《Fatal Cries》Chapter Eleven
Damien woke us all up for a day of work. But before heading out, we ate some breakfast to start the day off. Everyone chowed down and then headed outside where we continued our duties. I was set with the task of continuing to help with the fence. The morning was going by slowly. I could tell nobody really wanted to be out here. We just were because we were told to do so by somebody who isn't even here, but by somebody we feared. I had blisters all over my hands and bruises all over my legs, and I was willingly adding more aches and pains along with everyone else. But then there was a screetch that stopped everybody in their tracks. One that left us with chills.
"We're all going to die... Aren't we?" Jared said.
"What are you talking about?" Damien asked.
"What are we going to do?"
"Everyone. What are we going to do?"
"What do you mean?"
"Everyone we love is going to die. What are you going to do?"
"Nobody's going to die."
"Everybody you love will die."
"Shut up!" Damien yells.
"What are you going to do!" Jared repeats, yelling.
"Pull yourself together, nobody's going to get hurt!" Jakecub yelled, grabbing Jared and shaking him slightly. "We're strong! All of us. And we will survive. We will adapt, and we will concur. But you have to pull yourself together! You're strong Jared. I know you are. You're a survivor, and the strong will rebuid this earth."
"How can we if those things don't die? We aren't immortals. Once we die, we turn into those ghosts. Craving for blood and flesh. How can we kil them all? I doubt we can co-exist on this planet peacefully. They don't die naturally." I responded.
"We will find a way. We are smart." Jakecub said proudly.
"You don't know that."
"You're right, I don't. But I won't let current events make me tremble with fear. I choose to fight, and I know you guys do too. So whatever happens, at least I know I did everything I could to restore order. And I hope you will know the same."
Nobody argued the point any further, nobody even knew how to argue with that even if they wanted to. We all stood there in silence and gathered around the porch. Damien kicked rocks from the ground and Aaroon twiddled his thumbs around in a circular motion. Jared was zoning out and Jakecub paced. I just sat by the porch and peeled paint off the wood. Jakecub kept pacing, and it started to become very distracting. Not that I was doing anything important, but the overwhelming desire of wanting him to stop came over me and I demanded to know what he was doing.
"Why do you keep pacing?" I asked.
"I have an idea." He said.
"What is it?"
"Why don't we go have some fun?"
"What do you mean by 'fun'." Aarron asked.
"Let's go swimming. Or go for a walk, just something to get away from all this disaster." Jakecub responded.
"Hey, that doesn't sound like a bad idea actually." I said, standing up with a smile.
"Then lets go?" Jakecub said, walking away as we followed. Too excited to realize we had no swim gear, or other things we needed to attend to.
As we were walking to the river that was near by, Aarron, Jared, and Damien decided to have a race to see who the fastest was. Jakecub and I decided to stay behind and enjoy the view. The sky was still grey, but it wasn't the only color up there today. You could see some blue, purple, and even yellow. Today was different. I could feel it. And I was proud for what my brother said today. I just wish I knew how to say thank you to him, other than... Well... 'Thank you.'
"You know, we are a lot alike, you and I." I said.
"I know, the only difference is you don't have cancer." He responded.
"Don't say that."
"Well, it's the truth."
"I want to say thank you."
"For what?"
"For what you said, and the hope you gave us. It was wise."
"I'm just speaking the truth little sis. We'll win this."
"I know, and thanks to you, we believe it a little more. I love you."
"Don't say that."
"Because why Jakecub?"
"Saying you love me makes it sound like the quote "make 'I love you' be the last thing your loved ones hear just in case they don't get a tomorrow." I don't want that. Because there will be a tomorrow."
"I know, I wasn't trying to make it sound like that."
"Why don't you catch up to them. I'll be right behind." He said, pushing me forward.
"Are you sure?"
"You bet." He said, smiling and waving.
