《Fatal Cries》Chapter Six
I continued to blocked out everything that was going on around me and focused on the soaked road ahead. But for some reason, something told me something wasn't right. That something bad was going to happen. I didn't know what it could be, but the feeling still nagged at me. In my chest, in the pits of my stomach, making me feel sick and anxious. I just wanted the feeling to go away. I kept watching the road, my eyes fixated on every movement, waiting for something to go wrong. Each minute that went by, my feeling got worse. I was starting to think it was all in my head. The last time this happened though, nothing good came out of the experience. It was like a sixth sense I had. I knew when something bad was going to happen. But I never started paying attention to the feeling, and it never got worse as time went on until now. I guess this ability of mine got stronger. A bright light became visible on the road. The lights powerful beams covered the entire road, piercing homeowners eyes. I could feel the heat of the lights from where I stood. The heat engulfed me in its presence and sent chills down my spin. The sound of rumbling followed the light behind it, making all the houses shake and glasses break. The gravel shook as well, it looked like popcorn when it was popping in an oven. The vehicle stopped in the middle of the road and a group of people got off, shadowing the light. It looked like the shadows were dancing on houses as they walked around. I could hear yelling, but no words were made out. When he stopped yelling, the group of people started running to every house, their gear clanking against their body. The only thing I could think of was that they were the Army units sent here to help protect us and fight off the sickness. But I didn't think they would get here so quickly. And as some of the men got closer to our house, the more I noticed they weren't wearing normal military uniforms. These guys were wearing steel black gear. The weaponry they had seemed more technology advanced and more durable. They wore a helmet that covered half their face, but I didn't know why, or what the advantage of that was. They also had a device on their forearm that they looked at whenever they went up to someone's house and screened them. They had a routine when they got to reach house. Knock three times, wait three seconds, and if no answer, they bust the door down. Once the doors were either kicked down or opened, they demanded to look through the house and didn't wait for an okay. As another person screened the family members. When they did find something or someone of question, they would drag it out of the house. At this point, if the person or item showed to much resistance, the group would waste no time shooting it. They also killed any household pets without hesitation. Which in return caused more resistance. I heard lots of screaming and sounds of pain and panic from the neighborhood. The most verbal insult was "I will kill you if you touch me." And "I am an important person to this community, you can't touch me." However, the violent nature didn't last long when they started to realize the more you acted up, the worse of a beating or rather killing you'd receive. There was at least twenty people who died. And I knew this type of forceful behavior was happening on every street.
I think whoever these people were, should have been more focused on the real threat instead of us people trying to do the best job we could at living in a situation like this. There was an actual threat right outside our doorstep, and it wasn't humans. But that didn't stop X's from being put on affected houses and people dying. There was something else I noticed as well, if your house got approved of being virus free, they brought in a few survivors from another location. I looked down the street a bit and watched as a family got a group of six survivors stuffed in their home. This particular family already had eight kids, along with three elderly people, and four adults. Mom eventually stopped attending to dinner and stepped to the window beside me. When she noticed someone walking up to the door, she quickly walked over to it and opened it before it was knocked on. The man came through our door. He smiled and greeted us as he stood at the doorway. He had a noticeably large gun at his side that I couldn't take my eyes off of. The guy walked around, he had this calm nature about him and he wasn't in a hurry like the others. I looked outside and some men stopped and chuckled as they looked inside our home. I started feeling uneasy about him being here. However, my mom awed at his seemingly perfect structured face, and his well-built body. She was more than fine with his present here.
He walked slowly into every room, checking everything to the smallest crack in the wall, making sure everyone was to his expectations. He shifted through papers, books, closets, clothing, anything that could cause any trouble. When he got to my older brothers room, he started yelling. He grabbed Damien who then started yelling at the top of his lungs.
