《Heart cultivator》Cured


After taking a moment to consider it, he fills a globule with his own ki, recreating and reinforcing its structure and integrity with it, by doing this he tries to make his cell gain resistance to the contaminated ki by relying on his own ki,

After releasing the contaminated ki inside, the contaminated ki this time does not destroy the cell instantly, although if it flows chaotically inside it, which according to James' memories, can cause failure during purification, since it can remain a bit raw because it moves chaotically during the process.

James is not sure if the same thing will happen using his liver and a cell, but better to be forewarned than sorry, keeping that in mind, he creates a small capsule inside the cell, and encapsulates all the contaminated ki inside.

With this James is soon one step closer to being cured, and decides to test his progress.

When he moves the cell to the liver, it is purified as the organ normally does, but his own ki that strengthens it, and the contaminated ki remain the same.

After this experiment James deduces that if he wants his liver to purify both blood and ki, he must reinforce and empower it with his own ki, so that he gains the ability to interact with spiritual ki.

he starts up and moves all the spiritual ki that he has in his body towards his liver, barely managing to potentiate the minimum necessary for there to be any effect.

When finished, he tries the purification again, and this time, to the relief of his stressed heart, the spiritual ki inside the cell is slowly purified, it takes about 3 times longer than normal, but still a success is a success. .

With this issue fixed, the now-purified ki within the cell immediately gains James's signature, although the resulting wisp is fainter and weaker than the one he had before purifying it, he is fully capable of using it for whatever he wishes now that he has his firm.


although there are still residues, signatures and Elemental ki that cannot be purified because they are of a very high level and James's ki is very low and unable to clean it, therefore he re-encapsulates it in the cell and takes it to the lung, where it releases it along with the exhaled air.

having achieved what he set out to do and getting a little ki, James gets down to work and repeats the process to get enough to heal his wounds,

It is a race against time, but as you purify more ki, you have more to enhance more red blood cells, therefore the process accelerates, going from purifying 1 to purifying 2 and then 3 and then 5, so exponentially until he gains a decent amount of ki, which he uses to heal his wounds that continued to bleed slowly, after closing his wounds. he grows a little more and with a little ki he encourages his bone marrow to produce more blood and overcome anemia and dizziness.

A couple of hours later, as James tirelessly cultivates to never be unreservedly in such a precarious situation again, he hears ground-shaking blows, weak at first but intensifying as time passes, the blows awaken James from his trance and realizes that it could be some animal that approaches the area, due to the smell of blood, therefore without further delay he gets up and leaves, with his body aching and tired to the other side.

He and he was lucky that he had 2 hours of peace to find a way to heal, he does not think to force it too much or he would backfire.

Following the memories of him, he sets course for the outer part of the forest as he moves away from the beast.

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