《Fatal Cries》Chapter Ten
Mom went and picked up Jaried while I was cutting the wood planks and setting them up so no one on the outside could see what I was doing, sort of like a fence. Except a much taller one, a wooden wall to be more precisely. It had a plastic tarp over it so I wouldn’t waste a lot of wood and I could be under a shady place while it was sunny out.
When Jaried and mom got home, I had already created an underground refrigerator in the backyard. There was a solar powered cooling system inside the hole for extra cooling support for the foods that spoil more easily. I also had an energy storer, or battery for those days that the solar panels don’t collect any sunlight.
Jaried helped set food in, organizing it by; meats which were on the bottom for more cooling support, fruit's because that was the second most critical thing needing to be cooled, veggies and bread was next, then I put a wooden plank on top of those foods to capture more cooling and put cans and drinks in it. Then I put brush, twigs and leaves in a pillowcase and covered the hole up with it and put another wood plank over the hole to help mask any smell it may have.
After that, Jaried and I began organizing everything in the garage/storage room. We organized freezers, a place for weapons, tools, energy storage, and anything else we felt was an essential. I made sure all the meats and veggies were in the solar powered cooling system so mainly we had grains, cans, and drinks in the coolers. By the time we were done organizing everything, half of the garages storage was restored for more things to be brought in. Or if desired, two vehicles could fit in here.
Jaried went back in where it was cool after helping me organize the garage. It felt as if it were a hundred degrees outside, but unlike everyone else I wanted to get something done. For my next project, I wanted to build a greenhouse, I started with digging holes in the ground and then dragging huge planks across the backyard and somehow getting them in the hole all by myself and securing them with cement. I had eight planks standing up when I was done with the outline, the hard part was actually creating the barrier and hoping nothing would get destroyed or fall apart easily, as I had no construction experience.
I didn’t wait for the concrete to dry up before continuing onto building, I worked on the flooring next, which took hours even after the research and watching videos. Realistically, I only got about a quarter of the flooring done. The next day I planned on finishing the flooring and creating the walls.
It was near 10:00 and I was covered in sweat, all of my energy was completely drained from my entire body and I was amazed that I had even lasted as long as I did. Given the fact that I hate to do anything revolving around exercise or work. Everyone that I have ever worked for even said that I was bad at hard-work. Then they always go on and on about how terrible this generation of children are and how lazy and entitled they are. They don’t do this, they don’t do that. The whole nine yards.
Exhausted, I laid down on the ground, the tarp blew off and was laying on the ground. I looked up to the darkening sky and watched as clouds shaped and unshaped and the stars pop into view. I sighed in relaxation, it wasn’t too cold or too hot outside. It was blissful.
Soon it was night and my mother tried getting me out of the night sky but I wouldn't budge. I didn’t feel like I’ve done anything for this family, not to mention my brothers weren’t even home yet. Which meant they got more stuff than I could ever think to get. Until I at least felt accomplished enough to relax for awhile, or I was done with everything, I was going to stay out here. But just because I was working, or relaxing, didn’t mean that the undiscovered beasts had been. I know they are out there, watching and waiting for one of us people to get within their grip.
All night I could hear noises and sounds from the creatures but they seemed distant enough that I wasn't scared. I was able to hear gun shots, probably from the government trying to hide everything or the military being ordered by the government to handle it. I could also hear a stampede of things walking outside the walls, distant groaning and I could just imagine those things surrounding us, trying to get over the walls. After all, we are the only people basically alive in the states. I wouldn’t think anyone outside of this wall was alive, then again, if people continue to die inside, then no one here will stay alive either and the land will just roam with these things.
If it was me running things, I’d make sure they hid what they were doing better by at least taking the creatures out by hand and not gunshots. Or put some damn silencers on their guns. Which people could clearly hear the guns otherwise. Maybe they wanted us to hear the guns, to let us know we should be afraid, but afraid of what? That guy, the “president” is hiding what’s really out there. I know there's other people who know the truth, but if we spoke about it, who knows what’d happen. We might get fed to those things.
