《Bad Habits {V2 Out now!}》Volume 1: Chapter 13: The Start of Something Big...


Takumi punched the wall.

"D- Damn it!" Takumi shouted.

"Woah, calm down..." Nokado replied.

"Yeah, it wasn't like we would get one million in one try." Ukato followed up.

"It's not about that… The worth of the bags we gave were maybe twice as more worth." Takumi mumbled.

"They are lying to us..." Takumi explained.

"...And they will milk us out until we collapse." Takumi followed up.

Everyone was quiet.

"Then we won't collapse..." Tado mumbled.

Everyone turned to him.

"... We won't collapse until we have the ten million, we promised, didn't we?" Tado followed up.

"You promised..." Tado mumbled, looking at Takumi.

Takumi's eyes widened up.

"... To go on vacation!" Tado followed up, pointing to him.

Everyone was shocked.

Takumi smiled.

"... Fine… You're right." Takumi said.

"I have a promise… I need to full fill it..." Takumi followed up.

"...Whether it kills me or not." Takumi finished, smiling.

Everyone's eyes lightened up. The mood of everyone changed back to their normal state.

Suddenly the monitors beeps, everyone turns to the monitor.

"It's probably the new mission." Kuruka said.

They all walked to the monitor. Suddenly their eyes widened up.

The mission was as followed:

"Congratulations… We have one unique mission for you!" Kuruka started reading.

"We have confirmed a GPS Tracker on a van full of drugs, bring this truck to us and if you manage to do it in two days minimum, you'll get a bonus of-..." Kuruka stopped, as his eyes widened up.

"A bonus of?" Rikishi asked.

"A- A… B-..." Kuruka started to mumble.

"B- Bonus of 500.000 Yen!" Kuruka shouted cheerfully.

Everyone's eyes lightened up.

"We have to get that, right now!" Rikishi shouted, as he opened the wall full of their weaponry.

Rikishi grabbed the new weapons and body armor they got from the previous missions, but there weren't enough body armors.


"Shit… What do we do now?" Kuruka asked.

"I'll stay..." Takumi mumbled.

They all turned to him.

"Are you sure?" Ukato asked.

"... I will make sure those two won't do something suspicious." Takumi replied, reaching out his fist.

"Don't worry about me, I trust you guys, so you guys have to trust me." Takumi said, smiling.

The others first looked at Takumi, but then Ukato fist-bumped him.

"You're right… We trust you." Ukato said, smiling.

The others fist-bumped him too.

"Yeah… We do." Nokado said.

Tado showed his thumbs up.

Rikishi showed a happy grin.

Kuruka and Takumi made eye-contact.

"Don't die on me… You'll make me depressed." Takumi said, smirking.

Kuruka nodded.

"There will be no casualties, we'll finish the mission in two days." Kuruka said.

They all walked out the apartment and Takumi waved them goodbye as the 'Range-Rover' drove off.

Takumi's face slowly turned into a really angered frown.

"Now… It's time to get what we deserved..." Takumi mumbled, as he walked back inside the apartment.

He walked to the office, slamming the door open.

"Takumi? What do you want?" Akurai asked.

"You know… Normally I wouldn't even reply to you… But this time I have one thing I want..." Takumi said, slowly reaching for his pocket.

"... That thing is- "

Takumi drawed a handgun and pulled the trigger-

"...Your life!"


It was silent for a while…

There was blood on the wall and Akurai had fallen behind his counter.

Takumi slowly walked to the counter, as he suddenly heard footsteps from behind him, when he turned he got tackled down by Kirakuma. Takumi let go of the pistol and Kirakuma caught it mid-air, quickly aiming it to his head.

"W- What?" Takumi mumbled.

"We knew you were planning something..." Kirakuma said, grinning.

"Ugh..." A sound could be heard from the counter of the office.


Slowly Akurai's hand grabbed the top of the counter.

Takumi's eyes widened up…

He missed his shot…

"Man… That was awful of you..." Akurai mumbled, as he held his hand on his eye.

"... You got me good, you traitor." Akurai followed up, walking up to him and Kirakuma.

"Kirakuma… Finish him..." Akurai said.

Kirakuma's eyes widened up, as he started to shake.

"I-... I..." Kirakuma stuttered.

"... I- I can't..." Kirakuma followed up.

"What did you say?" Akurai said, frustrated.

"Either he dies or you do!" Akurai followed up.

They both suddenly went quiet, as they suddenly noticed this really bad aura.

Takumi slowly stood up…

Takumi followed up with a grin…

"You should've killed me." Takumi mumbled, grinning.

Takumi suddenly charged Kirakuma, punching him hard on his chest.

Kirakuma's eyes widened up.

Takumi followed up with a punch on his face, knocking him out.

Akurai was in complete shock, but in the same time he was amazed.

"Enough with the jokes… I am done playing around..." Takumi said, slowly grabbing the pistol from the ground.

He aimed it back to Akurai.

"Ishido, Takumi… What are you planning?" Akurai asked.

"Oh, at first it was nothing… But I finally realized what happened..." Takumi said, grinning.

"... I will take revenge for my father… You murderer..." Takumi followed up.

Akurai's eyes widened up.

"When did you-"

"You thought I was stupid?" Takumi said, as he started to laugh.

"I knew from the start… You and your stupid 'contract' for those vampire teeth… You and the 'contract' can both go to hell..." Takumi said.

It went silent.

"... Actually… I am kind of interested in those teeth… " Takumi followed up.

"If you want to know more… You'll have to join the clan, kid." Akurai said.

"I have multiple conditions… I hope you'll agree to them." Takumi said, grinning.

"Sure thing kid, anything you want." Akurai said.

"Anything? Eh? Sounds pretty good..."

- - - - -

Ukato was driving the Range-Rover, as they slowly arrived to the Van.

“Alright… This is what we do.” Ukato said, while slowly parking next to the van.

“Rikishi and Tado enter the van, Rikishi will drive and Tado will have a weapon with him. Tado’s role is to defend Rikishi no matter what. While you two get the Van running, Kuruka and Nokado will be on the watch...” Ukato explained.

“... After that Kuruka and Nokado will enter the Range-Rover and we will safely drive back, this should be no problem.” Ukato followed up, smirking proudly.

“Got it, easy as it is.” Rikishi said, as he entered the van.

Rikishi noticed that they key was still in the car. He shrugged and started the engine. Tado showed his face out of the window.

“We got it running, let’s go go go!” Tado said, as they all entered their positions.

Ukato drove in front of the Van as they quickly headed back.

Kuruka noticed Ukato being really quiet.

“Ukato, what’s on your mind?” Kuruka asked.

“I...” Ukato mumbled.

“If there is something, spit it out.” Nokado said.

“... I don’t trust this.” Ukato said, holding the steer tighter.

“W- What do you mean, don’t trust?” Kuruka asked.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit suspicious, the van was completely free for anybody to get. If the thing is worth half a million they would never let it stay so freely...” Ukato explained.

His eyes widened up as he realized something.

“...They...” Ukato mumbled.

“...They must be after Takumi!”

Ukato slammed his feet on the gas pedal, driving through the street as fast as possible.

* * *

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