《Reign of Magic》4. Located after a long search


Meanwhile, in a faraway land, a woman with grey hair kept walking hurriedly. Excitement was dancing on her face and her brown eyes twinkled in joy. She had been waiting for this day for a long time and finally, after fourteen years she had found the people she was looking for. A smile lingered on her lips as she carried a letter with her.

As moments passed, her pace increased and in the end, she was almost sprinting. By the time she reached the room she had in mind, she was gasping lightly and droplets of sweat covered her forehead.

"Oh, my poor legs." She mumbled in dismay and her face scrunched up. But when she recalled the good news she had with her, a blissful smile blossomed on her face and she stood straight, forgetting about everything else.

Adjusting her glasses, she knocked on the door and waited for some time. But she did not get any response from the other side. Blinking her eyes in confusion, she knocked again, only to meet the same result.

"Where did he go at this time of the day?" She mused and looked around her but the corridor was empty. With a frown, she knocked on the door again and twisted the doorknob. The moment she touched the knob, the door opened.

The woman's frown deepened and she entered the room stealthily. But she almost shrieked in fright when a figure lunged at her. She jumped back immediately and raised her arms, ready to deal with her attacker. However, she stopped immediately when saw who it was.

A pair of green eyes stared at her innocently before it nudged her leg softly. "Meow." The cat greeted her happily and the woman's lips twitched in dismay.

"Shoo, shoo," She waved her hand in front of the cat and the animal let out an aggrieved mewl before it ran away from her.


"His cat is just like him." She grumbled and closed the door after her. "Why is it so dark here?" She continued complaining. The dark curtains were drawn in, prohibiting even a tiny ray of light to enter. She waved her hand and the curtains separated, allowing the light to illuminate the room and she almost rolled her eyes when she saw the man she was looking for asleep on the couch.

"Ahh, here is his, idling and while I am running around at my age looking for him everywhere."

"Why are you grumbling, Trinity? What happened?" The man's low, lazy voice reverberated in the room and Trinity glared at him immediately.

"Look at you behaving so oblivious to the world. Do you even know what happened?" She pushed her spectacles again and glowered at him.

Unable to sleep any longer, the man eventually got up and sat up straight. He leaned forward and clasped his hands. Even though he had just woken up, he still looked vibrant. His black eyes were in a daze as he stared at the woman who had disturbed his sleep.

"Since you are already here, you tell me what happened. Why are you this agitated?"

Trinity's excitement returned the moment she heard him and she scrambled closer to him. "Sean, I have found them."

"Who?" The man's forehead creased with a frown and he stroked his short, white beard, curiosity replacing his dull eyes.

"The twins we were looking for." Trinity chirped like a happy bird. "I have located them finally."

"That's great, Trinity. Good job." Sean got up from the couch and adjusted his shirt while Trinity narrowed her eyes on seeing his lack of excitement. He did not react the way she had expected him to.


She observed him for a few moments before the realization hit her. "Did you already know about them before?"

"I only had a hunch, Trinity. It was proved right today." He stated and started arranging the books that lay on his table.

"How long have you known about them? Why did you not tell me, Sean?" Trinity argued and followed him, dissatisfied by his actions. She had been trying hard to find the twins while the man here did not even inform her when he had found them. How annoying!!

"It was only two days ago that I chanced upon him and as to not telling you about it." Sean stopped suddenly and looked at Trinity. "As I said, it was only my hunch before."

Although Trinity was ready to fight him for keeping this matter a secret from her, she let it go for the time being. They had other important matters to discuss.

"What are we going to do now, Sean? Are we bringing back the twins here, to Atanor?" She queried, his face softening in an instant.

"Yes, but not right now." He returned to his books, not caring about her thoughts.

"Why? Since we have found them, it is only right that they return to us." She stressed and Sean let out a sigh.

"Yes, it is. The boys should return to Atanor, where they belong. But as I said, it is not time yet."

"And when is the correct time?"

"When the boys learn about their identity." Sean noticed Trinity's lack of response and lifted his head to stare at her. He could understand her confusion. He too had been until he found the truth.

"Alan and Neil are yet to learn who they are and until they find out their identity, we cannot bring them here." He explained and Trinity more or less understood the meaning behind his words.

"But who will tell them about it?"

"Their parents will. Only they can reveal the truth to their children."

Trinity let out a sigh and nodded in acceptance.

"By the way," Sean started to lighten the mood. "Who revealed his powers first?"

"The older twin, Neil did." Trinity's reply was instant. "The younger one is yet to show what he is capable of."

"Impressive." Sean nodded and looked out of the window. The sun was reaching the horizon and the sky was now coated with shades of orange and red. A smile graced his lips and Trinity raised her brows immediately.

"May I know what you are thinking? You seem to be pleased all of a sudden."

Sean's eyes snapped to hers and he let out a helpless chuckle. "Definitely. But not right now. I will tell you once the time is right. Now, let's go."


"To check if Neil is alright. He must be exhausted after what happened today." Sean sauntered towards the door but stopped suddenly, forcing Trinity to halt behind him. "Also, we will have to remind their parents to fulfill their responsibility. Until then, Alan and Neil can never enter Atanor. Only their parents can help us this time."

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