《Tear a Path》The break



This was of course Xi Ya. With her arms and legs in the air she rolled back and forth on the couch. Zhao Wei standing next to the couch could only force a smile as he looked at his girlfriend throw a tantrum like a child.

"Why aren't they back yet!!, we've been waiting for four hours and they still haven't come back with the food!!"

This had been ongoing for half an hour and Xi Ya could be seen running back and forth between the kitchen and sofa. "There's no snacks, no signal and no car!!, what if they forgot about us, we'll be starved!!" if people saw her now they'd remember a certain cursed hobbit from Lord of the Rings when he lost the ring.

At some points her thinking would even switch from desperation to pure blood-lust. "It must be that Shi Di Wen's fault eating so much must've made all the stores nearby run out of food," it should be known that while she said those words she was actually doing a choke hold to a pillow while her left hand kept pummeling it, her eyes oozing killing intent. "And Xi Lin!!, think she's so skinny that she can keep eating without consequences, we'll see how I pull the fat building on her waist when she gets back."

Another 15 minutes pass and she became more hysterical. Finally Zhao Wei decided he should talk to her, or else people at the bottom of the hill would think a kidnapping was going on up here. Walking into the kitchen, Xi Ya suddenly turned around spreading her arms across the kitchen table looking like a cornered mouse faced with a cat when she saw Zhao Wei

"It must be you!!, you must have planned all this to starve me and take away my strength, and then when I'm too tired and fall asleep you would unleash your carnal desires and devour me," she said her palm facing outward on her forehead as she slumped on the kitchen floor, "Oooh! this great me is finally overcome not by might, but the schemes of a lustful young man."


Zhao Wei's right eye twitched as a visible vein throbbed on his forehead. "This girl, why not just go to Broadway if you want to play so many parts," he thought to himself.

She held her pillow in front of her body looking at Zhao Wei embarrassingly as if she was naked behind it. "Haaa..." Zhao Wei sighed, his eyes looked up a little and then he shrugged, "well I'm planning to marry you someday anyway, so it'll be the same either way... if you insist then...."

"Wa... Wa... what.. hah?" instantly Xi Ya's face turned red, "you shameless... eh... PERVERT!!!"

"Who's the pervert!?"

"That's the one you're angry about!?, how can you use that word to justify your actions!?" if this were a cartoon both of Xi Ya's eyes would be swirls right now.

Snapping out of it, Xi Ya became even more angry, "how can you use that word for this situation!? and so plainly!? as my future husband you should.. pah! pah! ptui! who would want a future husband like you!"

"Oh! so you reject the proposal?"

"Of course I reject!"

"You better not regret it! if next time you suddenly feel like it, I'm not going to be the one doing the proposing!" he said.

"You... what...?" she could only stutter at his response.

"That's right, next time, you're going to be doing the proposing, I want it in a nice candle light dinner in a fancy restaurant, and a big diamond ring, none of that cheap zircon rings, also I want a whole heartfelt speech leading to it."

"YOU! Shameless!! you're not even doing all of that and you demand i do it?" Xi Ya couldn't hold her anger anymore, "what candle light dinner!! we don't even have a bag of chips here to keep us from starving."

Finally Xi Ya walked out of the house. After thinking for a bit Zhao Wei thought he had maybe teased her too far and went to look for her. It didn't take long as she was only by some railing over looking a cliffs edge. Turning around she held her head high and said, "fine I accept!"


Zhao Wei was stunned in his step looking at her with eyes wide open, "Wha... Ha?"

Xi Ya had a visible smile on her face seeing that it's this guys turn to get shocked.

After regaining his bearings, Zhao Wei felt like he had taken a loss, "What accept, you already rejected it so my proposal no longer counts, now it's your turn."

Xi Ya remembering the screaming match they had before could only look helplessly. "Fine... will you..."

"Ask me nicely"

She glared at him as she gritted her teeth and forced her lips into a smile, "Will you..."

"Wait! Wait!"

"What now!?"

"You haven't gotten down on one knee." he said.

"Haaaa... fine, shameless bastard"

"OMG!! every girl dreams of this day, I never thought mine would come so quick!" as he said this he was fanning his face and jumping on the spot. The perfect image of a girl being proposed to.

Xi Ya seeing this could only smile while thinking of how she would beat him mercilessly after this is over. "Wang Zhao Wei..." she began while slowly bending down.

Suddenly, the earth shook. The sky which was sparkling with stars just now almost instantly became pitch black. Rumbling could be heard from every direction.

"Zhao Wei!!" Xi Ya was still a few steps away from him when the proposal began, but even in the distance Zhao Wei could see the fear in her eyes.

"Don't move!! it's going to be fine." he tried to reassure her.

But in the next moment the ground between them split pushing both sides further. "Xi Ya!" Zhao Wei screamed as he sprinted towards her. It all happened too fast, in the mere seconds it took him to reach the edge of the crack, the split had rapidly expanded to at least 15 meters and was still moving pushing both lovers farther from each other.

Looking under them they could finally see what was happening around them, the earth was flooding, not with water but with mud, earth and rocks. It was like a portal had appeared in the ground and started spewing huge amounts of mass, moving like raging torrents going every direction breaking and even burying some of the smaller hills.

Zhao Wei could only scream in desperation as the flood of earth constantly pulled his love away from him, "Xi Ya! wait for me!! I'll come find you!!".

"I'll wait for you no matter what!!"

At this instant a crack was heard from behind Zhao Wei as a balcony section from the house's second floor broke off. Turning his head around Zhao Wei didn't even have time to dodge as he looked up to see the mass falling towards him.


On the ground Zhao Wei could only will himself to open his eyes, part of his vision was red from the blood flowing down his left eye. In the distance Xi Ya now only seemed like a dot to him and he could only think to himself, "I will find you, I will find you. I will fin...." before it all blacked out.

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