When Jakecub had came back, my mom saw that he had a huge pickup truck, in the back of the pick-up truck, there was blankets, cigarettes, alcohol, a few melee weapons, clothes, comforters, and three dirt bike with gallons of gas. No water was in sight or jugs to put water in however. There was a few other things as well, but I couldn’t really make out exactly what they were under everything else. Jakecub had a handbag by his side as well that he didn’t let anybody else go near.
When mom saw the truck, she started yelling at him saying that wasn’t what she wanted and the bikes wouldn’t do anything for us. When she looked at what else was in the back, she got more angry, ‘we don’t need blankets!’ she protested. “We didn’t need this, we didn’t need anything you brought here.” However, when she saw the weapons, she had mixed feelings. ‘I didn’t want these yet… But thank you.’ She said in a calmer voice, picking up one. It was a handgun she picked up, it was dressed in shiny silver and gold rims. The handle had a wrap around dragon, and wooden coils.
Jakecub was smiling, thinking this whole thing was funny, like always, when it came to confrontation. But mom certainly did not find this funny. She started demanding explanations on why he got this type of stuff, why he brought alcohol and has cigarettes when he has lung cancer. I find it funny that despite her noticeability in what was in the truck, she didn’t mention his grip on the handbag he had bolted next to him. I walked up and slapped Jakecub in the face and told him he was stupid. I assumed he had drugs in that bag, like we really needed that.
Just as Jakecub started explaining, dad had came back with a few things of his own. Damien contacted dad telling him what she wanted and our father ended up getting everything that she wanted and more. He got some powerful guns, and the boy was driving a truck with top of the line fence gear and the best security systems in town. I swore my mom would have fainted if anything else had happened, her face was red as a cherry especially when she was clear that she didn’t want most of this stuff until later when more things started happening.
But at least she stayed thankful as she thanked the doctor who saved Damiens life under her breath and for giving her some pills to give to him on certain times to help his pain and boost his immune system.. He got three different types. One was yellow, to stop the infection and boost the immune system, red for when the bleeding got worse, or he was swollen, and green for a pain reliever. These were grade three drugs, not the best, but certainly not the worst. He also gave her three shots. That was just in case he went into a coma, or seizure or ended up becoming one of those things for any reason.
While the doctor was here, he also briefly saw Jakecub immediately knew he had cancer then pulled out something from his bag. It was a mask, he said to keep this on his face 24/7. It would help to energize him, clear out any fluid, inflammation, bacteria, pus, and anything else his lungs get clogged with, and stop the cancer from getting worse while it slowly killed the cancer cells, hopefully. As long as the cancer stayed a level four, the doctor said he should be fine and eventually have it gone.
But Jakecubs cancer wasn’t a level four. It was a six. The mask wouldn’t help to stop the cancer, but it would help to lessen the effects of it. He needed a 3x Ryx, not a 2b Nyx. But the 3x is 30 trillion dollars and the doctors will only make it if they have the money in advance, so there isn’t any stored. We can’t even afford a 2b which is 90 billion, so this truly was expensive. As I wondered how all of this was going to be paid for, the doctor walked over to my father. My father took out a Trex bill, these bills don’t come from Earth. They come from the planet Mars. As the doctor pushed away the bill and shook his head, he grabbed my father's hand with a smile and said something in his ear before walked off. I started thinking…
“These guys aren’t from earth… No wonder their suit's were unrecognizable… They have to be from Mars! The criminal/military Mars. How could this be? The only way you get on Mars is… That can’t be! He can’t be a criminal!” I said quietly and then elevating my voice. Everyone turned to me, and then continued to go about their business.