I started jogging to catch up with the rest of the boys, but when I looked back, I noticed Jakecub heading in the other direction. I sighed, but continued to the river. When I got there, everybody was already in, and splashing around and laughing. I took my shirt off and laid down on the rocks, sun bathing as Ii watched the boys. Damien was the first to notice me.
"Where's Jakecub?" He asked.
"He wasn't feeling well, so he decided to head back home." I responded.
"Will he be alright?"
"Yeah, he will be fine."
"Then get in."
"Fine." I said sighing as I got up and started walking towards the river.
"And you duffus, stop staring at my sister's chest." Damien said, splashing Jared with water, who seemed paralyzed at the sight of my breasts.
Jared immediately looked at Damien, who in return, have him a 'What the fuck?' look. Jared dived into the water, not coming up 'til I submerged myself in water. I then walked over to him with a divious smile on my face and kissed him softly, trailing my hands slowly down his body. I let my hands feel every little hair on his chest, down to the top of his stomach, just below the water. He sucked in his stomach out of habit and nervousness, his lips as soft as a peach, but also rough. His face turned bright red, and then Damien splashed us with water. Which in return, started a water war among us four. Everyone splashed each other as hard as they could 'til the last one was standing. I, of course, was the first one who gave up. I could barely breathe between every splash in the face. Aaroon was the second to give up, claiming he tripped on a rock. Damien and Jakecub tied, and decided to wrestle instead.
We stayed out here until the wind started to pick up and our body's began to freeze from the water and cold. With no towel, we all started doing little movements to shake off the water and weakly warm ourselves up and we started to head back to the house. On our walk back home, we noticed dads truck. We watched as it quickly claim closer to us. Our curiosity and confusion grew with every second. The truck was getting closer and closer but yet, it didn't slow down. I started to back up out of fear that it would hit us. Everyone bet Damien started backing up as well, 'til the last second. I closed my eyes in fear of seeing my brother hit and flinched at the sight of screetching tires. I kept my eyes closed even though the only thud I heard afterwards was my dad's voice screaming to get into the vehicle. He was pissed. Stunned, we all stood there for what seemed like hours. He had absolutely no patience and jumped out of the truck, grabbing us by the shirt and practically throwing us in.
"Where are we going?" I said quietly after he got in the car and started taking off.
"You want to be stupid and irresponsible? Well, fine. I'll show you what stupid and irresponsible and stupid looks like. It's time to show you the battle you'll be up against." He roared.
I looked around at everyone. I saw a bunch of kids with their heads down and their tails between their legs, twiddling their thumbs around and around. For some reason it made me boil with anger, seeing him treat us like this, even if it was out of love and protection. My brothers were strong, but they cripple under his words. I however, wasn't fearful of him. There's nothing he could do to hurt us. Or, would do anyway. Of course, his deep voice was frightening, but his actions weren't.
"You can't talk to us like that." I snapped.
All the boys heads snapped around at me, giving me a merciful and silent 'Don't say anything.' Look, but I couldn't help it. "Excuse me?" My dad snapped back.
"You can't treat us like this, talk to us like this."
"Who do you think you are?"
"Don't interrupt me. I was speaking."
"I can do whatever the hell I want! You're my daughter!"
"Exactly! I am your daughter!" He didn't respond. "That means in some ways I'm exactly like you. But it also means in some ways I'm nothing like you. But I will tell you this, I don't care who you are, I deserve respect. And I will demand it. You can't come into our lives, being gone for so long and expect us to obey you like slaves! We aren't your puppets to play with! If you have something to say to us, speak to us like adults. We will listen. If we did something wrong, you tell us, you don't scream at us. We aren't your men, and we certainly aren't your prisoners. We are your children. Whether we like it or not. Whether you like it or not."
He waited a moment before speaking. "You may not be my men, and you are my children, yes. That means it's my duty to keep you safe. And I can't do that when I don't know where you are. You aren't slaves, but you certainly aren't adults. You're children, and you act as so. Don't tell me you'll listen when you show me that you don't by running off. For what?"
