《Heart cultivator》A bit of luck


Before long the headache subsided, but before he can think of anything else, James passes out from blood loss.

James stays lying on the ground for who knows how many more hours, but he had already stopped bleeding a long time ago, he even showed small signs of healing, such a thing could be described as a miracle before his transmigration, but in this world the ki spiritual existed, and had many uses, including healing the body of its wearer.

The spiritual ki in James's body was tiny, but since he was not a powerful cultivator it was easier and cost less energy to heal, since he had not yet strengthened his physique too much, he was hardly better than a normal farmer, due to his small dantian.

When the dantian of the body that James currently inhabits was destroyed, it disarmed into small fragments that decomposed into spiritual ki, which tried to escape through his meridians, destroying them all in the process, then it began to circulate through his blood since he had no other place to exit, that, added to the ki that he had stored caused his bleeding to stop and his abdomen to begin to heal very slowly, although there was not enough to heal him completely, it was enough to save his life.

Hours later James awakens, feeling weak and still in pain, although not as much as before.

he crawls up to the trunk of the tree he was under and leans against his trunk as he gasps with exertion.

takes a moment to compose himself and understand the situation in which he finds himself, after a while he recomposes himself and reviews the memories he had received, it was clear as water that neither this body was his nor this world the earth, there was none technology capable of implanting memories in people in their old world.


Then he takes a moment to accept his new reality and say goodbye to his past life, it is not that he regrets much, he was simply a depressed office worker and since he had 7 brothers he never really cared for his family, when he turned 18 they sent him to do his life to another side, or that was what they told him to justify how they left him without any support, he managed in some way until he was 25, when he died from the truck.

After quickly tuning in to his new life and focusing on what he has at hand, he takes a moment to review his physical condition, which basically sucks, he's all bruised, cut and bloody from the beating and the broken dantian, when he saw the situation in his abdomen his face turned pale from what it was, he did not know how he was still alive with such a wound, but the important thing was that he did. so he began to think how to get out of his precarious situation, eating to review the memories of his Earth biology classes and then the memories of this body in order to find a solution.

after a while he came across a memory of when he was reading information about spiritual ki in some scrolls for cultivators initiated in the sect, he read about the characteristics of spiritual ki, which was considered a source of energy that responded to the will, It could be used for cultivation, spiritual techniques, refining artifacts, pills and manipulation of some things that had a direct connection with the owner of that spiritual ki, be they flying swords or refining fires, which were connected to the cultivator by some means, be it blood or spirit.

With that in mind and the biology memories of his past life, he closed his eyes and tried to feel the spiritual ki in his body, although he had no dantian or meridians, his body still had a kind of feeling that he still had some fuel. somewhere, when he concentrated enough he felt warm wisps running through his body in a messy way, he tried to move them towards his wound while encouraging and guiding his cells to recover quickly and correctly, after a little effort his cells began to respond as they wanted and began to multiply, trying to close the wound, but because this body was always poorly nourished and the loss of so much blood, after a short time it no longer had enough nutrients to continue healing, not if it wanted to keep your body working barely as it was now,


Without many options, he thought of using the spiritual ki as fuel so that his cells would multiply and close the wound, in addition to accelerating the process, if you continue lying here, only death awaited him.

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