“My father was a man who killed people…? Who… Who was so bad he got sent to Mars, to be learned to be a reinforcement. What did he do? All of them around here are criminals…? That’d explain why they are ruthless. Some, anyway.” I started to think of a flashback, when I was four. I watched the news and I saw two men, the news was talking about them being number one criminals on Earth. A few months later when they were found, everyone cheered to know they were going to Mars. Barely anyone makes it into reinforcements on Mars. You have to be the best and show that you belong. So it’d make sense for them to cheer. You either die, or you become the protector of the planets. It’s not an easy job. They really do break you down and rebuild you. Any man who went in, comes out a completely different person. To an extent. Nobody is usually afraid of the Mars Military. They usually don’t even handle any crimes on Mars, they go to other planets, or are in wars.
My mom walked back inside furiously, slamming the door, making me come back to reality. My dad called me over to help from outside because Jakecub was getting weak. Which my dad didn’t even know Jakecub had cancer until the doctor told him. After that, dad went crazy making sure Jakecub didn’t work to hard, but he did anyway. Jakecub got annoyed fast with him, he hated feeling incapable of doing anything. Which is why he stays in a room all of the time.
Unfortunately Jakecub has been dealing with cancer since he was six years old, all his doctors are amazed he has stayed alive and in pain for this long, but he has managed. Unfortunately his cancer is progressing to the point where the treatments are no longer helping him. Unfortunately this causes him a great deal of pain and exhaustion. But not that the military doctor gave Jakecub something, maybe that’ll help if he actually uses it. I doubt he will though. I’ve been in his room. All he really cares about is dying. He thinks it’ll be a better end for him, it's not. He just needs to try and get better.
"Well I guess we don't need anymore weapons, but we may need more ammo." I said
"Hey Liz, I need you to help me put up this metal fence and this security system around the house can you do that? You're friend Jaried can help out too if he likes, I’d prefer him to actually to be honest. You can help set up in the back with tents and wooden shelters for the new person to stay in actually." Jakecub had said.
"Mom said they will be in the garage though, or in the basement if there is one, there's no sense in destroying the backyard some more. I already did that, and there's a garden I started back there, I don’t want to destroy a day's work for an extra person. Plus, Spike doesn’t deserve special treatment. He scared me."
"And you attacked him. Okay fine, you will make one bed in the garage for that one guy then, but Jaried also needs to also contribute and not sit around flirting with my daughter all day long. It isn't appropriate, besides you need to be focusing on other things rather than a relationship at the moment. Also, you have school to think about, just because everyone is rediscovering the creature attack doesn’t mean you get to slack off. This is a serious matter and I don’t want anyone including you fooling around, you, me, your mother everyone is in danger. More so than any of us thought we would be. Or even should be." My father said as he began shaking his hands and becoming very noticeably nervous.
"Mom is the one who is pushing me into dating him, I don’t even like him like that, he is just a friend, that is all he will ever be. Just the other day I said that this wouldn’t be appropriate actions in this kind of situation. I fully agree and support your decisions, and he is contributing to everything we need him to and or ask of him. Even when we don’t ask him, he wants to contribute. He is a good person, trust me. But at least he isn’t a criminal. Why do I have to help today anyway? And why are you acting so nervous? You’re the one who killed hundreds of people. The only thing you need to be worried about is mom, I think you just completely pissed off mom and I don't want to make it worse. She already hit Jakecub, and he has cancer, I don’t think you want to make that worse." I said.
“Excuse me Lizzy?”
“It’s not Lizzy, it's not Liz, to you it's Elizabeth.”
“Elizabeth, you have no right to talk to me like that! I want you on my side, I need you on my side, you are my daughter.” He walks up to me so he doesn’t have to talk so loud. “I know I killed a lot of people, that was my mistake, but it was for your own good. My friend Mik and I, we were part of the government, we knew some things that were going on that you didn’t and don’t. The world is overpopulated, the planets weren’t working. Our water is decreasing tremendously. They wanted to get rid of people, the poverty-stricken more precisely. You were relative to the poor. I desired you to be safe. I killed the people who desired to hurt you, I killed the ill-mannered people, I gave the money to charity, to people who needed it, even your mother who ended up getting a better house than before. I’m a good person, I just don’t have the greatest actions. Or the most luxurious way of doing things. But in a way, it helps people too. Liz, I love you, I love your brothers, I love my children who aren’t my blood. I don’t want you to hate me.”