"For relaxation, for peace, for clarity. We aren't children. None of us are. You may not see it, but we have done more than what we should, we have went through obsticales and demands to be where we are today. You can't tell me none of that mattered."
"That was in the pass, a pass you don't even remember!"
"No father, that was yesterday. And the day before that! And the day before that. We have been bending over backwards for you ever since the day you got here. We have had sleepless days after sleepless days because of you. We are exhausted and in pain. When I look around, I don't see children. I see bruises and cuts, blisters and pain. I see warriors, and chains you've put onto us. Look at Damien, he is barely recovering from being shot, and you're already having him lift things way beyond his means! Look at our faces father! We are weak with exhaustion. Our faces are black with dirt and pale underneath. We have bags under our eyes, and every inch of a step we take is met with pain. You worked yourself up to the amount of pressure you're putting us in, but you've thrown us into the pressure like a pack of vial wolves. Give us a break. Let us have fun. Let our body's relax."
"If you relax, you die. Now get out of the truck."
"What are you doing?"
"Get out of the truck Elizabeth and grab a weapon. All of you!"
We all get out of the truck and go to the bed of the vehicle. Aaroon is the first to grab a weapon. He grabs a weapon and walks over to our dad. Our dad starts yelling, telling him to put it back and grab a melee weapon. When we all found our melee weapon, we stood in a horizontal line beside him and waited for further instructions. We were outside the walls, and those ghostly things were everywhere. So was destruction and nothingness. There was about twenty of them near the wall. The rest of them were a little walk away. My dad whistled and three of them started walking our direction. My dad grabbed me and pushed me towards them as they got closer. I hated the sounds of their grunts. I stood there paralyzed, looking at them. They looked like hobos. Except a hobo that had been slaughtered from the inside out and began to rot. Filthy hair, filthy clothes, black teeth, and blood everywhere. I could smell them from far away. My dad kept yelling at me to hit them. I raised my weapon, and I swung. My hammer hit the one to the far left, dressed in blue. But it just bounced off.
"No, Elizabeth, you have to actually use your strength. This isn't a game. If he bites you, you are dead. Now kill it. You have three of them coming your way, what are you going to do?" He yelled.
I swung again, harder this time. But it bounced off him again. I started walking backwards as he got closer. But I didn't know what to do, I was stunned. My dad kept yelling at me to hit him, and I panicked. I threw the hammer and pushed the creature. It obviously did nothing and the thing got ahold of me. Dad kept yelling, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. My eyes were locked onto the creatures eyes. I could see such pain and misery in them that it left me sick. Damien ended up grabbing the creature and threw him against the truck, the next thing I saw was blood everywhere.
"Pick up your fucking hammer and kill them. They are nothing now!" He yelled, throwing the hammer at me and managing to attract more of those things.
I held the hammer close to me and watched as this woman in purple shorts get closer to me. It was a young girl, I could image her with beautiful blonde hair and skin that would age perfectly. Now she will never come to know another birthday. I saw her in me and it made me remember who I had to be. A killer. A survivor. I swung that hammer at her like it was a light sword, I swung it with such force and with the intent on destroying what innocents was left of me. It went through her skull, and the weight of her limp body took me down with her. My father cheered as my knees slammed into her stomach, causing the remains of her undigested kill to spray onto my face. I fell beside of her, my sight being blurred by the blood. I gagged and wipped my face off. A hand greeted my sight and pulled me up. I looked around and noticed six more of those things were coming towards us, including the one I had yet to kill.
"Each of you take one, I'll get the last two." My dad said. And we did as we were told.
Each of the boys grabbed their desired kill, leaving me with three choices.
