《On the Edge of Insanity》Chapter 6


He regained his senses and found himself laying in a pathetic excuse of a bed. It was made of stone entirely. He groaned when he tried to move — he was scratched by the makeshift bed. Whoever made this didn’t bother on smoothing down the edges.

He shifted uncomfortably as he raised his head to look around the room. It was a cave hole, though what did he expect? Other than that, there wasn’t much to say.

There were glowing crystals everywhere. He thought that there were only pink crystals in the trench, but this room proved that it wasn’t the case. There were crystals in the hue of all the colors of the rainbow. He vaguely wondered, maybe these crystals can do more than glowing considering that the demon had collected them. He couldn’t imagine a demon collecting beautiful things only to admire them. They must have an alternative function, another use — he surmised.

As he scanned the room, he saw something peculiar. In a neatly row there were a dozen seaweed like plants lined up on a stone table in the far end of the cave. He didn’t think it was possible that vegetation could survive in an environment like this. He had been in this world for only a couple of days, but he could have sworn that vegetation couldn’t possibly survive such a hazardous ecosystem.

Now, after checking thoroughly that his jailer isn’t here, hope ignited in his soul. Maybe he could escape. He wasn’t strapped to the bed, nor anything else so it was a possibility. However, how would he survive in the outside world? That was the true dilemma. He had been here barely a couple days, and he was already on the verge of death. His best chance of survival was here — he believed so.


Afterall, the demon didn’t hurt him per se… but brought him to a safe location. He genuinely wanted to believe that was the case. That the creature only looked like a demon but was humane inside. He knew it had a slip to no chance, but up until now there was nothing it did that would suggest otherwise. Maybe he shouldn’t jump into conclusions without a more thorough investigation. Though it carried many risks, the most concerning of being devoured, but it was still the best option he had.

He slowly gathered himself and sat up. “Hah?” A sound of uncertainty escaped his lips. The several scars spanning across his body which he suffered while participating in underground fighting matches were gone, his whole body was good as new.

He shifted his line of sight. He stared at his leg. It was covered in those seaweed-like plants, and his makeshift bandage was removed. He carefully poked at where the wound was supposed to be, and he was stunned to find that it was fully mended. It had recovered at an unprecedented rate. It was almost as if his meat had knitted itself together while he slept.

Amazed by this development, he got excited what wonders could be hidden in this world and encouraged by his recovery he stood up to try and move around a bit.

He wanted to see if it was all an illusion, or if it was truly the case. If he could stand without pain, it would be proof enough. Proof enough that in this world, miracles exist.

Just as he was about to rise a screeching noise echoed inside the cave and from the shadows under his makeshift bed the monster materialized. There was no mistaking it. It was his captor. The same monstrosity as before. His heart skipped a beat, and cold sweat broke out all over his back. In the light there was no obstruction — he could see clearly. And oh, he wished he didn’t.


He found himself face to face with the towering abomination.

The lights trembled in its sheer presence as its form shifted the shadows followed. Its decaying skin, its maw covered in rows of countless sharp teeth spinning around ceaselessly in circular motion, its dozen black tentacles oozing dark liquid at its tips, its seven clawed hands ready to rip into flesh inspired true terror. Its spiked crown demanding absolute respect adorned its gruesome visage.

Allen sat unmoving, frozen as its demonic eyes bore into his very soul. Now, at closer inspection he could see that it not only had 3 eyes, but several much smaller ones which were kept shut and almost entirely blended into the dark hide of the creature.

This was an apex predator without a shadow of a doubt.

Blood froze in his veins, and his body tensed awaiting the inevitable. Though the creature had healed him, it slipped his mind in the spur of the moment. Only one thought repeated inside his mind in endless cycles. — He is so screwed. He is dead. This is the end. —

However, even if it is the end, he would not go down without a fight. He did not close his eyes like most would, he did not freeze in place like most would. He shivered as he tightened muscles to their utmost limit, ready to release an explosive force like never before. Time slowed to a crawl as adrenaline pumped through his veins.

He was ready. Whatever was thrown at him, he was ready to fight back.

The creature stared him down, like an adult would a helpless child. Their line of vision interlocked — they stayed like that for a long time. Though it was but a few seconds, Allen felt like he had lost years of his life.

After twenty seconds the demon seemed to have lost all interest in him as it slowly staggered over to the far side of the cave and started using its clawed hands to cut the seaweed-like plants to size.

Is it over? What is it doing? He thought incredulously while he followed every movement the demon made with immense precision.

The demon done with its chore, approached him again. He was pretty sure that it didn’t want to hurt him, afterall it could have done so already. This idea let him relax a little, still he didn’t let down his guard. He observed intently the uncertain movements of the demon, as it offered him the seaweed-like plants. Guessing it was the fastest way to get it to leave, he accepted.

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