“They aren’t your children! Do not talk all high and mighty!” I said angrily walking away.
I walked over to the back of dad’s truck and started pulling out the separate pieces of fencing. There was so much, they would have to individually hook each piece of fencing together. I was sure this would take forever. But luckily, I wasn’t the one doing it, I was just doing good ol’ easy stuff, but hey? What's stopping me from at least getting the material out of the truck for them right? Keeps people from thinking I’m lazy at least.
While I was taking out all the stuff in the truck, dad was busy measuring out the perimeter, I could already feel my aching bones just thinking about all that hard work, even if I wasn’t the one going to do it. It was draining at best. In two hours it’ll be morning and my body was beginning to feel the effects of no sleep, along with everyone else I'm sure. In a way, I couldn't understand why we were knowingly torturing ourselves. But in another, I knew we were doing it for our own safety. So I, like everyone else had to scrape up the willpower to continue exhausting ourselves. Which I think is truly great in a sense. If Damien hadn’t gotten shot, I know everyone would be making him do all of this right now, which in a way is unfortunate. But right now, I wished he could take my place.
After I got done with putting all the material on the ground and out of the truck, I began walking off and into the house when Jakecub started yelling at me to help him line up the fencing where it needed to go. I sighed and protested that I had already done so much work today and that it wasn't my job, he didn’t care. He was busy slowly taking off the wooden fence, and Damien was helping our dad with the plans. I ignored my brother's request and continued to walk into the house when our dad began yelling at me. He yelled and yelled saying I needed to help him or else I wouldn’t get any food for tonight, or tomorrow, and a whole bunch of other things. I yelled back saying he wasn't the boss and that if he neglected to feed me, he'd be on the borderline for child abuse. Not that he cared to listen.
Now I was pissed, I stomped my feet and dragged one board at a time across the field. Making sure everybody heard my displeasement. Each time I looked at him, I gave him a dirty look and called him names under my breath. Then of course, to make things worse. The kids had woke up and started screaming in the house and running around outside. I was so annoyed at this point that I threw one of the fences in frustration. My father looked at me in amazement, it takes a lot of strength to just lift a fencing board, let alone throw it. Even at the littlest distance I had. But all he did was yell at me yet again and to be careful. But my frustration started to overtake and overwhelm me and I began yelling at the little kids and kicking things. At this point, my dad couldn't ignore me, and he took my place in helping Jakecub with the fence.
Pretty soon mom had had enough of the kids, and we started to hear her yelling at them to settle down. But of course she didn't get anywhere. So she took them to the park. Shortly after, everyone took a break and started chowing down on food. Dad was still upset over my actions and lack of helping, so he didn't allow me much food. I just sat there staring at the small sandwich, playing with the bread and zoning out. I took a few sips of my drink and looked at the sky. I hated the grey fog. It was there day in and day out, a solid reminder of what lives on this land and the destruction it can cause. I ate my food, took a few more sips, and started digging the fence line. My dad congradulated me and finished his food and came to help.
A few moments pass and my dad stops us all from what we were doing. He takes a moment to look at all of our faces, he then congradulates us. "I just want to say that I'm proud of you all.. You're very hard working, respectful children and I'm thankful for that. Even though not all of you are my kids, I love each and every one of you. But with that said, I feel there's something we need to do. Considering I love you all, I want you all to be safe too. So I think we need to practice killing those things. Now, it's unclear what happened in the pass, the whole being drugged thing, but I want you guys to be prepared. Do you all understand?" He looked at us, waiting for some kind of response, when he got what he was looking for, he continued. "So, I'm thinking in a few days, after we've rested a bit, that we should go target practicing outside these walls. I'll be there, so there's nothing to worry about. Is everybody in?"