1. A very young girl, about 6
2. An elderly man about 87
3. A body builder
I didn't like any of my choices. I didn't want to face a child, and I didn't want to kill an old man. But I didn't know if I could be able to handle the body builder. I looked at my dad who was waiting for me to make a decision. But I didn't know how. He nodded and pointed to the little girl. I sighed in disappointment, but understood. He grabbed the other two. I walked up to the small child. Half her face was chewed on, and tear stains were still on her cheeks. I felt my heart breaking at the sight of this defensless child. But I knew I had to help rid the world of this evil. I lifted up the hammer and waited 'til she was within hitting distance. I breathed in, closed my eyes, and swung. I felt an impact, and my eyes became full of tears. I felt warm hands around me and a whisper of it being okay. I nodded and looked up, my father was the one I saw. He smiled but didn't comfort me long.
"You guys did well. It showed me you had the courage and strength to take on the enemy. Now we can move on to guns." He said, picking up a hand gun from his truck. "Who will do the honors?" He said, holding up the gun, waiting for someone to claim the first shot.
Jakecub rose his hand up and dad smiled. "Well, come here then. Lets get to shooting. Everybody grab a gun." Dad said.
We did as we were told and each of us grabbed a hand gun. He taught us a quick lesson about loading and unloading the gun, what the safety is for, and everything else. He then took Jakecub to the front of the line and pointed to a creature. Then he said shoot. It took Jakecub six shots before finally hitting him. But he wasn't dead. Just crawling on the ground. Dad said he did a good job. The gun shots attracted more of those things and he told everyone to lift up their weapons. We did and we started shooting, each in different directions. It took me ten shots to knock down the creature and another five to kill it. Dad then stopped us and showed us how to aim and breathe properly. He told us to wait for the right moment before shooting and told us to try again as the next seemingly wave approached.
This time it took me eight shots to kill the creature. I was doing better. He then paired us up. Two shots per person towards one target. I was with Damien, it took us three turns before ours died. We kept doing different tactics and strategies for hours. He stopped us when he noticed we stopped improving and instead, started getting worse. He hugged all of us and patted us on the back.
"Good job kids. We will pick this up in two days. I will get you guys back home and then I have to head to work. I'm proud of you guys." Dad said.
We were all happy as we unloaded the guns and put them in the back. We then loaded up in the truck and were taken back home like he said. When we got home, mom greeted us at the front door and hugged each of us. She was glad we were all home and safe. We went inside as mom and dad talked outside for awhile. What they said was inaudible. When mom came back inside, she warmed up our dinner and dad left. We all were so exhausted that after dinner, we went straight to our rooms and drifted off to sleep.
It was about eight in the morning when a blood curtling scream woke me up. I ran out from my room and into the living room where I saw my dad bleeding out and Damien yelling. My mom was paralyzed and terrified, everyone else was paralyzed too, and Damien was trying to get someone to help. I took a deep breath and grabbed towels from the bathroom. Any and all that I could and handed them to Damien.
“What's going on!?” I yelled.
“Dad got hurt… His crew just came and dropped him off and then left. Jakecub and Spike are fighting outside. Spike was with dad when he got hurt. I think he might of had something to do with it." Damien said.
"Don't blame the boy." Dad said weakly, grabbing onto Damien.
“What? Is he okay? Is he hurt? What happened? Did he get bit?”
“Yes, I just said he got hurt once again, he was shot by some redneck. I think they were trying to shoot Spike from what I could hear and dad got in the way. I don't know what's going on outside, someone needs to go get them."
“What? Some stupid redneck hurt my father? Why?”
"Elizabeth! Listen! They were trying to shoot Jackie. You need to go get them!'
"It's not Jackies fault Damien. I was removing a creature from his house. Jackie broke something and the guy went rampant.I tried calming him down, but it was useless." Dad said.
“I can't believe you're finally awake.” Aaroon said, staring at me as if I was a zombie.
"What?" I asked curiously.
"You've been asleep for two days." Aaroon said, before falling backwards and losing conciousness.
