《Reign of Magic》5. Forgotten memory



That was what Neil felt when he tried to wake up. His head was throbbing and his eyes refused to open. His entire body was aching as though he had run a marathon for days. He felt weak all over and it took a lot of strength in him to open his eyes.

But the moment he did so, he groaned and shut them again. The sudden light stung his eyes until tears formed in them. Slowly and carefully, he opened them and blinked a few times to adjust to the light around him.

The unfamiliar white walls made him frown and Neil looked around him to find out where he was. When he turned to his right, from where a low beeping sound kept breaking the silence in the room every few seconds, his eyes almost widened on seeing who was lying on the bed beside him.

The events that had transpired came back to him like a flood and he got up immediately, only to hiss in discomfort. A wave of dizziness hit him and he fell back on the bed the next instant.

The sudden sound awoke the man who dozing off on the couch at the far end of the room and he jumped to his feet at once.

"Neil." He looked at his son skeptically who had his eyes closed at the moment.

When the familiar voice entered his ears, Neil's eyes snapped open. "Dad?" He was perplexed, overjoyed and relieved to find him here. His tense shoulders relaxed and he let out a deep breath in relief. His father was here. He had nothing to fear now.

"How do you feel now, Neil? Does it ache anywhere? Let me call the doctor." He gazed at him in concern and pressed the bell.


A few seconds after, the nurse entered. When she saw that one of the patients was awake, she rushed out again to inform the doctor.

"Dad, how...how..." Neil stopped speaking immediately. His voice came out as a croak and his face turned red in embarrassment.

"Here, have some water." His father helped him to sit up and handed him a glass of water, not caring about how embarrassed his son was.

The cold water relieved his dry and parched throat and Neil sighed in bliss.

"Do you want more?" His father retrieved the glass and Neil shook his head before his gaze fell on his brother again.

"Dad, how is Alan? Is he....is he alright?"

"He is fine, Neil. His wounds were not serious. He is just sleeping." His father assured him and Neil almost let out a cry in joy.

"Dad, Ramin...he...he..." Neil wanted to ask him about the man who had brought them to this state. However, barely had he begun speaking when the door to the ward opened and the doctor entered with the nurse right behind him.

"Hello, Neil. How do you feel now?" The familiar man enquired with a gentle smile on his face.

"I am aching terribly all over and I feel lethargic, Doctor Wallace. What is wrong with me?" Neil's frown deepened as he tried to recall all that had happened since the time he and his friends had been stopped by Ramin and his gang.

"I see. You must be exhausted from all that happened yesterday." He checked his pulse and inspected the injury on his face.

"Jarett, I will prescribe some pills. Let him take them after having some food."

"Okay, Edward. I will make sure he takes them." Jarett gazed at his son who had a scowl on his face. Smiling helplessly to himself, he followed his friend to check on his other son who was yet to wake up.


Just the mention of pills was enough to send Neil hurling profanities in his mind. He loathed them more than he loathed Ramin. However, he understood he had no say in this matter. Considering how his body was aching all over, he had to take them if he were to recover quickly.

Neil turned to his brother again, concerned about him greatly. Ramin had kicked Alan quite hard and for a moment, Neil wondered if his brother had any internal injuries.

"Doctor Wallace, how is my brother? Is he alright?" Although his father had assured him about his brother, he was still not convinced. He had seen how Alan had suffered greatly under Ramin's attacks and every time he recalled them, he felt himself bursting in anger.

"Do not worry, Neil. Focus on your recovery first."


"Your brother is fine, son. I understand what your concerns are. His wounds are just superficial." Edward returned to Neil and pushed the boy's disheveled hair away from his face.

"When he was brought to the hospital, he was aching all over. We have induced him with painkillers. So, he is still asleep. Considering how long he has been sleeping," Edward looked at his watch before he focused on Neil again. "Your brother will be waking up soon. Anything else?"

"No, Doctor. Thank you."

"Rest well, Neil." Edward smiled at him again which Neil returned weakly. "Jarett, may I have a word with you please?"

The doctor tilted his head and the two men walked out of the ward with the nurse right behind them. Neil just glanced at them before his eyes fell on his brother.

"Alan, please be fine." He mumbled and a lone tear escaped from his eyes. "Please forgive me for not protecting you well. I failed as an elder brother. I am sorry." He kept staring at his younger brother with tear-filled eyes.

He took a deep breath and tried to recall all that had happened with them. He remembered how they had been stopped by Ramin and his gang members while they were returning home. He even recalled how he and Alan had tried to run away from him after splitting from his friends at the intersection, only to be caught by the gang.

'Alan was caught by Ramin and he was about to hit him with the baseball bat. What happened afterward?' He wondered and tried to recollect what had happened next.

However, even after trying for long, he could not remember anything at all. Everything was blank and Neil's forehead creased in worry. It was as though all that had transpired thereafter had been wiped out of his memory. 'What is happening? Why am I not able to recall anything?'

His eyes quivered in fear and he turned towards his brother, only to find him already staring at him with his eyes wide open.

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