《Heart cultivator》Conclusions


While walking, James took advantage of the time to do several things, first, to continue refining spiritual ki from the air, although the process is slower than if he concentrates on doing it, it is still possible with a minimum of care, since he must repeat what he did previously consciously.

This could change if he had all the cells, veins, heart and lungs empowered with his spiritual ki, since he would not need to have control of which cell stores the contaminated ki and move it to the liver and then to the lung again, since when they are all potentiated the This process can flow with your natural body cycle and all parts involved could contain the tainted spiritual ki.

The second thing James did is finish reviewing the memories of his new body now that he has time, and from them I get several important data, the first is that he is an orphan, lives in his sect and performs missions to get the money he needs for the food and farming resources,

Another thing he discovered is that the cultivators despite having practically omnipotent energy, their use on it is very rudimentary, an example of this would be ki attacks, where basically whoever makes the attack with more ki wins and how much more concentrated this , Another example is healing, where they simply circulate the ki through the injured part with the intention of healing and simply wait, some invent different ways of circulating the ki or making strange symbols to strengthen the healing, and it usually works since the ki spiritual responds to intention, and if someone does those things and has a strong conviction that it will work, and the way it will work, the ki uses that as a guide, basically if someone is hurt, they make symbols and circulate the ki in ways specific and has a mental picture of the result, and because of his confidence that it will work, it works!


that simple.

James's method of inducing rapid and controlled cell replication could be considered an immortal technique in this world.

Examples like these apply to every field one can think of that has something to do with spiritual ki.

After that reflection James tried to apply the knowledge he learned in his past life, he raised both hands in front of him and concentrated on his palm, in one hand he imagined a small flame, and after spending a large amount of ki, he forms a small flame that seems about to be extinguished, in the other hand, he controls his ki with the intention of exciting the air and gas particles in his palm to create a flame, using as fuel the oxygen in the air and a little spiritual ki to ensure that it does not go out at the first breeze, the result is a medium flame that wags gently in your hand, and when applying physical the consumption of spiritual ki is much lower than before, almost zero, since After creating the flame it returns to its body and only a small part is spent when creating it and another when maintaining it in case of winds, but even so the consumption is minimal.

With the results literally in the palm of his hand, James understands that physics will be his greatest companion in this new world, and he will use it whenever he wishes to mold ki to perform any action.

After his discoveries, James began to think about what to do next, since he cannot return to the sect, although conflicts are not allowed, all elders turn a blind eye if it does not happen directly in front of them, in addition to that it would generate suspicion If those who broke his dantian see him again using spiritual ki they will immediately denounce him, saying that perhaps he has some treasure or something strange, and not only will they punish them at that time, but they can reward them while they interrogate James to get all the secrets out of him, reaching to open it if necessary.


therefore he now he has to hide somewhere else until he is powerful enough that others can only keep their curiosity from him.

having made up his mind, James moves along the edge of the forest heading west as far away from his sect as possible, walks another hour as he continues to purify ki and fortify more blood to increase purification speed when suddenly a scene is encountered. of destroyed trees and blood everywhere, it seems to have happened a long time ago, not too much since the blood was not yet dry, but as there were no more sounds, those who fought or perhaps simply carried their fight should not be around anymore elsewhere, whatever the situation, it has nothing to do with James, who keeps walking without stopping for more than a few minutes to observe the area,

As the destruction continues to escalate, there is more blood everywhere, as well as ice crystals and charred logs everywhere, James considers for a moment that perhaps he is following the same path that those responsible for this crossed. disaster, but it still continues, it is very close to the edge of the forest, so there should be nothing too dangerous, besides that if the chaos is too great, cultivators will be sent to check what is happening and kill the beasts in case of Let them get too close to the city

After 20 minutes of walking along the trail of destruction, a clear clearing is found where fire and ice seem to have collided with more force, and in the center, in the middle of pools of blood are 2 beasts.

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