Mom screamed again and fell to Aaroons side. I knew she couldn't make sense of this, and neither could I. She kept repeating 'why' under her breath. I felt dizzy and sick. My vision was blurry, I stared at my mom, watching as the tears well up in her eyes. Jared took the kids into a bedroom as they were screaming. The new people who were staying with us tried to help, but they didn't know how. So they just awkwardly stood around the room. They understood what our father meant to us, not only to us as individuals, but as a group. But they had no connection to the gravity of the situation understandably.
"Liz, you need to do one of two things, we still haven't seen if the security system we set up even works yet. You either need to go check it out, or stop Jackie and Jakecub from fighting outside. Which is it?" Damien asked.
"I don't know." I said.
"Look, I'm not capable of helping, and with the looks of it, neither is anybody else. I'm just hurting myself worse, and now I need to help dad. His medical soldier can't even help us. They won't let him away from the war. So you need to do what needs to be done right now. God... I don't know how dad is still concious. I can't imagine the pain he must be in..."
"Fine. I will stop the fight and then check the security."
"Thank you!"
I went outside to see Spike and Jakecub throwing fists at each other. I started yelling at them, but both were too focused on each other. I turned on the water outside and grabbed the hose. I yelled again, but neither of them stopped. I sprayed them both with water and they both looked at me in displeasement. I smiled at the sight of them looking like wet dogs and threw down the hose and turned off the water.
"Now, you two, stop fighting and go check the security system. Or go be useful in some other way." I said.
They both tried arguing their point of why they were fighting. "I don't want to hear it, now go!" I yelled.
They rolled their eyes, but walked off, and went to the fence. I then walked into town. There was a section of the road blocked off and military vehicles driving quickly down the road to the Wasteland. I figured they were transporting the sick to where they said. I started walking to the local hospital but noticed that it was completely vacant. I stopped somebody in the road and asked them about it.
"Where is all the nurses and doctors in the hospital?" I said.
"Oh, the military took any and everybody with even the slightest medical degree, even vets. Nobody who knows modern medicine is even allowed to see the public. I don't know what they are doing, but they better not bring anything bad into here." A lady said.
"Oh... Thanks." I said, watching her nod and walk off.
I sat down on a bench and sighed loudly. I didn't know what to do, but I knew without medical assistence, my dad wasn't going to get better. A strange man walked up from behind me and scared me. I yelled, he laughed and then sat beside me.
"I know what you did." He said.
I looked at him with an uncomfortable gaze and scooted away from him a bit. "What?" I responded.
"It's okay. You're brave. You're like me. You know the truth. Tthat means you will live."
"What are you talking about?"
"Give it some thought and you will know." He said, pausing for a bit, and waiting for me to catch up. "So, do you understand what I mean now?"
"I think so..." I said, questioning the possibilty.
"I think you do... So, somebody is hurt?"
"No." I said, defenseful.
"Then why come to the hospital looking for someone?"
"I know someone. I wanted to see if they were alright."
"Don't act stupid." I snapped in annoyance. "I know the truth and so do you. Their taking the sick and killing them. Someone is hurt and you were getting them help. Lucky for you, I know where the medicine is at. But it won't come without a price."
"What do you want for it?"
"You will know when I ask. Do you accept the deal?"
"I don't know..."
"Yes or no?"
"Yes." I said, hesitant.
"Good. Now open your hands and close your eyes." He said. I did as he said, and something warm was placed in my hands. "Keep your eyes closed." I heard him whisper in my ear. I kept them closed. I waited and I waited for him to tell me to open my eyes. But he didn't. When the thing that was in my hands was no longer warm, I opened my eyes. Nobody was around and it was dark. I started walking back home.
When I got to the block of our house, cops surrounded our house. I started jogging to get there sooner. Mom had to explain to the officers that our father was part of the military and that there was nothing to worry. He just got into an accident and that he would be fine. Once dad confirmed what she had told them, they backed off and told us to just keep the noise down. On their way back to their vehicle, the cops noticed all the guns in my dads truck. The officers seemed to have a very concerned look on their faces and grabbed their gun on their holster. They shined their flashlight all around our house and saw what was going on. One of the officers told us to go inside, but none of us did. He actually yelled at us to do so several times. But we refused. We knew what was going on, so did they. There was no reason to leave.
