《Tear a Path》Eyes in the dark


Zhao Wei had forgotten to close the door, letting all the cold in. His body was quickly losing temperature and turning paler by the second. His heart slowed down to a dangerous level, frost bite forming on the top layer of his flesh. His breathe barely making a fog infront of his mouth.

Unbeknownst to him, in the dark, a pair of beady eyes were watching his struggle.

Even in his exhaustion he had moved the rabbit into his room, afraid it would freeze to death outside. What he didn't count on was the fact that it had already broken through the wrap trap as he was pulling it up. Zhao Wei didn't notice this as he had wrapped the rabbit under another sheet to avoid touching the wrap trap and deactivating it.

It looked at the door and at the living thing lying on the floor. It had actually been caught twice by the creature and if it decided to settle it here and now there wouldn't ever be any trouble. It started stepping towards the door.

Once it had taken two steps out, the stench of blood permeated the air. But it was the blood of that living thing inside the cave. Maybe it was because it was spared twice despite having even injured the thing. Or maybe it wasn't anything at all. Either way, it stepped back into the room, taking two steps before being an inch away from the body.

Zhao Wei's heart was barely beating anymore, his body parts were becoming more rigid, it would take less than a few seconds for him to die.

The rabbit, tapped it's feet a few times, looking like a person making a decision. It bent down, forelegs stretched, it's body balanced on it's leg. Coming back into a normal position, a high pitch vibrating sound came from the creature's belly spreading towards the rest of its body. It's fur stood up, making it look like a ball of fluff, it's body was generating a lot of heat from the constant vibration whilst It rubbed it's body against the body.


After a few minutes, it didn't exactly save him yet but it would save his limbs from needing to be amputated from frostbite. The issue now was that although his body was warmer, his heart was still slowing down, without the heart pumping there wouldn't be a point to the blood being unthawed anyway.

It seemed to have noticed this fact, stepping up on the torso, it started vibrating over where his heart was. As it continued to do this, it seemed to get weaker, it's vibration had longer pauses in between and it's eyes was halfway closed. At some point it could no longer go on and just curled up into a ball on Zhao Wei's chest.

On the 12th hour of the night Zhao Wei slowly regained consciousness. He felt throbbing pain from all his injuries and biting cold in the room. Looking down he saw the rabbit on his chest, it's body was cold and rigid. Zhao Wei didn't know why he knew, but this creature has expended a lot of energy to take care of him. He picked himself up whilst cradling it in his arms.

Closing the door on the blockade as well as for his room, the room became quiet. There was still some lingering cold in the room, but the wind wasn't entering anymore. Picking up another blanket he added it to the bed and entered the covers with the rabbit in his arms. Despite their meeting being quite rough, both man and rabbit had taken care of each other. And through the 20 hours of the night hours, they both slept.

Once the day hours came the rabbit quickly awoke, but Zhao Wei slept another 2 hours. As his eyes flitted open, he was shocked awake as he saw the rabbit staring at him right on top of his chest. Instantly Zhao Wei felt awkward and the rabbit looked away as well.


It seemed that both were a type of tsundere, only showing compassion when one or the other was unconscious. In truth, in Zhao Wei's heart he was going, "I want to pet it, I want to pet it, I want to pet..." repeatedly without end.

Zhao Wei decided to go out to get some air, today he thought he would rest to let the injuries recover before foraging again. Starting a small fire, Zhao Wei decided to cook some of the leftover food. As he was cooking, the rabbit same out and walked next to him. There was further awkward silence, Zhao Wei let out a sigh followed by a squeaky breathe from the rabbit. Both turned to each other, seemingly wanting to communicate something and turned back to watch the food cook.

They acted like two people who met the night before, got drunk and slept together. But in the morning both didn't know each other's name.

"So uh... I um... thank you, for last night" Zhao Wei began.

"Chi Chi Chi.." it squeaked back while shaking it's head, as if telling Zhao Wei, it's fine.

Zhao Wei nodded, "Well thanks anyway".

"Chi Chi" It replied.

Only after a few minutes of looking at the food did Zhao Wei realize he'd been talking to a rabbit. He picked up an empty can and threw it at the rabbit.

The rabbit dodged in time, but it looked at Zhao Wei like it had been wronged. "Chi Chi Chi!!...Chi". If Zhao Wei spoke rabbit he would probably hear something like 'What the hell is wrong with you!? do you have PMS? Is that what is causing all these mood swings!?'.

All Zhao Wei heard were rabbit squeaks but he felt like he knew what the rabbit was saying which made him even more annoyed. Remembering that his life had been saved by said rabbit, he decided to let it go.

The rabbit, feeling Xhao Wei's mood has gotten better stepped close to him until it was just infront of him. Suddenly it turned around as if something startled it, Zhao Wei noticing this reaction looked up.

He tried to notice what was going on, a few seconds pass until he felt something warm knock against his toes. Looking down, he saw 6 to 7 brown marbles on his feet. The smell hit him before he realized what it was.

"#%!?" Zhao Wei closed his mouth and wanted to puke.

Even after his reaction, the rabbit continued its process as it had started and couldn't seem to stop. Zhao Wei took this moment to kick it flying.


Down below the cliff, a few other creatures passed by, suddenly they all heard a high pitched squeal before dispersing in all directions.

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