"Yeah, okay." We all responded, adding a yawn somewhere in our response.
"I'm glad." He smiled. "Why don't all of you go rest up, I'll finish some things by myself."
All of us managed to find the energy to get excited, thanking him and running into the house happily. He said he loved us again as we walked away. I was the last to enter into the house. I felt like the dead walking into my bedroom and plopping down on my mattress. My eyes instantly closed and I was fast asleep without even a second of a thought emerging.
The sound of banging woke me up. I dizzily sat up and rubbed my eyes, waiting for the terrible feeling to subside. When it eased, I got up and walked out my door. Everyone was in the living room. I walked over to the window to see what was going on when five different people yelled at me to stop. Mom popped her head up and explained. "Outside is a madman. He's already thrown tools at Jared when he walked outside. Who knows what he will do if you look out the window. He's very frustrated and tired. We've just been sitting here for the last two hours in silence. The kids can't even run around in the house without him yelling at them from outside." She said in annoyance.
"Why doesn't he take a break?" I asked.
"He is too fixated on finishing the fence today. He won't listen. He will come in when he's either given up or had enough." She responded.
"So what do we do in the meantime? Just sit here?"
"Pretty much. Unless you want to be hollered at and scared."
"Why do you allow him to push us around?"
"Because whether you, or I, or anyone else likes it or not, we need him. He knows important people, he can get things and protect us. We wouldn't be able to do a lot of things legally that he can do, and will allow us to do. I heard he wants to take you guys to target practice. None of you would be able to do that on your own, and be allowed back inside. We wouldn't have this amazing defense without him either. Not legally anyway."
"Why do laws matter anymore? Who cares if it's legal, or illegal?"
"Well, Liz, we still are living in a town controlled by someone higher up than us, who can still make decisions over what we do. Not to mention, without rules, we are nothing but ferral animals. If and when things get worse, we can make our own rules, and I don't think stealing would exactly exist anymore. It'd just simly be first come first serve. But we have to wait for that day to come... If it does. It's tough now, but it won't be like this forever."
I guess after four in the evening, my father had finally realized that he hasn't gotten any sleep, and that he should rest for awhile. He made a bed in the garage and after a few minutes, distant snoring was the only sound we heard. Mom sighed in relief and turned the tv down low for the kids. I started to doze off where I sat, my head bobbing up and down, side to side. Spike started laughing, but I couldn't help it. I was too exhausted to stay awake, but I still faught the want to sleep.
I closed my eyes and wondered who my baby siblings father was, it certainly wasn’t the father who had made us put up a fence all night and morning. They were to young, way younger than the rest of us. Sammi and the other ones, even Aaroon, I wished I knew them as a person. Knew who they were and are. I wanted to know if they even cared that they had children. Or even knew for that matter. That’d be pretty rude of mom to never tell the fathers they had children. But then again, if she did, and they wanted to be apart of the children's lives, and mom didn’t want them to, I could see that as a problem she wouldn’t want to deal with. But it was still their right to know.
“Hey, Liz.” Jaried said to me.
“Hi.” I responded rubbing my eyes.
“Are you going to sleep out here tonight?” He said, rubbing his beautiful green eyes.
“I’m to tired to get up again, so I think yes.” I said smiling tiredly.
“At least you don’t have to sleep outside right? I mean, it's cold out there, it’s cold everywhere, I even forgot what month this is to be honest.”
“Ha, your funny Jaried, always know how to keep a girl happy. Just sleep in my room. No one will be there.”
“Yes, but always a guy who finishes last, I mean, is it true that I will always just be a friend to you? I mean, I want to be more than that Liz. I love you and I have loved you for a long time now. I thought it was so obvious it was written on my face in black sharpy, don’t you think? Everyone else says so anyways...”