A group of twelve, maybe sixteen creatures made their way inside the walls and were down the street making weird sounds like they were calling something. This was definitely a small horde of creatures, but the biggest one I’ve seen yet inside these walls. The creatures noticed the officers lights and started walking down our way, one of the officers began panicking and immediately called for the rest of his group to come down here. He saw something we all didn’t, he saw after a few more feet, more of those creatures showing up. Thirty, maybe even more I believe was there and they seemed angry and stronger than the first group. This no longer was a small horde, this was a dangerous red zone horde. They weren’t slow either. I don't know why, but I had a feeling that the first group were more intelligent than the ones that they were leading. And the second group were the strong ones. The reason I think this was because when those creatures got closer to the cops car, the first group stopped and let the second one take the lead.
Guns started firing and the creatures got angry, moments later the rest of the backup showed up, and it became a light show in the pitch black. People started coming out of their houses, and I was sure some of them got hit until they realized it was bad to be outside right now. I even almost got shot. Soon, everyone was going to know what was going on, and this would no longer be a close knitted secret kept away from the public.
After all the creatures were killed, half the officers stayed to help us clean up the bodies, and the other half left to resume their duties and tell the military police of the event. Althought I'm sure by now they already are aware. Screams filled the air as people realized that some of their family was shot, and chanting started among the people. More people came down the road and saw what was going on. From the looks of it, a riot might happen soon. People started to demand answers. Wondering what was going on, who was shot, why were they shot, why they looked the way they did, and what was going to happen next. But nobody could say anything, the officers and my group all knew that what was going on wasn't for us to tell the public. But if something wasn't said soon, I don't think it will be safe inside the walls anymore.
Eventually the angry mob of people left to go terrorize the military I'm sure. I go inside to see my dad on the phone, I can tell the discussion he's having isn't a good one. He gets off the phone and slowly stands up, everyones trying to get him to lay back down, but he says he can't. We ask him why and he tries not to say, but gives in as he gets closer to the door.
"They want me at the hospital. Apparently things are getting out of hand. They need me." He says.
"You can barely stand!" Mom yells.
He ignores her and continues walking out the door. I hand him the medicine I was given and tell him to take it. He kisses me and thanks me before getting into his truck and leaving. I watch him leave and then go to my room. Mom and Damien are yelling back and forth to each other, saying honestly nothing and I just wanted piece and quiet. I sit on my bed and hold the pillow to my face, crying. I can't stop crying.
Jared walked into my room to make sure I was okay, but he could clearly see that I wasm't. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me and sat on my bed. He held me from behind, telling me everything would be okay. He also told me some memories we had. Playing at the beach, going on a helicopter ride, swimming, going to basketball games, playing countless video games for days at a time, and several more things as I began having flashbacks of everything we did. It made me smile and feel okay for the moment. I forgot everything that had been going on for awhile.
Then he kissed my cheek, telling me to go to sleep. Eventually I did go to sleep in his arms, but the sleeping didn't last long when I started having nightmares of my dad being killed. He woke me up, telling me to calm down because I was panicking so badly in my sleep and starting to scream. I was sweating too, and he was scared of all the sounds I was making. It was cute that he was right there with me all this time, I loved it. But I also hated it. I would hurt so much if I lost my best friend. My everything, my world. I couldn’t lose him. He was literally my world. He made everything better. It was bad enough that I didn’t love him in the same way that he loved me. I couldn't give him anything in return and it made me feel bad.
"It's okay, it's okay," he whispered over and over again in my ear, continuously kissing me on the head. "it's just a bad dream, you're okay. I’ll always be right here for you, right by your side. I promise."
