as razor-sharp claws cut into his flesh in a neatly manner.

It sliced down his flesh with such precision that most surgeon would be overcome by jealousy. The monster worked tirelessly as it peeled off every ounce of meat on his body, taking great care not to cut into any arteries, or vital organs. It wanted to keep him alive. He realized.


He must have gone into shock as the pain faded into the background. Considering the positive effects on the healing factor thanks to the strange plant it was entirely possible that the monster wanted to feast on his flesh time and time again. It showed that the demon was more intelligent than he had originally gave it credit for.

Though it was a frightening revelation, hope still shone at the end of the tunnel. If it meant to keep him alive then he would have another chance in the future, a chance to escape. All he had to do was endure. Even if he had to live in suffering for the time being, he would survive. Survive, and one day return to his world. One day return to his family.

No doubt, there would come a time when he would find the way home, and until then even if not the most optional way — this demon would keep him alive. The form of the demon blurred as his eyes grew heavy. It was getting increasingly more difficult to keep them open, soon they closed.

The demon seemed to carry on its work endlessly as Allen entered a state somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness. A natural instinct of the body to protect its psyche from breaking down beyond repair.

All he could feel now was the cold stone surface and the swift cutting of his flesh. If he had to compare it to a previous experience, then he would say it felt like being cut everywhere and simultaneously by the edge of paper. Still the agony lessened to such a degree that he could safely ignore it. He had gone through worse back on Earth already. This was nothing compared to it.

The procedure took for but a few minutes as the demon meticulously carried out its intended purpose. Then suddenly it stopped. He hesitantly pried open his eyes and saw that below the neck he had significant amounts of muscle — meat — removed. His blood was flowing in rivers down the stone bed, and his heart was pumping furiously.

While being semi-conscious he stared unblinkingly at the offered bowl. It wanted him to drink. Even in his shocked state he understood that much.

He glared at his tormentor; all expectations were shattered.

It nursed him back to health only to cut him down as cattle, now it planned to heal him yet again. How long would it keep him alive; how long would it make him suffer? He did not know, but he could guess. It would be a while before it decided to end his torment. Any normal man in his place would already pray for the sweet release of death; however, Allen was no ordinary man. He had things to do, goals to achieve. He had a family to return to, and so he couldn’t die here.


His whole body was numb when he slightly lifted his head to take a sip. — Eyes staring intently at the atrocious demon. — He drank. At least, it didn’t remove anything above the shoulders, though the same couldn’t be said below the waist.

He shed a single tear as his eyes involuntarily strayed down to his mutilated body. There were no words to describe it. He could see his live internal organs, his heart beating, his lungs expanding and collapsing with an ever-increasing pace, the pulsing veins tightly wrapping around his intestines, and the blood freely flowing down at his sides. He could see it all, yet somehow the situation had failed to register in his mind. It was truly an impossible sight.

He gulped down the offered liquid like a rabid animal, and he felt his body rejuvenated. The flesh regrew before his very eyes. He could barely believe such a thing. The plant itself was already a miracle, but this liquid’s healing effect was borderline godlike.

It mended him in a matter of minutes, nursing him back to full health. He thought it might be best that he leaves any rational thought out of the picture until he knows more about this world. There are too many unexpected, unbelievable things happening right now. The chilly feeling throughout his body has left him, and now he felt warm.

Suddenly his expression darkened. It couldn’t be, could it? Allen could only hope that the monster didn’t plan on butchering him nonstop for his meat. Considering its stock of miraculous healing items, it would not be out of question to think it could keep him in a constant cycle of pain without risk to his life. He could endure it every now and then, but not constantly. That would really suck.

Fearfully, he glanced at the shadow, however it wasn’t paying any attention to him anymore. In fact, it was slowly retreating to the far end of the cave. He let out a sigh, relaxing his nerves as he laid back; however, his bloodshot eyes never lost their target. This whole thing was maddening. If it remained like this, he might do something that he would later regret.

He had years of experience suppressing his impulses and emotions, however he wasn’t so sure that he could stay in control if the demon continued to play with his nerves. The only thing compelling him to behave was the certain knowledge that if he were to attack that being then his treatment might worsen, and he might perish. If he died here, then he couldn’t return home, and that was something that he couldn’t allow himself. He couldn’t forgive himself if something happened to those lively kids due to his absence. What cruel things those evil people might subject them if he doesn’t return in time. He had to do something. He summoned his resolve to face his tormentor.

In the light provided by the crystals scattered all around the cave he followed the demon’s movements — just to be safe, just to be ready if it came for seconds. — Abruptly, the demon turned towards him, as if forgetting something, its many bloodred eyes focusing on him.

Allen watched in utter disgust as it took its dear time savoring his flesh while monitoring his every shift in posture and change in expression. Salvia dripped from its monstrous maw as it relished in the fruit of its labor. Allen could guess that the creature found its delight in his suffering. But one’s delight, is another’s plight. He couldn’t hold it inside any longer, and he cried out in sheer frustration.

“You damn monster! This is all just a game to you, isn’t it?! Look what you’ve done! I will kill you; you hear me?! I will slaughter you!”

To his dismay, the demon sneered. Its countless teeth rotated inside its maw as it laughed uncontrollably. — Then abruptly it came to an end. — Not a moment later its inconceivable guttural voice echoed inside the cave shaking its foundation and sending chills down his spine.

Allen leapt back at the sudden voice while grasping at his hurting ears. His complexion paled at the revelation. — This fiend could understand him. — This demon was intelligent. — No, no it couldn’t be. It cannot be! — He shrieked. When unexpectedly, a glint shown in his eyes. — Yes, yes! That’s it! — That fiend might be reacting on instinct, there is no need to jump into conclusions.

If it were truly intelligent then the case was all but lost. It would make it extremely difficult to deceive it and escape when the chance presented itself. The best would be if he could kill the thing, however even if he said that out of frustration, he wasn’t so naïve to entertain such an absurd idea.

His lips trembled as an ominous shadow fell over him.

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