His wounds split open again and his shirt soaked with blood. Sweat poured down his face, mixed with tears. I could only imagine how much pain he must've been in. My mom then started screaming to let her baby boy go, but that only made his grip get tighter around Damien's wrist. He began to yell a loud roar, "What is this!" he demanded an answer, "if he turns, you will all be done for, the whole town even, why is he here? Why isn't he in the hospital? You’re just asking to be torn into pieces you know. I’ve seen what happens, have you?! If you did, you wouldn't be so stupid." My mom tried uttering words, anything. But I don't know if she was to scared, or angry, or at a loss for words to say anything. "Those things! They are relentless and evil, they attack and kill until there is nothing left. Is that who you want your boy to be? When they bite you, they’re saliva burns, it burns so bad, and you think lava is coursing through your body. You hate every moment of it, and when you turn, you know nothing but wanting to feast on human flesh. How stupid can you people be?" "He doesn't do drugs. He isn't like them, he wasn’t bit." I said. "Do you have any supplies to take care of a wound like this? The work looks like a third grader stitched him up. What if he gets a fever, dies from this! You aren't ready!" "What happens if we did bring him to the hospital huh? You guys would've killed him." "Don’t yell at my son or anyone else in this house like that. Got it? He wasn't hurt by one of those things out there either... He was hurt by one of our own stupid and retarded people. People who are too inconsiderate to care about anyone else or there needs but themselves. With destruction in their hearts they are just like the ones killing us and too high to know otherwise. Frankly… I think that once all of those dumb assholes die off, and those things run the earth, this place will be much better. Because at least we can kill those things out there, the ones high. I’m sure I could survive with them around, but destructible people, I can't." My mother had responded added. "Don’t you dare tell me what to do bitches!” He walked up and slapped my mom across the face, he hit her so hard that she flew across the floor. “I'm the man who controls these streets and I don’t take orders from idiotic, sad excuses for mothers, nor pathetic ad weak children. The bullets that shot this boy could've been covered in that drug. I should just kill him right here right now in front of you all.
Maybe that would teach you a thing or two. Then, maybe I should kill each and every one of you for your idiocy!” He points a gun at my brothers head. “Why not right now? I should do it, put a bullet right in his head while I watch you beg for his life. Maybe it will teach you all a lesson to not mess with the devil. It isn’t that hard to comprehend that there is real danger going on in this world. Otherwise they wouldn’t have hired such noble and highly educated, not to mention the most physically strong people to do this job, kill them off. We have our own army, all these men you see are the strongest you’ll ever meet, they're the smartest boys you'll ever see. Everyone else is nothing compared to us. We have a duty to protect you weak people! As sad as that is. If it was up to me, I'd let you all die. And I am sure as hell as not going to let a stupid bitch destroy my reputation." He smirked as I helped my mother to her feet, giving him the evilest eye I could.
He walked up to me, standing high and tall, holding his gun firmly in his hands, looking me straight in the eye. He smiled, put one of his hands in his pocket, spit on our floor and then moved his head forward, closer to me. “What are you looking at child? You are nothing, you mean nothing to nobody. Don’t you dare even look at me.” His face turned bright with anger.
"Stop! Don't you dare lay a hand on my daughter!" A man came in and yelled.
"Oh, this is your daughter or something? I didn’t know and I don’t care. You shouldn't protect people who don't deserve it, as for... I’m guessing your son? He needs to die before everybody else does. This is our job and you know it! Whether you like it or not, I will not have my job or life on the line because of this filthy little diseased kid. In fact all these kids should die, this is a small house anyways and we have real survivors who need a home to live in. Why not kill a few for fun? These babies don't need to live here. In this world. They can even be a snack later for today if we like. Num num."
"Matter of fact he is my kid, all of those are my kids! If you were observant, you'd see that he has the same birthmark on his arm as me, and the same facial features. This is a spitting image of me when I was younger. If you paid any attention whatsoever from being in the same room with me for ten years, you'd know this is where I grew up. Where I fell in love with this goddess of a woman that I see you’ve hit. In which I believe you owe her a apology. Give her the respect she deserves and not call her or my kids, these filthy words that spilt from your disgusting mouth. It only makes you the seed of the devil. It's saddening for God to even suggest creating someone like you.
Now if anyone is going to kill my son, it will be by my hands, when and if it needs to be done. Now go before I kick your ass into the smallest pulp there is and report you to the general and have you suspended. I'm not afraid to gut you where you stand and watch as blood pours from your body and every bone in your body is shattered. This was uncalled for, behavior and all. You know it, everyone else knows it. There's no excuse to treat anyone the way that you do. I won’t tell you this again believe me, next time I will take the necessary actions that will be needed to end you. We don't need someone that promotes what we are trying to kill in this country. Now go Jason."