I was gasping for air when he gripped me tighter in his arms, I started crying when my mom walked into my room asking if I was okay. She grabbed me, picking me up off my feet and held me. Jared started explaining what had happened, and my mom wipped the tears from my face, kissing my forehead. Damien came out of the room worried when mom politely asked him to get some water for me. Mom started swaying me back and forth trying to calm me down, she walked me to the couch sitting me down and gave me the glass of water. I chugged it down and cuddled up to her and Damien put a blanket over us before going back to his room. Mom stayed until I had went to sleep and she too walked back to her room, leaving me to my silent nightmares. Jared didn’t come out to the living room, in fact, once mom had me in her arms, he too fell back asleep, in my bed.
"Run! run! you have to get out of here, we have to go!" I screamed.
I ran as fast as I could out the door, looking behind me, seeing if anyone was following me. I tripped over a dead body, which sent me to the ground, hitting my head. I hit the ground so hard that it left me dizzy. When I turned over, I saw this drooling diseased creature get on top of me. He grabbed me with his dirty hands, leaving marks on my arms from his grip, he drooled all over my face and I could smell his disgusting breath that led me to want to puke my guts out.
He went to bite my slobbery, blood wet flesh but I fought back hard with every ounce of strength. I couldn't let his black teeth sink into me. I struggled to get away from him, throwing my body back and forth and side to side, anything to get away from him. He felt like a million pounds on my body, when someone came up and bashed his head in, splattering blood all over my face. But I felt free.
"Get up!" They yelled.
I was panicking from the adrenaline rush in my body and the fright that had just took place. I began hyperventilating and passed out soon after, leaving my body completely open to those disgusting creatures. When I had woke up, I saw a girl carrying me over her arms. She was tired and was trying to catch her breath, she sat me down in an alley. She stood there in the alley entrance looking for anything suspicious. She noticed I was awake and handed me some water, she smiled at me and then looked back at the street, scanning up and down the road.
“I’m glad I don’t have to kill you now, I would of felt bad if I killed you and you were actually alive.” She said.
When she saw nothing following us, she ran over to some cars to see if there was anything worth grabbing. She came back with some candy bars and handed me one. She also had some aspirin in her hand. She took two of the pills and then looked at me for a moment.
“Do you need anything?”
I just looked at her, I didn’t try to say anything, it was just a blank stare. I wonder why she was helping me, she wasn’t obligated to do anything. Especially save me from those things. She shook her head before putting the pills in her bag.
"Not a talker? It's okay, I’m not normal either. This is all I found in the cars though, just thought I’d share. Got to keep up your energy you know? Can you walk now?" She asked, biting into the chocolatey goodness of a candy bar.
I tried getting up, but fell in the process. "That's okay, you will regain your strength soon enough." She said, picking me up again. "Let's head inside where it should be safe, you probably need some rest." She said, pointing at a building up ahead.
She stayed in the shadows trying not to be noticed by anything moving. Everything was on fire and all the cars seemed to be on flames as well. It was worse down the road, destruction wise. She stopped and hid me behind some garbage cans and ran out into the street, killing the creatures that were blocking our path. I could hear her groaning, grunting, and yelling as she killed each one. She was all bloody and sweaty when I saw her this time.
But that didn’t stop her from getting to our destination, she just simply picked me up again. But I could tell that she was out of energy, she soon dropped me and apologized. She breathed hard, this was more like a chore for her. I could tell I weighed more than her, but I couldn't move. I wished that I could help her, but my legs were just too weak to do anything.
"Common, you can do this!" She yelled to herself, attempting to pick me up again. She groaned even louder this time and got me over her shoulders, she limped her way through the street using her weapon as an extra leg.
"Just a little further." She kept saying to herself in encouragement. She kept stopping and gasping for air at almost every car she passed.
All of a sudden one of the creatures started walking up to us from behind, which seemed to spook her. More started following him, then more after that until it became a huge horde of drooling flesh eating creatures. They moaned and groaned and looked like they haven’t ate for months. They’re face began peeling and turning grey, they had sun blisters on their face and their clothes were demolishing.