“Right now Jaried, I don’t know about relationships, I don't know much of anything right now. I'm way too tired to have a serious conversation. However, there is literally like more than ten kids running around all the time and I’m pretty sure if everyone knew what was going on, they’d want to be living with us right now because of our set up, and we don't have the space for that. So I have a lot to deal with. If that made any sense... As for you, I never thought of you like that. You have always been one of the closest friends to me, and you’ll continue to be like that. I even think of you as my brother, and considering the way you feel, I'm sorry for that. I'm not trying to 'friendzone' you, I just don't feel the same, at least not right now. Right now, there is way too much going on that relationships aren’t important to me and they shouldn’t to you either. Staying alive should be. People are not only being ate alive but also getting sick from the creatures. That’s enough to cause a huge panic if anyone besides me and my dad even realized that. But I guess not, I’m just once again one step ahead of the actual game. You know? I’m sorry but, you and my mom think relationships are great. I never cared and still don’t care about them. They're silly.”
“What was in the back of the truck and pick-up truck? I never got to see it.”
“There was guns, lots of guns and melee weapons. There was just a lot of things, gas also I think. I can’t really remember.”
“Does that mean we are set to fight against those things?”
"There wasn’t enough ammo, that wouldn't even last you a month on a horde coming by, nor could it do it twice." I said, "It takes about 3 bullets each to take down a human, what about those creatures? No ones a very good shot for one, and two we need target practice right? Which we will get, but that means more bullets are wasted. Also, I haven’t seen one person try and fight those things anyway. I mean, I did when I remembered everything, but now everything's different and we have to learn again. I mean, if we get to learn.
I know there's been some attacks in town but what if there is enough to cause what's behind those walls to be inside? I mean, that wouldn’t be a good thing. We wouldn’t get to learn anything. And what if those things never die? Not everyone is going to stay behind this wall forever, The population will also eventually get out of hand and we will need to expand, what then? No one's going to help us build paradise besides us. We are on our own. If those things never die on their own, we will have to somehow kill all of them! Who knows how many is out there. I doubt we could co-inhabit this place." I said.
"Well in a couple of days, we will go and practice, we will get more bullets too. Your dad said."
“Hopefully he can keep his promise.” I said.
“Elizabeth, if you're that tired, go to your own room and sleep. Jared sleeps out here, he needs his bed.” Mom stated.
"Whatever." I said.
"Look, just go to your room okay, it's safer. I can't watch what's going on out here all the time. I have things to do."
"What did I do to make you not trust me? If anything, that boy, whatever his name is, is the untrustworthy one. You know, the one you picked up for charity. Do you trust him more than me? He doesn’t seem very trustworthy around her, one minute alone with her and he would want to rape her. You of all people should know that. He even has been here all day and I haven't learned his name yet, have you even?" Jaried said.
"His name? Well, his real name is Jackie, it's pretty stupid don't you think?" Damien said coming out of his room “Also, do not talk to my mom that way, you're lucky she's letting you be here, she doesn't need your mouth bitching off to her. So you best just do as you're told Elizabeth and get to your room that my mother was greatful enough to give you before things turn ugly. And Jared, you don’t have to stay here, no one's making you, and no one's making it incapable for you to leave.”
Jared gave him a huge glare before getting up, “What’d Spike do? Name himself or something?” He smirked.
"I think so, he has been on his own for years. Least that's what they tell me, whether that’s true or not is up to you to determine.” Damien said to himself, pondering the reality of this concept. “But anyways, dad will be going to work in a few hours, he will be on power and defense, that is a big job. He needs all the rest he can get, and it would be a shame if you took that away from him, don’t you think? So don't start a fight Liz. While he is away, we are all going to finish up the chores he has, the fence included and the rest of the security, we will also set up a system that will allow us to have generated power for when things go dark. So get some more rest as well.” Damien said.
“Tomorrow I think they are going to transport everyone at the hospital to a different area in the world, Africa I think. That's probably just in case the sick happen to turn into one of those creatures, then no one here will be at anymore loss. Besides, Africans deal better with this than anyone else. Their heritage surrounds the dead. I'm not going to read too much into it though." Mom said.