“You can’t fire me!”
“Oh no no Jason, no means do I want to fire you! However, do not test me! I have the ability to have you fired and killed if I so well as please among so much more. Get your ass out of this building before I make you do it, or so God help me you are dead! Do your job and bring a couple survivors in here.”
“Fuck you dude! You tell me I am a poor excuse for a human being? Why don’t you look at yourself, you're inhuman. Diseased and sick. You'll never make it out there. The worse you ever did was kidnap someone. You've never felt the bones of someone's face crack of the person you used to love under your first. You're weak. You can go to hell for all I care, you and your family. I hope you die in this battle, I hope I get the honor of seeing you weak on the battlefield, traumatized, and begging for help. So that I can laugh at your existence, and leave you to rot. ”
“Excuse me boy? What the fuck did you say to me boy?” My father said, walking up to him with an angry face, looking like he was going to kill the guy.
“You heard me!” he responded
“Oh, what? You don’t like me nice, close, and personal hu? Well to bad!” My supposed father responded pushing the guy to the ground. The armor clanked loudly, along with a house rumbling boom.
The angry guy sat there for a second rethinking what he was going to do. You could tell he wanted to go for my dad but he didn’t, he knew better than to fight him. Before he could make another move, my dad said once again in a more calmer voice to get out. He stared at my dad with a blank angry red face for a moment and then my dad once again repeated himself. The guy finally decided to get up and leave. On his way out, he kicked the trash can and spit on the floor like a child. His face was as red as a strawberry as he stormed out of the house, creating booming sounds beneath his feet.
I looked at the man claiming to be our father, he looked worried that everyone was looking at him with a disgusted look on their faces. But we were rather more scared than disgusted. Least I was, I was terrified, but raging with curiosity. Where has he been this entire time? Kidnapping? Would be be staying here?
My mother's face was beyond disgusted, she looked as furious if not more furious than the man that had showed up at our door, almost killing Damien. She paced for a bit and crossed her arms, the wheels in her head visibly turning. She started to cry in frustration but wiped off the tears and turned to Damien to see if he was okay.
"Is that true?" Damien gasped out, "is he really my father? I haven’t seen him in years, what happened to him? Where did he go? Why hasn’t he talked to us? Mom why? Why?" He was looking at my mom with tears welling up in his eyes little by little, panicking at his feet.
"Yes, honey, I'm afraid this is your father…” She said sighing in sadness and regret.
“He left because there was some business he had to take care of, all the other questions I have no clue about..." "He kidnapped someone? That isn't business. That's a crime." I said.
"So you lied to me? You lied to everyone? You told me that he was dead! You lied! Why did you lie? And dad, why haven’t you shown up? or talked, or wrote, or anything? I'm your son, Liz is your daughter. I could be dead right now and you weren’t even there to protect me. Answer me dad! Why did you leave! I needed you, I needed my father more than anything in this world!" He screamed as loud as his lungs could take him.
"It was for your own good Damien, I didn't want you to get your hopes up of seeing your father one day. I didn’t want you thinking that he didn’t love you either, or... Or that he had abandoned you, or anything like that. I did that for everyone, I didn’t want anyone to get hurt. He did abandoned us though, all of us without even saying goodbye. He had no time for you or anyone else except himself anyway. I didn't think he would come back and I didn't think we would ever see him again. I didn't want you to be sad if you never saw your father in your life or if he happened to die in the military." My mother responded. "So you wanted us to forget about him, forget his existence? It's not your job to protect us from him. We can do that ourselves." I responded. "How could you? How could you do that? He's our father!"
"Actually, for the record, we aren't the military. We're something much more serious, ad dangerous. But it’s easier to call us the military I guess…” My father interrupted and then continued speaking. “But son, you have to calm down. I didn’t mean to do that to you or anyone else, I’m sorry I wasn’t there, or the father you wanted or even needed for that matter. I’m sorry I didn’t write you letters, visit you on your birthday, was there when you needed me. I never went to everyone’s school events or taught anyone to play basketball, or hunt, or do any of those other fatherly things. That is not your mother's fault though and do not treat her like it is, if you want to be angry with someone, be angry with me! Son, I promise you I will be here from now on, no matter what happens, I will be a father for you from now on. It’s late, you’re like what? Eighteen now? But I'm finally here. It's okay! I'm here, and that's all that matters." The man said keeping his eyes on Damien's eyes like a tamer trying to keep a wild animal relaxed and under control.