"Damn it!" She yelled, picking up her pace.
I stared at her face, and I could tell she wanted to leave me behind, but she didn't. That was a huge noble and heroic decision she was making. I think if I was in her position, I would probably leave the person here. But maybe she was lonely and I was the only person she had came across for who knows how long. Maybe that was why she was protecting me. I hear a loud crack and rumble, just in that moment, a building started to break away and fall our direction. She let go of me and slide under a car, she reached her hand out to me but we were just too far apart. The building crumbled down all around and on top of me, luckily it missed me for the most part, except this one piece of rubbish. If half the building didn't fall the other direction, I probably would have been dead.
When I looked at my body to make sure I was okay, I noticed that the rubbish was covering my legs, but for some reason I didn't feel the pain. I knew my legs had to be broken, but I tried releasing them anyways. With every pull came with a scream, though, I still couldn't feel anything let alone get free. With ever scream, it lured more creatures in, from miles away. My scream was like a broadcast to all the creatures to hear. Which was in no way good, and puts us in danger.
I could see the creatures coming straight for me and started yelling out for the person who saved me to come and save me again. She ran out from where she was and quickly threw the rubbish off my legs, picking me up and throwing me over her shoulders once more. She started running down the street this time, despite her exhaustion. This girl was amazing.
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His Shortcake
xxxx His Shortcake xxxx"You're back! You're back!" She giggled happily.I hug her body closer - tighter, to mine. "My shortcake..." I breathe. "I missed you." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Started: August 29, 2019Finished: March 1, 2021Highest Rank07/15/20 #2- babygirl06/10/20 #2 - miss03/01/21 #1 - wife(I do not own any of the images that is included in the story.)
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Unrepentant Hopes (First Draft)
Removed from society due to his chronic illness and raised in a cabin in the woods, the Camarian child-prince Nathanael is dying. It is not long after he learns this, that he hears that he is a monster from the lips of his religious family. Devastated he will do anything to be accepted by his god and family again, including not fight an unjust fate. At the same time Royale’s second prince Drefan barely survives weeks of opium detox in his attempts to forget what has driven him into the northern deserts. In an escape from the belief that he too is a monster, who deserves to have that word etched into his skin. What does it truly mean to be a monster? Note: The main characters are LGBT. Deals with Drug Addiction and Abuse. Due to being a Full-Time Teacher I write and will update very slowly.
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Bestie Boys
Mia met Trevor, Liam and Sebastian in 5th grade. At the time she thought they were sore losers, but they soon turned into her bestie boys. Mia is adored and loved by her boys through the years. They are there for every moment and memory. College is approaching and her boys have secrets they need to share. Will these secrets tear their friendship apart or will Mia decide she can't live without her bestie boys?*****MiaMy dad used to tell me stories of princesses and knights in shining armor. It's one of the only memories I have of him. I'm thankful for those stories because I was able to recognize a real knight when I saw one. I met three on a kickball field in 5th grade. They were sweaty, dusty and clad in athletic clothing instead of armor, but they were real knights. Not the fairy tale kind from books and fables, but the kind of knights that support your dreams and encourage your growth. This is just the start of the story for this princess and her knights.*****Bestie Boys is a full length novel and can be read as a stand alone, but suggested reading order is:#1 Cassidy and Carter#2 Bestie Boys#3 Sentinel BoysBestie boys is a reverse harem #whychoose romance. Mia will not have to chose between her love interests. This book does contain sexual content and is made for viewers over the age of 18. Stand alone, multiple POV, 59,000 words with a HEA🖤
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20 days (Eremika)
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The Devil's Angel
Lucifer was born to be Satan's Fallen Angel. He knew that. Which was why he put up with the daily torment. It was why he didn't just end it all. He had a purpose, unlike the people who tried to make him miserable. Will Satan fall in love with his little angel?(This is a boyxboy book so...)
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wrong number ~ wilbur soot
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