《Tear a Path》Eggplant


Sitting around with friends having snacks and drinks makes life fly almost too fast. At some points, people laugh so hard they're not even sure what they're laughing at anymore.

"Aiyah!" one of them screamed while holding his arm, "Zhao Wei, why is your girlfriend so violent, other people beat people if they're angry, but she beats people while she laughs at their jokes."

Zhao Wei could only shake his head looking at the pitiful state his friend was in, "Meng Ke Er, you know she's always been like that, but you always provoke her and stand in the line of fire."

"What do you mean 'always been like that?" Xi You Ya squinted her eyes at him, "You have some complaints about me?".

"Honey, you know I love you and I want to make sure your reputation stays perfect," Zhao Wei could only try his best to put out the fire he started, "what if one day people look at this future husband of yours and think there's something wrong with our relationship?".

"Yeah! they'll call the police and make a report for domestic violence," Shi Di Wen, Zhao Wei's best friend couldn't help jumping into the conversation, "but instead of the husband beating the wife, this is the wife beating the husband!"

Zhao Wei tried to stifle his laughter after seeing his girlfriends reddening face, glaring at his friend for making the situation worse.

"No no, that's not what I meant honey, I know that when you hit me it's a sign that you love me and you love talking to me," he exhaled in relief seeing that his girlfriend was appeased with his statement. With the trouble settled, he couldn't help being cheeky as he closed his hand into a paw, raising his eye brows and pouting his lips imitating a pitiful dog, "but if you keep beating me, what if people think your future husband is weird, other husbands may have tattoos but yours has an eggplant on each of his arms."


"Ha ha ha ha!" Xi You Ya couldn't resist from laughing at the statement mixed with the acting of her boyfriend and reached for him.

Zhao Wei looking at the claw coming towards him almost turned pale, luckily he had good reflexes and ducked behind Meng Ke Er while he used his free hand to push him right into harms way.

"Zhao Wei! Noooo!"

Zhao Wei and Shi Di Wen could only wince as they listened to the agonizing screams of their friend.

From behind them Kai Xi Lin, Meng Ke Er's girlfriend walked forward and clapped her palms together and bowed slightly, looking solemn, "we will forever remember your sacrifice."

Immediately after both the males followed in imitating her actions and bowed, "we will forever remember your sacrifice!"

Xi You Ya looking at the comical actions of her friends laughed even harder, making her hitting and pinching more energetic to the remorse of only Meng Ke Er as his suffering became more intense.

Like this, the group of youths made the most of their teenage lives before they went to become adults.

"Zhao Wei! Xi Ya! you sure you don't want to come with us to the next hill to look for dinner?", Kai Xi Lin gave her friend a look of exasperation for leaving her to go alone with two rowdy boys.

"Zhao Wei! better play safe" Shi Di Wen grinned from ear to ear while his eyes becoming just slits.

Living in the modern world, both girls of course understood the meaning behind his words and took of their sandals to fling at the lecherous man.

Once the group left, Zhao Wei could be seen lounging on the sofa his head on Xi You Ya's lap. Xi You Ya while pouting looked at his chubby cheeks started pinching them both and stretching them in opposite directions.


"So you think you can bully me hah?, I've got you now, apologize or not?"

Zhao Wei being half asleep could only reply lazily, "Apologize, apologize..."

"So insincere!" the apology actually made Xi Ya angrier, "do you even love me or not?"

"I love you, you know that."

"See, so plain again," Xi Ya looked helplessly at her blunt boyfriend, "Why don't you just go date a machine."

Opening one eye, Zhao Wei brows became scrunched together suddenly deep in thought. A few seconds pass and he nodded his head seemingly satisfied. Looking at him, Xi Ya became curious, "What are you thinking about, hah! probably something perverted," as she continued to play with his cheeks".

"If I had to date a machine, I'd date a refrigerator," he finally uttered.

Xi Ya could only facepalm at her boyfriend's weirdness. "Any reasons?"

"Well, although the refrigerator is big and doesn't have curves..." he said, "it has angles."

Laughter rang out from the house in addition to the sound of muffled screams, without anyone else around, Zhao Wei could only lovingly bear the pain.

In a noodle shop on another hill, three friends sat next to each other. Suddenly it all three raised their heads from their bowls, thinking the same thing. They then clapped their palms over their meals and slightly bowed, "We will forever remember your sacrifice."

The shop's chef looked at these kids and thought to himself, "kids these days and their weird traditions."

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