"Who said anything about you staying?" mom said.
"Well why..." He started saying before getting interrupted by Damien.
"Shut up! Why should he have to leave just because you're stupid... Why should he have to be out there where it's not safe. He needs a home, he needs us, I need him. Jakecub needs him. He is staying. He..." The man stopped Damien from finishing his sentence while my brother was in the mist of a panic attack.
"Now wait a minute there boy, don't you dare ever speak to your mother like that again. Plus, I am highly trained. I could live out there if I wanted to. But you show that women who birthed you some respect, you hear me boy? I may be your father but I don't accept this kind of behavior, understand? I'll beat your ass before you ever speak to that women like that again. Now you need some medical attention, should I call some of my guys to come and take care of you? Those look pretty bad..."
"Fuck you! Don't speak to me that way. You’ve never been in my life, you have no right." Damien said as he stumbled onto his feet and carried himself back to his room.
“Yes, get him some medical attention, he needs it.” Mom responded.
Everyone became silent and looked at each other in amazement. Damien has never gotten that angry since Jakecub and him got into a fight over a girl and Jakecub ended up with the girl. Damien loved that girl and he would do anything for her, but now they are both single. Damien had thrown Jakecub out the window and busted his face up, and now it seems he has done the same but instead with words not actions.
I guess there really wasn't anything anyone could do besides stare at the scene that had just took place before our eyes. The man stood in anger and turned to my mom, she was crying and I could see he wanted to hug her and say it was all okay but he knew it would be best not to at a time like this. He was beginning to ask something when my mom said he could stay here if he needed a place to stay. His face lit up in joy regardless of what had taken place, and he set his gun down and took some of his armor off. He thanked our mother as he walked to the front door that was still open, to get some more gear from his patrol car. As he walked out the door, he pulled out a Qek phone and called for someone to come down here and help Damien. He started arguing with the person on the phone but the further away he got, the less I could hear the conversation. Two male couples with two children walked into the home and said that they had to stay here. They held up a paper so that we could see that they were told they had to be here. One of the children they had with them was a newborn boy. Maybe six weeks old. Supposedly when the mother died at the hospital at one of the partially run down cities, they gave custody to the male couple who were going to get custody anyways whether the mother was alive or dead. The other boy was the son of the bearded man with glasses. The son was seven years old. He was a very shy boy, but the father of him seemed to be the opposite.
The other male, or the boyfriend of the bearded man was rather scrawny and he said he had Cerebral Palsy. Every three minutes he had a muscle spasm and every time he talked, he slurred. Most of the time you could understand him though. The couple also displayed huge affection towards one another. Always kissing and holding each other.
After a few minutes, our father walked back inside, he seemed happier than before and said that soon Damien would be in much better health than ever before. Which was great given the fact that he could still die, more than ever now. He then greeted the survivors that would be staying with us. My father also looked around and then said two things. “One, it's cramped in here, and we should get you all into a new home, and two, there are four kids that don’t come from my family and four kids that are not my blood. So who’s the father of them?”
“Well, in less than two weeks we will be all moving to Baker City.” my mom said.
“Why don’t we go now? Everyone pack up your bags, we are going to Baker City tonight. But what about the new children and my non blooded family?” He said while my mom looked at him in silence.
My mom took a moment before answering him, “After I had Damien, Jakecub, Liz, and Aaroon, all from you, I might add, you left and I decided to fool around with men that I didn’t necessarily know. Just one night stands. It's really none of your business.”
“Hm, alright. Well, that's unfortunate. What are the fathers names? Do you even know?” He said keeping it short and simple.
“They’re names are Jensen, Ronald, Trex, and Jax. But, Jaried, who is Liz’s friend and his siblings are here as well.” She responded.
“Okay… But who is who now? All kids after Aaroon I don't know.”
“Sammi is mine, Jerry and Justin are mine, and twins, then Alexandra. Becky, Nik, and Chase are Jaried's siblings. I’m also pregnant.”
“Well, awesome.”
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