"I think you're thinking of Native Americans and Magicians. They worship their dead. Oh, and Mexicans, with Cinco De Mayo and all. But both Natives and Magicians no longer exist. Africans, are just used to oddly behaved people."
"Alright smart one, I’m just going to do what I’m good at then, my profession, my career, my job, taking care of you all. But I need you to listen and concentrate, do whatever Damien needs you to do tomorrow. He is the authoritive. He is the go to person, I’m sorry, and I do agree that Spike isn’t trustworthy, but your friend doesn’t need to be rude either. I know, none of you have gotten any sleep, so I will let it slide. But he can't talk to me like that. Neither can you."
“Whatever.” I said, going up to my room.
I grunted and rolled my eyes on my way. Regardless, Jared was right, that creep Spike, could do anything. Yet, he doesn't get told off? I laid on my bed, calling Jared into my room. He walked in and laid next to me for awhile before I shut my eyes. I forgot what it was like to be happy, this certainly wasn’t what happiness felt like. And Ii disagreed with the way mom and dad were running things. If only I could be a leader for once, I’d do much better than anyone else could for sure. I wouldn’t allow untrustworthy people around my children. I also certainly wouldn’t be a person who killed billions of innocent people. I mean now, It's understandable. To live, you needed to kill. But before, it was unnecessary.
Pretty soon I was fast asleep drifting off to silly dreams, or scary, or even just boring. My dreams seemed to be on a rollercoaster, or LSD. I took sounds in as my dreams, every sound I heard became a thing in my dream. It was especially scary when I heard groans and moans in my dream, that means the creatures were really close to me, or that I had super hearing, which ever, I still didn't like it. I wanted to wake up, but I couldn’t, it was as if I was paralyzed. I guess I might be a snack for not such a delightful beast if it ever came down to me needing to wake up and I couldn't. Hopefully someone would be kind enough to save me though if it came down to that. Regardless, I just wished I was capable of waking up right now, I hate being trapped in my own head. The thought of not being able to control my body scared me like hell. I guess we would find out in the morning if anything happened to me or not. Of course, nothing would, but the anxiety still lingered, like the hunger for control lingered throughout my entire dream like a burning sensational pit.
Luckily, I started having another dream, I’ve had this one before though, everything happened exactly like the last one. I got home, said hello to my animals, noticed there was a letter, opened it, and read it. It was addressed to the ‘Dearly Beloved Daughter’
My Dearly Beloved Daughter,
I’m greatly desolated to say, your mother has passed away at 10:30 am last night. She took some pills, and it turns out, it was a little to much. I didn’t know, she said she had a headache… She took the wrong one's. I want you to come to the funeral, regardless of the differences you and your mother had. We both loved you dearly, I know she did.
I know in the past years, you two did not get along at all, you still don’t. I know you can’t stand her, but she’s your mother regardless. I don’t care if you two got in several fights several times over the year. I want you here, and I want to grieve with you. I know deep down inside, you’re upset too. So I need you to come home for a little bit. Don't worry about paying for anything. I have it all covered, just your presents is needed. Your mother would appreciate it and so would I.
I love you Jasmine, your mother would love for you to come see her. I know if it was the other way around, she would want you to come see me too. I know she would tell you all the great times we had together, and she would say she would put her differences aside, if only you would come to the funeral for her and me. So do what she wishes, but do it for me. Jasmine, everyone wants you here, I know it. Your cousins, everyone. We would all be upset if you didn’t. However… I know you’ll have a good reason for not coming if that's what you decide. I love you Jasmine, and be safe for wherever you’re at.
I dearly miss you my love, Jasmine.
Except, this dream was different. And I was Jasmine.
- In Serial32 Chapters
The Alpha King's Mate
"Y-your H-highness? I-i'm sorry b-but t-there m-must b-be a-a m-mistake..."A loud growl sounded through the whole ballroom causing me to start shaking and a whimper to escape my lips. This caused the King to stop growling.He pulled me to his chest and yelled out to the whole ballroom."MINE!"Audrey is an Omega in the Rapid River Pack.Lucas is the Alpha King, Ruling over all and his own pack, The Moonlight Eclipse Pack.Audrey is beaten daily loosing all hope of every meeting her mate.Lucas just wants his mate but feels like she doesn't exist.What happens when the two meet at the Annual Lunar Eclipse Ball?Credits to @M_Rainberry for the amazingly wonderful cover!!!
8 841 - In Serial98 Chapters
"ROMERO + AKIRA = ROMIRA"Romira, A tale of a broken girl and a damaged boy.Akira Ray, a good girl, she is a straight 'A' student, away from violence and is preparing herself for tough college years, but what she hasn't prepared herself for is Romero King. He is bad news. He is everything she is not. But when magnetic sparks are impossible to deny, she doesn't know what her future holds anymore."My life stumbled down with just one look from him. My world went blank from just one of his kiss. And I knew, I could never be same again, I knew I had to face many more heartache. "But what I didn't know that at the end he would be worth my everything."****************Copyright ©akankshajais123. All right reserved.
8 150 - In Serial33 Chapters
Raison d'etre
Amidst a creeping threat, the King of the Sagitta Kingdom has summoned his children and vassals to the Royal Capital to make an announcement. Some suspect he has chosen his heir, some believe there is a war to prepare for and those who believe there is a conspiracy afoot. Alexandria Terramanz the third princess of the Sagitta Kingdom accompanied by her two friends and subordinates Brigette her stewardess and Sir Foltest one of the strongest knights in the Kingdom. Ronald a city guard that people cannot help but like, yet is hiding secrets from everyone. Oberon Flamberge once a prodigal swordsman now wheelchair-bound after a duel taken too far. Accompanied by his personal attendant Valeria. All these people and more converge at the royal capital with their own goals in mind. ( Most Pov chapters will be from the characters mentioned above though there may be others sprinkled in. This is my first story, all feedback and critique are welcomed.)
8 92 - In Serial60 Chapters
Lilac's Lies
(Complete)Lilac Green has a secret. A big one. But, that's nothing new. She's used to keeping secrets, and she's used to telling lies.Lilac can lie to anyone, until she meets a handsome boxer who sets her body on fire. Suddenly, she finds herself wanting to tell the truth. "Literally the best books I've ever read on this app!" - @seraphilc"This book really made me feel things. This is one of those books I'll never forget" - @dudeidevenk "This book was amazing. Intriguing plot line mixed with captivating writing style. I 100% think everyone should read it!"- @EatingMegannnnn*****"You're telling me you don't feel this?" He surprised me by asking. He was looking at me in a way that me feel like I was already naked. "Feel what?" I asked him, even though I knew exactly what he was talking about. The air between us was so thick, it was almost suffocating. Like we were made of two completely different ingredients that were begging to be mixed together. "This attraction between us, Lilac," he whispered out, placing his hands on either side of my head against the wall, trapping me from escaping him. Not that I wanted to.
8 67 - In Serial22 Chapters
Crush Advice
Are you afraid your crush doesn't like you back? Or maybe he's just too shy to make the first move? Or perhaps you have problems with your boyfriend/girlfriend, or maybe even with your ex who has just decided to fly back into your life like a boomerang. Whatever the case, you just need a little bit of advice. Right? Hop in and get all the answers you've been waiting for right here - anonymously!
8 189 - In Serial51 Chapters
in time ✱ j. jungkook
miss second place is clearly second place when it comes to realizing that her childhood "rival" has been in love with her this entire time.✱ inspired by the anime "special a"✱ a jeon jungkook fanfiction ft. kim taehyung✱ start: may 12, 2018✱ end: february 12, 2019
8 67